Map of Ottoman Empire @ 1900's clearly shows, land NOT OWNED BY ARABS:

Not only was there no such country as "Palestine", in 1946, there had never been a country called Palestine. Before the British conquered Jerusalem, Palestine was a sub-province of the Ottoman Empire. (And after the British left, of course, Jordan and Egypt moved in to occupy Gaza and the West Bank.)

Totally wrong.
First of all there was ALWAYS a region known as Palestine, going back to around 5000 BC.
Second is that the British did not invade Palestine, but liberated it with the help of a local rebellion against the Ottoman Empire.
Third is that when the Palestinians helped the British they did so with the assurances of independence and sovereignty, which was formalized into law by the Treaty of Sevres in 1920.
So that is when the independent country of Palestine was legally recognized and can not be altered by invasion by Zionists.
Jordan and Egypt never took over but only acted as protectors and administrators.

The British were always Arabists.

Peter O‘Toole can attest to that.

You mean T.E. Lawrence I assume?

And there simply were almost no Jews in Palestine in 1916.

Census Group

I‘ve heard it all before.:gtssmiley2:

So then you must know that Israel has no justification to exist, and was forcibly made by the US, against the rights of the inhabitants of the Mideast?
I suggest you study inter-Arab wars if the use of force upsets you.

That is silly because inter-Arab wars are extremely rare.
There was a war between Iraq and Iran in 1979, but it was started by the urging of the US, and the Iranians are not Arab, but Persian.
If you go back before WWI, the whole area was controlled by the Ottoman Empire, which also it not Arabs.
If you go back before that, it was the Moghuls, who controlled and they also are not Arab.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.
The Romans called Israel “Palestine” after they conquered it.
If you don’t know this from a simple Google search then you are an idiot.
Romans originally called Israel “Judaea” signifying land of the Jews. Palaestina was a later name.
FACT:View attachment 32891 ARABS owned more than 90% of the land prior to partition. All the deflection, tap dancing, whining, coloring book maps and stamping of feet won't change the facts contained in the Survey of Palestine commissioned by the United Nations prior to partition:
Your chart does not show 90 percent it shows less then 2/3rds on taxes perhaps you can explain why if Arabs had 90 percent of the land they paid only a little less then twice as much as Jews in taxes?
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


Um, Syria also did not exist in 1915–Syria was created by France after World War 1, which ended in 1918. D’oh!

That is silly because Syria is ancient.
The modern name of Syria is claimed by some scholars to have derived from Herodotus’ habit of referring to the whole of Mesopotamia as 'Assyria' and, after the Assyrian Empire fell in 612 BCE, the western part continued to be called 'Assyria' until after the Seleucid Empire when it became known as 'Syria'. This theory has been contested by the claim that the name comes from Hebrew, and the people of the land were referred to as 'Siryons' by the Hebrews because of their soldiers' metal armor ('siryon' meaning armor, specifically chain mail, in Hebrew). There is also the theory that 'Syria' derives from the Siddonian name for Mount Hermon - 'Siryon' – which separated the regions of northern Eber Nari and southern Phoenicia (modern Lebanon, which Sidon was a part of), and it has also been suggested that the name comes from the Sumerian, 'Saria' which was their name for Mount Hermon. As the designations 'Siryon' and 'Saria' would not have been known to Herodotus, and as his Histories had such an enormous impact on later writers in antiquity, it is most likely that the modern name 'Syria' derives from 'Assyria' (which comes from the Akkadian 'Ashur' and designated the Assyrian’s chief deity) and not from the Hebrew, Siddonian, or Sumerian words.

Just look at the title on the map.
It obviously is real, untouched up, and validates the common names used for the regions.
The fact the Ottoman empire held both regions does not make these regions irrelevant.

As historian Bernard Lewis explains, Syria was a new political entity created after WW1 and dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.


Wow. Just wow. I have never witnessed anyone work so hard at erasing the Jewish people. The level of your commitment to this erasure is simply astonishing.

I am absolutely fascinated to hear that the Jewish/Hebrew people simply don't exist and that there is no evidence at all of them through any time in history. Simply fascinating.



