Manmade Climate Change and Fossil Fuels


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
There is a striking similarly between fossil fuels and man-made climate change, both concepts are man-made fictions designed to create specific reactions from an unquestioning public.

The notion that Earth based hydrocarbons: methane, oil and gasoline, etc. come from long dead plants and dinosaurs was designed and paid for by Rockefeller to create the image of scarcity and therefore pricing power. It's now obvious that our "fossil fuels" are natural byproducts of geology.

Using the exact same script, the ones pushing AGW are also selling us a bill of goods not based in facts or science. That both were able to purchase "scientists" or studies backing their fiction does not make either true.

Climate change comes from burning dead dinosaurs.

There is a striking similarly between fossil fuels and man-made climate change, both concepts are man-made fictions designed to create specific reactions from an unquestioning public.

The notion that Earth based hydrocarbons: methane, oil and gasoline, etc. come from long dead plants and dinosaurs was designed and paid for by Rockefeller to create the image of scarcity and therefore pricing power. It's now obvious that our "fossil fuels" are natural byproducts of geology.

Using the exact same script, the ones pushing AGW are also selling us a bill of goods not based in facts or science. That both were able to purchase "scientists" or studies backing their fiction does not make either true.

Climate change comes from burning dead dinosaurs.


I've been waiting for the ocean front beach for twenty years to show up in front of my house.

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