Many troops snubbed the Biden inaugural motorcade by turning their backs as it passed by. .

Why would all soldiers on the look out for hostiles face Biden?
Nobody else was there, genius.
Are the threats coming from the armored limousines? No? Then why would they turn their backs on potential threats.
Jeez, this is REALLY reaching. :)
Biden is a war hawk who voted for the Iraq war and others- - Trump is a hero among 95% of enlisted for ending the wars and bringing them home.
Simply not true Angelo! Most troops said they would vote for Biden.
BS polls from biased sources. When are you morons going to learn.
See for yourself.

Starts at 00:45...

Stars and Stripes:
WASHINGTON – A widely shared YouTube clip that claims to reveal National Guard members in Washington turning their backs to President Joe Biden’s motorcade really showed standard protocol, a spokeswoman for the National Guard said.

Capt. Tinashe Machona, a spokeswoman for the DC National Guard, said the troops were purposefully positioned that way to ensure the new president’s safety. “These National Guardsmen were on duty with a mission to protect the president against potential threats,” she said. “Some are facing out to ensure the safety of all.”

Potential threats?????

There were only 2 elderly bag ladies, 4 mexicans and a dog named Doofy there. Not much of a terror there.

It's so sad to see someone as sharp as you play dumb.
See for yourself.

Starts at 00:45...

Stars and Stripes:
WASHINGTON – A widely shared YouTube clip that claims to reveal National Guard members in Washington turning their backs to President Joe Biden’s motorcade really showed standard protocol, a spokeswoman for the National Guard said.

Capt. Tinashe Machona, a spokeswoman for the DC National Guard, said the troops were purposefully positioned that way to ensure the new president’s safety. “These National Guardsmen were on duty with a mission to protect the president against potential threats,” she said. “Some are facing out to ensure the safety of all.”

Potential threats?????

There were only 2 elderly bag ladies, 4 mexicans and a dog named Doofy there. Not much of a terror there.

It's so sad to see someone as sharp as you play dumb.


Pull my finger.
See for yourself.

Starts at 00:45...

Stars and Stripes:
WASHINGTON – A widely shared YouTube clip that claims to reveal National Guard members in Washington turning their backs to President Joe Biden’s motorcade really showed standard protocol, a spokeswoman for the National Guard said.

Capt. Tinashe Machona, a spokeswoman for the DC National Guard, said the troops were purposefully positioned that way to ensure the new president’s safety. “These National Guardsmen were on duty with a mission to protect the president against potential threats,” she said. “Some are facing out to ensure the safety of all.”

Potential threats?????

There were only 2 elderly bag ladies, 4 mexicans and a dog named Doofy there. Not much of a terror there.

It's so sad to see someone as sharp as you play dumb.


Pull my finger.

Let me get my mask.
Why would all soldiers on the look out for hostiles face Biden?
Nobody else was there, genius.
Are the threats coming from the armored limousines? No? Then why would they turn their backs on potential threats.
Jeez, this is REALLY reaching. :)
Biden is a war hawk who voted for the Iraq war and others- - Trump is a hero among 95% of enlisted for ending the wars and bringing them home.
Simply not true Angelo! Most troops said they would vote for Biden.
BS polls from biased sources. When are you morons going to learn.
When are you going to learn that "fake news" is FAKE? You can't keep dismissing everything you don't like just because you don't like it. Eventually, reality is going to bite you in the ass. Maybe that's not such a bad idea, come to think of it.

Carry on.
Why would all soldiers on the look out for hostiles face Biden?
Nobody else was there, genius.
Are the threats coming from the armored limousines? No? Then why would they turn their backs on potential threats.
Jeez, this is REALLY reaching. :)
Biden is a war hawk who voted for the Iraq war and others- - Trump is a hero among 95% of enlisted for ending the wars and bringing them home.
Simply not true Angelo! Most troops said they would vote for Biden.
BS polls from biased sources. When are you morons going to learn.
When are you going to learn that "fake news" is FAKE? You can't keep dismissing everything you don't like just because you don't like it. Eventually, reality is going to bite you in the ass. Maybe that's not such a bad idea, come to think of it.

Carry on.
Moron, you use fake news sources as well. Stars and Stripes? I was a military journalist for four years. Military Times and Stars and Stripes print what they are told to print, just like the MSM. Wake up and smell the coffee.
fILLING YOUR HEAD generic.jpg
Why would all soldiers on the look out for hostiles face Biden?
Nobody else was there, genius.
Are the threats coming from the armored limousines? No? Then why would they turn their backs on potential threats.
Jeez, this is REALLY reaching. :)
Biden is a war hawk who voted for the Iraq war and others- - Trump is a hero among 95% of enlisted for ending the wars and bringing them home.
Simply not true Angelo! Most troops said they would vote for Biden.
BS polls from biased sources. When are you morons going to learn.
When are you going to learn that "fake news" is FAKE? You can't keep dismissing everything you don't like just because you don't like it. Eventually, reality is going to bite you in the ass. Maybe that's not such a bad idea, come to think of it.

