McCain: Trump's confused ban may fuel ISIS propaganda


We want them fully vetted before we invite someone with ulterior motives.

Our Constitution and Shiria law are incompatible.

I'd rather not fight that war here.

Unless you want it in your backyard.

They are already vetted. Refugees go through multiple interviews, fingerprint and iris scan and it takes 18-24 months to get their visa. How more extensive should it be?

You should be better informed and stop using the source you do.

View attachment 109687

FBI Says There IS No Way To Vet Incoming Syrian Refugees | NumbersUSA

View attachment 109686

Perhaps you should change your source. Doing a quick google search will tell you the long list of requirements for all refugees.

Thanks but I don't use google, and change it my ass, it just doesn't fit what you want to see because it makes you " WRONG" wrong, wrong lol

All of your sources are right wing sources. Hardly unbiased. This is the process the Whitehouse posted on their website in 2015.

Infographic: The Screening Process for Refugee Entry into the United States

so I am saying in turn they CAN NOT be vetted until they are vetted. ........

When ppl like you are so fkn hung up on that left right bull shit, it keeps you from being informed with correct information. Gawd damn get the hell off the left right bs. When you get hung up on that left right bs it makes you look like some savage football team and who will win or lose.

Ever see a football addict , that is what you left right freaks remind me off. If you think your pissing me off using that right wing bull shit , here is a news flash I DON'T PLAY EITHER SIDE I'M DEF. NOT MORONC DEMOCRAT AND I'm not a republican so keep piping your right wing bull shit and stay addicted to blame...........Obama taught you well. After blaming BUSH got all used up now you idiots have TRUMP to blame. Cowardly Obama did nothing but blame everyone but his own pathetic self.

You know, ISIL isn't the ones you have to worry about. It's the people in those countries who used to feel okay towards the US, now being told that they aren't good enough to come to this country.

THOSE are the people that ISIL will recruit because of this.

If that is all it takes to cause them to kill us, then letting them in was a big fucking mistake, AND we need to watch them all like fucking hawks.
View attachment 109589

McCain: Trump's 'Confused' Ban May Fuel ISIS Propaganda - Breitbart

Oh look they are prepping the population with subliminal message of what's coming. After all Biden was heard saying a few years ago He needed another 911 only it will take place on Trump's watch so they can make Trump look like the Prick ................. it's all a story they've played it out right in front of you ever since 911 took place.

The sheep just can't pick up on it yet.
Everything America does... or doesn't do, incites the Radical Islamic Terrorists.

The McCain's of the world further fuel the threats with knee-jerk reactions.

I agree. ISIS doesn't need an excuse. Its what they do. Anyone who thinks they need an excuse ain't to bright.
Well duh! ISIS is loving Trump. They don't want Muslims coming to America and living free lives. Trump is making ISIS's job easier.

We want them fully vetted before we invite someone with ulterior motives.

Our Constitution and Shiria law are incompatible.

I'd rather not fight that war here.

Unless you want it in your backyard.

They are already vetted. Refugees go through multiple interviews, fingerprint and iris scan and it takes 18-24 months to get their visa. How more extensive should it be?

You should be better informed and stop using the source you do.

View attachment 109687

FBI Says There IS No Way To Vet Incoming Syrian Refugees | NumbersUSA

View attachment 109686

Perhaps you should change your source. Doing a quick google search will tell you the long list of requirements for all refugees.

It's no use, people like him will continue to confuse the visa system (the one used by terrorists to carry out attacks in this country), with the totally different system used to screen refugees.

Visas are usually just a quick form and an interview, that's about it. Not much of a waiting period either.

Refugees have to go through a MINIMUM of no less than 5 interviews, carried out over the course of 18 to 24 months. Why all the multiple interviews? They want to see if they change their stories between interviews. And yes, while we cannot vet what they did in their original country very well, they ARE checked out with Homeland Security, the FBI, and INTERPOL while they are going through the interview process.

But, Trump told them that the problem is with the refugees, so that is what his followers will believe because they want to.

And no, there hasn't been a single attack in this country that was carried out by a refugee. They were either US born citizens, US Naturalized citizens, or people that came here LEGALLY under a visa.
View attachment 109589

McCain: Trump's 'Confused' Ban May Fuel ISIS Propaganda - Breitbart

Oh look they are prepping the population with subliminal message of what's coming. After all Biden was heard saying a few years ago He needed another 911 only it will take place on Trump's watch so they can make Trump look like the Prick ................. it's all a story they've played it out right in front of you ever since 911 took place.

The sheep just can't pick up on it yet.
Everything America does... or doesn't do, incites the Radical Islamic Terrorists.

The McCain's of the world further fuel the threats with knee-jerk reactions.

I agree. ISIS doesn't need an excuse. Its what they do. Anyone who thinks they need an excuse ain't to bright.

You're right, ISIL doesn't need an excuse, it's what they do. However, with this ban on Islamic countries, there will be people who tried to come back here that got turned around who will become upset with the US, when they originally liked us and be more likely to go join up with the terrorists. Things like this that contribute towards people feeling disenfranchised or abandoned is what fuels the recruitment by the terrorists.
View attachment 109589

McCain: Trump's 'Confused' Ban May Fuel ISIS Propaganda - Breitbart

Oh look they are prepping the population with subliminal message of what's coming. After all Biden was heard saying a few years ago He needed another 911 only it will take place on Trump's watch so they can make Trump look like the Prick ................. it's all a story they've played it out right in front of you ever since 911 took place.

The sheep just can't pick up on it yet.
Everything America does... or doesn't do, incites the Radical Islamic Terrorists.

The McCain's of the world further fuel the threats with knee-jerk reactions.

I agree. ISIS doesn't need an excuse. Its what they do. Anyone who thinks they need an excuse ain't to bright.

You're right, ISIL doesn't need an excuse, it's what they do. However, with this ban on Islamic countries, there will be people who tried to come back here that got turned around who will become upset with the US, when they originally liked us and be more likely to go join up with the terrorists. Things like this that contribute towards people feeling disenfranchised or abandoned is what fuels the recruitment by the terrorists.

Well dang.
View attachment 109589

McCain: Trump's 'Confused' Ban May Fuel ISIS Propaganda - Breitbart

Oh look they are prepping the population with subliminal message of what's coming. After all Biden was heard saying a few years ago He needed another 911 only it will take place on Trump's watch so they can make Trump look like the Prick ................. it's all a story they've played it out right in front of you ever since 911 took place.

The sheep just can't pick up on it yet.
Everything America does... or doesn't do, incites the Radical Islamic Terrorists.

The McCain's of the world further fuel the threats with knee-jerk reactions.

I agree. ISIS doesn't need an excuse. Its what they do. Anyone who thinks they need an excuse ain't to bright.

You're right, ISIL doesn't need an excuse, it's what they do. However, with this ban on Islamic countries, there will be people who tried to come back here that got turned around who will become upset with the US, when they originally liked us and be more likely to go join up with the terrorists. Things like this that contribute towards people feeling disenfranchised or abandoned is what fuels the recruitment by the terrorists.

Did you proof read this before you replied?

If not... I would keep reading it until you realize what you just said.


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