Martial Law In Canada

Heaven forbid you get those from Iran or other terrorist nations into your country. Now it looks like a conservative might be living in Canada! You can sic yours Prime Minister on him and freeze his bank account and steal his dog.

What a stupid post, but then you're not one of God's brighter lights.

The only "terrorists" we have coming into Canada, are the right wing terrorists from the USA, who claimed they weren't going to leave Ottawa until Trudeau is gone. Their state intention is the overthrow the duly elected Canadian government.

The people in the convoy are not "conservatives". The are radicalized anti-government shills for Russia, Iran and China, just as Trump is a shill for Russia, Iran and China. All of his foreign policies and trade enabled and emboldened both China and Russia, and harmed the USA.

We have more REAL conservatives in Canada, than you have in the USA. Trump voters are not "conservatives" at all. They are fascist white supremacists. There is nothing "conservative" in their values, or their ideology. There is authoritarianism, racism, and suppression of the wishes of the people. Conservatives don't run up the deficit, nor do they suppress women's rights.

The government of Canada was elected by the people of Canada. So keep your radicalized terrorism at home. We shut it down. We'll do it again. We have no patience for your kind of politics up here. Government is supposed to run your country efficiently and smoothly. It's not some cage match to the death.

Destroy your own country, and leave ours alone.
What a stupid post, but then you're not one of God's brighter lights.

The only "terrorists" we have coming into Canada, are the right wing terrorists from the USA, who claimed they weren't going to leave Ottawa until Trudeau is gone. Their state intention is the overthrow the duly elected Canadian government.

The people in the convoy are not "conservatives". The are radicalized anti-government shills for Russia, Iran and China, just as Trump is a shill for Russia, Iran and China. All of his foreign policies and trade enabled and emboldened both China and Russia, and harmed the USA.

We have more REAL conservatives in Canada, than you have in the USA. Trump voters are not "conservatives" at all. They are fascist white supremacists. There is nothing "conservative" in their values, or their ideology. There is authoritarianism, racism, and suppression of the wishes of the people. Conservatives don't run up the deficit, nor do they suppress women's rights.

The government of Canada was elected by the people of Canada. So keep your radicalized terrorism at home. We shut it down. We'll do it again. We have no patience for your kind of politics up here. Government is supposed to run your country efficiently and smoothly. It's not some cage match to the death.

Destroy your own country, and leave ours alone.
Paranoid much?

What a stupid post, but then you're not one of God's brighter lights.

The only "terrorists" we have coming into Canada, are the right wing terrorists from the USA, who claimed they weren't going to leave Ottawa until Trudeau is gone. Their state intention is the overthrow the duly elected Canadian government.

The people in the convoy are not "conservatives". The are radicalized anti-government shills for Russia, Iran and China, just as Trump is a shill for Russia, Iran and China. All of his foreign policies and trade enabled and emboldened both China and Russia, and harmed the USA.

We have more REAL conservatives in Canada, than you have in the USA. Trump voters are not "conservatives" at all. They are fascist white supremacists. There is nothing "conservative" in their values, or their ideology. There is authoritarianism, racism, and suppression of the wishes of the people. Conservatives don't run up the deficit, nor do they suppress women's rights.

The government of Canada was elected by the people of Canada. So keep your radicalized terrorism at home. We shut it down. We'll do it again. We have no patience for your kind of politics up here. Government is supposed to run your country efficiently and smoothly. It's not some cage match to the death.

Destroy your own country, and leave ours alone.
Follow your own advice, destroy your own country and leave ours alone and I'll do the same, do we have an agreement?
Follow your own advice, destroy your own country and leave ours alone and I'll do the same, do we have an agreement?

I have never condoned illegal activities, not on behalf of demonstrators, nor on the part of the government. Added to which, this insanity just confirms WHY I'm here giving you loons facts, not political bullshit. Because everything you fools do, has implications for the rest of the world.

