Maniac murderer chases cops with large knife; They run and refuse to shoot bc of "recent events"

Sounds like the job got done. Of course they were trying to make a point. They accidentally did, but not the point they were trying for :rolleyes:
Good job Officers. They did their job and arrested the culprit so he can face justice. :thup:

No. They failed to protect the public. The KILLER chose not to further his killing spree. Not the cops. He could've ran down the street and killed another person...because these cops failed their duty and RAN AWAY.

If we encourage this cowardice from police officers...oir society is doomed.

These officers should be reprimanded. That knife weilding man should never have had an opportunity to escape their custody. He'd already killed two and wanted to kill more. And they RAN AWAY and gave him the opportunity to go do more had he chosen to.

And you applaud that?

Would you support cops running away from a mall where a gunman had just shot 2 people and possibly wanted to kill more???

Shut the hell up fannyboy. Why do I know that if it'd been a chickenshit like you facing down some lunatic, you'd run away, hide in the dumpster, and suck your thumb till the real MEN got there to take the situation in hand.
Good job Officers. They did their job and arrested the culprit so he can face justice. :thup:

No. They failed to protect the public. The KILLER chose not to further his killing spree. Not the cops. He could've ran down the street and killed another person...because these cops failed their duty and RAN AWAY.

If we encourage this cowardice from police officers...oir society is doomed.

These officers should be reprimanded. That knife weilding man should never have had an opportunity to escape their custody. He'd already killed two and wanted to kill more. And they RAN AWAY and gave him the opportunity to go do more had he chosen to.

And you applaud that?

Would you support cops running away from a mall where a gunman had just shot 2 people and possibly wanted to kill more???

They ran away? How did they arrest the criminal then?
Because he got tired. Why must you always be an idiot?
BUCS, you are not helping the situation with your threads and comments, you are hurting your fellow cops with your arrogance.... not necessarily on this thread but most all of your others.

It's tough being a cop, we all understand that, and there truly are few instances of abuse with cops compared to all of the arrests made in a year...

BUT there are some instances where policemen have been just flat out wrong in their judgement, in their killings and punching and choke holding and stealing video's or erasing them etc.... if you just have this good ole boys club of cops and prosecutors and district attorneys that cover up wrong doings by giving each other free passes no one will trust you....

And as long as police and people like you keep covering up or forgiving or giving a ''pass' to those cops who kill when not absolutely necessary, you will have people bad mouthing you/the cops....and I'll be the first in line.
It's tough being a cop because of idiot spineless thug loving retards who blame the cops when they do their jobs. Officer Wilson did his job and people are still spreading lies.
BUCS, you are not helping the situation with your threads and comments, you are hurting your fellow cops with your arrogance.... not necessarily on this thread but most all of your others.

It's tough being a cop, we all understand that, and there truly are few instances of abuse with cops compared to all of the arrests made in a year...

BUT there are some instances where policemen have been just flat out wrong in their judgement, in their killings and punching and choke holding and stealing video's or erasing them etc.... if you just have this good ole boys club of cops and prosecutors and district attorneys that cover up wrong doings by giving each other free passes no one will trust you....

And as long as police and people like you keep covering up or forgiving or giving a ''pass' to those cops who kill when not absolutely necessary, you will have people bad mouthing you/the cops....and I'll be the first in line.
It's tough being a cop because of idiot spineless thug loving retards who blame the cops when they do their jobs. Officer Wilson did his job and people are still spreading lies.

Yes it is tough being a cop. But that doesn't mean you get a pass when you break the law or when you use your badge to be able to beat the shit out of people whenever you want.
So... next time some forward thinking, sensitive, reasonable cops...RUN AWAY from a psycho who has just killed some people....and the psycho then goes on to kill more....just BEING SURE no one will blame the cops who will have let him get that extra opportunity by not doing their previously assumed duty of stopping his threat. Right?

So next time theres a whacko with a gun shooting people...if the cops run away...its ok. Regardless of what the eventual outcome is right?

Or will their act of running away ONLY be judged in hindsight based on what the outcome is?
These cops have some balls and they made a point that needed to be made.