  • 1590191241398.png
    31 KB · Views: 80

Wow. Just wow. I have never witnessed anyone work so hard at erasing the Jewish people. The level of your commitment to this erasure is simply astonishing.

I am absolutely fascinated to hear that the Jewish/Hebrew people simply don't exist and that there is no evidence at all of them through any time in history. Simply fascinating.

View attachment 339659

Jesus, Jesus’s family, 12 Apostles, including Peter, Paul, and Jesus’s followers weren’t really Jews—They were Hindus!
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.
The Romans called Israel “Palestine” after they conquered it.
If you don’t know this from a simple Google search then you are an idiot.

Totally wrong.
Israel had been defeated and destroyed many times, such as by the Assyrians and Babylonians.
cca. 720 BCE Kingdom of Israel conquered by Neo-Assyrian Empire. Local population deported, becoming the ten lost tribes, and the region is repopulated from other provinces of the Assyrian Empire.
4th century BCE
3rd century BCE
2nd century BCE
The Romans invaded Palestine when the Jews were no longer in power at all, and restored them to power as puppets. For example, Herod was crowned king of the Jews, but was actually a Roman who simply converted so that he could rule.
And after the Bar Kokhba revolt , the Jews were totally eliminated from Palestine.
They went to what is now Saudi Arabia, and later helped Mohammad rise to power there.

If you are claiming there was a long standing Jewish kingdom on history, you would be wrong.
There was only a very fleeting dynasty that the Romans took advantage of to temporarily restore.
Jewish history is fairly insignificant really.
Jews did much better when they were not in charge, and instead concentrated on technological advancements instead of just killing people.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.
The Romans called Israel “Palestine” after they conquered it.
If you don’t know this from a simple Google search then you are an idiot.

Totally wrong.
Israel had been defeated and destroyed many times, such as by the Assyrians and Babylonians.
cca. 720 BCE Kingdom of Israel conquered by Neo-Assyrian Empire. Local population deported, becoming the ten lost tribes, and the region is repopulated from other provinces of the Assyrian Empire.
4th century BCE
3rd century BCE
2nd century BCE
The Romans invaded Palestine when the Jews were no longer in power at all, and restored them to power as puppets. For example, Herod was crowned king of the Jews, but was actually a Roman who simply converted so that he could rule.
And after the Bar Kokhba revolt , the Jews were totally eliminated from Palestine.
They went to what is now Saudi Arabia, and later helped Mohammad rise to power there.

If you are claiming there was a long standing Jewish kingdom on history, you would be wrong.
There was only a very fleeting dynasty that the Romans took advantage of to temporarily restore.
Jewish history is fairly insignificant really.
Jews did much better when they were not in charge, and instead concentrated on technological advancements instead of just killing people.

Palestine never existed. Get over it.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.

Palestine is a European name, like Terra Sancta. It wasn‘t a Middle Eastern name. It’s an English word, anglicized from the Roman name “palaestina” imposed on Jews, referring to Jews’ Philistine foes from the Greek world.

Neither the map I posted nor the map you posted has a political entity named “palestine.” It didn’t exist in the Middle East until Britain nicknamed the Mandate “palestine“ which ceased to exist with Israeli statehood.

Renowned Middle East historian Bernard Lewis further explains...

View attachment 339656

The name Palestine is NOT even remotely Roman or modern, but ancient and is referenced by Egyptians and Greeks before 2000 BC.

Sure it is not referenced as a country as much as a region, but it also does come from the names of specific countries in the Land of Canaan, like Filestia and Philistina.

And while your quoted material is correct that the region Palestine was to be liberated as an independent country in return for Arab help against the Ottoman Empire, there was no Israel or even a significant Jewish presence in Palestine at the time.

So clearly then the immigration of European Jews from 1930 onward, as well as the UN dividing Palestine into 55% Israel, was totally illegal. It is in violation of the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres,
And even if one were to recognize Israeli statehood, that would not at all alter the previous and superior claim of Palestine to the other 45% of the Palestine of the British Mandate for Palestine.
The UN would have no right or authority to dissolve the previous claim.
Nor did it.
The UN intended for a 2 state solution, which Israel is in violation of.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.
The Romans called Israel “Palestine” after they conquered it.
If you don’t know this from a simple Google search then you are an idiot.

