Man uses his concealed gun to save life of woman entering abortion clinic...likely there to kill her baby. Leftists cry.

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Moron.......criminals murder criminals, and if it isn't direct gang business they don't classify it as gang murder, you idiot.....spraying the house of a rival gang is not gang idiot.......

You don't know what you are talking about.

We aren't talking about murders of houses, guy, we are talking about murders of people. And most murderers know their victims.... 35% of them are murdering family members,

Even the people who murder their baby mommas are criminals with long histories of crime, you idiot.......and the majority, by your own number are criminals who know the other criminal who murders them...the drug dealer or buyer murdering the other drug dealer or buyer, the gang member shooting the other rival gang member...they all know each other you dumb ass.......
Moron.......criminals murder criminals, and if it isn't direct gang business they don't classify it as gang murder, you idiot.....spraying the house of a rival gang is not gang idiot.......

You don't know what you are talking about.

We aren't talking about murders of houses, guy, we are talking about murders of people. And most murderers know their victims.... 35% of them are murdering family members,

You are an idiot...

Christoffel, et al., are utterly wrong. The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies.

Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."

Moron.......criminals murder criminals, and if it isn't direct gang business they don't classify it as gang murder, you idiot.....spraying the house of a rival gang is not gang idiot.......

You don't know what you are talking about.

We aren't talking about murders of houses, guy, we are talking about murders of people. And most murderers know their victims.... 35% of them are murdering family members,

You spew lie in just about every post....

Another favorite view of the gun control, public health establishment is the myth propounded by Dr. Mark Rosenberg, former head of the NCIPC of the CDC, who has written: "Most of the perpetrators of violence are not criminals by trade or profession. Indeed, in the area of domestic violence, most of the perpetrators are never accused of any crime. The victims and perpetrators are ourselves --- ordinary citizens, students, professionals, and even public health workers."(6)

That statement is contradicted by available data, government data. The fact is that the typical murderer has had a prior criminal history of at least six years with four felony arrests in his record before he finally commits murder.

(17) The FBI statistics reveal that 75 percent of all violent crimes for any locality are committed by six percent of hardened criminals and repeat offenders.(18)
Wow. More of the upside world of the leftist. It wasn’t the German people who collectively decided to round up the Jews, Gypsies, Poles and throw them into concentration camps. It was the Hitler’s government that provided the ideology, logistics and manpower.

a government most Germans enthusiastically supported. This is what you don't seem to get. Anti-Semitism was hardwired into German Culture previous to WWII.

Hey, check this cartoon out. It was Published in 1919, before Hitler even got into politics.

View attachment 512973
It shows the Jewish character stabbing the German soldier in the back.

Then again, Trump blamed Asians for the Virus and Mexicans for the bad economy.

The Russian people didn’t collectively decide to round up the academics, writers, politicos, etc. under Stalin. It was the Stalin regime that provided the ideology, logistics and manpower. It was no different with Pol Pot and other dictators.

Okay, let's look at that. Who were the academics, etc. in Russia? They were the elites, the ones who had the land while the majority of Russians were barely scraping out a living. That's why the Russian people turned on them.

You guys talk about Pol Pot without talking about Lon Nol and how he went along with brutal policies against the rural folks in Eastern Cambodia and turned a blind eye when the US expanded the Vietnam war into their land.

Action. Reaction.
Naw, guy, anti Semitism isn’t “hardwired” into the population. Do you believe there is something in German DNA that predisposes the population to anti semitism? Another ridiculous conspiracy theory of the rabid leftist.

You forgot to include Jews as moneylenders in your quaint description of “elites”. You understand nothing of the history surrounding post WW1 Germany. First, you need to understand the social and political dynamics which caused Hitler’s eventual rise to power. Following Germany’s humiliation at the end of WW I, caused in part by Allied insistence that a percentage of the land area of the German empire be annexed to various countries, and other concessions to the Allies, Germany was on the verge of collapse. It’s not difficult to envision an outspoken individual garnering recognition. It was certainly easier to blame the "Jews" for Germany's problems than it is the overall failed political maneuvering of a lame duck Republic that is chastised by having lost a war of imperialism. We’re basically examining an eccentric use of power and greed under the veil of Democracy. A hapless nation had suffered 10 years of runaway inflation and political isolation. A charismatic leader would tell the people what they wanted to hear, ie: the glory of the Fatherland, Arian supremacy, etc., etc.

I thought it was funny that the cartoon you cut and pasted is of Austrian origin, not German. Ooooooops. Throws a wet blanket on your rant.

