Mayorkas to NBC News: “We Don’t Bear Responsibility” for Open US Border and 11 Million Illegal Alien Invasion

So first you claim Trump had it “solved” and then you’re forced to admit that you are full of shit.

As usual
Trump was working on solving the problem

Then biden came along and made the problem worse
A drop in the ocean when close to 11 million were allowed in. Of course you don't care about that, it doesn't fit your propaganda.

That’s a lie.

There’s only about 12-13 million total in the country
A drop in the ocean when close to 11 million were allowed in. Of course you don't care about that, it doesn't fit your propaganda.

As already documented IN THIS FUCKING THREAD

THERE ARE ONLY 12-13 million here in total

And there were 10 million here when Trump took office
As already documented IN THIS FUCKING THREAD

THERE ARE ONLY 12-13 million here in total

And there were 10 million here when Trump took office
that we know of,,

and as we all know the government lies,,
I would say add at least 50-75% on that number,,
that we know of,,

and as we all know the government lies,,
I would say add at least 50-75% on that number,,
“That we know if”


If you have credible evidence to the contrary show it.

If not you’re talking out your ass again
Less than 1 Million got in in Trumps entire 4 years , Xiden let in 1million In His first 3 Months
You sound incensed about this. I’d take you serious if you weren’t in favor of blocking the bipartisan bill that would have dealt with it

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