mcnugget lawsuit


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

this was parents fault no one with half a brain gives hot food to child. You wait for it cool down first. Common sense. On top of that mother stop car and record the child screaming instead of getting the hot nugget off her? A normal parent would have gotten the hot food instead of recording to get lawsuit. Mcdonald's disagres with the decision. But because she is black she gets free money. If this was white people it would be thrown out of court.
It's supposed to be hot for fucks sake. Too many fast food joints serve their shit at room temperature already. Now this nword bitch is gonna ruin it even more.

What a shitstain parent.
Cultural privilege. All I ever get are cold McNuggets, indigestion, and a bad taste in my mouth.

I should sue too.

this was parents fault no one with half a brain gives hot food to child. You wait for it cool down first. Common sense. On top of that mother stop car and record the child screaming instead of getting the hot nugget off her? A normal parent would have gotten the hot food instead of recording to get lawsuit. Mcdonald's disagres with the decision. But because she is black she gets free money. If this was white people it would be thrown out of court.
I knew it before I even seen the image. A LOT of Americans trying to scam their way into ea$y money. Then other Americans ask; "Why as a society are we backsliding?" It's humiliating to see the Americans that have allowed themselves to be reduced to freeloaders it really is.

this was parents fault no one with half a brain gives hot food to child. You wait for it cool down first. Common sense. On top of that mother stop car and record the child screaming instead of getting the hot nugget off her? A normal parent would have gotten the hot food instead of recording to get lawsuit. Mcdonald's disagres with the decision. But because she is black she gets free money. If this was white people it would be thrown out of court.
Wow! The mother seatbelted a hot McNugget two her autistic child leg for over 2 minutes?
Wow! The mother seatbelted a hot McNugget two her autistic child leg for over 2 minutes?
she left to video her scream and get lawsuit. the child dropped by accident. a normal person would not video them screaming thy care more about getting if off treating her leg.
It's supposed to be hot for fucks sake. Too many fast food joints serve their shit at room temperature already. Now this nword bitch is gonna ruin it even more.

What a shitstain parent.
she is getting free money out of it
I knew it before I even seen the image. A LOT of Americans trying to scam their way into ea$y money. Then other Americans ask; "Why as a society are we backsliding?" It's humiliating to see the Americans that have allowed themselves to be reduced to freeloaders it really is.
blacks are only ones who do this
How the hell did a Mcnugget get between a leg and a seat belt for two minutes?
Good grief

Just consider the plaintiffs.

Any normal white person if they were deficient enough to lose a McNugget between their legs, seat belt and skin eating while trying to operate a 4500 pound automobile on the highway would have just chalked it up to their own stupidity and dealt with it.
Just consider the plaintiffs.

Any normal white person if they were deficient enough to lose a McNugget between their legs, seat belt and skin eating while trying to operate a 4500 pound automobile on the highway would have just chalked it up to their own stupidity and dealt with it.

I have my doubts it happened as she claims
I wonder what verification there is that there was indeed "2nd degree burns". A child with autism can scream for any reason or no reason at all, first. Second, a hot nugget on your skin will leave a red mark. That doesn't automatically mean 2nd degree burns.
I have my doubts it happened as she claims

Aside from the unlikelihood of the circumstances, never minding that somehow it was McDonald's fault that they somehow could have prevented this or should have warned grown adults that fresh hot food might be hot and that you should actually check it yourself before traipsing off with it and give it to you kids to eat in the backseat as you drive off, I wonder just how hot it could be after being served, put in a container, served and paid for, given to the customer, and driven off with and the minutes passed by the time this terrible seat-belt/skin life-altering accident occurred!

Seems they ought to be due at least 5 million dollars.

This won't make food safer, it can only serve to raise the price of food now for everyone else actually smart enough to be able to eat drive-thru food without seriously injuring themselves while simultaneously opening the door wider with precedent now for yet more stupid people to sue others for their own clumsiness.

I can't wait now until millions of illegal 3rd worlders not used to idiot-opportunity start driving through McDonald's and begin capitalizing on our dumbed-down, victim-driven, litigious society where the dumber you are, the more you are rewarded and the lazy and shiftless are paid not to work and are fully supported!
Aside from the unlikelihood of the circumstances, never minding that somehow it was McDonald's fault that they somehow could have prevented this or should have warned grown adults that fresh hot food might be hot and that you should actually check it yourself before traipsing off with it and give it to you kids to eat in the backseat as you drive off, I wonder just how hot it could be after being served, put in a container, served and paid for, given to the customer, and driven off with and the minutes passed by the time this terrible seat-belt/skin life-altering accident occurred!

Seems they ought to be due at least 5 million dollars.

This won't make food safer, it can only serve to raise the price of food now for everyone else actually smart enough to be able to eat drive-thru food without seriously injuring themselves while simultaneously opening the door wider with precedent now for yet more stupid people to sue others for their own clumsiness.

I can't wait now until millions of illegal 3rd worlders not used to idiot-opportunity start driving through McDonald's and begin capitalizing on our dumbed-down, victim-driven, litigious society where the dumber you are, the more you are rewarded and the lazy and shiftless are paid not to work and are fully supported!
a grown person should no better then to get hot food to a child. then let it burn her so can get videos and pictures for her screaming. just another black getting free money to go shopping with.
I wonder what verification there is that there was indeed "2nd degree burns". A child with autism can scream for any reason or no reason at all, first. Second, a hot nugget on your skin will leave a red mark. That doesn't automatically mean 2nd degree burns.
mom took picture of the burn but we cant se them cause they fuzzed them over in the press.
Aside from the unlikelihood of the circumstances, never minding that somehow it was McDonald's fault that they somehow could have prevented this or should have warned grown adults that fresh hot food might be hot and that you should actually check it yourself before traipsing off with it and give it to you kids to eat in the backseat as you drive off, I wonder just how hot it could be after being served, put in a container, served and paid for, given to the customer, and driven off with and the minutes passed by the time this terrible seat-belt/skin life-altering accident occurred!

Seems they ought to be due at least 5 million dollars.

This won't make food safer, it can only serve to raise the price of food now for everyone else actually smart enough to be able to eat drive-thru food without seriously injuring themselves while simultaneously opening the door wider with precedent now for yet more stupid people to sue others for their own clumsiness.

I can't wait now until millions of illegal 3rd worlders not used to idiot-opportunity start driving through McDonald's and begin capitalizing on our dumbed-down, victim-driven, litigious society where the dumber you are, the more you are rewarded and the lazy and shiftless are paid not to work and are fully supported!
she only one cause she was black. black shut up money. years ago when the white lady sued Cause she spilled hot coffee on her legs and got burned she lost.

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