You guys talk about coma Joe Biden and Harris as if they are the second coming of Obama, well because they are, only with a more leftist agenda.
Even the people who murder their baby mommas are criminals with long histories of crime, you idiot.......and the majority, by your own number are criminals who know the other criminal who murders them...the drug dealer or buyer murdering the other drug dealer or buyer, the gang member shooting the other rival gang member...they all know each other you dumb ass.......

Hold on, buddy, I just found a new Avi for you...


You kind of see what you are doing here, right? You are essentially trying to dismiss the horrific death tolls in this country by dehumanizing the victims.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies.

Which means all of nothing, Kirkenfuhrer... The major difference is that most adults who manage to mostly keep out of trouble do so because of privilege.

For instance, I find it amusing that a lot of the guys were have all grown up to wear Blue Lives Matter's teeshirt s are the ones who got into a lot of juvenile trouble when they were younger. But again- white privilege... The black kid gets jail, the white kid gets probation and rehab.


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Even the people who murder their baby mommas are criminals with long histories of crime, you idiot.......and the majority, by your own number are criminals who know the other criminal who murders them...the drug dealer or buyer murdering the other drug dealer or buyer, the gang member shooting the other rival gang member...they all know each other you dumb ass.......

Hold on, buddy, I just found a new Avi for you...

View attachment 513231

You kind of see what you are doing here, right? You are essentially trying to dismiss the horrific death tolls in this country by dehumanizing the victims.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies.

Which means all of nothing, Kirkenfuhrer... The major difference is that most adults who manage to mostly keep out of trouble do so because of privilege.

For instance, I find it amusing that a lot of the guys were have all grown up to wear Blue Lives Matter's teeshirt s are the ones who got into a lot of juvenile trouble when they were younger. But again- white privilege... The black kid gets jail, the white kid gets probation and rehab.
Self-hating leftists love the “white privilege” slogan. They hate themselves, they hate each other and they hate their miserable lives so they want everyone else to hate them.

My dad loves to throw the idea of hard work and a willingness to make decisions at the self-hating leftists. I know he didn’t feel so privileged in his 30’s and 40’s, working 50 - 55 hours a week because he wanted to succeed. But after all, the leftist hacks will screech “that’s racist™“, as is math and science and personal integrity.

The debilitating disease of leftism.
And now more crazy talk....

Naw, guy, anti Semitism isn’t “hardwired” into the population. Do you believe there is something in German DNA that predisposes the population to anti semitism? Another ridiculous conspiracy theory of the rabid leftist.

DNA? No. A thousand years of culture, yes. Martin Luther, the father of German Protestantism, wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies".

In the treatise, he (Luther) argues that Jewish synagogues and schools be set on fire, their prayer books destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, homes burned, and property and money confiscated. They should be shown no mercy or kindness,[2] afforded no legal protection,[3] and "these poisonous envenomed worms" should be drafted into forced labor or expelled for all time.[4] He also seems to advocate their murder, writing "[W]e are at fault in not slaying them".[5]

This is 400 years before Hitler.

We have the passion plays of Germany that portray the Jews as instigating the crucifixion.

A 2010 review in the Jewish newspaper The Forward stated: "It is undeniably true that the play was virulently antisemitic through most of its history, and that it gained an extra dose of notoriety after Hitler endorsed the 1934 production."[3] The review noted that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) states that the play "continues to transmit negative stereotypes of Jews" and that even the Catholic Church demanded changes to the play, to bring it more in line with church policies expressed by the Second Vatican Council, 1962–1965, in the Apostolic Constitution, Nostra aetate, 4, October 28, 1965 ("[T]he Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God as if this followed from Sacred Scripture"). 2000 and 2010 director Christian Stückl told "The Forward" that Jesus "lived as a Jew." Therefore, in the revised play, Jesus and his disciples pray in Hebrew. After viewing the play, the reviewer was sympathetic to its artistry and felt less offended by its message than by "Wagner's antisemitic caricatures and religious mysticism".[3] Nonetheless, the review quoted a report from the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations, which reviewed the 2010 script and objected that the play still makes use of "elements that are historically dubious" from the Gospels. The review stated that "It seems unfair" to accuse the play of anti-semitism when it recounts material in Christianity's sacred texts and noted that the ADL's national director Abe Foxman had said that if the play is "about a Crucifixion in which the Jews kill Christ, you can never clean it up enough" to avoid an anti-semitic message.[3]

You forgot to include Jews as moneylenders in your quaint description of “elites”. You understand nothing of the history surrounding post WW1 Germany. First, you need to understand the social and political dynamics which caused Hitler’s eventual rise to power. Following Germany’s humiliation at the end of WW I, caused in part by Allied insistence that a percentage of the land area of the German empire be annexed to various countries, and other concessions to the Allies, Germany was on the verge of collapse.
For the record. My grandfather fought in the German Army in World War I. He immigrated here in 1925, immigrated back in 1931 and then came back when he saw the country was going nuts.

