Marine who appeared with Trump at rally after rescuing baby in Kabul has been placed under investigation by the US military


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
One Marine thrown in the brig.

Now another Marine under investigation.

God, the radical left is getting pathetic.

No, scratch that. The radical left is getting psychotically, insanely deranged.
Actually RETARD I am a retired Marine. The LCpl did nothing against the UCMJ or political. There is absolutely no reason to investigate. The story is clear on that.
First off, the story is from fucking Newsmax, so it's most likely bullshit, secondly, someones CO can investigate anyone if they think the circumstances warrant it, so stop shitting your pants.

You believe Newsmax if you want to.
The military will split apart just like the civilians. After the persecutions, the purges and the covid discharges we will have no more than an ineffective skeleton of our former fighting force. Whoever wants to exert force will find no opposition.
The military will split apart just like the civilians. After the persecutions, the purges and the covid discharges we will have no more than an ineffective skeleton of our former fighting force. Whoever wants to exert force will find no opposition.
I know a lot of well trained Veterans who are ready and will not take the genocide juice shot.
I know a lot of well trained Veterans who are ready and will not take the genocide juice shot.
The Pentagon is expecting 800,000 dishonorable discharges over covid. How many will be purged as white nationalists?

If Washington DC intends to replace the American fighting force with Hatians and Central Americans, who have no loyalty to this country, they will find out what happened to Rome.
That is Lance Cpl Hunter Clark, and it has been confirmed he was not the same soldier who lifted the baby over the wall at Kabul airport.

As he is a Marine and Lance Corporal, he is not any kind of "Soldier".

And the phrasing used by the DoD is very, questionable. He never actually claimed that was him, but that he was one of those involved. Specifically, the one that the baby was then handed to. And even the DoD admitted that was not the only baby handed off in that way.

It would be like saying that Private Phil Ward was not one of those raising the flag over Iwo Jima.
The Pentagon is expecting 800,000 dishonorable discharges over covid. How many will be purged as white nationalists?

If Washington DC intends to replace the American fighting force with Hatians and Central Americans, who have no loyalty to this country, they will find out what happened to Rome.
You have a link for that? Im calling Shenanigans. If they DD 800k service members it would degrade our defense capability far too much. No way they let that happen. That would be a 1/3 of all service members, active and reserve including the Coasties.
God, the radical left is getting pathetic.

No, scratch that. The radical left is getting psychotically, insanely deranged.

You got that right. When it comes to anything GOP, you better dot every i and cross every T. You will be investigated right down to your socks for the slightest infraction. But when it comes to the Left and their democrats, the law takes a vacation! They break the law FLAGRANTLY and it just gets quietly swept under the rug.

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