Mark Cuban coming up on Fox News. He's been on quite a great amount lately...what's his angle?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Anyone? He must have an angle to be on Fox so often.

2024? Is he waiting in the wings if Biden falters? Is he a Republican or Democrat? Would he run as a third option to try and siphon some votes from Trump? My guess would be 2024 as a Democrat, and he feels he can flip Texas then.

I used to respect his energy on the sidelines, however, his open avoidance of talking about China is a concern if he runs for any office in the future. I get it, his response to a question from Hannity about China he sort of laughed it and said to Hannity in a "come on man, you know that's a low blow" as he has to consider his franchise and the league as a whole. However, that's not what anyone should want in a leader, especially now when the stakes are so high.
I watch Cuban and fellow investors on Shark Tank. Regarding manufactured items they're often harping on getting cost down, which I take is reference to outsourcing production to China.
Mark Cuban is an extremely smart, extremely successful attention whore. He has a long standing feud with Donald Trump and I think in his mind is thinking "If Trump can be President I know I can do it". He is probably thinking 2024 rather than 2020.
I watch Cuban and fellow investors on Shark Tank. Regarding manufactured items they're often harping on getting cost down, which I take is reference to outsourcing production to China.

Not just take it, they're wide open about outsourcing to China, it's the first thing out of their mouths to bring costs down.

Cuban is an interesting guy. Real smart. I can't say what his angle is, but he strikes me having high standards.
Just watched and Cuban, much like Biden, had little to say about how he would handle the violence coming from the protests. Cuban wouldn't stand a chance at running for POTUS. He can pander all he wants, but in the end by democrats he'd be viewed as just another rich white guy. TRUMP was able to win as an outsider solely because he fought back against the personal attacks. Cuban would fall for the "take the high road" McCain and Romney losing strategy.
What's his angle?

He doesn't know.



He's wandering around looking for something to do. "Hey, I should give Fox News a call see what they have been up to".

It's funny because he did look particularly disheveled and bewildered this morning, as if he didn't want to be there. Maybe he pre-paid for a certain number of appearances to market his future campaign and they treat him like the cable guy "here are the available time slots, we will call you on 5 minutes notice and give you a time of our choosing" haha.

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