Yes, Germany was kind of a mess after WWI. Part of the appeal of Hitler was that Germany's attempts at Democracy were kind of a hot mess. There were 14 Chancellors between the Kaiser's abdication and Hitler's coming to power.

By 1933, though, Germany had made a pretty good economic recovery, even despite the Great Depression. What brought Hitler to power was his promises of revenge...

It’s not difficult to envision an outspoken individual garnering recognition. It was certainly easier to blame the "Jews" for Germany's problems than it is the overall failed political maneuvering of a lame duck Republic that is chastised by having lost a war of imperialism.

Gee, Trump came to power blaming the Mexicans... and we didn't go through half the shit they did. You give human beings too little credit. We can do awful all by ourselves.

But the point I am trying to get across to you, Trump didn't invent "hating Mexicans". Hitler didn't invent "Hating Jews".

We’re basically examining an eccentric use of power and greed under the veil of Democracy. A hapless nation had suffered 10 years of runaway inflation and political isolation. A charismatic leader would tell the people what they wanted to hear, ie: the glory of the Fatherland, Arian supremacy, etc., etc.

Again, Make America Great Again. Not seeing much of a difference.

I thought it was funny that the cartoon you cut and pasted is of Austrian origin, not German. Ooooooops. Throws a wet blanket on your rant.

Uh, you do realize that Austrians are... you know, German, right? They speak German. They were part of Germany for most of history under the Holy Roman Empire, the German Confederation and the Third Reich.

The Austrian Origin aside, the fact is, the Cartoon Jews is stabbing a a German soldier in the back. That's the point of the Stabbed in the Back Myth.

You guys talk about coma Joe Biden and Harris as if they are the second coming of Obama, well because they are, only with a more leftist agenda.

Actually, I'll just be happy if Joe restores sanity to the country...
Self-hating leftists love the “white privilege” slogan. They hate themselves, they hate each other and they hate their miserable lives so they want everyone else to hate them.

My dad loves to throw the idea of hard work and a willingness to make decisions at the self-hating leftists. I know he didn’t feel so privileged in his 30’s and 40’s, working 50 - 55 hours a week because he wanted to succeed. But after all, the leftist hacks will screech “that’s racist™“, as is math and science and personal integrity.

The debilitating disease of leftism.

Actually, up until 12 years ago, I was probably more right wing than you are.

Then I realized that my enemy wasn't the Mexican or the Black or the Gay person... it was the white guy with more money who happily screws with your life because he can.

But I'm also a realist. I know that because I was born white and male and straight (sorry all you Wingnuts who fantasize about my sex life), I do have massive privilege in this country.

Now, in the last post, I talked about my Grandfather... the one who fought for the Kaiser. And yes, I'm pretty sure people called him a "Kraut" and a "Hun" and other unkind names. But the funny thing was, even getting off that boat, in our society, by virtue of skin color, he had privilege.

Hard work is fine. But, shit, sweetie, we got people working two jobs to make ends meet these days. We got people who work that 55 hours a week and then go off and drive an Uber on the weekends.

You see, if you want to talk about that previous generation (Funny how you don't talk about how YOU work 55 hours a week), let's look at that.

Those folks had UNIONS protecting their rights at work and making sure they made a living wage. Things the Right Wing has been slowly dismantling...

But dumb-asses like you and DickTiny, Clinging to your guns and your bibles, don't understand who took all that away from you.

Yeah. Let's blame the Mexicans.
Self-hating leftists love the “white privilege” slogan. They hate themselves, they hate each other and they hate their miserable lives so they want everyone else to hate them.

My dad loves to throw the idea of hard work and a willingness to make decisions at the self-hating leftists. I know he didn’t feel so privileged in his 30’s and 40’s, working 50 - 55 hours a week because he wanted to succeed. But after all, the leftist hacks will screech “that’s racist™“, as is math and science and personal integrity.

The debilitating disease of leftism.

Actually, up until 12 years ago, I was probably more right wing than you are.

