Maria Butina’s plea is the worst news ever for Trump


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
Trumpeter's Trumpists, Trumpian's, Deplorables and MAGA hat wearers, are you tired of winning yet?

Donald Trump's dirt's dirt has dirt on it too. Trumpery is leaving a big smelly stain wherever it shows itself.

The Russians were playing Donald Trump like a grand piano and using the craniums of NRA and the GOP has percussion instruments.

Trump and the GOP were expressing their gratitude to the Russians and were being set up to be beholden to Putin.

The following quote summarizes it succinctly: "Trump, whose approval ratings as of a poll by CNN this week stand at 39 percent, may have supporters, but he has a diminishing list of friends. He has lost numerous members of his cabinet to either scandal or resignation. His White House staff is in complete disarray. Not even Nick Ayers, the 36-year-old chief of staff to Trump’s Vice President, would agree to replace departing chief of staff John Kelly. He’s holding onto his support among Republicans in the house and senate only because of their fear that his rabid right wing supporters will turn on them. And now he’s lost the one friend among world leaders he could count on, Russian president Putin."

Maria Butina’s plea is the worst news ever for Trump

Maria Butina’s plea is the worst news ever for Trump
What the Russian spy’s guilty plea tells us about Trump’s chances of surviving Mueller’s investigation

DECEMBER 13, 2018 12:00AM (UTC)
A report this week by NBC News that suspected Russian spy Maria Butina will plead guilty to violating laws regarding government agents operating within the United States is the worst news Donald Trump has faced in months, but not for the reason many think.
Butina will reportedly admit to conspiring with a Russian official believed to be Alexander Torshin "to establish unofficial lines of communication with Americans having power and influence over U.S. politics . . . for the benefit of the Russian Federation" (Torshin recently retired from being a deputy director of the Russian central bank). She will also admit to attempting to influence the National Rifle Association and “Political Party 1,” believed to be the Republican Party. Butina will admit to setting up a meeting between senior officials of the NRA and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in December 2015, in the early months of the Trump campaign. She later reported to Torshin, “We should let them express their gratitude now, we will put pressure on them quietly later.”
Butina has been indicted by the U.S. Attorney of the District of Columbia, whose investigation was separate from that of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, so you would think that would come as good news to Trump. But Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was also charged by the D.C. U.S. attorney and the for the Eastern District of Virginia as well, and it is known that Mueller has been cooperating with the U.S. attorneys for D.C., Eastern Virginia, and the Southern District of New York as well. So the fact that Butina is pleading guilty and agreeing to cooperate means that Mueller will be a beneficiary of what she knows about Russian influence in the election of 2016. But even that isn’t the worst news Trump got this week.
No, what Trump should really be worrying about is what Butina’s guilty plea says about his friend Vladimir Putin in Russia. Butina was obviously operating as an intelligence agent of the Russian state, and she wouldn’t be agreeing to plead guilty and cooperate with investigators for Mueller or anyone else if she hadn’t been given the go-ahead by her bosses back in Moscow. Butina faces a sentence of zero to six months under the federal statute she was charged with, and even if she ends up serving time, she will be deported immediately upon her release from prison.
Marina Butina wouldn’t have anyplace to go in Russia if her handlers at the Kremlin hadn’t told her it was okay to tell U.S. prosecutors everything she knows about how her attempt to influence American politics worked from 2015 through 2016. If Putin has decided to cut Butina loose, he’s cutting Trump loose as well.
Trump, whose approval ratings as of a poll by CNN this week stand at 39 percent, may have supporters, but he has a diminishing list of friends. He has lost numerous members of his cabinet to either scandal or resignation. His White House staff is in complete disarray. Not even Nick Ayers, the 36-year-old chief of staff to Trump’s Vice President, would agree to replace departing chief of staff John Kelly. He’s holding onto his support among Republicans in the house and senate only because of their fear that his rabid right wing supporters will turn on them. And now he’s lost the one friend among world leaders he could count on, Russian president Putin — maybe Trump saw this coming, Putin didn’t exactly go out of his way to give him the love at the recent G-20 summit in Argentina.
The beneficiary of all of this is of course Special Counsel Mueller. Sometimes it’s useful to take a moment to see how we find ourselves where we are today, so let’s have a look at how Robert Mueller got to be such a busy, busy man.
Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel flowed directly from Trump’s firing of James Comey on May 9, 2017. Comey had appeared before the House Intelligence Committee several weeks before, on March 20, and testified that the FBI had been running a criminal and counterintelligence investigation of “persons associated with the Trump campaign” since July of 2016.