Carry on.
Moron, you use fake news sources as well. Stars and Stripes? I was a military journalist for four years. Military Times and Stars and Stripes print what they are told to print, just like the MSM. Wake up and smell the coffee.View attachment 447137
Thanks for the heads up.
Why would all soldiers on the look out for hostiles face Biden?
Nobody else was there, genius.
Are the threats coming from the armored limousines? No? Then why would they turn their backs on potential threats.
Jeez, this is REALLY reaching. :)
Biden is a war hawk who voted for the Iraq war and others- - Trump is a hero among 95% of enlisted for ending the wars and bringing them home.
Simply not true Angelo! Most troops said they would vote for Biden.
BS polls from biased sources. When are you morons going to learn.
When are you going to learn that "fake news" is FAKE? You can't keep dismissing everything you don't like just because you don't like it. Eventually, reality is going to bite you in the ass. Maybe that's not such a bad idea, come to think of it.

Carry on.
Moron, you use fake news sources as well. Stars and Stripes? I was a military journalist for four years. Military Times and Stars and Stripes print what they are told to print, just like the MSM. Wake up and smell the coffee.View attachment 447137
Thanks for the heads up.
You are more than welcome!
Could be they were ordered to face outward against danger ---

But on the other hand, the NYPD famously all turned their backs on that awful mayor New York has, Bill de Blasio, after he trashed the NYPD repeatedly. So it's an available symbolic action.

I wonder which this was.
White people suck anyways, and???
Racist much. And you are probably the loudest voice in the crowd using the race card. Fucking hypocritical bigot.
And you can say that to me after 4 years of Trump and the shit that happened 1/6?? okay
Could be they were ordered to face outward against danger ---

But on the other hand, the NYPD famously all turned their backs on that awful mayor New York has, Bill de Blasio, after he trashed the NYPD repeatedly. So it's an available symbolic action.

I wonder which this was.
White people suck anyways, and???
Racist much. And you are probably the loudest voice in the crowd using the race card. Fucking hypocritical bigot.
And you can say that to me after 4 years of Trump and the shit that happened 1/6?? okay
I'll say it right now--YOU ARE A BLATANT HYPOCRITICAL RACIST BIGOT. Now run along like a good little racist.
For anyone who actually needs this and thinks Jim (or "Joe") the Fuck Hoft, or the wackadoodle idiot who thinks he's a "news anchor", is anything near rational:

>> A video showing the inauguration motorcade for President Donald J. Trump in January 2017 here appears similar, with some facing away. A video of President Barack Obama’s inauguration motorcade here also shows various guards facing away from the road.​
Nahaku McFadden, media operations chief for the National Guard Bureau of Public Affairs, confirmed to Reuters via email that the video shows routine protocol for this type of duty.​
“These National Guardsmen were on duty with a mission to protect the president against potential threats,” she said. “Some are facing out to ensure the safety of all.” << -- Reuters Fact Check

Their job is to look for threats AGAINST the POTUS' car ............... not FROM the POTUS's car. You're not going to see what's coming behind you if you're staring at the car.

I dunno, OP and his fellow idiots must think these troops are there just to gawk at the President.

For anyone who actually needs this and thinks Jim (or "Joe") the Fuck Hoft, or the wackadoodle idiot who thinks he's a "news anchor", is anything near rational:

>> A video showing the inauguration motorcade for President Donald J. Trump in January 2017 here appears similar, with some facing away. A video of President Barack Obama’s inauguration motorcade here also shows various guards facing away from the road.​
Nahaku McFadden, media operations chief for the National Guard Bureau of Public Affairs, confirmed to Reuters via email that the video shows routine protocol for this type of duty.​
“These National Guardsmen were on duty with a mission to protect the president against potential threats,” she said. “Some are facing out to ensure the safety of all.” << -- Reuters Fact Check

Their job is to look for threats AGAINST the POTUS' car ............... not FROM the POTUS's car. You're not going to see what's coming behind you if you're staring at the car.

I dunno, OP and his fellow idiots must think these troops are there just to gawk at the President.

Because upper level military spokespersons are always truthful.
For anyone who actually needs this and thinks Jim (or "Joe") the Fuck Hoft, or the wackadoodle idiot who thinks he's a "news anchor", is anything near rational:

>> A video showing the inauguration motorcade for President Donald J. Trump in January 2017 here appears similar, with some facing away. A video of President Barack Obama’s inauguration motorcade here also shows various guards facing away from the road.​
Nahaku McFadden, media operations chief for the National Guard Bureau of Public Affairs, confirmed to Reuters via email that the video shows routine protocol for this type of duty.​
“These National Guardsmen were on duty with a mission to protect the president against potential threats,” she said. “Some are facing out to ensure the safety of all.” << -- Reuters Fact Check

Their job is to look for threats AGAINST the POTUS' car ............... not FROM the POTUS's car. You're not going to see what's coming behind you if you're staring at the car.

I dunno, OP and his fellow idiots must think these troops are there just to gawk at the President.

Because upper level military spokespersons are always truthful.

Why the fuck would they be looking INWARD when their whole point in being there is to observe what may be going on OUTWARD?

Why would all soldiers on the look out for hostiles face Biden?
Nobody else was there, genius.
Are the threats coming from the armored limousines? No? Then why would they turn their backs on potential threats.
Jeez, this is REALLY reaching. :)
Biden is a war hawk who voted for the Iraq war and others- - Trump is a hero among 95% of enlisted for ending the wars and bringing them home.
That is so not a matter of fact it was the ballots from our military that took a black woman and a old man to the white house!!
shes black now?.....when is she an Indian?....

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