Then I realized that my enemy wasn't the Mexican or the Black or the Gay person... it was the white guy with more money who happily screws with your life because he can.

But I'm also a realist. I know that because I was born white and male and straight (sorry all you Wingnuts who fantasize about my sex life), I do have massive privilege in this country.

Now, in the last post, I talked about my Grandfather... the one who fought for the Kaiser. And yes, I'm pretty sure people called him a "Kraut" and a "Hun" and other unkind names. But the funny thing was, even getting off that boat, in our society, by virtue of skin color, he had privilege.

Hard work is fine. But, shit, sweetie, we got people working two jobs to make ends meet these days. We got people who work that 55 hours a week and then go off and drive an Uber on the weekends.

You see, if you want to talk about that previous generation (Funny how you don't talk about how YOU work 55 hours a week), let's look at that.

Those folks had UNIONS protecting their rights at work and making sure they made a living wage. Things the Right Wing has been slowly dismantling...

But dumb-asses like you and DickTiny, Clinging to your guns and your bibles, don't understand who took all that away from you.

Yeah. Let's blame the Mexicans.
It’s like a watching a stereotypical, self-hating leftist announce on a public message board how much he hates himself.

But yeah, sometimes live is hard work. Wouldn’t it be great if uncle coma Joe and “Carmella” Harris just gave you free stuff?
It’s like a watching a stereotypical, self-hating leftist announce on a public message board how much he hates himself.

Duly noted you can't argue the points made.

But yeah, sometimes live is hard work. Wouldn’t it be great if uncle coma Joe and “Carmella” Harris just gave you free stuff?

Who asked for 'free stuff". As I've often pointed out, white people are just fine with welfare when you call it a "Middle Class entitlement". Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Benefits and Veteran's Benefits make up MOST of the Federal budget.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murders...according to the Centers for Disease Control......

No, they don't. It's more like 49,000 a year, according to the FBI.

Moron.....Sweden has fully automatic military weapons in their homes...and very little isn't access to guns that creates crime.....

Sweden has one gun for every eight people, and it's very hard to get one. I posted a link to what Sweden's gun laws are.

Yes, SOME people can get a fully auto weapon, but most people can't. Not without a good reason.

Tell that to Switzerland...where they have escalating gun crime...tell that to France where the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French criminals........

Didn't you morons claim Switzerland was gun paradise? Except it isn't.
The Swedish used to have weapons in their homes, but were told to hand them in and they did.

And how did that handing in of guns work for the Swedes?

Well...the criminals didn't pay attention.......they also didn't pay attention to the law that says that hand grenades are also are fully automatic military rifles...the weapon that Swedish...and French criminals prefer.....

The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,” the report said, noting that shooting deaths had more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now accounted for 40% of violent deaths.
The report said more than eight out of 10 shootings were linked to organised crime, a significantly higher proportion than in other countries, and cited gang wars, the drugs trade and low confidence towards the police as potential factors.
The report said a decline in other forms of deadly violence, including knife crime, had masked the rise in fatal shootings.
Of 22 European countries analysed in the report, data from 2014-2017 put the country in second place, behind Croatia and ahead of Latvia. In 2018 it topped the ranking, although data from some countries was not complete that year.
Last year the country of 10.3 million people recorded more than 360 incidents involving guns, including 47 deaths and 117 people injured.
Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade, a report has found.
The report, by the Swedish national council for crime prevention (BRA), said the Scandinavian country had overtaken Italy and eastern European countries primarily because of the violent activities of organised criminal gangs.
Sweden’s gun violence rate has soared due to gangs, report says

Swedish capital sees 79% spike in shootings as govt laments ‘high levels’ of violence in the Scandinavian country
Sweden recorded a surge in gun-related violence last year, according to new figures released by the government amid accusations that authorities have turned a blind eye to rising crime in the country.
Interior Minister Mikael Damberg disclosed on Monday that 47 people were killed and 117 injured in 366 shooting incidents in 2020, marking a 10 percent increase in gun violence when compared to statistics from 2019.

Damberg noted that in nearly half of the shootings registered last year, someone was injured or killed. “We will neither accept nor get used to such high levels of violence,” he said.

The situation in Malmo, a city with a large migrant population that has struggled with gang violence, has improved, while crime is surging in Stockholm, the interior minister pointed out.

