McCain/Warren working to put Glass Steagall back in place.

What a CROCK. Hussein could have gone after the culprits in the crash....everybody knows the names....Chase, Goldman, Morgan Stanley, AIG......he did nothing....less than nothing because he took campaign funds from them. Investment banking should never be combined with commercial banking....and like so many other things he fucked up, it was CLINTON who tore down the barriers between the two while building barriers between our intel agencies. Why that bastard isn't in leg irons is still a mystery to me.

Investment banking should never be combined with commercial banking....

Maybe, but investment banking didn't cause the crash.

"maybe"? Who did cause the crash....the tooth-fairy and the easter bunny?

Commercial banks writing bad mortgages. Human nature building and popping a huge financial bubble.

Bubbles happened before, they'll happen again.
The CRA didn't cause lending standards to weaken? Is that your claim? Really?

Is should be easy, right?

What should be easy?

No the CRA didn't cause lending standards to weaken.

What caused lending standards to weaken were greedy folks at financial institutions that help set up predatory lenders that bypassed due diligence to get a bunch of loans they could package up and sell as securities.

THAT had more to do with getting rid of Glass Steagall than the CRA.


Find that clause.

Take some baby steps first......

Here's How The Community Reinvestment Act Led To The Housing Bubble's Lax Lending - Business Insider

You gotta be kidding.

He's using the same sort of logical leaps and assumptions you folks use.

There's nothing concrete in his Opinion piece.
Investment banking should never be combined with commercial banking....

Maybe, but investment banking didn't cause the crash.

"maybe"? Who did cause the crash....the tooth-fairy and the easter bunny?

Commercial banks writing bad mortgages. Human nature building and popping a huge financial bubble.

Bubbles happened before, they'll happen again.

BULLLSHIT! who packaged them into derivatives and who insured them?

It should also be noted it was CLINTON who took Ken Lay's campaign money and protected Enron for it, and it was BUSH43 who indicted the prick.
What should be easy?

No the CRA didn't cause lending standards to weaken.

What caused lending standards to weaken were greedy folks at financial institutions that help set up predatory lenders that bypassed due diligence to get a bunch of loans they could package up and sell as securities.

THAT had more to do with getting rid of Glass Steagall than the CRA.


Find that clause.

Take some baby steps first......

Here's How The Community Reinvestment Act Led To The Housing Bubble's Lax Lending - Business Insider

You gotta be kidding.

He's using the same sort of logical leaps and assumptions you folks use.

There's nothing concrete in his Opinion piece.

Keep going.......

Sorry, Folks, The CRA Really Did Require Crap Lending Standards - Business Insider
"maybe"? Who did cause the crash....the tooth-fairy and the easter bunny?

Commercial banks writing bad mortgages. Human nature building and popping a huge financial bubble.

Bubbles happened before, they'll happen again.

BULLLSHIT! who packaged them into derivatives and who insured them?

It should also be noted it was CLINTON who took Ken Lay's campaign money and protected Enron for it, and it was BUSH43 who indicted the prick.

who packaged them into derivatives

Mortgages were securitized, not "packaged into derivatives"

and who insured them

Companies like MBIA, MTG, AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Commercial banks writing bad mortgages. Human nature building and popping a huge financial bubble.

Bubbles happened before, they'll happen again.

BULLLSHIT! who packaged them into derivatives and who insured them?

It should also be noted it was CLINTON who took Ken Lay's campaign money and protected Enron for it, and it was BUSH43 who indicted the prick.

who packaged them into derivatives

Mortgages were securitized, not "packaged into derivatives"

and who insured them

Companies like MBIA, MTG, AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

:lol: "securitized" eh? go fuck yourself.
What a CROCK. Hussein could have gone after the culprits in the crash....everybody knows the names....Chase, Goldman, Morgan Stanley, AIG......he did nothing....less than nothing because he took campaign funds from them. Investment banking should never be combined with commercial banking....and like so many other things he fucked up, it was CLINTON who tore down the barriers between the two while building barriers between our intel agencies. Why that bastard isn't in leg irons is still a mystery to me.

who were the three politicians who wrote and submitted the bill repealing glass steagal? :)eusa_shhh: its in the name of the bill)

Cutting through the hyperbole, the poster is mostly correct, if in a binary way.

