Many Republicans Want an Unconstrained President

Nearly half of Republicans polled want a quasi-elected dictator or monarch, according to a recent poll. They feel a president should be able to operate with little interference from the courts or Congress, or in other words, the very checks and balances that keep us from being a dictatorship. 47% of Republicans who agreed with the minimal checks and balances statement are also supporting Trump for president. They would feel very differently, of course, were it Obama or Biden.

This is who MAGA is.

And here you go again.
The question was "do you believe a President should be unduly constrained by Congress."
You shills fall for everything.
Let me help you.....

Unduly: to an unwarranted degree; inordinately.

So of course most answered no, the only ones that didn't, were too stupid to know what the meaning of the word is.
It is amazing how sheepish people have become.
This is a fake poll. It is juiced to provide a designed result so they can put fear into the news media sheep.
The question clearly says UNDULY CONSTRAINED by Congress.
Only an idiot would say they want the President to be basically powerless.

Shall we discuss how often Obama circumvented congress and made executive orders that were later shut down by courts?? There were dozens of them. But NOOOOOO... the same shills that show this poll and shake in fear, are the same people who had no problem with a different President abusing executive powers.

Jesus Christ

You clowns get funnier every day. :p
Nearly half of Republicans polled want a quasi-elected dictator or monarch, according to a recent poll. They feel a president should be able to operate with little interference from the courts or Congress, or in other words, the very checks and balances that keep us from being a dictatorship. 47% of Republicans who agreed with the minimal checks and balances statement are also supporting Trump for president. They would feel very differently, of course, were it Obama or Biden.

This is who MAGA is.

We committed treason against the state to rid ourselves of a king wielding near limitless power over us. Since then we combined the head of state with head of government and made that individual the most powerful person in the world, and somehow many Americans are looking for that person to be even more powerful. Meanwhile, the British Crown has been reduced to an ornamental figurehead.

The irony.

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