According to Damberg, the Swedish capital saw a staggering 79 percent increase in shootings in 2020.
Most of the violent incidents occurred in 60 suburbs across the country identified by police as “vulnerable” areas. Damberg said that while 5.4 percent of Sweden’s population live in such neighborhoods, they account for more than half of the nation’s fatal shootings.

In the report on Tuesday, the Swedish Television, citing statistics from the Swedish Police Authority, revealed that by November, there had been as many shootings in 2020 as during the whole of 2019.
Between January 1 and December 15, there were 349 confirmed shootings in Sweden, with 111 people wounded and 44 dead as a result, Xinhua news agency quoted the report as saying.
The death toll is close to the highest number on record so far -- 45 gun-related fatalities in 2018.
Most of the shootings, or 146, occurred in the capital Stockholm, where 23 deaths and 48 injuries were reported.
According to the police, most incidents were related to organised crime and conflicts between gang members.

Criminologist Joakim Sturup told Swedish Television that a major reason behind the worrying statistics is that automatic weapons are becoming more commonly used by gang members.

Sweden witnesses spike in shooting incidents

Shootings on the Rise in Sweden Despite Crackdown on Gang Violence, COVID-19 Epidemic

The number of shootings is increasing in Sweden, despite a national effort to curtail gang violence amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, SVT reported.

The police also noted that the raging coronavirus epidemic, contrary to some people's expectations, has not had a major impact on crime. This is likely due to the fact that Sweden, unlike most European nations, has consistently avoided lockdowns. Even the flow of drugs has not been disturbed to any great extent, the police said. However, there is still a risk that reduced access to drugs may increase violence.

Crime gangs in Sweden: What's behind the rise in the use of explosives?

The frequent use of explosives is a relatively recent phenomenon, and criminologists told The Local that the blasts can be seen as part of an overall rise in violence and growing recklessness in these criminal networks.

Amir Rostami, a police superintendent turned sociologist with a focus on criminal gangs, told The Local that so-called 'street gangs' are showing an increased tendency towards violence, and that this violence was becoming more severe when it took place.

"If previously they maybe fired one shot or shot someone in the legs, today it's more about AK47s, using more bullets, hand grenades and explosions that we didn't see before. I'd say that's the biggest shift we see – they're more reckless, they don't seem to care about the consequences," Rostami said.

Fatal shootings linked to criminal gangs have increased from around four per year in the early 1990s to over 40 in 2018. And while the blasts that have taken place in Sweden have caused no fatalities so far this year, they could be seen as a sign that the gangs are unafraid of causing damage and potentially harming people.
No, Sweden, hand grenade attacks aren’t an ‘image’ problem

In 2018 there were 162 bombings reported to police, and 93 reported in the first five months of this year, 30 more than during the same period in 2018. The level of attacks is “extreme in a country that is not at war,” Crime Commissioner Gunnar Appelgren told SVT last year.

The use of hand grenades is a purely Swedish phenomenon too, with no other country in Europe reporting their use on such a level, a police manager told Swedish Radio in 2016, a year after attacks first spiked.

The grenades used almost exclusively originate in the former Yugoslavia, and are sold in Sweden for around $100 per piece. But while only three hand grenades were thrown in Kosovo between 2013 and 2014, more than 20 have been used in Sweden every year since 2015.

More broadly, homicide has risen in Sweden, with more than 300 shootings reported last year, causing 45 deaths. Though homicide rates had been in decline since 2002, they again began trending upwards in 2015, as did rapes and sexual assaults, which more than tripled in the last four years.

Of course, 2015 was also the year in which Sweden flung open its doors to more than 160,000 asylum seekers, more per capita than any other European country.

Dagens Nyheter pointed out that 90 percent of shooting perpetrators in Sweden are either first or second generation immigrants.

Bomb attacks are now a normal part of Swedish life | The Spectator

Only days after the murder of Karolin Hakim, another young woman fell victim to the gang wars. Eighteen-year-old Ndella Jack was killed as someone fired an automatic weapon into her flat in western Stockholm, probably aiming for her husband, a well-known figure in Stockholm’s gang scene. Less than a week after the murder, associates of Ms Jack’s husband were lured to a middle-class suburb of Stockholm, where they had been promised information about her killer. Shots were fired, missing the targets and hitting instead a taxi driver and a resident in a nearby building. One victim, also a university student, lost his sight in an eye after it was hit by a bullet

Holding Sweden hostage: firearm-related violence

Statistics from the NBHW shows that the number of individuals in Sweden injured by a firearm has greatly increased since 2009. Between 2012 and 2017, the number of individuals that were injured by a firearm increased by 50% [13]. Figure 3 outlines the number of individuals being treated at Swedish hospitals for firearm-related injuries.
International reports [1, 2], the Swedish police [12,19], and Swedish scholars [3–6,20,21] agree that the main cause for the increase in the rate of firearm-related violence is the presence of many gangs and criminal networks in Sweden.