Totally wrong.
Israel had been defeated and destroyed many times, such as by the Assyrians and Babylonians.
cca. 720 BCE Kingdom of Israel conquered by Neo-Assyrian Empire. Local population deported, becoming the ten lost tribes, and the region is repopulated from other provinces of the Assyrian Empire.
4th century BCE
3rd century BCE
2nd century BCE
The Romans invaded Palestine when the Jews were no longer in power at all, and restored them to power as puppets. For example, Herod was crowned king of the Jews, but was actually a Roman who simply converted so that he could rule.
And after the Bar Kokhba revolt , the Jews were totally eliminated from Palestine.
They went to what is now Saudi Arabia, and later helped Mohammad rise to power there.

If you are claiming there was a long standing Jewish kingdom on history, you would be wrong.
There was only a very fleeting dynasty that the Romans took advantage of to temporarily restore.
Jewish history is fairly insignificant really.
Jews did much better when they were not in charge, and instead concentrated on technological advancements instead of just killing people.

Palestine never existed. Get over it.

That is just a lie.
The Treaties of San Remo and Sevres created Palestine as in independent state, that no one can change.

Wow. Just wow. I have never witnessed anyone work so hard at erasing the Jewish people. The level of your commitment to this erasure is simply astonishing.

I am absolutely fascinated to hear that the Jewish/Hebrew people simply don't exist and that there is no evidence at all of them through any time in history. Simply fascinating.

View attachment 339660

So prove where the Hebrew lived before they went to Egypt for 400 years?
It was not the Land of Canaan, not only because there is no trace of them there, but there also was no drought and no reason for anyone from the Land of Canaan to go to Egypt.

Wow. Just wow. I have never witnessed anyone work so hard at erasing the Jewish people. The level of your commitment to this erasure is simply astonishing.

I am absolutely fascinated to hear that the Jewish/Hebrew people simply don't exist and that there is no evidence at all of them through any time in history. Simply fascinating.

View attachment 339659

Jesus, Jesus’s family, 12 Apostles, including Peter, Paul, and Jesus’s followers weren’t really Jews—They were Hindus!

The fact the Romans installed some Jewish puppets, does not mean they have any legitimate claims or were near to any sort of majority. For example, if there were to many Jews in Palestine at the time, then why did the Roman Herod had to convert to Judaism in order to have a Jewish leader?
If Jews were a large or powerful group, they never would have accepted a convert like Herod as their leader.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.
The Romans called Israel “Palestine” after they conquered it.
If you don’t know this from a simple Google search then you are an idiot.

Totally wrong.
Israel had been defeated and destroyed many times, such as by the Assyrians and Babylonians.
cca. 720 BCE Kingdom of Israel conquered by Neo-Assyrian Empire. Local population deported, becoming the ten lost tribes, and the region is repopulated from other provinces of the Assyrian Empire.
4th century BCE
3rd century BCE
2nd century BCE
The Romans invaded Palestine when the Jews were no longer in power at all, and restored them to power as puppets. For example, Herod was crowned king of the Jews, but was actually a Roman who simply converte
And after the Bar Kokhba revolt , the Jews were totally eliminated from Palestine.
They went to what is now Saudi Arabia, and later helped Mohammad rise to power there.

If you are claiming there was a long standing Jewish kingdom on history, you would be wrong.
There was only a very fleeting dynasty that the Romans took advantage of to temporarily restore.
Jewish history is fairly insignificant really.
Jews did much better when they were not in charge, and instead concentrated on technological advancements instead of just killing people.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.

Palestine is a European name, like Terra Sancta. It wasn‘t a Middle Eastern name. It’s an English word, anglicized from the Roman name “palaestina” imposed on Jews, referring to Jews’ Philistine foes from the Greek world.

Neither the map I posted nor the map you posted has a political entity named “palestine.” It didn’t exist in the Middle East until Britain nicknamed the Mandate “palestine“ which ceased to exist with Israeli statehood.

Renowned Middle East historian Bernard Lewis further explains...