I'm neither donating money nor time to American political causes. Nor am I participating in demonstrations outside of my home country. You're actively encouraging people to break the law to undermine the legally elected government of Canada, just as you are trying to undermine the legally elected government of the USA with your support of the anti-democratic, fascist Republican Party of Donald Trump.
No, not at all. You seem to think that right wing American terrorists are welcome throughout the world. Your belief that these thugs are "patriots" shows just how much you've been radicalized.
One behind every tree in Canuckland.....they tell me.
I have never condoned illegal activities, not on behalf of demonstrators, nor on the part of the government. Added to which, this insanity just confirms WHY I'm here giving you loons facts, not political bullshit. Because everything you fools do, has implications for the rest of the world.

I'm neither donating money nor time to American political causes. Nor am I participating in demonstrations outside of my home country. You're actively encouraging people to break the law to undermine the legally elected government of Canada, just as you are trying to undermine the legally elected government of the USA with your support of the anti-democratic, fascist Republican Party of Donald Trump.
Go ahead fact teller, what have I done to undermine my government? Go ahead, you claim you you only deal in facts so now here is your big chance. What have I done to undermine my government? Wait, you may run if you can't provide evidence, you do that as well, especially if you are caught lying.
What a stupid post, but then you're not one of God's brighter lights.

The only "terrorists" we have coming into Canada, are the right wing terrorists from the USA, who claimed they weren't going to leave Ottawa until Trudeau is gone. Their state intention is the overthrow the duly elected Canadian government.

The people in the convoy are not "conservatives". The are radicalized anti-government shills for Russia, Iran and China, just as Trump is a shill for Russia, Iran and China. All of his foreign policies and trade enabled and emboldened both China and Russia, and harmed the USA.

We have more REAL conservatives in Canada, than you have in the USA. Trump voters are not "conservatives" at all. They are fascist white supremacists. There is nothing "conservative" in their values, or their ideology. There is authoritarianism, racism, and suppression of the wishes of the people. Conservatives don't run up the deficit, nor do they suppress women's rights.

The government of Canada was elected by the people of Canada. So keep your radicalized terrorism at home. We shut it down. We'll do it again. We have no patience for your kind of politics up here. Government is supposed to run your country efficiently and smoothly. It's not some cage match to the death.

Destroy your own country, and leave ours alone.
Please. Just STFU. You’re embarrassing yourself with just how stupid and uninformed you are. Crying “white supremacists” marks you an uneducated moron. There is no desire to “overthrow the government” you stupid Nazi. The fact that you support Turdeau freezing bank accounts, stealing pets and children, using UN and Canadian police as a Gestapo, and trampling elderly indigenous women with horses makes you as big a piece of shit as he is.
Please. Just STFU. You’re embarrassing yourself with just how stupid and uninformed you are. Crying “white supremacists” marks you an uneducated moron. There is no desire to “overthrow the government” you stupid Nazi. The fact that you support Turdeau freezing bank accounts, stealing pets and children, using UN and Canadian police as a Gestapo, and trampling elderly indigenous women with horses makes you as big a piece of shit as he is.

Everything you just posted is a lie. No one was trampled to death. The right wing media is lying to you again.

The government of Canada was elected by the Canadian people, and they were carrying out the wishes of the Canadian people in ending the blockade, few of whom support the idiot truckers. These are the same mental deviats and malcontents who were radicalized online, and who attacked the US Capitol. A few of my neighbours are sympathizers. One is bi-polar and a recovering opiod addict. The other belongs to a church whose pastor told them they were being injected with GPS trackers with the vaccine.
Everything you just posted is a lie. No one was trampled to death. The right wing media is lying to you again.

The government of Canada was elected by the Canadian people, and they were carrying out the wishes of the Canadian people in ending the blockade, few of whom support the idiot truckers.
These are the same mental deviats and malcontents who were radicalized online, and who attacked the US Capitol. A few of my neighbours are sympathizers. One is bi-polar and a recovering opiod addict. The other belongs to a church whose pastor told them they were being injected with GPS trackers with the vaccine.
It was corrected.

So you support seizing finances and not being able to buy groceries, pay rent or bills?

How Hitler of you.
Everything you just posted is a lie. No one was trampled to death. The right wing media is lying to you again.

