Man who refuses to pay taxes until abortion is defunded wins court victory

Don't like abortion...don't have one.
Don't like slavery? Don't own one.

How does your glib bullshit sound in another context of moral depravity?

Here's the thing, slavery couldn't exist without state support. Otherwise, your slaves would just run away the minute you bought them. Well, unless you got one that was into that kind of thing... it takes all kinds.


On the other hand, a fetus can't run away from an abortion. Because it's not a person. It's the woman's choice whether or not it becomes a baby, and frankly, that's what it should be.
I know what Planned Parenthood claims. I've heard it a thousand times. It's still disingenuous b.s.

The same funding that turns on the lights, rents the buildings, pays for the staff, parking lots, etc. etc. for preventative care also does the same for the abortion mill Planned Parenthood runs. Money is fungible!
It's impossible to claim the money that US taxpayers are forced to give to PP is used only for non abortive services.

That cuts both ways... The profits that PP makes off of abortions subsidizes the other health services that people don't want to pay for poor people to get and require a gov't subsidy. So if anyone is a free rider, it's the government.

Not that your sort gives a fuck about about poor people after their umbilical cords are cut.

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