View attachment 339656

The name Palestine is NOT even remotely Roman or modern, but ancient and is referenced by Egyptians and Greeks before 2000 BC.

Sure it is not referenced as a country as much as a region, but it also does come from the names of specific countries in the Land of Canaan, like Filestia and Philistina.

And while your quoted material is correct that the region Palestine was to be liberated as an independent country in return for Arab help against the Ottoman Empire, there was no Israel or even a significant Jewish presence in Palestine at the time.

So clearly then the immigration of European Jews from 1930 onward, as well as the UN dividing Palestine into 55% Israel, was totally illegal. It is in violation of the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres,
And even if one were to recognize Israeli statehood, that would not at all alter the previous and superior claim of Palestine to the other 45% of the Palestine of the British Mandate for Palestine.
The UN would have no right or authority to dissolve the previous claim.
Nor did it.
The UN intended for a 2 state solution, which Israel is in violation of.

Palestine is not referenced in Egyptian records nor in Greek records. Greeks called the country Judea, signifying land of the Jews.

Palestine comes from Roman usage ⤵️

Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.
The Romans called Israel “Palestine” after they conquered it.
If you don’t know this from a simple Google search then you are an idiot.

Totally wrong.
Israel had been defeated and destroyed many times, such as by the Assyrians and Babylonians.
cca. 720 BCE Kingdom of Israel conquered by Neo-Assyrian Empire. Local population deported, becoming the ten lost tribes, and the region is repopulated from other provinces of the Assyrian Empire.
4th century BCE
3rd century BCE
2nd century BCE
The Romans invaded Palestine when the Jews were no longer in power at all, and restored them to power as puppets. For example, Herod was crowned king of the Jews, but was actually a Roman who simply converte
And after the Bar Kokhba revolt , the Jews were totally eliminated from Palestine.
They went to what is now Saudi Arabia, and later helped Mohammad rise to power there.

If you are claiming there was a long standing Jewish kingdom on history, you would be wrong.
There was only a very fleeting dynasty that the Romans took advantage of to temporarily restore.
Jewish history is fairly insignificant really.
Jews did much better when they were not in charge, and instead concentrated on technological advancements instead of just killing people.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.

Palestine is a European name, like Terra Sancta. It wasn‘t a Middle Eastern name. It’s an English word, anglicized from the Roman name “palaestina” imposed on Jews, referring to Jews’ Philistine foes from the Greek world.

Neither the map I posted nor the map you posted has a political entity named “palestine.” It didn’t exist in the Middle East until Britain nicknamed the Mandate “palestine“ which ceased to exist with Israeli statehood.

Renowned Middle East historian Bernard Lewis further explains...

View attachment 339656

The name Palestine is NOT even remotely Roman or modern, but ancient and is referenced by Egyptians and Greeks before 2000 BC.

Sure it is not referenced as a country as much as a region, but it also does come from the names of specific countries in the Land of Canaan, like Filestia and Philistina.

And while your quoted material is correct that the region Palestine was to be liberated as an independent country in return for Arab help against the Ottoman Empire, there was no Israel or even a significant Jewish presence in Palestine at the time.

So clearly then the immigration of European Jews from 1930 onward, as well as the UN dividing Palestine into 55% Israel, was totally illegal. It is in violation of the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres,
And even if one were to recognize Israeli statehood, that would not at all alter the previous and superior claim of Palestine to the other 45% of the Palestine of the British Mandate for Palestine.
The UN would have no right or authority to dissolve the previous claim.
Nor did it.
The UN intended for a 2 state solution, which Israel is in violation of.

Palestine is not referenced in Egyptian records nor in Greek records. Greeks called the country Judea, signifying land of the Jews.

