Maxine Waters is Delusional:

What's so bad about what she said ?

We should try diplomacy!? GASP!
We can't afford another wAr!? OUTRAGEOUS!
Diplomacy since Clinton got us to this point. Are you going to diplomacy us into destruction now?

Oh the drama !

Hey . How'd that whole Afghanistan and Iraq thing go?
Way the hell better than this NK and Iran thing. Iran is following right behind NK. We get to deal with them soon due to more democrat pussy footing and capitulation.

Is that why trump just confirmed the Iran deal?
What's so bad about what she said ?

We should try diplomacy!? GASP!
We can't afford another wAr!? OUTRAGEOUS!
Diplomacy since Clinton got us to this point. Are you going to diplomacy us into destruction now?

Clinton has been prez since 2000.

So you want war then? Right ? I mean if you don't want diplomacy , war is what's left .
we want china to deal with them, and japan, that is not war, that is having the correct parties telling him to stand down or else. I mean right? what is left after sanctions don't work? you gonna go over and dance for them, moon them kiss them what?

Ummm . That's diplomacy .

What's the end game by the way ? Get Kim to stop missile testing ? Get Kim to turn over his nukes ? Get Kim to step down???

Let's hear it!


That's Obama.....


Thats failure......

Auntie buckwheat has got to be a rabid lunatic libtart...

Maxine Waters is Delusional: Maybe ‘We Can Work With' North Korea
Sure! They’ll be totes cooperative!


Trey Sanchez

Maxine Waters suggested to TMZ cameras that the United States could perhaps work with the friendly leadership of North Korea instead of threatening retaliation as they point missiles in every direction.

She made her position clear: the United States must deal in diplomacy to avoid war at all costs.

“We cannot afford to be in a war,” the congresswoman said. “And I want us to be very careful, very alert to what’s happening and avoid war.”

The path forward, Waters said, is finding out exactly what the dictatorship wants from us and then basically give it to them:


Maxine Waters is Delusional: Maybe ‘We Can Work With' North Korea

Maxine is Delusional.

Next thing you know, they will tell us that water is wet!
After Trump got elected Waters said Putin invaded KOREA!! :laugh:

She's a first class MORON who belongs in the NUT house! Or in the monkey exhibit at the D.C. Zoo! :laugh:

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