Mayors could save America.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
If you break our problems down you'll see that they take place in our cities. Mayors run our cities. They can 'clean up' our cities if they choose to. Tell your mayor to clean up your city.

You're welcome. :)
If you break our problems down you'll see that they take place in our cities. Mayors run our cities. They can 'clean up' our cities if they choose to. Tell your mayor to clean up your city.

You're welcome. :)
Correct. And voting by party label at the local level without regard to the people actually running is the kiss of death. At local level, it is what you settle for, by voting for. Choose wisely and if they do not govern effectively, vote their ass out regardless of party and vote for who you think will make a difference, rather than simply drawing a paycheck and placating a political tribe.
If you break our problems down you'll see that they take place in our cities. Mayors run our cities. They can 'clean up' our cities if they choose to. Tell your mayor to clean up your city.

You're welcome. :)
How much more in taxes are you willing to pay for the cleanup?
When compared to the governor or state legislature, that is about all he can do .

Funny how they do not want to blame the state as blaming mayor makes your argument sound really good. When the governor is factor in then the argument equalizes the playing field.

The murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Donald Trump has exceeded the murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Joe Biden in every year from 2000 to 2020.

Republicans want to be strong on crime so they focus on cities and ignore the state, as looking at the state will make the strong on crime platform more of a self fulfilling fantasy platform.

Sure cities can make laws but the have to be at a higher punishment and there are some laws they cannot make if the state already has a similar one. They cannot be in conflict with state or federal laws.

Overcrowding in the jail system of cities is a problem. This in the end just makes better criminals, guards who are abusive, and rehabilitation to be on the back burner.
How much more in taxes are you willing to pay for the cleanup?
No need. Just insist they do the job they are already being paid for. It doesn't cost my boss any more for me to switch from one job to another. Same with city employees. During the fall they pick up leaves. When winter comes they plow snow. On trash day they pick up trash. City agencies are very flexible. They have this tool called a 'variance'. In other words the city can do whatever the hell they want to with their current resources. They just have to be convinced to clean up the city's crime problems. The money saved can be used for more productive things.
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When compared to the governor or state legislature, that is about all he can do .

Funny how they do not want to blame the state as blaming mayor makes your argument sound really good. When the governor is factor in then the argument equalizes the playing field.

The murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Donald Trump has exceeded the murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Joe Biden in every year from 2000 to 2020.

Republicans want to be strong on crime so they focus on cities and ignore the state, as looking at the state will make the strong on crime platform more of a self fulfilling fantasy platform.

Sure cities can make laws but the have to be at a higher punishment and there are some laws they cannot make if the state already has a similar one. They cannot be in conflict with state or federal laws.

Overcrowding in the jail system of cities is a problem. This in the end just makes better criminals, guards who are abusive, and rehabilitation to be on the back burner.
Good point. It is not just the mayors, but picking local mayors and local governance is the foundation.
I don't agree that's a simple solution to the problem. When Baltimore had white mayors, the city worked. But now Baltimore and ALLLLL other big cities have black mayors. They will not and do not stop crime: in Baltimore, which has a serious local problem with the "squeegee kids" violent protection racket that keeps whites from even being able to drive through Baltimore, the mayor and city council explicitly said they would never prosecute these young men.

It seems to me that blacks mostly actually want to be free to commit crimes and killings and not be penalized for them. That's why they protest and riot about wanting fewer cops. They like being able to knock over liquor stores freely, to shoplift freely, to kill gang members in different gangs. Black mayors know this and know who their constituents are, so they don't stop crime. That would stop the party going on.

I think it's a big mistake to assume that just because we whites like law and order, blacks do too. Why would we think that? They show no signs of wanting law and order and they riot in favor LESS law and order. Listen to what people say: they mean it. Watch what they do: they are doing what they like to do.
The murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Donald Trump has exceeded the murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Joe Biden in every year from 2000 to 2020.
That's a function of population.
Sure cities can make laws but the have to be at a higher punishment and there are some laws they cannot make if the state already has a similar one. They cannot be in conflict with state or federal laws.
Cities can work effectively within the laws of the state and fed.
Overcrowding in the jail system of cities is a problem. This in the end just makes better criminals, guards who are abusive, and rehabilitation to be on the back burner.
Build lower cost minimum security prisons for nonviolent offenders.

