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Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

So you can expect the bed wetting liberals to become apoplectic over the fact Trump isn't going to let the hysteria over a fuckin cold continue. This was never a crisis to begin with, it was designed to crush the economy by the media and the DNC. The people who died would have still died if it was Swine Flu #5. There were no more deaths than there are every year. There was not ONE fucking report of morgues being overwhelmed or mass graves or anything that would be a headline if the "pandemic" was real.

It was all bullshit, just like global warming, the impeachment, and wars on drugs, poverty and terror. Epstein's guest list still has not been published. That's the story of the fuckin century and it's being covered up for a reason.


So you can expect the bed wetting liberals to become apoplectic over the fact Trump isn't going to let the hysteria over a fuckin cold continue. This was never a crisis to begin with, it was designed to crush the economy by the media and the DNC. The people who died would have still died if it was Swine Flu #5. There were no more deaths than there are every year. There was not ONE fucking report of morgues being overwhelmed or mass graves or anything that would be a headline if the "pandemic" was real.

It was all bullshit, just like global warming, the impeachment, and wars on drugs, poverty and terror. Epstein's guest list still has not been published. That's the story of the fuckin century and it's being covered up for a reason.


And the rest of the world went along with this because of the US media and DNC?

So you can expect the bed wetting liberals to become apoplectic over the fact Trump isn't going to let the hysteria over a fuckin cold continue. This was never a crisis to begin with, it was designed to crush the economy by the media and the DNC. The people who died would have still died if it was Swine Flu #5. There were no more deaths than there are every year. There was not ONE fucking report of morgues being overwhelmed or mass graves or anything that would be a headline if the "pandemic" was real.

It was all bullshit, just like global warming, the impeachment, and wars on drugs, poverty and terror. Epstein's guest list still has not been published. That's the story of the fuckin century and it's being covered up for a reason.


Each day Trump makes a point of firming up his base with WH visits and Twitter comments. He mastered political theater/media at an early age in many other builders has anybody ever heard of? Biden has no chance because he has no base...nobody likes him, many hate him. He's no match for the master so they're scurrying around looking for a VP thinking if he somehow won, he'd quit. He wouldn't so they'd have to impeach him. :lol:
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And the rest of the world went along with this because of the US media and DNC?

Don't give me that shit, The AP, Rueters and most every other "media" are owned by global collectivists. The "rest of the world" are not all in line either.
Yes indeed. Our great President had no choice the first time around but to call for closing down the nation. Had he ignored the so-called impending pandemic then his own administration would have crucified him on the spot. He's been telling us all along in daily press briefings all about who the real enemy is and it ain't a novel coronavirus.

So you can expect the bed wetting liberals to become apoplectic over the fact Trump isn't going to let the hysteria over a fuckin cold continue. This was never a crisis to begin with, it was designed to crush the economy by the media and the DNC. The people who died would have still died if it was Swine Flu #5. There were no more deaths than there are every year. There was not ONE fucking report of morgues being overwhelmed or mass graves or anything that would be a headline if the "pandemic" was real.

It was all bullshit, just like global warming, the impeachment, and wars on drugs, poverty and terror. Epstein's guest list still has not been published. That's the story of the fuckin century and it's being covered up for a reason.

Why'd Trump shut it down in the first place, then?
And the rest of the world went along with this because of the US media and DNC?

Don't give me that shit, The AP, Rueters and most every other "media" are owned by global collectivists. The "rest of the world" are not all in line either.

That shit? Well, from everything I've seen, the majority of countries around the world have implemented some sort of lockdown, contact tracing, quarantine, and similar measures. The argument that this has all been a plot to tank the economy by the Democrats doesn't make much sense unless you're claiming that all the other nations that also instituted protective measures against COVID-19 did so as part of that plan.
There were no more deaths than there are every year.
You're not thinking. There were somewhere between 24,000 and 64,000 deaths due to the regular old "flu" this past flu season (which ended April 4). Yeah, I have no idea why the estimate is so wildly variable. But Fauci already said it would be months before we have the numbers pegged down. Here's the link to the cases, hospitalizations and deaths during this flu season--it wouldn't copy. Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates

What you are forgetting is that the 94,594 deaths so far that Covid has caused, are ON TOP OF THE "regular" flu.