Palestine comes from Roman usage ⤵

View attachment 339670

Totally wrong.
There are lots of ancient Geek and Egyptian references to Palestine.
The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt was in 5th century BCE Ancient Greece,[7][8] when Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" (Ancient Greek: Συρίη ἡ Παλαιστίνη καλεομένη)[9] in The Histories, which included the Judean mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley.[10][ii] Approximately a century later, Aristotle used a similar definition for the region in Meteorology, in which he included the Dead Sea.[12] Later Greek writers such as Polemon and Pausanias also used the term to refer to the same region, which was followed by Roman writers such as Ovid, Tibullus, Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder, Dio Chrysostom, Statius, Plutarch as well as Roman Judean writers Philo of Alexandria and Josephus.[13][14] The term was first used to denote an official province in c. 135 CE, when the Roman authorities, following the suppression of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, combined Iudaea Province with Galilee and the Paralia to form "Syria Palaestina". There is circumstantial evidence linking Hadrian with the name change,[15] but the precise date is not certain[15] and the assertion of some scholars that the name change was intended "to complete the dissociation with Judaea"[16] is disputed.[17]

The term is generally accepted to be a translation of the Biblical name Peleshet (פלשת Pəlésheth, usually transliterated as Philistia). The term and its derivates are used more than 250 times in Masoretic-derived versions of the Hebrew Bible, of which 10 uses are in the Torah, with undefined boundaries, and almost 200 of the remaining references are in the Book of Judges and the Books of Samuel.[3][4][13][18] The term is rarely used in the Septuagint, which used a transliteration Land of Phylistieim (Γῆ τῶν Φυλιστιείμ) different from the contemporary Greek place name Palaistínē (Παλαιστίνη).[17]

The Septuagint instead used the term "allophuloi" (άλλόφυλοι, "other nations") throughout the Books of Judges and Samuel,[19][20] such that the term "Philistines" has been interpreted to mean "non-Israelites of the Promised Land" when used in the context of Samson, Saul and David,[21] and Rabbinic sources explain that these peoples were different from the Philistines of the Book of Genesis.[22]


And they clearly are referring to the Philistines, not Israelites.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.

Palestine is a European name, like Terra Sancta. It wasn‘t a Middle Eastern name. It’s an English word, anglicized from the Roman name “palaestina” imposed on Jews, referring to Jews’ Philistine foes from the Greek world.

Neither the map I posted nor the map you posted has a political entity named “palestine.” It didn’t exist in the Middle East until Britain nicknamed the Mandate “palestine“ which ceased to exist with Israeli statehood.

Renowned Middle East historian Bernard Lewis further explains...

View attachment 339656

The name Palestine is NOT even remotely Roman or modern, but ancient and is referenced by Egyptians and Greeks before 2000 BC.

Sure it is not referenced as a country as much as a region, but it also does come from the names of specific countries in the Land of Canaan, like Filestia and Philistina.

And while your quoted material is correct that the region Palestine was to be liberated as an independent country in return for Arab help against the Ottoman Empire, there was no Israel or even a significant Jewish presence in Palestine at the time.

So clearly then the immigration of European Jews from 1930 onward, as well as the UN dividing Palestine into 55% Israel, was totally illegal. It is in violation of the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres,
And even if one were to recognize Israeli statehood, that would not at all alter the previous and superior claim of Palestine to the other 45% of the Palestine of the British Mandate for Palestine.
The UN would have no right or authority to dissolve the previous claim.
Nor did it.
The UN intended for a 2 state solution, which Israel is in violation of.
You seem confused. The IDEA was for the two entities to form Governments, the Israelis did so the Arabs REFUSED to do so and the neighboring Arab states tried to grab the whole area for themselves.

Wow. Just wow. I have never witnessed anyone work so hard at erasing the Jewish people. The level of your commitment to this erasure is simply astonishing.

I am absolutely fascinated to hear that the Jewish/Hebrew people simply don't exist and that there is no evidence at all of them through any time in history. Simply fascinating.

View attachment 339660

So prove where the Hebrew lived before they went to Egypt for 400 years?
It was not the Land of Canaan, not only because there is no trace of them there, but there also was no drought and no reason for anyone from the Land of Canaan to go to Egypt.


There is no need to "prove" the existence of the Hebrew/Jewish people. There is ample evidence, easily found with the simplest effort. Denying it is ridiculous.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.
The Romans called Israel “Palestine” after they conquered it.
If you don’t know this from a simple Google search then you are an idiot.

