McCain Eye's 2016 Run?

Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016

McCain is up for Senate re-election in 2016.

This topic is way off the mark. :lol:

You did notice the word they used was RE-ELECTION, right? Not ELECTION.


Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Tuesday that he is considering running for another term in 2016,

Senate. Not President.

This thread is full of all kinds of WIN! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Retard Warrior thinks McCain is running for President
Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016

neocon versus neocon. let's go a different direction...

Gore would have cleaned up if he'd used B and H in 2000...

And we could have missed the biggest Pub catastrophe EVER, which is really saying
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I'm not sure McCain is really serious, because I think he beat back a teaparty primary charge partially on saying this was his last go round, but there are a lot of hawks, like Tom Cole, very displeased with the TPM's ignoring this chance of budget talks to get rid of sequester cuts to defense .. even if it means raising revenue, and even if it means raising more revenue in exchange for means testing entitlements.

God forbid Wash should do something responsible.
I'm not sure McCain is really serious, because I think he beat back a teaparty primary charge partially on saying this was his last go round, but there are a lot of hawks, like Tom Cole, very displeased with the TPM's ignoring this chance of budget talks to get rid of sequester cuts to defense .. even if it means raising revenue, and even if it means raising more revenue in exchange for means testing entitlements.

God forbid Wash should do something responsible.

McCain lie about his intentions? You're right, he'd never do that...

I just hope he doesn't run because Republicans have clearly shown they are not smart enough to not nominate him.
McCain is leftist enough that the Obama faction might vote for him in a Democrat primary - maybe strongly enough to keep Hillary from getting the nomination. Of course he'd first have to admit he's the liberal Democrat his voting record proves him to be.
I'm not sure McCain is really serious, because I think he beat back a teaparty primary charge partially on saying this was his last go round, but there are a lot of hawks, like Tom Cole, very displeased with the TPM's ignoring this chance of budget talks to get rid of sequester cuts to defense .. even if it means raising revenue, and even if it means raising more revenue in exchange for means testing entitlements.

God forbid Wash should do something responsible.

McCain lie about his intentions? You're right, he'd never do that...

I just hope he doesn't run because Republicans have clearly shown they are not smart enough to not nominate him.

I highly doubt that McCain will run for Senate re-election again - not saying that he won't, but honestly, I think that he understands that his "time" has come and gone.
The op is a gift that keeps giving. LOL

But, I agree, I really doubt McCain runs for the senate again. He is probably angry enough with the TPM to drop iron 500lb bombs from an A-4 on them, though.
The op is a gift that keeps giving. LOL

But, I agree, I really doubt McCain runs for the senate again. He is probably angry enough with the TPM to drop iron 500lb bombs from an A-4 on them, though.

I think it will depend on who the Republicans are planning as his replacement
Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016

Really 2 Globalist traitors to America... :hellno:

Support Jesse Ventura in 2016.

Don't waste your vote on a Globalist. :nono:
Yes, Obama is a neocon. W and Cheney were neocons too. Here's a tip, turn off MS-NBC and buy a dictionary. Or just Google and learn what words mean.

Obama is not a neocon. Not even close.

In what way? Do you know what a neocon is? Most Democrats don't.

I don't like Obama, but damn man .... don't go target practicing after work, you might hurt yourself.

I will say HRC's support for Bushii's debacle and Obama's decision to go with more boots in Afghan show some vision failure.
Obama is not a neocon. Not even close.

In what way? Do you know what a neocon is? Most Democrats don't.

I don't like Obama, but damn man .... don't go target practicing after work, you might hurt yourself.

I will say HRC's support for Bushii's debacle and Obama's decision to go with more boots in Afghan show some vision failure.

I like how you people like to scoff, yet you can't show any policy of his that contradicts neocon. I'll give you a hint, I'm making fun of you because I don't think you know what a neocon is.

Be honest, you think Rush is a neocon, don't you? He's not. W was a neocon, Rush isn't. Blows your mind, doesn't it? Obama is clearly a neocon.

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