If Obamacare Is Supposed to Destroy America, Than How Come...


Radical Centrist
Apr 14, 2012
So for the last few years, we've been told by Republicans that Obamacare is evil, is the devil's work, is meant to destroy America.

But over the last couple weeks now, Republicans complain that their constituents can't enroll as fast they'd like to on the internets.

My question is, if Obamacare is meant to destroy America, than why do Republicans bitch about people not being able to sign up fast enough for it?

Is this yet another case of Republicans trying to have things both ways?
So for the last few years, we've been told by Republicans that Obamacare is evil, is the devil's work, is meant to destroy America.

But over the last couple weeks now, Republicans complain that their constituents can't enroll as fast they'd like to on the internets.

My question is, if Obamacare is meant to destroy America, than why do Republicans bitch about people not being able to sign up fast enough for it?

Is this yet another case of Republicans trying to have things both ways?

I don't believe I've heard a Republican say "I wish my constituents could sign up to Obamacare more effectively". Instead the dialog is more like "this website is a piece of s$%t and additional evidence that Obamacare is one giant trainwreck".

There's a big difference.
So for the last few years, we've been told by Republicans that Obamacare is evil, is the devil's work, is meant to destroy America.

But over the last couple weeks now, Republicans complain that their constituents can't enroll as fast they'd like to on the internets.

My question is, if Obamacare is meant to destroy America, than why do Republicans bitch about people not being able to sign up fast enough for it?

Is this yet another case of Republicans trying to have things both ways?
You need to understand the similarity between the GOP and the little boy who cried "Wolf."
When the little boy first cried "Wolf" everyone came to his rescue. As he kept crying wolf over and over the towns people paid less and less attention to him. Eventually no one listened to him and the wolf had an easy meal.
Such is the way of the GOP. They started screaming about Obama before he even took office. He was a Muslem. He was a Communists. He was a socialist. He was a Facist. He had terrorists for friends. He was out to destroy America. He wants to take us to war in Libya. He wants to take us to war in Egypt. He wants to take us to war in Syria. He hates America. He bows down to other leaders. He plays golf (gasp) to often. He travels in Air Force One when he goes on vacation. And on, and on, and on, and on ..........
Basically I, and most thinking people, have stopped listening to the nonsense from the right.
Because their continuances are going to be fined by the all powerful IRS if they don't sign up by the end of the year. Piece of shit legislation they don't want but have to buy anyway.
Let me count the ways:

$624 million for a piece of crap computer program, that never should have cost over $2 million.

Another major government contract outsourced to Canada and India, while the best programmers reside right here in the USA.

Ample evidence that the people who are going to run 1/6th of the US economy cannot be relied on to supervise a circle jerk, let alone the health needs of millions of Americans.

No evidence that all of the data required for Obamacare will not be a massive giveaway to identity thieves.

How many people want their employers, and fellow employees to know that they had two STDs and an abortion during their third year in college? If this information is on the web, sooner or later, it will be general information to anyone interested in it.
So for the last few years, we've been told by Republicans that Obamacare is evil, is the devil's work, is meant to destroy America.

But over the last couple weeks now, Republicans complain that their constituents can't enroll as fast they'd like to on the internets.

My question is, if Obamacare is meant to destroy America, than why do Republicans bitch about people not being able to sign up fast enough for it?

Is this yet another case of Republicans trying to have things both ways?

In order to properly execute the Obama Derangement Syndrome manuever,

you have to come up with a way to oppose Obama, or put some negative spin on anything associated with Obama,

no matter how absurdly hypocritical, contradictory, illogical, flip floppy, incomprehensible you have to be.

That, in fact, is why they call it derangement.
So for the last few years, we've been told by Republicans that Obamacare is evil, is the devil's work, is meant to destroy America.

But over the last couple weeks now, Republicans complain that their constituents can't enroll as fast they'd like to on the internets.

My question is, if Obamacare is meant to destroy America, than why do Republicans bitch about people not being able to sign up fast enough for it?

Is this yet another case of Republicans trying to have things both ways?

Add to that the question of why are REPUBLICAN governor after governor signing onto the expansion of Medicaid,

despite every one of them claiming to oppose it, and despite every rightwing propagandist on the planet claiming that the American people despise Obamacare?
I don't believe I've heard a Republican say "I wish my constituents could sign up to Obamacare more effectively". Instead the dialog is more like "this website is a piece of s$%t and additional evidence that Obamacare is one giant trainwreck".

There's a big difference.

So for the last few years, we've been told by Republicans that Obamacare is evil, is the devil's work, is meant to destroy America.

But over the last couple weeks now, Republicans complain that their constituents can't enroll as fast they'd like to on the internets.

My question is, if Obamacare is meant to destroy America, than why do Republicans bitch about people not being able to sign up fast enough for it?

Is this yet another case of Republicans trying to have things both ways?

Add to that the question of why are REPUBLICAN governor after governor signing onto the expansion of Medicaid,

despite every one of them claiming to oppose it, and despite every rightwing propagandist on the planet claiming that the American people despise Obamacare?

Care to name those Repubulican governors?

26 states have not gone along with ObamaCare's Medicaid expansion. There are 30 GOP Governors.

Millions of Poor Are Left Uncovered by Health Law

Those GOP governors will be hearing about this from the voters in their next re-election attempt.

The issue ad practically writes itself:

“How can somebody in poverty not be eligible for subsidies?” an unemployed health care worker in Virginia asked through tears.

Because you have a Republican governor, that's how.
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