Totally wrong.
Israel had been defeated and destroyed many times, such as by the Assyrians and Babylonians.
cca. 720 BCE Kingdom of Israel conquered by Neo-Assyrian Empire. Local population deported, becoming the ten lost tribes, and the region is repopulated from other provinces of the Assyrian Empire.
4th century BCE
3rd century BCE
2nd century BCE
The Romans invaded Palestine when the Jews were no longer in power at all, and restored them to power as puppets. For example, Herod was crowned king of the Jews, but was actually a Roman who simply converte
And after the Bar Kokhba revolt , the Jews were totally eliminated from Palestine.
They went to what is now Saudi Arabia, and later helped Mohammad rise to power there.

If you are claiming there was a long standing Jewish kingdom on history, you would be wrong.
There was only a very fleeting dynasty that the Romans took advantage of to temporarily restore.
Jewish history is fairly insignificant really.
Jews did much better when they were not in charge, and instead concentrated on technological advancements instead of just killing people.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.

Palestine is a European name, like Terra Sancta. It wasn‘t a Middle Eastern name. It’s an English word, anglicized from the Roman name “palaestina” imposed on Jews, referring to Jews’ Philistine foes from the Greek world.

Neither the map I posted nor the map you posted has a political entity named “palestine.” It didn’t exist in the Middle East until Britain nicknamed the Mandate “palestine“ which ceased to exist with Israeli statehood.

Renowned Middle East historian Bernard Lewis further explains...

View attachment 339656

The name Palestine is NOT even remotely Roman or modern, but ancient and is referenced by Egyptians and Greeks before 2000 BC.

Sure it is not referenced as a country as much as a region, but it also does come from the names of specific countries in the Land of Canaan, like Filestia and Philistina.

And while your quoted material is correct that the region Palestine was to be liberated as an independent country in return for Arab help against the Ottoman Empire, there was no Israel or even a significant Jewish presence in Palestine at the time.

So clearly then the immigration of European Jews from 1930 onward, as well as the UN dividing Palestine into 55% Israel, was totally illegal. It is in violation of the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres,
And even if one were to recognize Israeli statehood, that would not at all alter the previous and superior claim of Palestine to the other 45% of the Palestine of the British Mandate for Palestine.
The UN would have no right or authority to dissolve the previous claim.
Nor did it.
The UN intended for a 2 state solution, which Israel is in violation of.

Palestine is not referenced in Egyptian records nor in Greek records. Greeks called the country Judea, signifying land of the Jews.

Palestine comes from Roman usage ⤵

View attachment 339670

Totally wrong.
There are lots of ancient Geek and Egyptian references to Palestine.
The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt was in 5th century BCE Ancient Greece,[7][8] when Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" (Ancient Greek: Συρίη ἡ Παλαιστίνη καλεομένη)[9] in The Histories, which included the Judean mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley.[10][ii] Approximately a century later, Aristotle used a similar definition for the region in Meteorology, in which he included the Dead Sea.[12] Later Greek writers such as Polemon and Pausanias also used the term to refer to the same region, which was followed by Roman writers such as Ovid, Tibullus, Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder, Dio Chrysostom, Statius, Plutarch as well as Roman Judean writers Philo of Alexandria and Josephus.[13][14] The term was first used to denote an official province in c. 135 CE, when the Roman authorities, following the suppression of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, combined Iudaea Province with Galilee and the Paralia to form "Syria Palaestina". There is circumstantial evidence linking Hadrian with the name change,[15] but the precise date is not certain[15] and the assertion of some scholars that the name change was intended "to complete the dissociation with Judaea"[16] is disputed.[17]

The term is generally accepted to be a translation of the Biblical name Peleshet (פלשת Pəlésheth, usually transliterated as Philistia). The term and its derivates are used more than 250 times in Masoretic-derived versions of the Hebrew Bible, of which 10 uses are in the Torah, with undefined boundaries, and almost 200 of the remaining references are in the Book of Judges and the Books of Samuel.[3][4][13][18] The term is rarely used in the Septuagint, which used a transliteration Land of Phylistieim (Γῆ τῶν Φυλιστιείμ) different from the contemporary Greek place name Palaistínē (Παλαιστίνη).[17]

The Septuagint instead used the term "allophuloi" (άλλόφυλοι, "other nations") throughout the Books of Judges and Samuel,[19][20] such that the term "Philistines" has been interpreted to mean "non-Israelites of the Promised Land" when used in the context of Samson, Saul and David,[21] and Rabbinic sources explain that these peoples were different from the Philistines of the Book of Genesis.[22]


And they clearly are referring to the Philistines, not Israelites.