And why do you keep talking about it in the past tense, as if it were done? Pete, there have been 13,888 new cases reported TODAY in the US.
Why'd Trump shut it down in the first place, then?

They marched into the Oval Office and told him 2M Americans would die....what else could he do?
I didn't say shutting it down was the wrong thing to do. It's just that he did it.

I do think governors are focusing more on making decisions on what the smart thing is for individuals to do, and that is not really govts' job. We prevented ER's from looking like Italy, or even NYC, but in locals where there is no imminent danger of overwhelming hospitals, I think they have to open it up. But that doesn't excuse Trump's negligence (and even willfulness) in not getting pharma to produce tests for all workers coming back on the job.
There were no more deaths than there are every year.
You're not thinking. There were somewhere between 24,000 and 64,000 deaths due to the regular old "flu" this past flu season (which ended April 4). Yeah, I have no idea why the estimate is so wildly variable. But Fauci already said it would be months before we have the numbers pegged down. Here's the link to the cases, hospitalizations and deaths during this flu season--it wouldn't copy. Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates

What you are forgetting is that the 94,594 deaths so far that Covid has caused, are ON TOP OF THE "regular" flu.

And why do you keep talking about it in the past tense, as if it were done? Pete, there have been 13,888 new cases reported TODAY in the US.

I can't speak for Pete, but the impression I got from his statements was that there haven't been more deaths overall so far than in any other year. Not just flu deaths, but deaths from any cause. So if there would normally have been something like 200,000 deaths from all causes in a given April, there were around 200,000 deaths from any cause this April. The reasoning would be, I think, that there should be more deaths than normal with the additional deaths from COVID-19.
Each day Trump makes a point of firming up his base with WH visits and Twitter comments.

A base that's much smaller than what's needed to win. Meanwhile, he alienates the middle.

Biden has no chance because he has no base...nobody likes him, many hate him.

His base is the Democrats. Many like him, and many, many more hate Trump. Biden wins just by not being Trump. Being blandly likeable is a bonus for him, as it's hard for anyone to muster any real hate against him. While there are other Democratic candidates I would have preferred, I have to admit there's no other Democrat that could win as big as BIden.
You're not thinking. There were somewhere between 24,000 and 64,000 deaths due to the regular old "flu" this past flu season (which ended April 4). Yeah, I have no idea why the estimate is so wildly variable. But Fauci already said it would be months before we have the numbers pegged down. Here's the link to the cases, hospitalizations and deaths during this flu season--it wouldn't copy. Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates

What you are forgetting is that the 94,594 deaths so far that Covid has caused, are ON TOP OF THE "regular" flu.

And why do you keep talking about it in the past tense, as if it were done? Pete, there have been 13,888 new cases reported TODAY in the US.

Why do I speak in past tense? Because Next Week Trump is going to say something the moonbats in the media go bug shit over. Every year something along the lines of 50-100K people die of the bug of the season. I'm not trying to trivialize it, but that is what happens. Even when we had serious deaths from disease like Spanish Flu, Hong Kong Flu did we lock the country down and have one political party insist we stay that way because they hated the POTUS and want to keep the economy handicapped?

Be objective and rational here, I only respect you because you have been able to do that.

You're not thinking. There were somewhere between 24,000 and 64,000 deaths due to the regular old "flu" this past flu season (which ended April 4). Yeah, I have no idea why the estimate is so wildly variable. But Fauci already said it would be months before we have the numbers pegged down. Here's the link to the cases, hospitalizations and deaths during this flu season--it wouldn't copy. Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates

What you are forgetting is that the 94,594 deaths so far that Covid has caused, are ON TOP OF THE "regular" flu.

And why do you keep talking about it in the past tense, as if it were done? Pete, there have been 13,888 new cases reported TODAY in the US.