When Comey testified later before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he refused to publicly clear Trump in the FBI investigation. He also dismissed Trump’s contention that the Democratic National Committee emails could have been hacked by “China, could’ve been a lot of different groups.”
“The intelligence community with high confidence concluded it was Russia,” Comey testified. He also refused to answer several questions about whether Trump himself was under FBI investigation, leaving open the possibility that the president himself might be a focus of the investigation.
Angered by Comey’s refusal to clear him in the FBI Russia investigation, Trump met with aides later that week at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, and concocted a letter justifying the firing of Comey. After meeting with White House Counsel Don McGahn, Trump arranged with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for a letter justifying the firing of Comey.
The next day, May 9, Trump fired Comey, citing Rosenstein’s letter critical of Comey’s handling of the announcements of the investigations of Hillary Clinton’s email server. The following day, Trump met in the Oval Office with Russian Ambassador Kislyak and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Kislyak was already known to be a focus of the Russia investigation because of Flynn’s conversation with him on December 29 about lifting Russian sanctions. No American reporters or photographers were allowed into the meeting with the Russians. Russian media present in the Oval Office later reported that Trump had told the two Russian diplomats, “I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” The sources said Trump also told the Russians, “I am not under investigation.”
On May 11, Trump gave an interview to NBC News anchor Lester Holt and blew up the entire edifice his aides had spent two days building around Comey’s firing, discounting the Justice department’s reasons entirely: “Regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey, knowing there was no good time to do it. And in fact, when I decided to do it, I said to myself, I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.”
One week later, on May 16, Trump interviewed former FBI Director Robert Mueller about taking the job of FBI director again. The very next day, Rosenstein appointed Mueller as Special Counsel in the Russia investigation.
Last week, sentencing memos were filed on former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn. And this week, Maria Butina agreed to plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors.
With all of the guilty pleas and sentencings in court this week, speculation has been flying that Special Counsel Mueller is reaching the end of his investigation. Don’t believe it. The Washington Post reported this week that 14 Trump friends, associates, and campaign and transition officials had contacts with Russians during the 18 months of his campaign.
Every single one of them lied about Russia. They started out by flatly denying they had any contacts at all with any Russians. Then they admitted they had a few, but the contacts were innocuous. When numerous meetings with Russians came to light, they said the contacts didn’t amount to anything. When it turned out the contacts were serious, they began denying there had been any “collusion” with the Russians. Trump made it a refrain, that there had been “no collusion” with Russians during the many times he now had to admit his people had met with them.
Robert Mueller, who has indicted and/or taken guilty pleas from 33 individuals and at least three companies, is turning from indictments of Russians to indictments of their American counterparts. He is focusing his investigation not on “collusion,” but on conspiracy to defraud the United States of America. That’s what he indicted 13 Russians who worked for the Russian troll factory, the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg: conspiracy “to defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful functions of the government through fraud and deceit for the purpose of interfering with the U.S. political and electoral processes, including the presidential election of 2016.”
Mueller indicted 12 Russian military intelligence agents for “Conspiracy to Commit an Offense against the United States” by hacking into Democratic Party emails and to “stage releases of the stolen documents to interfere with the 2016 presidential election.” He accused the Russians of using false identities and making false statements to hide their connections to “Russia and the Russian government.”
Mueller has been after a conspiracy between Trump and the Trump campaign and the Russian government all along. And he’s using fraud and conspiracy statutes under the U.S. Code to do it.
Mueller is going to connect Donald Trump and his campaign directly to the government of Vladimir Putin. This week, with the guilty plea of his agent Maria Butina, Putin appears ready to help him.
Robert Mueller has never cared about “collusion.” All he has cared about is breaking the law, which Donald Trump has done plenty of. Trump can tweet all he wants, but he can’t stop the big truck coming straight at him driven by Robert Mueller. ...