What point? That its ok to just run away from an armed murderer who just killed two people....thus giving him an opportunity to flee and go kill more people?

If your child is randomly murdered....and you find out it was done by a psycho who had already killed 2 others and the COPS HAD HIM IN FRONT OF THEM....hut they chose to run away....would you still be ok with that?

You'd demand the cops be jailed and you know it.

But hey...maybe more cops will take this retreat approach....and you or a loved one will fall victim to a predator who the cops ran away from.
These cops have some balls and they made a point that needed to be made.

What point? That its ok to just run away from an armed murderer who just killed two people....thus giving him an opportunity to flee and go kill more people?

If your child is randomly murdered....and you find out it was done by a psycho who had already killed 2 others and the COPS HAD HIM IN FRONT OF THEM....hut they chose to run away....would you still be ok with that?

You'd demand the cops be jailed and you know it.

But hey...maybe more cops will take this retreat approach....and you or a loved one will fall victim to a predator who the cops ran away from.

And regardless of the outcome of any situation involving police, you'd bitch and moan about any decision they made as being wrong's trendy?
2- THIS one pisses me off most. You are running from him and hes killed two people already. What if while you run...he realizes he wont get you...and he turns and runs next door or down the steeet and kills an innocent mom or grandpa or child?? All because you wanted to avoid protests over you defending yourself...AND OTHERS?!


The bolded is the key difference. If they refuse to shoot because of their misinterpretation of recent events they are a dumbass.

Dont side with a dumbass
I watched a YouTube video yesterday where a black man, obviously very drunk or crazed on drugs, entered a Brooklyn synagogue and stabbed a man praying. Then a long stand-off ensued between synagogue members and this nutcase until a white NYC beat cop shows up and takes the situation in hand. The man refused to drop the knife for several minutes, lunging at other members of the synagogue, being screamed at by the cop for at least 3 minutes to drop the knife. Finally the perp dropped the knife and the cop moved in to put him in cuffs, but at the last second the black guy lunges back toward the knife, then the cop finally shoots and kills him. Now if one of the synagogue faithful hadn't been standing at the back of the hall shooting all of this on video, how do you suppose the MSM would have presented this sad situation on the "news"? "White Cop Invades Synagogue Service With Unholstered Gun, Shooting and Killing Unarmed Black Man"?

This is silly. The cops should have taken the lunatic and they did. That they ran first is what you make a big deal about, and are trying to blame the people who bitched about cops going WAY over the line in brutalizing citizens.

The two are unrelated. Want to be a cop? Then understand that you can defend yourself (and others) against an armed assailant, but you cannot murder unarmed citizens for no reason. If you cannot see the difference, you need not apply to be an armed servant of the public.

So much stupid , where to start

Hey lets start here.

What does armed have to do with it? You don't think an unarmed man can be dangerous?

Of course being armed makes the man more dangerous , but that doesn't mean an unarmed man is NOT dangerous.

Frankly , the police officer in the story Tom was just relating came closer to doing something wrong than Wilson did.

A man who is just standing there with a knife, making threats is NOT as much of a threat as unarmed 300 lb man who's charging at you is.
My question, were the victims dead when they arrived or after?
Let's say they were alive, even if hanging by a thread, then by running, rather than confronting the madman, these victims would have no chance, as it would be unsafe for paramedics to get to the victims. Is that what this is boiling down to?
Or wrestling for your gun.
This is silly. The cops should have taken the lunatic and they did. That they ran first is what you make a big deal about, and are trying to blame the people who bitched about cops going WAY over the line in brutalizing citizens.

The two are unrelated. Want to be a cop? Then understand that you can defend yourself (and others) against an armed assailant, but you cannot murder unarmed citizens for no reason. If you cannot see the difference, you need not apply to be an armed servant of the public.

So much stupid , where to start

Hey lets start here.

What does armed have to do with it? You don't think an unarmed man can be dangerous?

Of course being armed makes the man more dangerous , but that doesn't mean an unarmed man is NOT dangerous.

Frankly , the police officer in the story Tom was just relating came closer to doing something wrong than Wilson did.