Chase, Goldman, etc should have been held responsible..and Clinton should have vetoed the bill.

But in the real world there were factors that made both things highly unlikely.
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remember this people

and now we need the commie lizzy warren stepping in?

[ame=]Democrats Applauding Their Own Obstructionism - YouTube[/ame]
BULLLSHIT! who packaged them into derivatives and who insured them?

It should also be noted it was CLINTON who took Ken Lay's campaign money and protected Enron for it, and it was BUSH43 who indicted the prick.

who packaged them into derivatives

Mortgages were securitized, not "packaged into derivatives"

and who insured them

Companies like MBIA, MTG, AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

:lol: "securitized" eh? go fuck yourself.

You need a smaller word? LOL!
"maybe"? Who did cause the crash....the tooth-fairy and the easter bunny?

Commercial banks writing bad mortgages. Human nature building and popping a huge financial bubble.

Bubbles happened before, they'll happen again.

BULLLSHIT! who packaged them into derivatives and who insured them?

It should also be noted it was CLINTON who took Ken Lay's campaign money and protected Enron for it, and it was BUSH43 who indicted the prick.

Bush would have never "indicted the prick" if Eliot Spitzer didn't threaten to sue the government.
who packaged them into derivatives

Mortgages were securitized, not "packaged into derivatives"

and who insured them

Companies like MBIA, MTG, AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

:lol: "securitized" eh? go fuck yourself.

You need a smaller word? LOL!

What I don't need is some wannabe back-bench bank gopher telling me who burned me for $171,000 sonny. Peddle that crap to the next family who gets booted outta their home and see what it gets ya.
I get a kick out of the "housing bubble" narrative....there's another CROCK the same rats who burned us in 2007-8 would have you believe. That was no "bubble" folks...that was the last "industry" our economy was based on. HOUSING? Yep, the same concept that before WW2 was considered a liability because houses deteriorate, need constant repair. So while every heavy industry has fled our shores, we turned to the last thing anybody could finagle a few bucks out of....flipping houses. The "bubble" they refer to was the paper 30% a YEAR houses were suddenly appreciating at here in Phoenix...the flip-capital of the world after SoCal and their $500K two bedroom bungalos. Now we're screwed red, raw, and ragged while this dipshit with the Daltry avatar tells us everything is just a "bubble"....what a CROCK.
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there was even a show on "flipping houses" that only added fuel to the wall street fire. People buying houses not to live in, but to just sell 6 months down the road. Wall street won either way by giving out those loans at interest and then falling back on the taxpayers when their shell game imploded.
Commercial banks writing bad mortgages. Human nature building and popping a huge financial bubble.

Bubbles happened before, they'll happen again.

BULLLSHIT! who packaged them into derivatives and who insured them?

It should also be noted it was CLINTON who took Ken Lay's campaign money and protected Enron for it, and it was BUSH43 who indicted the prick.

Bush would have never "indicted the prick" if Eliot Spitzer didn't threaten to sue the government.

Enron collapsed....Ken Lay was guilty of mulitple felonies and I doubt very much if "client 9" had anything to do with it. :lol:
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Another CLINTON highlight was the "bubble"...remember that one? Probably the last trillion dollars in legit venture capital we had pounded down the ratholes of companies who had no assets, no sales, no staff, didn't even own their office furniture....POOF. Ah, the CLINTON economy....good times, eh?
If you don't know the difference between an MBS and a derivative, maybe you should get some help with your investing?

STFU squirt.

You mad?

You a joke?

p.s. The "financial advisor" you're pretending to be reminds me of the cocksucker who got me into Lehman and Bear Stearns......I was headed over to his office after I got the call that I'd been swindled....he wasn't there, he never returned, to this day nobody knows where he went.

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