Don't make Denizen's head explode with dissonance. It's got to be Sesame Street simple or the Trump resistance doesn't get it. She needed to register. It's not illegal to do business with Russia.

We have some ex US INTEL chiefs working with Russians at private world-wide security firms. It's only when they attempt to influence US govt agencies that they need to register. Doesn't mean she was a "spy" of any type.
Earlier a s owflake created a thread with the thread title admitting that Butina admitted to working with the Russians to TARGET the GOP and NRA in a scam, as in duping them ... Much like snowflakes were duped by Russia on social media into organizing and marching for them.

As the case earlier, snowflakes went on to contradict themselves by then claiming getting duped = actively knowingly siding with the Russians.

If that is the case then the snowflakes who organized and marched for the Russians are traitors who knowingly colluded with the Russians as well.
TDS victims keep shooting themselves in their collective feet. This case revolves around a Russian representative seeking better relations with Russia attending NRA rallies to try to meet republicans who want to improve international relations. The "conspiracy" was she committed the oversight of not registering as a foreign agent. But then again apparently hundreds of lobbyists in Washington DC do not register either. Cryin' Chuck Schumer is more of a foreign agent than that Ruskie.
There is the evidence of the fake Russian Conspiracy! Posing with guests at a public event. :p TDS knows no bounds folks.
Earlier a s owflake created a thread with the thread title admitting that Butina admitted to working with the Russians to TARGET the GOP and NRA in a scam, as in duping them ... Much like snowflakes were duped by Russia on social media into organizing and marching for them.

As the case earlier, snowflakes went on to contradict themselves by then claiming getting duped = actively knowingly siding with the Russians.

If that is the case then the snowflakes who organized and marched for the Russians are traitors who knowingly colluded with the Russians as well.

There are two type of dupes:

1. Unwilling dupes who are tricked into unlawful actions

2. Willing dupes who know they are being lied to but proceed with unlawful actions.

The GOP is full of willing dupes and Donald Trump is bullying them into compliance with Trump's wishes. Eventually, they will turn on Trump.
There are two type of dupes:

1. Unwilling dupes who are tricked into unlawful actions

2. Willing dupes who know they are being lied to but proceed with unlawful actions.

The GOP is full of willing dupes and Donald Trump is bullying them into compliance with Trump's wishes. Eventually, they will turn on Trump.
unlike with your claim, actHal evidence proves you are wrong.

Diane Feinstein was the ChiComm's enriched DUPE / traitor for decades.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was the willing dupe / espionage facilitator of terrorist-connected Pakistani spies

Hillary willingly took $145 million from the Russians for 20% of US Uranium

Obama was Putin's willing Dupe
- Caught on audio telling Medvedev to pass to Putin that he would be more flexible after his re-election...2 years later Obama gave Putin Crimea, 20% of the US supply of Uranium, Hillary's TOP SECRET data off if her illegal server, and a free hand for 2 years to interfere, hack, etc in the US

Violent liberal groups willingly took Russian cash in 2016 to spread racial lies, division, & violence

Democrats have been Putin's willing DUPE the last 2 years by continuing to wage this treasonous partisan coup, undermining the US Govt / President, dividing the nation

In 2016 snowflakes were DUPED through Social Media into organizing and marching for the Russians

Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, was willingly duped by terrorists as he dragged the US into 2 wars to HELP TERRORISTS - to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in 2001 .... And he committed an International War Crime by INVADING a sovereign nation without that nation's President's permission or request

Snowflakes were willingly duped by obediently getting behind the 2016 Presidential candidate hand-picked by the DNC, a criminal felon who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national secutiy, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and had to be GIVEN the nomination she could not win...
I've read two articles listing the facts as we know them, and the only thing that really interests me in her Goodwill Campaign is the possible NRA $$ conduit to Trump's campaign that was being investigated by the FBI. I don't know where that stands, but otherwise,
she seems to have been a bright young woman (with a life-long love of hunting and guns) who majored in poli sci and international relations and worked for some of Putin's inner circle. Being a political activist, she readily agreed to go and make positive contacts with high ranking Republicans here, since the Russian government had guessed that the best way to thaw relations between the US and Russia was through the conservatives. She failed to register, since technically she didn't work for the government.

