Zone1 Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!


Platinum Member
Aug 1, 2022
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Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!

This always sounded SO (and IS) presumptuous! I mean, yeh, you are going to judge a whole (huge) group of people all at once, condemn them all to Hell just because they are Catholic? A Catholic could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is Catholic, he is toast in the end?

Well, it's no wonder a lot of Catholics do not want to leave the Church to join a so-called church that teaches THAT, even if they are disgruntled at the CC! No, no big surprise there.
A lot of Protestants believe in sola scriptura, meaning the Bible alone is the rule of faith, the only thing to turn to when you need help understanding God.

But they go against the Bible ALL THE TIME.

Jesus himself contradicts this notion many of them have that Catholics all go to Hell.

But I said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and you believe not. [37]

All that the Father giveth to Me shall come to me;
and him that cometh to Me, I will not cast out.

Great news for all sinners, even .. OMG.. Catholics

(It is people who call themselves Catholic but who support abortion who are separated from Christ and in eternal jeopardy ["No murderer has eternal life"-Peter, I believe].. You do have to do one thing, Catholic, Protestant or Other: you have to DO what He says.. )
Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!

This always sounded SO (and IS) presumptuous! I mean, yeh, you are going to judge a whole (huge) group of people all at once, condemn them all to Hell just because they are Catholic? A Catholic could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is Catholic, he is toast in the end?

Well, it's no wonder a lot of Catholics do not want to leave the Church to join a so-called church that teaches THAT, even if they are disgruntled at the CC! No, no big surprise there.
A lot of Protestants believe in sola scriptura, meaning the Bible alone is the rule of faith, the only thing to turn to when you need help understanding God.

But they go against the Bible ALL THE TIME.

Jesus himself contradicts this notion many of them have that Catholics all go to Hell.

But I said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and you believe not. [37]

All that the Father giveth to Me shall come to me;
and him that cometh to Me, I will not cast out.

Great news for all sinners, even .. OMG.. Catholics

(It is people who call themselves Catholic but who support abortion who are separated from Christ and in eternal jeopardy ["No murderer has eternal life"-Peter, I believe].. You do have to do one thing, Catholic, Protestant or Other: you have to DO what He says.. )
If the Catholic Church is wrong, then all Protestant churches are wrong too because they came out from the RCC. Actually, the RCC is wrong and a great an abominable church so all Protestant Churches are the same, great and abominable.
Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!

This always sounded SO (and IS) presumptuous! I mean, yeh, you are going to judge a whole (huge) group of people all at once, condemn them all to Hell just because they are Catholic? A Catholic could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is Catholic, he is toast in the end?

Well, it's no wonder a lot of Catholics do not want to leave the Church to join a so-called church that teaches THAT, even if they are disgruntled at the CC! No, no big surprise there.
A lot of Protestants believe in sola scriptura, meaning the Bible alone is the rule of faith, the only thing to turn to when you need help understanding God.

But they go against the Bible ALL THE TIME.

Jesus himself contradicts this notion many of them have that Catholics all go to Hell.
But I said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and you believe not. [37]

All that the Father giveth to Me shall come to me;
and him that cometh to Me, I will not cast out.

Great news for all sinners, even .. OMG.. Catholics

(It is people who call themselves Catholic but who support abortion who are separated from Christ and in eternal jeopardy ["No murderer has eternal life"-Peter, I believe].. You do have to do one thing, Catholic, Protestant or Other: you have to DO what He says.. )
so what if you go to hell, your flesh is rotting in the cant burn a spirit or even make it hot....and if god restores your flesh before you go to hell so you can burn...then god is a sadist and doesnt deserve your worship
Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!

This always sounded SO (and IS) presumptuous! I mean, yeh, you are going to judge a whole (huge) group of people all at once, condemn them all to Hell just because they are Catholic? A Catholic could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is Catholic, he is toast in the end?
A nonbeliever could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is a nonbeliever he is toast in the end?
If the Catholic Church is wrong, then all Protestant churches are wrong too because they came out from the RCC. Actually, the RCC is wrong and a great an abominable church so all Protestant Churches are the same, great and abominable.
your appreciation for logic needs some work

so what if you go to hell, your flesh is rotting in the cant burn a spirit or even make it hot....and if god restores your flesh before you go to hell so you can burn...then god is a sadist and doesnt deserve your worship
maybe... I don't know. Who says I believe God is a sadist?

can't deny having had the thought b4... but God does or allows evil for reasons we humans don't always have the first damn clue about...
A nonbeliever could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is a nonbeliever he is toast in the end?
The Catholic Church does not say that. Nor is it Biblical. . It is too bad such a message is preached that way to unbelievers, because it is more harmful than of value. ---- I would far rather be that person you describe than some lukewarm Catholic or lukewarm Protestant. God's mercy transcends all understanding of mankind.
The Catholic Church does not say that. Nor is it Biblical. . It is too bad such a message is preached that way to unbelievers, because it is more harmful than of value. ---- I would far rather be that person you describe than some lukewarm Catholic or lukewarm Protestant. God's mercy transcends all understanding of mankind.
I don't get what is being said here and the poster you respond to was actually quoting one of MY posts.. no idea how that name got put on one of my posts but whatever..

