McCain Eye's 2016 Run?

I'd like to punch McCain in his mouth. He's such a worthless dumbass

Got to disagree with you.

John McCain spent 5 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. He could have walked out, but refused preferential treatment for being an Admiral's son. He's served this country for over 50 years.

Now, yeah, he does some things that annoyed me when I used to be Conservative, like being a needless pain in Bush's ass, and he does some things that annoy me now. And even though I voted for him in 2008, I'm somewhat relieved we aren't in year four of the Iran War, which would have definitely happened on his watch.

But overall, he's a decent guy, maybe the last bastion of sanity in the GOP.

His CFR lost me years ago, he created an atmosphere of incumbents getting elected over and over and over again, in fact I'm surprised more liberals aren't upset with him. He and his bud Feingold put forth the bill that led us to the Citizens United ruling.

An ill conceived, poorly written bill and it took us down a road most of us never wanted to travel.

I would NEVER vote for him, many good military men in this country, doesn't mean they would be good Presidents.
I don't get the idiocy of the Republican voters here. They limit themselves when they reject everyone except the most extreme Teaparty candidates. Everyone knew McCain was off his rocker selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate .

McCain was hardly a "Tea Party candidate," and adding Palin to the ticket greatly energized part of the Republican base that had been lukewarm about McCain to that point.

I know the left (up to and including the president) is scared as hell of regular Americans who recognize the common sense represented by the Tea Party and are desperate to bring all the influence of their media lapdogs to bear in making them a Boogeyman, but get a grip already.

This is the message Palin and her teaparty tries to pretend they are. Real America.

Neither of you could be further from the truth.
Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016

Given his politics of late, I figured he would be Hillary's running mate and JakeFakey would be his campaign manager.
I don't get the idiocy of the Republican voters here. They limit themselves when they reject everyone except the most extreme Teaparty candidates. Everyone knew McCain was off his rocker selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate .

McCain was hardly a "Tea Party candidate," and adding Palin to the ticket greatly energized part of the Republican base that had been lukewarm about McCain to that point.

I know the left (up to and including the president) is scared as hell of regular Americans who recognize the common sense represented by the Tea Party and are desperate to bring all the influence of their media lapdogs to bear in making them a Boogeyman, but get a grip already.

I've given up on trying to explain facts to the Palin haters. No matter how often I point at the polls showing that McCain was ahead of Obama BECAUSE Palin energized the base until our economy went south, the left will still pretend that Palin is the reason McCain lost. I also tend to roll my eyes at the idea of people calling Palin stupid while supporting Obama who has Joe Biden as vice president. Talk about irony. I feel sorry for any woman, latino or black conservative who runs for office. They will always be trashed by a corrupt and biased press.
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I don't get the idiocy of the Republican voters here. They limit themselves when they reject everyone except the most extreme Teaparty candidates. Everyone knew McCain was off his rocker selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate .

McCain was hardly a "Tea Party candidate," and adding Palin to the ticket greatly energized part of the Republican base that had been lukewarm about McCain to that point.

I know the left (up to and including the president) is scared as hell of regular Americans who recognize the common sense represented by the Tea Party and are desperate to bring all the influence of their media lapdogs to bear in making them a Boogeyman, but get a grip already.

I've given up on trying to explain facts to the Palin haters. No matter how often I point at the polls showing that McCain was ahead of Obama BECAUSE Palin energized the base until our economy went south, the left will still pretend that Palin is the reason McCain lost. I also tend to roll my eyes at the idea of people calling Palin stupid while supporting Obama who has Joe Biden as vice president. Talk about irony. I feel sorry for any woman, latino or black conservative who runs for office. They will always be trashed by a corrupt and biased press.

I think you meant the entire tolerant, enlightened, elitest left.
I don't expect either Hillary or Ted to be the nominee. Of course, I didn't expect The Kenyan to be nominated in 08 either.
Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016


GHW BUSH war hero, gulf war in recent memory at the time versus...






I heard this too. Wouldn't surprise me. He does think highly of himself. But then that is true about most of the politicians in Washington.

What next is Romney going to run again too?

Im sure Santorum will be running.

At this rate, I may as well throw my hat in the ring just because im tired of the nonsense.
I don't expect either Hillary or Ted to be the nominee. Of course, I didn't expect The Kenyan to be nominated in 08 either.

Oh I did. I knew Hillary would never be the nominee. I remember everyone was predicting it would be Hillary vs Guiliani. It didn't seem like either of those were likely.
Santorum, Paul, Cruz, and several others would be excellent choices. It seems the dims only have The Hildebeast, the murderer! Surely the dims can come up with someone better for America. Of course their recent track record doesn't speak well for them!
What's astounding to me is the racist armchair warrior wannabe starts a thread with a misunderstading of what McCain said he might run for, then with his stock vulger neg reps in full flourish, the thread goes pages reinforcing the result of his inabilty to even read the link he posted. Priceless.
Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016


GHW BUSH war hero, gulf war in recent memory at the time versus...







Don't mess with Bill ... :)
I don't get the idiocy of the Republican voters here. They limit themselves when they reject everyone except the most extreme Teaparty candidates. Everyone knew McCain was off his rocker selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate .

McCain was hardly a "Tea Party candidate," and adding Palin to the ticket greatly energized part of the Republican base that had been lukewarm about McCain to that point.

I know the left (up to and including the president) is scared as hell of regular Americans who recognize the common sense represented by the Tea Party and are desperate to bring all the influence of their media lapdogs to bear in making them a Boogeyman, but get a grip already.

This is the message Palin and her teaparty tries to pretend they are. Real America...

What what leads you to conclude they are not?
McCain was hardly a "Tea Party candidate," and adding Palin to the ticket greatly energized part of the Republican base that had been lukewarm about McCain to that point.

I know the left (up to and including the president) is scared as hell of regular Americans who recognize the common sense represented by the Tea Party and are desperate to bring all the influence of their media lapdogs to bear in making them a Boogeyman, but get a grip already.

This is the message Palin and her teaparty tries to pretend they are. Real America...

What what leads you to conclude they are not?

This is real America too, do you think old Sarah and Ted include them in their vision of what America is? Also, how exactly does them lining their own self absorbed pockets help this version of real America?


Don't answer that, your response will be worthless anyway.
McCain was betrayed by the reactionary far right is all.

What they think is unimportant.

McCain won't run again.

McCain was/is the betrayer. He is not a "maverick" at all.

I hope he does not run, he needs to get out of the way, he is a problem. He may as well be a democrat
Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016

McCain is up for Senate re-election in 2016.

This topic is way off the mark. :lol:

You did notice the word they used was RE-ELECTION, right? Not ELECTION.


Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Tuesday that he is considering running for another term in 2016,

Senate. Not President.
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Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016

Is Hillary running for Senator from Arizona in 2016?

Did I miss something?
Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016

McCain is up for Senate re-election in 2016.

This topic is way off the mark. :lol:

You did notice the word they used was RE-ELECTION, right? Not ELECTION.


Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Tuesday that he is considering running for another term in 2016,

Senate. Not President.

This thread is full of all kinds of WIN! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Only brainwashed knuckleheads blame Hillary for the Bengazi trajedy, about 25 per cent who the country is sick to death of...ONLY Christie and Jeb would have a chance, but it appears the TP insists on suicide. Good riddance.

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