Although gangs and criminal networks have always existed in Sweden, street gangs flourished in the late 1990s and are today considered to be one of the main security problems in the country [22–24]. Swedish gangs and foremost criminal networks have not only continued to increase, butthey have also become bolder and more violent as can be seen in their use of firearms and explosive devices as their modus operandi [3,6].

Another very important source of the increase of firearm-related violence in Sweden is the easy access to illegal firearms.

Although Sweden was, for decades, shielded from firearm-related violence, mostly because of its restrictive gun laws, the easy access to illegal firearms, in addition to the many gangs and criminal networks in the country, is the main reason for the disturbing increase in the country’s rate of firearm-related violence. According to police reports, there has been a high inflow of illegal weapons into Sweden from the western Balkans [12].

You went to a lot of trouble to prove nothing. How's your testosterone now Rambo?
Self-hating leftists love the “white privilege” slogan. They hate themselves, they hate each other and they hate their miserable lives so they want everyone else to hate them.

My dad loves to throw the idea of hard work and a willingness to make decisions at the self-hating leftists. I know he didn’t feel so privileged in his 30’s and 40’s, working 50 - 55 hours a week because he wanted to succeed. But after all, the leftist hacks will screech “that’s racist™“, as is math and science and personal integrity.

The debilitating disease of leftism.

Actually, up until 12 years ago, I was probably more right wing than you are.

Then I realized that my enemy wasn't the Mexican or the Black or the Gay person... it was the white guy with more money who happily screws with your life because he can.

But I'm also a realist. I know that because I was born white and male and straight (sorry all you Wingnuts who fantasize about my sex life), I do have massive privilege in this country.

Now, in the last post, I talked about my Grandfather... the one who fought for the Kaiser. And yes, I'm pretty sure people called him a "Kraut" and a "Hun" and other unkind names. But the funny thing was, even getting off that boat, in our society, by virtue of skin color, he had privilege.

Hard work is fine. But, shit, sweetie, we got people working two jobs to make ends meet these days. We got people who work that 55 hours a week and then go off and drive an Uber on the weekends.

You see, if you want to talk about that previous generation (Funny how you don't talk about how YOU work 55 hours a week), let's look at that.

Those folks had UNIONS protecting their rights at work and making sure they made a living wage. Things the Right Wing has been slowly dismantling...

But dumb-asses like you and DickTiny, Clinging to your guns and your bibles, don't understand who took all that away from you.

Yeah. Let's blame the Mexicans.
It’s like a watching a stereotypical, self-hating leftist announce on a public message board how much he hates himself.
It’s like a watching a stereotypical, self-hating leftist announce on a public message board how much he hates himself.

Duly noted you can't argue the points made.

But yeah, sometimes live is hard work. Wouldn’t it be great if uncle coma Joe and “Carmella” Harris just gave you free stuff?

Who asked for 'free stuff". As I've often pointed out, white people are just fine with welfare when you call it a "Middle Class entitlement". Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Benefits and Veteran's Benefits make up MOST of the Federal budget.

View attachment 513305
As you have often pointed out, self-hating leftists tend to be rather ignorant of history. What party was it that instituted social security, Medicaid / Medicare, etc? You didn’t know it was Democrats?

Yet another bit of humor as the democrats, the party of slavery and the party of welfare entitlements now whine about evil white people using those entitlements.

Duly noted you know nothing of history.
As you have often pointed out, self-hating leftists tend to be rather ignorant of history. What party was it that instituted social security, Medicaid / Medicare, etc? You didn’t know it was Democrats?

Here's the thing, Sweetie. Barry "Deep Down you Know He's Nuts" Goldwater tried to run against Entitlements in 1964, and he lost 44 states, including Southern States. A white person asked him, "Why are you trying to shut down the TVA, that's our livelihood down here."

People vote for these things because they know that they keep middle class white people from becoming POOR white people. Not "Hard Work"... all the hard work in the world isn't going to do any good if you have to make a choice between letting Nana die or bankrupting your family to keep her alive for an extra couple of years.

The funny thing is, before the Middle Class Entitlements came along, the average lifespan for an American was about 62 years. Today it's close to 80. Without getting into a longer discussion with you that would involve math, these policies are victims of their own success.

