McCain for Veep


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By David Corn

Now that could be a game changer for Mitt Romney.

With the economy stuck in a slump, Mitt Romney ought to be soaring in the polls. Yet, thanks to his stumble-laden campaign, he is underperforming. In recent weeks, he has been on the defensive about his Bain Capital days and his refusal to release tax returns. A trip to England, Israel, and Poland did nothing to enhance his claims to either statesmanship or competence. He needs a game changer. And here's one option: tapping John McCain as his running mate.

McCain is indeed a two-time presidential loser who has always had a tenuous relationship with the Republican Party's base, and he and Romney don't seem to be the best of buds after their bruising primary clash in 2008. But if it's all about doing whatever it takes to become CEO of the United States, Romney might fare best with the veteran Republican senator as his wing man. Consider the following:

More: McCain for Veep | Mother Jones
Would McCain accept an invitation from Romney? He's not a natural No. 2. But if he can be convinced his presence on the ticket would boost Romney's prospects—and would it be hard to persuade McCain of that?—wouldn't the fellow who says Obama is running the United States into the ground have to salute and report for duty? John McCain: the final mission. Country First, and all that.

It's not likely that Romney will heed this advice. There may be too much bad blood, and this course of action could violate the first rule of veep-picking: Do no harm. It's possible to envision McCain running off the rails—or running off with the show. Yet it merits consideration. And there would be another advantage to selecting McCain: He has already released his taxes.

From the OP link.
By David Corn

Now that could be a game changer for Mitt Romney.

With the economy stuck in a slump, Mitt Romney ought to be soaring in the polls. Yet, thanks to his stumble-laden campaign, he is underperforming. In recent weeks, he has been on the defensive about his Bain Capital days and his refusal to release tax returns. A trip to England, Israel, and Poland did nothing to enhance his claims to either statesmanship or competence. He needs a game changer. And here's one option: tapping John McCain as his running mate.

McCain is indeed a two-time presidential loser who has always had a tenuous relationship with the Republican Party's base, and he and Romney don't seem to be the best of buds after their bruising primary clash in 2008. But if it's all about doing whatever it takes to become CEO of the United States, Romney might fare best with the veteran Republican senator as his wing man. Consider the following:

More: McCain for Veep | Mother Jones

Leftist media filth attempting to once again influence the campaign by choosing candidates.

Thought they would have been satisfied with tearing every Republican primary candidate down except Romney in their efforts to create the race we now have; That of the uber rich white guy vs the black community organizer.

McCain needs to handcuff himself to Harry Reid and then jump off a bridge.
McCain is a certified loser and a certifiable shithead.

All this article says is that the author wants Romney to lose.
Not sure any VP choice could help him much but McCain? No way. They are going for a stunt VP like last time and I am certain we have not really talked about whoever it is going to be, I have been expecting a relative unknown from the private sector all along and it may turn out to be the best strategy.
I read this.

It's highly unlikely that Romney would even entertain this. First off..the two don't like each other. And on a very deep and profound level. Romney's the type of guy that makes McCain pretty angry. Secondly, as the article points out, McCain is really maverick. But unlike Biden, he's got a mean streak and a bad temper. Couple that with the mutual dislike they have..and it's really bad chemistry.
Not sure any VP choice could help him much but McCain? No way. They are going for a stunt VP like last time and I am certain we have not really talked about whoever it is going to be, I have been expecting a relative unknown from the private sector all along and it may turn out to be the best strategy.

If Romney was going for a "smart" wildcard it would be Susana Martinez. She's solidly conservative, well liked in the hispanic community and softens Romney's old boy, old money image.
Very interesting...
Not really.

it's Mother Jones


Silly to be so damn scared of a source. If you're THAT terrified of what it says, why don't you post your own?

Otherwise, keep your knocking knees to yourself.

He's not "terrified". Mother Jones up until very recently was and sometimes is..a druggie (marijuana advocate) rag. It's only in the very last few years..has it been "cleaning" up it's image.
Funny I don't recall radical left winger David Corn rooting for McCain when he was running for president. Why the change of heart? Anything is better than talking about Obama?
Funny I don't recall radical left winger David Corn rooting for McCain when he was running for president. Why the change of heart? Anything is better than talking about Obama?

Corn isn't a radical..and Obama's doing just fine.

This is the same sort of speculation that the right wing had over the "possiblity" of Obama picking one of the Clintons as a running mate.
By David Corn

Now that could be a game changer for Mitt Romney.

With the economy stuck in a slump, Mitt Romney ought to be soaring in the polls. Yet, thanks to his stumble-laden campaign, he is underperforming. In recent weeks, he has been on the defensive about his Bain Capital days and his refusal to release tax returns. A trip to England, Israel, and Poland did nothing to enhance his claims to either statesmanship or competence. He needs a game changer. And here's one option: tapping John McCain as his running mate.

McCain is indeed a two-time presidential loser who has always had a tenuous relationship with the Republican Party's base, and he and Romney don't seem to be the best of buds after their bruising primary clash in 2008. But if it's all about doing whatever it takes to become CEO of the United States, Romney might fare best with the veteran Republican senator as his wing man. Consider the following:

More: McCain for Veep | Mother Jones

Right!:eusa_hand: Romney should be taking advice from Mother Jones. Kind of like obama taking advice from Rush Limbaugh.
By David Corn

Now that could be a game changer for Mitt Romney.

With the economy stuck in a slump, Mitt Romney ought to be soaring in the polls. Yet, thanks to his stumble-laden campaign, he is underperforming. In recent weeks, he has been on the defensive about his Bain Capital days and his refusal to release tax returns. A trip to England, Israel, and Poland did nothing to enhance his claims to either statesmanship or competence. He needs a game changer. And here's one option: tapping John McCain as his running mate.

McCain is indeed a two-time presidential loser who has always had a tenuous relationship with the Republican Party's base, and he and Romney don't seem to be the best of buds after their bruising primary clash in 2008. But if it's all about doing whatever it takes to become CEO of the United States, Romney might fare best with the veteran Republican senator as his wing man. Consider the following:

More: McCain for Veep | Mother Jones

Right!:eusa_hand: Romney should be taking advice from Mother Jones. Kind of like obama taking advice from Rush Limbaugh.


Good point.
the extreme ideologues can barely stomach voting for the Progressive Republican- Romney and putting McCain on the ticket would make their heads explode :lol:

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