Of course, the Russian government's entire goal here was to get sanctions lifted. They encouraged a friendly "thaw" among leaders and they didn't see Democrats being receptive to a Russian advance. So they "helped" the Republican party's candidate, Donald Trump.

Every piece of the puzzle fits together there and so far I'm not seeing anything alarming except that NRA/campaign contribution thing. Which would most certainly be a headache for Trump and the NRA. But that has nothing to do with what Maria Butina just pled to.
Butina was an agent of the Russian government who spent years developing contacts between the Kremlin and Republican legislators...using the NRA as a conduit.

Kinda gives ya a warm fuzzy about the GOP huh?
I've read two articles listing the facts as we know them, and the only thing that really interests me in her Goodwill Campaign is the possible NRA $$ conduit to Trump's campaign that was being investigated by the FBI. I don't know where that stands
If there was anything to it other than what the OP stated in his thread title - that she ADMITTED to working with Russians to TARGET the GOP and the NRA - we would have definitely heard about it by now. Mueller would be subpoenaing more Perjury Trap Victims, the 'fact' that 'We've got him this time' would have been leaked out by the Mueller team / FBI, and CNN would be starting off every news segment with how Trump has 'finally been busted'. :p

I especially find it humorous how snowflakes want the NRA investigated because of Russian Cash, they want Trump's associates investigated because of possible Russian cash, and they are excavating Trump's entire financial background to try to find and investigate Russian cash, but they have no desire whatsoever to investigate Hillary accepting $145 million from the Russians, Bill taking $500,00 from the Russians, Hillary Campaign manager John Podesta taking thousands of unreported Russian stocks, his brother Fat Tony being pad by / working for the KGB Bank and THE Russian spy agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails all while he was working as an unregistered agent for the Russians....


Of course, you really can't investigate John and Tony's business - much like with Hillary's Clinton Foundation, after Hillary lost...and the dossier scandal with Russian involvement was exposed....The Russians bailed on them, every client walked out, and no one wanted to be associated with them so the business collapsed and closed.
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What are you babbling about?

Butina spent years cultivating back channel relationships between Republican legislators sand the Kremlin using the NRA (among other entities).

The rest of your babbling is just that.

The GOP is corrupt from top to bottom
I've read two articles listing the facts as we know them, and the only thing that really interests me in her Goodwill Campaign is the possible NRA $$ conduit to Trump's campaign that was being investigated by the FBI. I don't know where that stands
If there was anything to it other than what the OP stated in his thread title - that she ADMITTED to working with Russians to TARGET the GOP and the NRA - we would have definitely heard about it by now. Mueller would be subpoenaing more Perjury Trap Victims, the 'fact' that 'We've got him this time' would have been leaked out by the Mueller team / FBI, and CNN would be starting off every news segment with how Trump has 'finally been busted'. :p

I especially find it humorous how snowflakes want the NRA investigated because of Russian Cash, they want Trump's associates investigated because of possible Russian cash, and they are excavating Trump's entire financial background to try to find and investigate Russian cash, but they have no desire whatsoever to investigate Hillary accepting $145 million from the Russians, Bill taking $500,00 from the Russians, Hillary Campaign manager John Podesta taking thousands of unreported Russian stocks, his brother Fat Tony being pad by / working for the KGB Bank and THE Russian spy agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails all while he was working as an unregistered agent for the Russians....


Of course, you really can't investigate John and Tony's business - much like with Hillary's Clinton Foundation, after Hillary lost...and the dossier scandal with Russian involvement was exposed....The Russians bailed on them, every client walked out, and no one wanted to be associated with them so the business collapsed and closed.

You should rush your evidence to the FBI. It's your civic duty.
I actually have sympathy for the members who take their talking points from CNN/MSNBC/DemUnderground/TPMemo and then get pretty much disemboweled in public for their ignorance.
If only it were so...they keep coming back to life...

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