Mann Wins Defamation Suit

Whereas I believe the recent warming trend has been mistaken for AGW when in reality the majority of warming is due to the planet naturally warming s pre-glacial temperature
This is the "DERP! FOREST FIRES USED TO ALWAYS BE NATURAL, SO HUMANS CAN'T CAUSE FOREST FIRES!" argument. It just blindly assumes that humans can't possible change climate, even though all the evidence says that assumption is wrong.
Mathematical truth? ... it takes truly massive amounts of carbon dioxide to raise temperature just a little ... and 1ºC is tiny ... we've seen that much temperature rise in just the past hour here in North America ...

You denier! What's the use of surviving 70 or 80F temperature swing over a year when an addition 1F will: melt the Polar Ice Caps, raise the sea levels hundreds of feet, ignite undersea volcanoes and end all life on Earth, er, or something?
It's kind of sad, that you literally haven't been able to come up with any new lies since 2010.

Your cult is dead. You're like an old alchoholic bragging about how he used to knock down mailboxes while in high school, as he sits in his run-down doublewide.

Find a grown up to read what I posted. I quoted 2 of your AGW Patron Saints. You missed it
I quoted 2 of your AGW Patron Saints. You missed it
We've been over this before. You know you're lying, yet you lie anyways. The cult orders you to suck off the Lord of Lies, so you comply.

Here's just one example of you brazenly lying about the Ottmar thing, and me reaming you for it, with references.

And here's the story about how you're lying abotu Phil Jones.

Given how many years you've been lying for the glory of fascism, you have no excuse for sucking so badly at it.
We've been over this before. You know you're lying, yet you lie anyways. The cult orders you to suck off the Lord of Lies, so you comply.

Here's just one example of you brazenly lying about the Ottmar thing, and me reaming you for it, with references.

And here's the story about how you're lying abotu Phil Jones.

Given how many years you've been lying for the glory of fascism, you have no excuse for sucking so badly at it.
I love how you ignore the actual quotes but rely on the backtracking. Context, er, or something
This is the "DERP! FOREST FIRES USED TO ALWAYS BE NATURAL, SO HUMANS CAN'T CAUSE FOREST FIRES!" argument. It just blindly assumes that humans can't possible change climate, even though all the evidence says that assumption is wrong.
No, it's the geologic record is littered with warming trends that were not caused by CO2 so you can't necessarily attribute all warming to CO2 argument.
Because it's not related to anything being discussed. You're just tossing out a term you don't understand, in an attempt to look smart. It doesn't work.

Go on. Show we're wrong. Tell us exactly why SD disproves global warming.

(This should be hilarious.)

Well, yeah. I just said that.

Again, WTF is wrong with you? Normal non-pervs don't talk like you do. Do you even understand such a thing, or are you too far gone into pervdom to grasp it?
Last time we discussed this, you denied SB was proven ... I provided that proof ... you never got back with me on that ... did you find that "hilarious"? ... do you still deny the mathematical proof of Stefan-Boltzmann's Law? ... or do we just get crickets? ...

Foolish little boy ...fighting with a stupid strawman ... I'm not arguing against global warming ... I'm arguing against Dr Mann's predictions of a runaway Greenhouse Effect ... and I provided a reference in the IPCC report ... did you look that up before you got bent out of shape? ... and yes, the Bible says Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fire and yet walked out unharmed, meaning only pediphiles get upset by talk of pediphilia ... see Daniel chap 3

I guess your algebra is too weak to understand fourth-root relationships …
Last time we discussed this, you denied SB was proven ... I provided that proof ... you never got back with me on that ... did you find that "hilarious"? ... do you still deny the mathematical proof of Stefan-Boltzmann's Law? ... or do we just get crickets? ...

Foolish little boy ...fighting with a stupid strawman ... I'm not arguing against global warming ... I'm arguing against Dr Mann's predictions of a runaway Greenhouse Effect ... and I provided a reference in the IPCC report ... did you look that up before you got bent out of shape? ... and yes, the Bible says Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fire and yet walked out unharmed, meaning only pediphiles get upset by talk of pediphilia ... see Daniel chap 3

I guess your algebra is too weak to understand fourth-root relationships …
I find it astounding that you actually continue to think that dealing with t^4 is some huge mathematical challenge. Kids learn to handle that in high school Algebra or earlier. Have you have Trig? Calculus? Differential Equations? Linear Algebra or Matrix Methods?

As to Mann's outlook, check out Climate Scientist Michael Mann on Preserving “Our Fragile Moment”

Mann's specialty is dendrochronology. It would surprise me to see him making serious predictions. Do you still have that link or can you describe roughly where it was?

I would also like to see a proof of SB. To my knowledge, Stefan developed the law from empirical observations while Boltzmann derived it by integrating Planck's radiation law across a hemisphere. Unfortunately, Planck's Law was heuristically derived so, unless you know of some other development, SB has never been "proven".
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Last time we discussed this, you denied SB was proven ... I provided that proof ... you never got back with me on that ... did you find that "hilarious"? ... do you still deny the mathematical proof of Stefan-Boltzmann's Law? ... or do we just get crickets? ...
Well, that's a novel way to cry and run when challenged. Not. We see you cry and run like that every time you make one of your loopy cult claims.
... and yes, the Bible says Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fire and yet walked out unharmed, meaning only pediphiles get upset by talk of pediphilia ... see Daniel chap 3

I can't make it any clearer. You're not normal.
It was a long time coming, but it's satisfying to see Mann stomp some of the worst of the denier frauds.

A jury awarded Michael Mann $1 million for defamation he suffered at the hands of deniers in 2012. The jury found that Stein knowingly and repeatedly used false statements to defame Mann.

Deniers, how have you been told to spin this humiliation? I know it must sting. You've spent the last decade telling everyone that the trial was surely going to prove what a fraud Mann was. The jury, looking at the facts, decided the exact opposite, that the deniers were the frauds here.

ding ReinyDays jc456 skookerasbil MisterBeale Redfish CrusaderFrank

Opposition is celebrated in the sciences ... no voice should be silenced ... to be science, the matter must not only be falsifiable, but also folks working to falsify it ...

Hypercanes and Hockey Sticks ... guess what's born every minute ...
Opposition is celebrated in the sciences ... no voice should be silenced ... to be science, the matter must not only be falsifiable, but also folks working to falsify it ...

Hypercanes and Hockey Sticks ... guess what's born every minute ...

A voice is effectively silenced when proved wrong.

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