One problem is that politicians see problems as resources for their good rather than problems that need to be solved for the common good.
Good point. It is not just the mayors, but picking local mayors and local governance is the foundation.

Well , I would respectfully disagree on that one point. Isn't the State and Federal Laws the foundation? Federal law take precedence over state laws based on the Constitution. State laws take precedence over local laws per the states Constitution.
I don't agree that's a simple solution to the problem. When Baltimore had white mayors, the city worked. But now Baltimore and ALLLLL other big cities have black mayors. They will not and do not stop crime: in Baltimore, which has a serious local problem with the "squeegee kids" violent protection racket that keeps whites from even being able to drive through Baltimore, the mayor and city council explicitly said they would never prosecute these young men.

It seems to me that blacks mostly actually want to be free to commit crimes and killings and not be penalized for them. That's why they protest and riot about wanting fewer cops. They like being able to knock over liquor stores freely, to shoplift freely, to kill gang members in different gangs. Black mayors know this and know who their constituents are, so they don't stop crime. That would stop the party going on.

I think it's a big mistake to assume that just because we whites like law and order, blacks do too. Why would we think that? They show no signs of wanting law and order and they riot in favor LESS law and order. Listen to what people say: they mean it. Watch what they do: they are doing what they like to do.
True. Often when a black person calls the police into their neighborhood half the block turns out to curse at the police.
Well , I would respectfully disagree on that one point. Isn't the State and Federal Laws the foundation? Federal law take precedence over state laws based on the Constitution. State laws take precedence over local laws per the states Constitution.
That's seldom a problem for cities. Reducing crime can be simply a matter of increasing the police budget. Judges can increase sentences. It's all a matter of priorities. In my city they let crime go rampant (and let the lakes go to hell) so they can build bike paths.
Well , I would respectfully disagree on that one point. Isn't the State and Federal Laws the foundation? Federal law take precedence over state laws based on the Constitution. State laws take precedence over local laws per the states Constitution.
Lowest unit is where it has to begin or else nothing the state does will matter, same for the Fed. Local mayors must support law and order by the laws on the books. Parents also to blame. Good citizenship begins in the home. Over indulgent parents raise over indulgent undisciplined kid to perpetuate the cycle. Parents must say "Not in my house", no matter what is allowed little Johnny next door. Mayor must say, "Not in my town" no matter what is done elsewhere. Governor must stand fast to support the laws of their state. When Washington DC wanted to further water down the laws in DC, in another false bid for home rule, Joe refused to support, basically saying, "Not while I'm in town."
Well I agree with most of what you say as it does begin in the home.

I would just disagree as to the level that the Mayor is responsible. and should take the blame. IF the crime rate is high then he or she will be voted out of office and its the next guy or gal's turn. All mayors running for office will talk tough on crime.

The issues of crime can be summed up in a trilogy of books. Its my belief that the mayor can only talk tough about crime and fund the police. It still an issue of the law of which he does not decide but can have a say in it.

Overcrowding in the jail system just leads to criminals being better criminals and making connections. In the end you can't kept them there forever unless it is a very and morally apprehensible crime. Can't get a job because of prior will lead to poverty. Shun by most people will lead to forming new connections with like minded people. Death penalty is only allowed in 6 states which is a state issue. Thus contributing to overcrowding.

Still the prison system is an option. Still if a person survives until say 66 years of age, should he or she be set free"? So I guess that leads to the death penalty. I am not for it or against it, I am just glad that I don't have to the one who makes that decision. Only a judge can make that decision.
If you break our problems down you'll see that they take place in our cities. Mayors run our cities. They can 'clean up' our cities if they choose to. Tell your mayor to clean up your city.

You're welcome. :)
The mayor in our city is a democrat, we are doomed, he worked on Obamas campaign, he recently got the tax rate raised to 7% to pay for roads, now he says citizens are complaining about the inconvenience, and stopped repaving completely!

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