McCain/Warren working to put Glass Steagall back in place.

Good God, does your grasp of history suck. :lol:

we just had a Republican President a little over five year ago for EIGHT years, but they can't get people to buy their great ideas...

these Liberal-Democrat cult members really think it is their ideas that everyone in the country wants to buy, even though 48% of the people voted AGAINST Obama in this last election..they crack me up


Bush isn't a favorite of Oddball either.

Heck..Ron Paul is to much government for Oddball.
Like I said a few days back...It's not even worth taking anything you post seriously anymore.

You're in the same league of iron-headed, know-nothing-and-proud-of-it nose pickers as Truthmatters, rdean and BlackLabel.

All you're good for anymore is someone to point and laugh at.
Never said "leave" anything.

It's you guys with the "great" ideas. Yet you can't get a majority of people to buy into them.

So..if you think these ideas are so great..start a country. Do a proof of concept.


Show how great they are..and how great they work.

Because no country has ever been founded on the ideas or principles you are advocating.
Good God, does your grasp of history suck. :lol:

we just had a Republican President a little over five year ago for EIGHT years, but they can't get people to buy their great ideas...

these Liberal-Democrat cult members really think it is their ideas that everyone in the country wants to buy, even though 48% of the people voted AGAINST Obama in this last election..they crack me up
Hate to burst your bubble...George Bush fucking sucked.

I cannot for the life of me see how it would have been possible for Algore to do more damage to the nation than did Chimpola.
we just had a Republican President a little over five year ago for EIGHT years, but they can't get people to buy their great ideas...

these Liberal-Democrat cult members really think it is their ideas that everyone in the country wants to buy, even though 48% of the people voted AGAINST Obama in this last election..they crack me up


Bush isn't a favorite of Oddball either.

Heck..Ron Paul is to much government for Oddball.
Like I said a few days back...It's not even worth taking anything you post seriously anymore.

You're in the same league of iron-headed, know-nothing-and-proud-of-it nose pickers as Truthmatters, rdean and BlackLabel.

All you're good for anymore is someone to point and laugh at.

Again, Max.

You can do something other than pull out your "insult shotgun" and press the trigger.

You don't.

Because when confronted with the absurdity of what you advocate, you are in a corner with no place left to go.
you know what, fuck off...

go jump in lake with your stupid self today

Stephie's, a loud & proud rw'er BTW :thup: , *cough* "contributions" to an economics thread :clap2:

As to the OP- godbless Warren & McCain for at least attempting to curtail the inordinate & potentially disastrous (see 2008 :deal: ) influence certain banksters and their paid-for, water-carriers in D.C. can do.
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Bush isn't a favorite of Oddball either.

Heck..Ron Paul is to much government for Oddball.
Like I said a few days back...It's not even worth taking anything you post seriously anymore.

You're in the same league of iron-headed, know-nothing-and-proud-of-it nose pickers as Truthmatters, rdean and BlackLabel.

All you're good for anymore is someone to point and laugh at.

Again, Max.

You can do something other than pull out your "insult shotgun" and press the trigger.

You don't.

Because when confronted with the absurdity of what you advocate, you are in a corner with no place left to go.
Go fuck yourself, assclown.

Maybe you and assclown DotCum could amuse us by throwing cream pies at each other.
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Good God, does your grasp of history suck. :lol:

we just had a Republican President a little over five year ago for EIGHT years, but they can't get people to buy their great ideas...

these Liberal-Democrat cult members really think it is their ideas that everyone in the country wants to buy, even though 48% of the people voted AGAINST Obama in this last election..they crack me up
Hate to burst your bubble...George Bush fucking sucked.

I cannot for the life of me see how it would have been possible for Algore to do more damage to the nation than did Chimpola.

no bubble to burst, all I said is we had a Republican President LESS than five ago and it's not like everyone buys into Sallows liberal ideas like he thinks they do..
but you want to be like sallow so be it:evil:
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I'll be saying "About fucking time!" the day that old fossil McCain goes away.

So old folks should not be in government?


Wonder how many folks share this view.


Some can still do the job, but he's lost his mind and balls.

Shouldn't the voters decide that?

Personally..I think Michelle Bachmann should have never been elected..but that's not my call.
we just had a Republican President a little over five year ago for EIGHT years, but they can't get people to buy their great ideas...

these Liberal-Democrat cult members really think it is their ideas that everyone in the country wants to buy, even though 48% of the people voted AGAINST Obama in this last election..they crack me up
Hate to burst your bubble...George Bush fucking sucked.