Yet another bit of humor as the democrats, the party of slavery and the party of welfare entitlements now whine about evil white people using those entitlements.

Except no one is complaining about them using them. That's what they are there for.

I just point out the hypocrisy of DEMANDING your government benefits while looking down on poor people who get a pittance of assistance.
As you have often pointed out, self-hating leftists tend to be rather ignorant of history. What party was it that instituted social security, Medicaid / Medicare, etc? You didn’t know it was Democrats?

Here's the thing, Sweetie. Barry "Deep Down you Know He's Nuts" Goldwater tried to run against Entitlements in 1964, and he lost 44 states, including Southern States. A white person asked him, "Why are you trying to shut down the TVA, that's our livelihood down here."

People vote for these things because they know that they keep middle class white people from becoming POOR white people. Not "Hard Work"... all the hard work in the world isn't going to do any good if you have to make a choice between letting Nana die or bankrupting your family to keep her alive for an extra couple of years.

The funny thing is, before the Middle Class Entitlements came along, the average lifespan for an American was about 62 years. Today it's close to 80. Without getting into a longer discussion with you that would involve math, these policies are victims of their own success.

Yet another bit of humor as the democrats, the party of slavery and the party of welfare entitlements now whine about evil white people using those entitlements.

Except no one is complaining about them using them. That's what they are there for.

I just point out the hypocrisy of DEMANDING your government benefits while looking down on poor people who get a pittance of assistance.
Here’s the thing, pumpkin, while the rabid leftists whine about the evil white man and his entitlements, the leftist democrats are the party of those entitlements. Why not do the noble thing and donate your welfare check to those needy folks you whine about but care nothing for. Everyone gets it, those poor, oppressed blacks are talking points for democrats.
Who asked for 'free stuff". As I've often pointed out, white people are just fine with welfare when you call it a "Middle Class entitlement". Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Benefits and Veteran's Benefits make up MOST of the Federal budget.

I'm curious. If someone in the old Soviet Union (or make it Cuba so it's current today) who hates communism but eats the government's potato soup when they can get something to eat, are they hypocrites?

Veteran's benefits are certainly not welfare. When you have injuries or other conditions related to serving in the United States Armed Forces then the nation owes the medical treatment for those conditions or other conditions related to or resulting from those injuries. Discussion of that as a socialist program is absolutely off the table.

Who passed Social Security and Medicare? The government takes over 15% of a person's pay for Social Security and Medicare. If everyone in the US saved or invested 15% for their entire working careers, and did anything at all to improve their skills above minimum wage jobs, they'd retire wealthy.

So, back to the potato soup, surviving in a socialist or communist economy does not negate your right to argue against socialism.
Here’s the thing, pumpkin, while the rabid leftists whine about the evil white man and his entitlements, the leftist democrats are the party of those entitlements. Why not do the noble thing and donate your welfare check to those needy folks you whine about but care nothing for. Everyone gets it, those poor, oppressed blacks are talking points for democrats.

I don't get entitlements... I work two jobs and work about 80 hours a week. I already know that I probably won't be able to maintain my lifestyle on social security, so I'm working very hard to save up enough money so I can.

But the point clearly went over your head, snookums. You guys whine ALL DAY about poverty relief programs, but are perfectly fine with middle class entitlements that keep middle class people from becoming poor if they are unemployed, sick or elderly.

I'm curious. If someone in the old Soviet Union (or make it Cuba so it's current today) who hates communism but eats the government's potato soup when they can get something to eat, are they hypocrites?
Oh, no, I feel a retarded analogy coming on... Let's see how Corky this inbred extra chromosome idiot can get.

Veteran's benefits are certainly not welfare. When you have injuries or other conditions related to serving in the United States Armed Forces then the nation owes the medical treatment for those conditions or other conditions related to or resulting from those injuries. Discussion of that as a socialist program is absolutely off the table.
Uh, dude, I served for 11 years. Never got anywhere near a testy foreigner trying to kill me, as most veterans never do. Have no service related disabilities or injuries.
I'm still entitled to all those benefits for merely sitting behind my desk filling out DA Form 3645.

So why should I be given special benefits for 11 years of filling out requisition paperwork for the Army and not the 30 years I've spent since then filling out paperwork for various corporations?