I'd like to know what you are referring to.. that you would rather be the person described than some lukewarm.. person. Are you saying you'd rather be that person I described who was faithful to his wife, obeyed the law... etc?


OK, I checked on the previous posts.. You responded to the person who said that a non-believer could work in a soup kitchen... etc... etc..

still don't really get what is being said but..............

My logic is undeniable.

No, what you said was that since the Protestant churches came from the Catholic church originally, that they share the same faults. And that clearly is false, because the reason they left was to get away from the faults.
Having been wrong in the past is not proof of them being wrong now.
I don't get what is being said here and the poster you respond to was actually quoting one of MY posts.. no idea how that name got put on one of my posts but whatever..

I'd like to know what you are referring to.. that you would rather be the person described than some lukewarm.. person. Are you saying you'd rather be that person I described who was faithful to his wife, obeyed the law... etc?


OK, I checked on the previous posts.. You responded to the person who said that a non-believer could work in a soup kitchen... etc... etc..

still don't really get what is being said but..............

Sorry, I see why I confused you. Anyway, as an example, I would far rather face the fate of a poor Hindu woman who slaves away all her life, does all she can for her children, may have some faults, but is generally all in with good intentions and worships a god that does not exist ---- than I would some Catholic or Protestant who believes in God, prays on rare occasions, but lives a generally selfish life with an array of sinning, including speaking ill of so many. <<< Those are the lukewarm who God says He will spew out of His mouth.

God will save that poor Hindu woman, I place no bets on the others. Thankfully, however, there is purgatory where God’s justice and mercy are made perfect and many souls go to first be purified before they are allowed into the kingdom. (not excluding myself)

Luke 7:47 “I tell you, that is why her many sins are forgiven --- because of her great love. . Little is forgiven the one whose love is small. “

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
A nonbeliever could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is a nonbeliever he is toast in the end?

No, what you said was that since the Protestant churches came from the Catholic church originally, that they share the same faults. And that clearly is false, because the reason they left was to get away from the faults.
Having been wrong in the past is not proof of them being wrong now.
The Catholic Church would have lost all priesthood authority and power to act in the name of Christ if they were wrong. So, those that left did so without any authority with them. Where did they get any authority to all of a sudden claim they are doing all things correctly and the Catholic Church isn't? Circular reasoning. It's true Protestant Churches dropped some of the apostacy faults. But, not all of them and thus still were all wrong and still are.

Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!​

And Catholics usually think: What god is doing is exclusivelly only a decision of god and not of anyone else! No one knows the result of this what we call "the last judgement" - whatever this really will be in the end of this and the begin of another form of existence.
... Actually, the RCC is wrong ...

"Damn!" Thought we are right! :lol: ... but how if only one god, one truth and one church should exist?

By the way: Even if someone could force all people of the whole world to be a formal member of the same church - this would make not any difference! It needs to understand what's true and what's not true and this understanding creates the one church. As long as the church is broken into many parts no one should think in any of this parts is the full truth or in everything what's a broken part is not also often something true.
The most unfortunate verse in the Bible may be from the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans, 1:17 "The Just shall live by faith."

This has been interpreted to mean that correct belief is more important than moral behavior. This in turn has led to religious persecution and religious wars.
Many Protestants think anyone who does not leave the Catholic Church is eternally damned!

This always sounded SO (and IS) presumptuous! I mean, yeh, you are going to judge a whole (huge) group of people all at once, condemn them all to Hell just because they are Catholic? A Catholic could work at a soup kitchen, be faithful to his wife for 50 years, be a loving father, pay all his taxes... etc... etc but just because he is Catholic, he is toast in the end?

Well, it's no wonder a lot of Catholics do not want to leave the Church to join a so-called church that teaches THAT, even if they are disgruntled at the CC! No, no big surprise there.
A lot of Protestants believe in sola scriptura, meaning the Bible alone is the rule of faith, the only thing to turn to when you need help understanding God.

But they go against the Bible ALL THE TIME.

Jesus himself contradicts this notion many of them have that Catholics all go to Hell.

But I said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and you believe not. [37]

All that the Father giveth to Me shall come to me;
and him that cometh to Me, I will not cast out.

Great news for all sinners, even .. OMG.. Catholics

(It is people who call themselves Catholic but who support abortion who are separated from Christ and in eternal jeopardy ["No murderer has eternal life"-Peter, I believe].. You do have to do one thing, Catholic, Protestant or Other: you have to DO what He says.. )

Catholicism= 2 Thess 2:3 The son of peredition( destruction) = The great apostasy. They came out with many false teachings from the councils they held centuries ago. They translated errors in to fit false council teachings. carried over into every protestant religion on earth. At the council of Nicea in 325ce no trinity was being taught or served, at the council of Constantinople in 381ce a trinity started being taught and served. It does not exist. They do not have the real Jesus.
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