May 8 - Supreme Court will declare obamacare unconstitutional


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
At least they should but no one expects it. Rule of Law has been abandoned in america.

Will the D.C. Circuit Court uphold ObamaCare by ignoring the Constitution? | Coach is Right

MAY 5, 2014
On May 8th, oral arguments will take place in the D.C. Circuit Court Of Appeals concerning the unconstitutional manner in which the Affordable Care Act was assembled and placed before congress for passage.

According to the Origination Clause in Article 1 of the Constitution, “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”

In 2009, the House passed a bill concerning proposed tax credits for members of the military who were first time home buyers. The Senate took that Bill, removed ALL of the content and substituted the nearly 3000 pages of the Affordable Care Act. According to Senate Democrat leaders, this was perfectly constitutional as the Affordable Care Act became an amendment to the original bill!

Does the Affordable Care Act qualify as a “bill for raising revenue?” The Supreme Court certainly believes it does. In fact, according to its June 28th, 2012 ruling in the National Federation of Independent Business v Sebelius, not only did the Court find ObamaCare’s individual mandate to be a tax rather than a penalty as claimed by congress, the entire law passed the Court only because it WAS declared a tax.
If it gets to SCOTUS, Obama will against threaten to out Roberts unless he goes along with the Progs
Obama already said the SCOTUS cannot overrule democratically passed laws and he went to Harvard so he should know
Because CJ Roberts refused to do his Constitutional duty last time around, half the fucking country still has no idea that Congress cannot do whatever the fuck it wants. To them, Article I of the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment are no more relevant to today's law than last week's toilet paper.

My expectations for this court are not high. They will figure out some rationale to conclude that it is not a spending bill, or that it did not originate in the Senate.
Since nobody read the hackcare bill it will probably have included the original house bill within the 3000 pages so as to avoid this technicality. We're dealing with a really sleazy, sinister president thing.
Obama already said the SCOTUS cannot overrule democratically passed laws and he went to Harvard so he should know

demo prog laws, frank, get it right

Jake, your reflexive defense of Obama is making you look foolish -- again

""Ultimately I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," -- Barack "Judicial Review? Wuzzdat??" Obama
This isn't the Supreme Court.
OP and it's headline is just wrong.
Once again - from this poster - a factually incorrect thread
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It's BEEN to SCotUS. Jesus, people. If you had a brain, you'd be downright scary.

No, "it's" not been to SCOTUS, only the penalty part has been to SCOTUS, and Roberts rewrote it to be a tax instead of a penalty after it was passed and signed into Law as a penalty. Libs really are TARDS.

The Supreme Court can only rule on the specific wording of the appeal and the only thing appealed was the penalty.

It's BEEN to SCotUS. Jesus, people. If you had a brain, you'd be downright scary.

No, "it's" not been to SCOTUS, only the penalty part has been to SCOTUS, and Roberts rewrote it to be a tax instead of a penalty after it was passed and signed into Law as a penalty. Libs really are TARDS.

The Supreme Court can only rule on the specific wording of the appeal and the only thing appealed was the penalty.

Yup; obamacare is ONLY Constitutional because it is exactly the opposit of what our LIAR President was saying it is all along righ to our faces; A TAX.

While obama was insisting obamacare isnt a tax his own lawyers were arguing just the opposite in Court

It's BEEN to SCotUS. Jesus, people. If you had a brain, you'd be downright scary.

No, "it's" not been to SCOTUS, only the penalty part has been to SCOTUS, and Roberts rewrote it to be a tax instead of a penalty after it was passed and signed into Law as a penalty. Libs really are TARDS.

The Supreme Court can only rule on the specific wording of the appeal and the only thing appealed was the penalty.

Yup; obamacare is ONLY Constitutional because it is exactly the opposit of what our LIAR President was saying it is all along righ to our faces; A TAX.

While obama was insisting obamacare isnt a tax his own lawyers were arguing just the opposite in Court

And you say he is a lousy Pol! He's like Houdini

It's BEEN to SCotUS. Jesus, people. If you had a brain, you'd be downright scary.

It was not challenged on this point. This argument is ironclad against o-care but that will count for nothing.

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