I cannot for the life of me see how it would have been possible for Algore to do more damage to the nation than did Chimpola.

no bubble to burst, all I said is we had a Republican President LESS than five ago and it's not like everyone buys into Sallows liberal ideas like he thinks they do..
Like I said, he's as intellectually arrested and detached from anything resembling reality as rderp and Truthdontmatter.

Take what that puerile circus clown has to say seriously at your own peril.
It should be easy, right?

The CRA didn't cause lending standards to weaken? Is that your claim? Really?

Is should be easy, right?

What should be easy?

No the CRA didn't cause lending standards to weaken.

What caused lending standards to weaken were greedy folks at financial institutions that help set up predatory lenders that bypassed due diligence to get a bunch of loans they could package up and sell as securities.

THAT had more to do with getting rid of Glass Steagall than the CRA.


Find that clause.

Take some baby steps first......

Here's How The Community Reinvestment Act Led To The Housing Bubble's Lax Lending - Business Insider
Oddball melted down again? Oh well. At least he's consistent :thup:

HEY ODD DUDE!!! :fu:

As to the OP, McCain & Warren deserve our praise for their efforts.
Not sure what brining back Glass/Stegall will do other than keeping commerical and investment banking seperate (whilch I am for on that particular point), just remember dems, Clinton signed that repeal into law and ith had near 100 percent support in Congress at the time.

As for Warren, she makes the dem who lost that seat Martha Coakley look like Margaret Thatcher.
'lest we forget, Greenspan, an out 'n proud Randian like Ryan (R) BTW :) , oversaw the whole thing. :up:

What do libertarians think about Ayn Rand's philosophy?

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People who put their money into a venture tend to be cautious; when risking taxpayer money-- not so much

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Do libertarians ascribe to Ayn Rand's philosophy of survival of the fittest/criminalist? Letting banks regulate themselves? They must, judging from their boot-strap philosophy.
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What a CROCK. Hussein could have gone after the culprits in the crash....everybody knows the names....Chase, Goldman, Morgan Stanley, AIG......he did nothing....less than nothing because he took campaign funds from them. Investment banking should never be combined with commercial banking....and like so many other things he fucked up, it was CLINTON who tore down the barriers between the two while building barriers between our intel agencies. Why that bastard isn't in leg irons is still a mystery to me.
What a CROCK. Hussein could have gone after the culprits in the crash....everybody knows the names....Chase, Goldman, Morgan Stanley, AIG......he did nothing....less than nothing because he took campaign funds from them. Investment banking should never be combined with commercial banking....and like so many other things he fucked up, it was CLINTON who tore down the barriers between the two while building barriers between our intel agencies. Why that bastard isn't in leg irons is still a mystery to me.

Investment banking should never be combined with commercial banking....

Maybe, but investment banking didn't cause the crash.
Just what we need, Warren the commie and McCain the progressive getting their hands in our banks and money..

the two friggen stoogies with Obama as their leader

gawd help us all
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What a CROCK. Hussein could have gone after the culprits in the crash....everybody knows the names....Chase, Goldman, Morgan Stanley, AIG......he did nothing....less than nothing because he took campaign funds from them. Investment banking should never be combined with commercial banking....and like so many other things he fucked up, it was CLINTON who tore down the barriers between the two while building barriers between our intel agencies. Why that bastard isn't in leg irons is still a mystery to me.

who were the three politicians who wrote and submitted the bill repealing glass steagal? :)eusa_shhh: its in the name of the bill)
Just what we need, Warren the commie and McCain the progressive getting their hands in our banks and money..

the two friggen stoogies with Obama as their leader

gawd help us all

that must have taken a lot of thought & effort to construct that zany post stephie :doubt:

I like the "our" banks part too. :cuckoo: Some of their xmas bonus' are 10X larger than what you'd make in a lifetime and for doing what? :eusa_eh: "Ripping people's faces off". Do you know where that term was used frequently before the crash Stephie?
What a CROCK. Hussein could have gone after the culprits in the crash....everybody knows the names....Chase, Goldman, Morgan Stanley, AIG......he did nothing....less than nothing because he took campaign funds from them. Investment banking should never be combined with commercial banking....and like so many other things he fucked up, it was CLINTON who tore down the barriers between the two while building barriers between our intel agencies. Why that bastard isn't in leg irons is still a mystery to me.

Investment banking should never be combined with commercial banking....

Maybe, but investment banking didn't cause the crash.

"maybe"? Who did cause the crash....the tooth-fairy and the easter bunny?

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