McCain Criticizes Trump for Language “About” Women

Tell us simple folk ----- what kind of plane is capable of carrying all women in its forward area? Especially with no one (say, all men) balancing the weight aft?

Notice any blanket generalization fallacy here?
This election is not going to be won by trying to lessen the severity of what Trump said or by taking the position that a lot of other people talk that way too. Because the people who are so angry with Trump are not going to have their anger lessened by that. (Although I completely agree with you on your position.) What we need to do is try and compensate for the blatantly biased mainstream media favoring Hillary, by making as many people as possible aware of Wikileaks. So many people are so uniformed. While Trump may need a bar of soap to wash out his mouth, Hillary needs a pair of handcuffs.
But, here's what he says “TO” them!

Notice any hypocrisy here? More @

And by the way OP your entire video is fucking BOGUS. Fake bleeps inserted over normal words and fake dialogue inserted on the screen. Don't take my word for it --- here's the original unedited real one.

When will you asshats learn that Fucking YouTube is not a reliable source?

Outstanding, Pogo.

But you can bet hard money the rubes are already back in line to be lied to again. The deserve to be lied to.

And by the way OP your entire video is fucking BOGUS. Fake bleeps inserted over normal words and fake dialogue inserted on the screen. Don't take my word for it --- here's the original unedited real one.

When will you asshats learn that Fucking YouTube is not a reliable source?

Outstanding, Pogo.

But you can bet hard money the rubes are already back in line to be lied to again. The deserve to be lied to.

Actually, credit where due, I got that link to the original right there in the YouTube page in the OP's own link. Some previous viewer had already called it out. Several did in fact.

But of course I found that because I questioned its veracity in the first place. An action that the partisan hacks treat not so much as "due diligence" but more as "Ebola".

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