Philistines were raiders from the Greek world, extinct for thousands of years. They didn’t name anything palestine.

Wow. Just wow. I have never witnessed anyone work so hard at erasing the Jewish people. The level of your commitment to this erasure is simply astonishing.

I am absolutely fascinated to hear that the Jewish/Hebrew people simply don't exist and that there is no evidence at all of them through any time in history. Simply fascinating.

View attachment 339660

So prove where the Hebrew lived before they went to Egypt for 400 years?
It was not the Land of Canaan, not only because there is no trace of them there, but there also was no drought and no reason for anyone from the Land of Canaan to go to Egypt.


There is no need to "prove" the existence of the Hebrew/Jewish people. There is ample evidence, easily found with the simplest effort. Denying it is ridiculous.

Pope Francis: Christianity’s Jewish origin


Wow. Just wow. I have never witnessed anyone work so hard at erasing the Jewish people. The level of your commitment to this erasure is simply astonishing.

I am absolutely fascinated to hear that the Jewish/Hebrew people simply don't exist and that there is no evidence at all of them through any time in history. Simply fascinating.

View attachment 339660

So prove where the Hebrew lived before they went to Egypt for 400 years?
It was not the Land of Canaan, not only because there is no trace of them there, but there also was no drought and no reason for anyone from the Land of Canaan to go to Egypt.


There is no need to "prove" the existence of the Hebrew/Jewish people. There is ample evidence, easily found with the simplest effort. Denying it is ridiculous.

Pope Francis: Christianity’s Jewish origin

I would also super love it if we didn't use Xianity as a support for the existence of the Jewish people. The Jewish people exist apart from Xianity. This is just another form of erasure.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.
The Romans called Israel “Palestine” after they conquered it.
If you don’t know this from a simple Google search then you are an idiot.

Totally wrong.
Israel had been defeated and destroyed many times, such as by the Assyrians and Babylonians.
cca. 720 BCE Kingdom of Israel conquered by Neo-Assyrian Empire. Local population deported, becoming the ten lost tribes, and the region is repopulated from other provinces of the Assyrian Empire.
4th century BCE
3rd century BCE
2nd century BCE
The Romans invaded Palestine when the Jews were no longer in power at all, and restored them to power as puppets. For example, Herod was crowned king of the Jews, but was actually a Roman who simply converte
And after the Bar Kokhba revolt , the Jews were totally eliminated from Palestine.
They went to what is now Saudi Arabia, and later helped Mohammad rise to power there.

If you are claiming there was a long standing Jewish kingdom on history, you would be wrong.
There was only a very fleeting dynasty that the Romans took advantage of to temporarily restore.
Jewish history is fairly insignificant really.
Jews did much better when they were not in charge, and instead concentrated on technological advancements instead of just killing people.
Can one of you bullshit propagandists show us a country or nation of "Arab Palestine" that existed in the last 700 years?

Who were its rulers, it's capital, currency, distinct language, etc. ?

Palestine is an invention circa 1967 after the Arabs got their asses kicked and decided to hijack an identity they never had.

Arab commentator acknowledges: “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘palestine’”

Kuwaiti Writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: Israel Is a Legitimate State, Not an Occupier; There Was No Palestine; I Support Israel-Gulf-U.S. Alliance to Annihilate Hizbullah

Palestine was officially created and recognized by the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres, in 1920.
That can never change and is recorded history.
What would a Kuwaiti know about Palestine, nor would anyone believe a Kuwaite writer when the emir had all the good journalist killed.

Do you see “palestine” on this map of the Ottoman Empire, year 1900?

View attachment 339616

Yes, the map is labeled "Palestine". but you have cut off the label at the top.
Here is what a typical Ottoman Empire map of Palestine looks like.
Note the label "Palestine" at the top.


You’re not very good at this: Nowhere in the map is there an administrative unit named “palestine.” No such place existed.