Why do I speak in past tense? Because Next Week Trump is going to say something the moonbats in the media go bug shit over. Every year something along the lines of 50-100K people die of the bug of the season. I'm not trying to trivialize it, but that is what happens. Even when we had serious deaths from disease like Spanish Flu, Hong Kong Flu did we lock the country down and have one political party insist we stay that way because they hated the POTUS and want to keep the economy handicapped?

Be objective and rational here, I only respect you because you have been able to do that.


Actually, based on CDC estimate numbers, something like 37,000 a year die of the flu. If you include the preliminary numbers from 2018 and 2019, the average estimate is 37,462 per year.

The current COVID-19 death numbers for the US are over 90,000, and that doesn't cover as long a period as flu season.

During the 1918 pandemic, from what I've read, at least some parts of the country did actually institute lockdowns. And it's estimated that close to 700,000 people died of Spanish Flu, so maybe more lockdowns would have been a good thing at the time. :dunno:

That said, the current situation is unprecedented as far as I know. And I continue to be very worried about the effects on both the US and global economies. I don't know what the best balance is between health safety and economic necessity, but I'd guess that the current hodgepodge of unclear and not-always-followed rules and guidelines isn't the best system of prevention. :p
Why'd Trump shut it down in the first place, then?

He acquiesced to political pressure generated by media apparatchiks.

Even you know that.

No, even you and Dump don't get to rewrite history. Gottleib Bossart and Borio and …. tom cotton … finally got Trump to wake the fuck up.
Actually, based on CDC estimate numbers, something like 37,000 a year die of the flu. If you include the preliminary numbers from 2018 and 2019, the average estimate is 37,462 per year.

The current COVID-19 death numbers for the US are over 90,000, and that doesn't cover as long a period as flu season.

During the 1918 pandemic, from what I've read, at least some parts of the country did actually institute lockdowns. And it's estimated that close to 700,000 people died of Spanish Flu, so maybe more lockdowns would have been a good thing at the time. :dunno:

That said, the current situation is unprecedented as far as I know. And I continue to be very worried about the effects on both the US and global economies. I don't know what the best balance is between health safety and economic necessity, but I'd guess that the current hodgepodge of unclear and not-always-followed rules and guidelines isn't the best system of prevention. :p

Props on your homework, I appreciate your response. That said the CDC is constantly changing stats, and this covid thing still does not rise to the threat level of disease that justified locking down the country. I don't see how this fact is arguable.

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Why'd Trump shut it down in the first place, then?

He acquiesced to political pressure generated by media apparatchiks.

Even you know that.

No, even you and Dump don't get to rewrite history. Gottleib Bossart and Borio and …. tom cotton … finally got Trump to wake the fuck up.
After Poolousy insisted there was no threat from a San Fransicko china town area?

Please stop pretending democrooks didn't act as if there was no problem before they decided it was something they could exploit.
That shit? Well, from everything I've seen, the majority of countries around the world have implemented some sort of lockdown, contact tracing, quarantine, and similar measures. The argument that this has all been a plot to tank the economy by the Democrats doesn't make much sense unless you're claiming that all the other nations that also instituted protective measures against COVID-19 did so as part of that plan.

I'm not going to put on a tin foil hat and declare a conspiracy...

I will assert that leftist apparatchiks around the world in the media and government have a vested interest in undermining Trump's agenda.

If you can't see that you are wearing a vagina hat yourself.
That shit? Well, from everything I've seen, the majority of countries around the world have implemented some sort of lockdown, contact tracing, quarantine, and similar measures. The argument that this has all been a plot to tank the economy by the Democrats doesn't make much sense unless you're claiming that all the other nations that also instituted protective measures against COVID-19 did so as part of that plan.

I'm not going to put on a tin foil hat and declare a conspiracy...

I will assert that leftist apparatchiks around the world in the media and government have a vested interest in undermining Trump's agenda.

If you can't see that you are wearing a vagina hat yourself.
Lol, you won’t declare a conspiracy, but you’ll imply one. ;)
So many nations have put measures in place, it’s pretty hard to credit they are all out to get Trump. Especially considering the impact many of the measures have had.

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