A man who is just standing there with a knife, making threats is NOT as much of a threat as unarmed 300 lb man who's charging at you is.
This is silly. The cops should have taken the lunatic and they did. That they ran first is what you make a big deal about, and are trying to blame the people who bitched about cops going WAY over the line in brutalizing citizens.

The two are unrelated. Want to be a cop? Then understand that you can defend yourself (and others) against an armed assailant, but you cannot murder unarmed citizens for no reason. If you cannot see the difference, you need not apply to be an armed servant of the public.

So much stupid , where to start

Hey lets start here.

What does armed have to do with it? You don't think an unarmed man can be dangerous?

Of course being armed makes the man more dangerous , but that doesn't mean an unarmed man is NOT dangerous.

Frankly , the police officer in the story Tom was just relating came closer to doing something wrong than Wilson did.

A man who is just standing there with a knife, making threats is NOT as much of a threat as unarmed 300 lb man who's charging at you is.

First of all, please point out where I mentioned the Wilson case at all. The Garner murder was much more like what I was talking about, and there are even better examples in the news on a regular basis.

And armed does have something to do with it. Ask a cop what the plans are when dealing with an armed assailant as opposed to an unarmed one. If he says they are the same then he is either ignorant or lying. In this case there was more than one cop, so the procedures WOULD be very different. Remember the old joke about bringing a knife to a gun fight? If these officers had a reasonable suspicion that he had just killed people, then they are WELL justified in using deadly force and they know it.
This is silly. The cops should have taken the lunatic and they did. That they ran first is what you make a big deal about, and are trying to blame the people who bitched about cops going WAY over the line in brutalizing citizens.

The two are unrelated. Want to be a cop? Then understand that you can defend yourself (and others) against an armed assailant, but you cannot murder unarmed citizens for no reason. If you cannot see the difference, you need not apply to be an armed servant of the public.

So much stupid , where to start

Hey lets start here.

What does armed have to do with it? You don't think an unarmed man can be dangerous?

Of course being armed makes the man more dangerous , but that doesn't mean an unarmed man is NOT dangerous.

Frankly , the police officer in the story Tom was just relating came closer to doing something wrong than Wilson did.

A man who is just standing there with a knife, making threats is NOT as much of a threat as unarmed 300 lb man who's charging at you is.

First of all, please point out where I mentioned the Wilson case at all. The Garner murder was much more like what I was talking about, and there are even better examples in the news on a regular basis.

And armed does have something to do with it. Ask a cop what the plans are when dealing with an armed assailant as opposed to an unarmed one. If he says they are the same then he is either ignorant or lying. In this case there was more than one cop, so the procedures WOULD be very different. Remember the old joke about bringing a knife to a gun fight? If these officers had a reasonable suspicion that he had just killed people, then they are WELL justified in using deadly force and they know it.

Son, I WAS a cop, for 22 years. and let me correct you on a few things.

Starting with this

If these officers had a reasonable suspicion that he had just killed people, then they are WELL justified in using deadly force and they know it.

Wrong , there is no place in police procedure for basing your decision on whether to use deadly force in a self defense situation on whether you have a suspicion that the person had committed a violent crime or not.

Police procedure says that you are allowed to use appropriate force to defend yourself, up to and including lethal force if necessary PERIOD. It doesn't say " you can use lethal force if the suspect has already killed someone"
If you cannot see the difference, you need not apply to be an armed servant of the public.

He used to be one. That's the frightening part, but then, not so surprising. bucs90 exhibits the very abusive attitude all too prevalent in law enforcement today, hence the reason all these protests are now taking place.
If you cannot see the difference, you need not apply to be an armed servant of the public.

He used to be one. That's the frightening part, but then, not so surprising. bucs90 exhibits the very abusive attitude all too prevalent in law enforcement today, hence the reason all these protests are now taking place.

I could definately see Bucs being one of those "you will respect my authoritay" type cops.
If you cannot see the difference, you need not apply to be an armed servant of the public.

He used to be one. That's the frightening part, but then, not so surprising. bucs90 exhibits the very abusive attitude all too prevalent in law enforcement today, hence the reason all these protests are now taking place.

Someone has to protect good citizens from criminals and mma wannabes like you.

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