Who passed Social Security and Medicare? The government takes over 15% of a person's pay for Social Security and Medicare. If everyone in the US saved or invested 15% for their entire working careers, and did anything at all to improve their skills above minimum wage jobs, they'd retire wealthy.
Okay, let's look at that. First, they don't take 15%, they take more like 7 for most people unless you are self-employed. The rest is provided by your employer.

Works on the assumption that most people are good at saving and would have put that money away.

Um.. Okay, let's look at that.

The average American now has about $38,000 in personal debt, excluding home mortgages. That’s up $1,000 from a year ago, according to Northwestern Mutual’s 2018 Planning & Progress Study, which also reports that “fewer people said they carry ‘no debt’ this year compared to 2017 (23 percent vs. 27 percent).”

Nearly three in 10 (28 percent) U.S. adults have no emergency savings, according to Bankrate’s latest Financial Security Index. One in four have a rainy day fund, but not enough money to cover three months’ worth of living expenses.

Getting into the habit of regularly saving money is critical, experts say. If you’re making automatic contributions to a 401(k) plan at work, you might as well have a portion of each paycheck deposited into a vehicle such as a high-yield savings account. Unfortunately, it’ll take a lot more than that to solve the so-called savings crisis.

So, tell me, Corky, you really think that most Americans would do somehow better if they had 6% more income to work with?

And that's just social security. Medicare is a mere 1%, and that gets wiped out the minute you get sick.

Now, the reason why Medicare and Social Security are in trouble now is because they've been so successful. In 1960, the average American life expectency was 62 years. Most people died before they ever got a chance to retire. Now we have people regularly living into their 80's.

So, back to the potato soup, surviving in a socialist or communist economy does not negate your right to argue against socialism.

Um, sure it does, if you couldn't possibly provide potato soup on your own. That's the whole point.

All human existence is some kind of socialism. We all live off of goods and services provided by others labor, while other people live off our labor.

For instance, let's take health care. No matter if you are on Medicare, Medicaid or a private plan, you are either paying for other people's treatment if you get sick, or other people are paying for your treatment if your illness exceeds what you are paying into the system.

The problem with a private "Capalist" plan is you get the temptation to rip off people after they've paid to give nine-figure salaries to your executives, which is exactly what outfits like Cigna and Blue Cross do.
Here’s the thing, pumpkin, while the rabid leftists whine about the evil white man and his entitlements, the leftist democrats are the party of those entitlements. Why not do the noble thing and donate your welfare check to those needy folks you whine about but care nothing for. Everyone gets it, those poor, oppressed blacks are talking points for democrats.

I don't get entitlements... I work two jobs and work about 80 hours a week. I already know that I probably won't be able to maintain my lifestyle on social security, so I'm working very hard to save up enough money so I can.

But the point clearly went over your head, snookums. You guys whine ALL DAY about poverty relief programs, but are perfectly fine with middle class entitlements that keep middle class people from becoming poor if they are unemployed, sick or elderly.

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He didn't rescue the country from the Great Depression you idiot...FDR made it worse, he made it longer than any other Depression in our idiot.
He didn't rescue the country from the Great Depression you idiot...FDR made it worse, he made it longer than any other Depression in our idiot.

What deranged homeschool did you go to.

Obviously, you are too young to remember the Great Depression, but I've known people who lived through it, and they had nothing but great things to say about FDR.

Oh, recent survey of Presidential Greats... He comes in at #3 after Lincoln and Washington.

Trump comes in at... 41. And that's only because you have the guys who messed up and caused the Civil War on there.
Here’s the thing, pumpkin, while the rabid leftists whine about the evil white man and his entitlements, the leftist democrats are the party of those entitlements. Why not do the noble thing and donate your welfare check to those needy folks you whine about but care nothing for. Everyone gets it, those poor, oppressed blacks are talking points for democrats.

I don't get entitlements... I work two jobs and work about 80 hours a week. I already know that I probably won't be able to maintain my lifestyle on social security, so I'm working very hard to save up enough money so I can.

But the point clearly went over your head, snookums. You guys whine ALL DAY about poverty relief programs, but are perfectly fine with middle class entitlements that keep middle class people from becoming poor if they are unemployed, sick or elderly.

View attachment 513797
Odd that the flaming leftist is screeching about entitlements when it was leftists who enacted those programs.

Predictable, however, that screeching leftist is whining about those evil, white, middle class people who worked and contributed to the programs they supported during their working years.

Honestly, cupcake, it's obvious you're self-hating enough to whine about the devil white reaping the rewards of a lifetime of work but you're too selfish to give your money to those poor, oppressed folks the leftists hate almost as much as they hate themselves.
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