The government of Canada was elected by the Canadian people, and they were carrying out the wishes of the Canadian people in ending the blockade, few of whom support the idiot truckers. These are the same mental deviats and malcontents who were radicalized online, and who attacked the US Capitol. A few of my neighbours are sympathizers. One is bi-polar and a recovering opiod addict. The other belongs to a church whose pastor told them they were being injected with GPS trackers with the vaccine.
That woman is in the hospital you lying bitch. I said she was trampled. Which she was.

No, the wishes of the people were not carried out. Just wishes of Nazi morons like YOU. Denigrating your neighbors with slanderous allegations to try to hide your disgusting views. You approve of bank accounts frozen, elderly people abused by police, stealing people’s animal stolen and children. Your whole post is just one big pile of bullshit. As usual.
It was corrected.

So you support seizing finances and not being able to buy groceries, pay rent or bills?

How Hitler of you.

I support obeying the law. The people who are having their bank accounts seized, not only broke the law, they were given 4 days to pack up and go home, before anybody did ANYTHING to them. And still they stayed. Fines for breaking the law under these circumstances could well be called "stupid taxes" because only stupid people are paying them.

The problem is the people who think that the laws don't apply to their white asses, are the same fools carrying Trump flags in a country where 80% of the people think Donald Trump is a stupid asshole.

They're complaining about vaccine and mask mandates in a country which is 90% vaccinated.

They're complaining about lockdowns in a country that had already announced dates when lockdowns were ending.

How very stupid of you.

I guess you only believe in obeying laws you like. Please be reminded that nobody in Canada appointed these truckers to speak for us, but we all had an election last fall and we ELECTED Justin Trudeau to be our Prime Minister.

You don't see or hear a lot of Canadians complaining that these fools have been shut down.
I support obeying the law. The people who are having their bank accounts seized, not only broke the law, they were given 4 days to pack up and go home, before anybody did ANYTHING to them. And still they stayed. Fines for breaking the law under these circumstances could well be called "stupid taxes" because only stupid people are paying them.

The problem is the people who think that the laws don't apply to their white asses, are the same fools carrying Trump flags in a country where 80% of the people think Donald Trump is a stupid asshole.

They're complaining about vaccine and mask mandates in a country which is 90% vaccinated.

They're complaining about lockdowns in a country that had already announced dates when lockdowns were ending.

How very stupid of you.

I guess you only believe in obeying laws you like. Please be reminded that nobody in Canada appointed these truckers to speak for us, but we all had an election last fall and we ELECTED Justin Trudeau to be our Prime Minister.

You don't see or hear a lot of Canadians complaining that these fools have been shut down.
The protesters were obeying the law, until Trudeau changed the law. You swallowed like a cheap whore.
I support obeying the law. The people who are having their bank accounts seized, not only broke the law, they were given 4 days to pack up and go home, before anybody did ANYTHING to them. And still they stayed. Fines for breaking the law under these circumstances could well be called "stupid taxes" because only stupid people are paying them.

The problem is the people who think that the laws don't apply to their white asses, are the same fools carrying Trump flags in a country where 80% of the people think Donald Trump is a stupid asshole.

They're complaining about vaccine and mask mandates in a country which is 90% vaccinated.

They're complaining about lockdowns in a country that had already announced dates when lockdowns were ending.

How very stupid of you.

I guess you only believe in obeying laws you like. Please be reminded that nobody in Canada appointed these truckers to speak for us, but we all had an election last fall and we ELECTED Justin Trudeau to be our Prime Minister.

You don't see or hear a lot of Canadians complaining that these fools have been shut down.

Well aren't you the stupid fucking asshole. Your analogy doesn't even apply in this case. You don't have a class for "stupid people". Of course, then it would read "Then they came for the stupid people, and since I was a stupid person, I was fucked!"

Nobody "came" for anyone here. The Trucker Convoy went to Ottawa all on their own. Where they pissed on the National War Memorial, demanded food from homeless shelters, and attacked people who were wearing masks, while brandishing the Nazi flag you're so proud of.

The trucker claimed to be speaking for "all Canadians" but that's a lie. We had an election in Canada last fall, and Canadians elected Justin Trudeau to be our Prime Minister. Apparently the truckers didn't like this result. So they went to Ottawa to get rid of Trudeau.

