Matt Walsh, what a credible rape allegation looks like, but is ignored because the perp is democrat


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Matt Wals from Dailywire put out this it he gives the account of Juanita Broderick who knows where and when bill clinton raped know, the guy the democrats still allow a place of honor in all of their public events......where she stated where it happened, when it happened, who she told immediately after it happened and who she kept telling all her life.......

WALSH: What A Credible Rape Allegation Looks Like


When I look at the situation, I see a politically partisan accuser who never told anyone her story for 30 years and only went public after the accused was nominated for the Supreme Court. She doesn't remember the date of the alleged crime, or even the exact year. She doesn't remember exactly where it happened or how she ended up there. She says that she and the accused were both kids at the time and both drinking alcohol. Her story has changed at least once, and significantly, between the first time she brought it up in 2012 and now. This seems like a rather low bar for "credible."

Actually credible.....but ignored because the perp was bill clinton, a democrat....

So, consider Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 -- right around the time that Ford says Kavanaugh assaulted her. But that is where the similarities in their stories end. Here is Broaddrick's allegation, as reported by BuzzFeed:

Broaddrick, then 35, first met Bill Clinton when he was 31 and the attorney general of Arkansas, during a campaign stop he made at her nursing home. They discussed her business and his campaign ā€” Broaddrick wasnā€™t much into politics, but she had recently started volunteering for him with a friend ā€” and Clinton told Broaddrick to call his office if she was ever in nearby Little Rock. A few weeks later, she did just that while attending a nursing seminar there. They arranged to meet one morning in the coffee shop in the hotel where the seminar was held. At the last second, Clinton called up to Broaddrickā€™s room and asked if they could meet there instead, since there were reporters in the lobby below. She said yes. Minutes after entering her room, he tried to kiss her, she says, biting her upper lip, hard.

Shocked, Broaddrick says, she resisted Clinton... He ignored her, she says, and pushed her on the bed and raped her. Afterward, she says, he put his sunglasses on and told her to get some ice for her swollen lips before leaving the room.

...Two of Broaddrickā€™s friends who had also attended the nursing conference found Broaddrick in tears, her lips swollen and blue. She told them what had happened but made them swear not to tell anyone else. She was scared of retaliation, didnā€™t think anyone would believe her, and blamed herself for allowing Clinton to come up to her room.


Broaddrick knows the exact day and location of her assault. She has two witnesses who found her in tears with a swollen lip.

She told them what happened.

It's true that she didn't come forward publicly with this story for another 20 years, but she wasn't completely silent for those two decades.

What's more, she had a very compelling reason to keep quiet all those years. Clinton was a powerful man at the time of the attack, and only became more powerful as time went on.

Also, according to Broaddrick, Clinton's own wife had threatened her in a thinly veiled way.

Finally, adding even more credibility to Broaddrick's account, Clinton has been accused by multiple women.

There is an established pattern of behavior.

He is a known liar and a known pervert. Broaddrick's story is not only detailed, not only corroborated by two people who witnessed the immediate aftermath of the attack, but it fits into the overall picture of Bill Clinton. Credible?

Broaddrick's case is far more than credible. It's overwhelming. She leaves you no conceivable reason to disbelieve her.

To side with Bill Clinton is to trust the word of a pathological liar and notorious womanizer over the detailed account of a woman who has gained absolutely nothing from telling her story.

This whole not knowing where or when BUT remembering they were imbibing and other specific details is really really making me think itā€™s all a bunch of BS, or at best she THINKS something may have happened but doesnā€™t really know and thatā€™s why the details are fuzzy bc when youā€™re intoxicated sometimes you end up doing things you wouldnā€™t normally do, like make out with a boy or boys, and maybe she felt violated even though nothing else happened...

Itā€™s too convenient for her to not remember the where and when. He canā€™t adequately defend himself if she doesnā€™t give a date. No need to get an alibi without a date to account for. The best he can do is get people close to him to vouch for him, which isnā€™t much help at all.

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