Mann Wins Defamation Suit


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
It was a long time coming, but it's satisfying to see Mann stomp some of the worst of the denier frauds.

A jury awarded Michael Mann $1 million for defamation he suffered at the hands of deniers in 2012. The jury found that Stein knowingly and repeatedly used false statements to defame Mann.

Deniers, how have you been told to spin this humiliation? I know it must sting. You've spent the last decade telling everyone that the trial was surely going to prove what a fraud Mann was. The jury, looking at the facts, decided the exact opposite, that the deniers were the frauds here.
It was a long time coming, but it's satisfying to see Mann stomp some of the worst of the denier frauds.

A jury awarded Michael Mann $1 million for defamation he suffered at the hands of deniers in 2012. The jury found that Stein knowingly and repeatedly used false statements to defame Mann.

Deniers, how have you been told to spin this humiliation? I know it must sting. You've spent the last decade telling everyone that the trial was surely going to prove what a fraud Mann was. The jury, looking at the facts, decided the exact opposite, that the deniers were the frauds here.

How much were the compensatory damages?
It was a long time coming, but it's satisfying to see Mann stomp some of the worst of the denier frauds.

A jury awarded Michael Mann $1 million for defamation he suffered at the hands of deniers in 2012. The jury found that Stein knowingly and repeatedly used false statements to defame Mann.

Deniers, how have you been told to spin this humiliation? I know it must sting. You've spent the last decade telling everyone that the trial was surely going to prove what a fraud Mann was. The jury, looking at the facts, decided the exact opposite, that the deniers were the frauds here.
Mann's a fraud; dilligaf!!

It was a long time coming, but it's satisfying to see Mann stomp some of the worst of the denier frauds.

A jury awarded Michael Mann $1 million for defamation he suffered at the hands of deniers in 2012. The jury found that Stein knowingly and repeatedly used false statements to defame Mann.

Deniers, how have you been told to spin this humiliation? I know it must sting. You've spent the last decade telling everyone that the trial was surely going to prove what a fraud Mann was. The jury, looking at the facts, decided the exact opposite, that the deniers were the frauds here.
Jam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmao Jam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmaoJam the Hockey Stick where the sun don't shine. lmao

Horse dung!!!!

It was a long time coming, but it's satisfying to see Mann stomp some of the worst of the denier frauds.

A jury awarded Michael Mann $1 million for defamation he suffered at the hands of deniers in 2012. The jury found that Stein knowingly and repeatedly used false statements to defame Mann.

Deniers, how have you been told to spin this humiliation? I know it must sting. You've spent the last decade telling everyone that the trial was surely going to prove what a fraud Mann was. The jury, looking at the facts, decided the exact opposite, that the deniers were the frauds here.

A D.C. jury?

Democrats take care of democrats…..the democrat party prosecutor, the democrat party judge and the democrat party jury freed the murderers of Emmit Till………democrats use the courts to protect democrats……..
Dr, Mann is a criminal treasonous liar who used an ALGORITH that, regardless of data fed to it, returned a HOCKEY STICK graph....

Michael Crichton documented that fully.

Mann is also the one busted for HIDE THE DECLINE.

Why HIDE anything?

A: because the Co2 FRAUD has NO REAL EVIDENCE, only FUDGE, and hiding a data point is FUDGE

All Dr. Mann and his treasonous crowd of fudgebaking liars have is urban heat island effect, the only "warming" on a planet NOT WARMING.
Dr, Mann is a criminal treasonous liar
The court said the opposite, little antisemite. They ignored all your cult's dumb lies. They classified your side as being frauds and liars. No wonder you're so upset. If no one believes any of your cult's lies, what hope do you have?

So, how will Steyn and NR come up with that million? They will have to come up with it, even if they plan to appeal. That's how the system works. You're not allowed to use appeals as a delaying tactic to skate out on paying, so in order to appeal, you have to put up the money first into a sort of escrow.

Of course, given how overwhelming the smackdown was, I'm guessing Steyn's lawyers will tell him not to appeal, that an appeal would have no hope of success, and it would be a further waste of money.

Keep on sucking it hard, denier losers. Count on losing more like this ... forever. It couldn't happen to a more deserving miserable pack of frauds, who were just legally defined as frauds.

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