90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated. 90% of the Canadian people are vaccinated. Who exactly are these people representing??? Not the Canadian people who elected Trudeau Prime Minister last fall. Not the 90% of us who are vaccinated.
Well aren't you the stupid fucking asshole. Your analogy doesn't even apply in this case. You don't have a class for "stupid people". Of course, then it would read "Then they came for the stupid people, and since I was a stupid person, I was fucked!"

Nobody "came" for anyone here. The Trucker Convoy went to Ottawa all on their own. Where they pissed on the National War Memorial, demanded food from homeless shelters, and attacked people who were wearing masks, while brandishing the Nazi flag you're so proud of.

The trucker claimed to be speaking for "all Canadians" but that's a lie. We had an election in Canada last fall, and Canadians elected Justin Trudeau to be our Prime Minister. Apparently the truckers didn't like this result. So they went to Ottawa to get rid of Trudeau.

90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated. 90% of the Canadian people are vaccinated. Who exactly are these people representing??? Not the Canadian people who elected Trudeau Prime Minister last fall. Not the 90% of us who are vaccinated.
I'd say the analogy fits like a glove.
Posting etiquette not one of your finer points, I see.
Well aren't you the stupid fucking asshole. Your analogy doesn't even apply in this case. You don't have a class for "stupid people". Of course, then it would read "Then they came for the stupid people, and since I was a stupid person, I was fucked!"

Nobody "came" for anyone here. The Trucker Convoy went to Ottawa all on their own. Where they pissed on the National War Memorial, demanded food from homeless shelters, and attacked people who were wearing masks, while brandishing the Nazi flag you're so proud of.

The trucker claimed to be speaking for "all Canadians" but that's a lie. We had an election in Canada last fall, and Canadians elected Justin Trudeau to be our Prime Minister. Apparently the truckers didn't like this result. So they went to Ottawa to get rid of Trudeau.

90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated. 90% of the Canadian people are vaccinated. Who exactly are these people representing??? Not the Canadian people who elected Trudeau Prime Minister last fall. Not the 90% of us who are vaccinated.
Got links for any of that? I have been following this. Any link would be appreciated.
Well aren't you the stupid fucking asshole. Your analogy doesn't even apply in this case. You don't have a class for "stupid people". Of course, then it would read "Then they came for the stupid people, and since I was a stupid person, I was fucked!"

Nobody "came" for anyone here. The Trucker Convoy went to Ottawa all on their own. Where they pissed on the National War Memorial, demanded food from homeless shelters, and attacked people who were wearing masks, while brandishing the Nazi flag you're so proud of.

The trucker claimed to be speaking for "all Canadians" but that's a lie. We had an election in Canada last fall, and Canadians elected Justin Trudeau to be our Prime Minister. Apparently the truckers didn't like this result. So they went to Ottawa to get rid of Trudeau.

90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated. 90% of the Canadian people are vaccinated. Who exactly are these people representing??? Not the Canadian people who elected Trudeau Prime Minister last fall. Not the 90% of us who are vaccinated.
You want a “stupid fucking asshole” just look in a mirror. The truckers did NONE of what you lie about. You’re just disgusting Nazi pig.
Trudeau is a Prime Minister to Queen Elizabeth II. He doesn't have to have support from the people. At this point he is a dictator. This is the exact reason the Founders of America fought to be independent from the Crown.
The Queen's Role
As in all her realms, The Queen of Canada is a constitutional monarch, acting entirely on the advice of Canadian Government ministers.

While the Constitution Act (1867) places executive power in The Queen, in practice this power is exercised by the prime minister and his or her ministers. The governor general acts on the advice of the head of government but has the right to advise, encourage and warn. As such, the governor general can offer valued counsel to the prime minister. The governor general also holds certain reserve powers, thereby acting as a democratic safeguard in Canada.


Australia is one of the easiest places in the world to depose a sitting prime minister compared to other countries with a Westminster system of government, political experts say.
Griffith University emeritus professor Patrick Weller said Australia is too trigger happy in replacing prime ministers, which has led to a revolving door of political leadership.

While other countries with a Westminster system such as the UK, New Zealand and Canada can remove a prime minister in a leadership ballot, more processes are in place to ensure it is difficult to do so.


Difficult, but not impossible if there were to be enough support for such an action.

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