McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone

There are two "far" left people in Congress I can think of, Kucinich and Saunders. Both those guys are pretty reasonable most of the time. Almost the entire GOP is far right wing radicals. Even the more "reasonable" Boehner, McCain and Snowe hold some pretty extreme positions.

just the way you perceive it Sallow.....i perceive it like this.....both sides have some fairly extreme people doing all the damage........i see people like Dean on the left pulling strings and people like Rabbi on the right pulling strings......nothing but Contempt for the other side......until people like this are sent to the Corn fields by little Anthony......we will see the same shit......
Lee Atwater was an amoral man. When he was dying of cancer in 90-91, he basically went on an apology tour to try to make amends for the people he had wronged over his political career. Rove is also amoral, but I wouldn't ever expect him to apologize for hatching the PR campaign that sold America on the false premis that Iraq was a "growing and gathering danger" to America.

They employed the machiavellian strategy of deception and duplicity. Maybe one can make that argument that the end justifies the means when 'the end' is a good or noble thing, but not if it's just about attaining power. And certainly not if 'the end' is a bad thing like 100s of 1,000s of dead people all for a lie about nonexistent WMDs.

The Republican Party has had too many men like that in positions of power of late. Gingrich was one. DeLay was one. They make a mockery of our ideals. Why don't you and other conservatives support the kind of leaders who actually have morals instead of just talking about everyone else's morals.

In other words, I can't argue facts so I will continue to point out that I do not like them.

Arguing the facts rarely seems to have an effect. However, I think it's instructive to point out the kind of leaders conservatives embrace. I mean, after ALL that talk about "principles," you guys hitch your wagons to leaders who have none. I just find that astonishing, not to mention hypocritical to the nth degree.

Mustang....why dont you tell us what kind of leaders Democrats sure they are just so much better with their principals.....
I give up with you.
You are naive and way too easily fooled by rhetoric.
You take rhetoric as fact.
Only the politically immature take rhetoric as fact.
Sorry...I choose to no longer debate you. It is a waste of time.

Oh, sure. Good coverup!!! You're getting your ass kicked, that's why you don't want to continue. Chicken!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

View attachment 14081

You are a child...and obviously too fucking lazy to read.
Go away. You have no place here with the big boys.

Nice try, junior. All you know how to do is insult people and cuss at them. You need to be informed, and you're not. You look like a fool with the posts you do.

You're the one that doesn't belong here, not me.
The president offered 4 trillion dollars worth of cuts.

He offered the larger cuts to entitlements than any president in history.

(Larger than ANYTHING proposed by Reagan)

(Much larger than anything proposed by Bush)

(The GOP leadership is insane. They don't care about the budget (which was evident under Bush). They only care about fighting Obama. If Obama agrees to spending cuts, they don't want 'em)

Could you please provide a list of those cuts?

Didn't think so, and the $4 trillion offer I heard about included $1 trillion of tax increases.

Obama proposes to cut four billion dollars of debt in 12 years | Economics Newspaper
Clever how the left now changed terminology for "tax raises" to "revenue increase".

OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH............I hate tax raises........BUT.....revenue? MMkay, that sounds good!!!
Liberals are so quick to compromise themselves. They'll compromise with the devil if need be. Liberals have no fucking spine.
Oh, sure. Good coverup!!! You're getting your ass kicked, that's why you don't want to continue. Chicken!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

View attachment 14081

You are a child...and obviously too fucking lazy to read.
Go away. You have no place here with the big boys.

Nice try, junior. All you know how to do is insult people and cuss at them. You need to be informed, and you're not. You look like a fool with the posts you do.

You're the one that doesn't belong here, not me.
Sounds good.
Not going to play your childish games anymore..
FYI....see who isnulted who first without any basis for the insult.
You are exactly what you criticize.
The president offered 4 trillion dollars worth of cuts.

He offered the larger cuts to entitlements than any president in history.

(Larger than ANYTHING proposed by Reagan)

(Much larger than anything proposed by Bush)

(The GOP leadership is insane. They don't care about the budget (which was evident under Bush). They only care about fighting Obama. If Obama agrees to spending cuts, they don't want 'em)

Could you please provide a list of those cuts?

Didn't think so, and the $4 trillion offer I heard about included $1 trillion of tax increases.

Obama proposes to cut four billion dollars of debt in 12 years | Economics Newspaper

lol...lees tan half a billion a year.....I mean really...Is our President that naive that he doesnt realize you can cut that much by siomply telling the pentagon to stop paying 20K for a hammer?

I read that article.
Love the way Obama plays the people as if they are fools.
He mentions the 1 trillion in interest in a way where MANY (likely you being one of them) took it as a CUT in interest of 1 trillion. actually BRAGGED that your president is eager to lower a 14.5 trillion debt by cutting back a half a billion a year.

Boy....let me tell you....he has SOME vision.

Pathetic. He plays those that idolize him as fools.

What is it like to admire a man that sees you as a fool?
You are a child...and obviously too fucking lazy to read.
Go away. You have no place here with the big boys.

Nice try, junior. All you know how to do is insult people and cuss at them. You need to be informed, and you're not. You look like a fool with the posts you do.

You're the one that doesn't belong here, not me.
Sounds good.
Not going to play your childish games anymore..
FYI....see who isnulted who first without any basis for the insult.
You are exactly what you criticize.

You know nothing about me, junior. I've said this before and I'll say it again. When I first started posting here, people were nice until they found out I was a liberal. That happens to every new person that's not a right wing dummy. So if you want to talk about who does the insulting without any basis, you shouldn't. You don't know what you're talking about.
You know nothing about me, junior. I've said this before and I'll say it again. When I first started posting here, people were nice until they found out I was a liberal. That happens to every new person that's not a right wing dummy. So if you want to talk about who does the insulting without any basis, you shouldn't. You don't know what you're talking about.

and i was here when Rinata joined up and she took a lot of abuse.....including a lot by me....:redface:.....but the little lady held her ground and threw it right back at i consider her one of my more Liberal than i am Friends....:eusa_angel:
You know nothing about me, junior. I've said this before and I'll say it again. When I first started posting here, people were nice until they found out I was a liberal. That happens to every new person that's not a right wing dummy. So if you want to talk about who does the insulting without any basis, you shouldn't. You don't know what you're talking about.

and i was here when Rinata joined up and she took a lot of abuse.....including a lot by me....:redface:.....but the little lady held her ground and threw it right back at i consider her one of my more Liberal than i am Friends....:eusa_angel:

Thank you, Harry!!! I like you, too. I really do. :)
You know nothing about me, junior. I've said this before and I'll say it again. When I first started posting here, people were nice until they found out I was a liberal. That happens to every new person that's not a right wing dummy. So if you want to talk about who does the insulting without any basis, you shouldn't. You don't know what you're talking about.

and i was here when Rinata joined up and she took a lot of abuse.....including a lot by me....:redface:.....but the little lady held her ground and threw it right back at i consider her one of my more Liberal than i am Friends....:eusa_angel:

Thank you, Harry!!! I like you, too. I really do. :)


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