That is the whole point.
It is the REGION that was always called Palestine, and it was not until 1920 that it was made into an independent country, as a federation of the little tribal areas inside of it.
That is the way countries are always formed.
German was 16 separate states until confederation.
{... Prussia and the other states in Northern and Central Germany united as a federal state, the North German Federation, on July 1, 1867 ...}
There was no Germany before that, just the name of the region.

Palestine is a European name, like Terra Sancta. It wasn‘t a Middle Eastern name. It’s an English word, anglicized from the Roman name “palaestina” imposed on Jews, referring to Jews’ Philistine foes from the Greek world.

Neither the map I posted nor the map you posted has a political entity named “palestine.” It didn’t exist in the Middle East until Britain nicknamed the Mandate “palestine“ which ceased to exist with Israeli statehood.

Renowned Middle East historian Bernard Lewis further explains...

View attachment 339656

The name Palestine is NOT even remotely Roman or modern, but ancient and is referenced by Egyptians and Greeks before 2000 BC.

Sure it is not referenced as a country as much as a region, but it also does come from the names of specific countries in the Land of Canaan, like Filestia and Philistina.

And while your quoted material is correct that the region Palestine was to be liberated as an independent country in return for Arab help against the Ottoman Empire, there was no Israel or even a significant Jewish presence in Palestine at the time.

So clearly then the immigration of European Jews from 1930 onward, as well as the UN dividing Palestine into 55% Israel, was totally illegal. It is in violation of the Treaties of San Remo and Sevres,
And even if one were to recognize Israeli statehood, that would not at all alter the previous and superior claim of Palestine to the other 45% of the Palestine of the British Mandate for Palestine.
The UN would have no right or authority to dissolve the previous claim.
Nor did it.
The UN intended for a 2 state solution, which Israel is in violation of.

Palestine is not referenced in Egyptian records nor in Greek records. Greeks called the country Judea, signifying land of the Jews.

Palestine comes from Roman usage ⤵

View attachment 339670

Totally wrong.
There are lots of ancient Geek and Egyptian references to Palestine.
The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt was in 5th century BCE Ancient Greece,[7][8] when Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" (Ancient Greek: Συρίη ἡ Παλαιστίνη καλεομένη)[9] in The Histories, which included the Judean mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley.[10][ii] Approximately a century later, Aristotle used a similar definition for the region in Meteorology, in which he included the Dead Sea.[12] Later Greek writers such as Polemon and Pausanias also used the term to refer to the same region, which was followed by Roman writers such as Ovid, Tibullus, Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder, Dio Chrysostom, Statius, Plutarch as well as Roman Judean writers Philo of Alexandria and Josephus.[13][14] The term was first used to denote an official province in c. 135 CE, when the Roman authorities, following the suppression of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, combined Iudaea Province with Galilee and the Paralia to form "Syria Palaestina". There is circumstantial evidence linking Hadrian with the name change,[15] but the precise date is not certain[15] and the assertion of some scholars that the name change was intended "to complete the dissociation with Judaea"[16] is disputed.[17]

The term is generally accepted to be a translation of the Biblical name Peleshet (פלשת Pəlésheth, usually transliterated as Philistia). The term and its derivates are used more than 250 times in Masoretic-derived versions of the Hebrew Bible, of which 10 uses are in the Torah, with undefined boundaries, and almost 200 of the remaining references are in the Book of Judges and the Books of Samuel.[3][4][13][18] The term is rarely used in the Septuagint, which used a transliteration Land of Phylistieim (Γῆ τῶν Φυλιστιείμ) different from the contemporary Greek place name Palaistínē (Παλαιστίνη).[17]

The Septuagint instead used the term "allophuloi" (άλλόφυλοι, "other nations") throughout the Books of Judges and Samuel,[19][20] such that the term "Philistines" has been interpreted to mean "non-Israelites of the Promised Land" when used in the context of Samson, Saul and David,[21] and Rabbinic sources explain that these peoples were different from the Philistines of the Book of Genesis.[22]


And they clearly are referring to the Philistines, not Israelites.

Ancient Greeks called the country Judea, signifying land of the Jews ⤵️


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