Man uses his concealed gun to save life of woman entering abortion clinic...likely there to kill her baby. Leftists cry.

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The point is somebody who is determined to commit suicide and uses a gun to do so is most likely still going to commit suicide using another means. I read that suffocation is the 2nd cause of suicide in the states, so likely those would increase significantly along with intentional OD’s,
use of knives and other means.

suicide by firearm is 82.5% effective
OD is only 1.5%

Plus how long it takes is also controlling. Long slow methods often bring a change of heart. While actions that can't be aborted once commenced, like firearms or jumping are usually fatal.
2aGuy- my apologies for being slightly off-topic but I hope you recognize the bottom-line connection about taking out suicides by guns to have a better assessment of “total gun death” claims.

The following information questions that 1.5% effective OD rate” MGene and supports that currently it’s a much higher stat without question-if we’re talking unintentional and intentional ODs together or intentional OD’s alone.

Synthetic fentanyl has majorly increased global and US suicides. Until blue state governments/governors take responsibility for what they’re allowing to happen in their inner cities, and deal with these fentanyl profiteers they’ll be partly responsible for high numbers of fentanyl deaths. Maybe some of these blue state secretly think that’s the way to get rid of drug users, I don’t know but it’s backwards thinking. The drug cartels benefit financially from it without concern over consequences and their illegal profit margins continue to soar.
Yes...he bought them off with the great society.....and they sold their children to the democrat party blood baths in the cities they control.

Actually, the reason why the cities are blood baths are because you fucking gun fetishists keep letting the gun industry flood our street with guns.

Barry Goldwater was an actual Civil Rights hero.....Lyndon Johnson was a true blue racist.....and blacks voted for the racist....and have been paying the price ever since......

I'm still waiting for you to tell me what Crazy Barry did to advance civil rights.

I told you what LBJ did. The CRA's of 64 and 68, the Voting Rights Act, and the Great Society. (The Great Society was a good thing, and it benefited white people just as much as blacks. It's why you don't have to worry about being bankrupted by medical expenses after you retire.)
The Great Society benefited no one except government. Poverty among whites and blacks - and every one else for that matter - has increased significantly. The US government spends approximately $75,000 per family of four on poverty elimination programs but that same family would be out of poverty, if they had zero other income or wages, if the government simply gave them $26,500. This is why the programs will never end and the war never won. Too many bureaucrats are making a living, many getting wealthy, by keeping the poor poor.
Haven't you seen the pattern. No matter who is president, no matter what the policies are, the gun manufacturers come up with new and novel reasons to convince people to buy more gun$$$$$.

Quite right. The Gun Industry has a whole business model based on scaring people like Hollie and 2TinyGuy.

Again....they did the federally mandated background check...

Your "God" government, failed to upload criminal records

Okay, you are just repeating yourself here, buddy. I concede the point. Background checks are inadequate. They are inadequate by design. The NRA would be very upset if they were adequate, which is why they fight allocating enough money to make them adequate.

So we can either make them adequate or we can shrug our shoulders and say, "Enjoy your active shooter drill today, Little Sally! Did you bring your bullet proof backpack?"

For sane people, just living with the gun crazies isn't much of an option.
Gun stores do not have blanket immunity....if they break the law they can be sued....what the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act does is prevent left wing, democrat party operatives from starting fake lawsuits to bankrupt gun makers and stores who did not break the law...

if they didn't break the law, they shouldn't have anything to worry about.

The problem is, the conduct of the gun industry is the problem. They don't CARE if Joker Holmes gets a gun. In fact, part of their business model is giving Joker Holmes a gun so all you guys soil yourselves and want guns, too.
Second.....when we talk about the Florida high school shooting, the obama "Promise Program," was used as an excuse to not arrest and convict the shooter of several previous law breaking actions...bringing knives and bullets onto his high school campus, which would have given him a criminal record, which would have prevented him from getting the rifle......also, the local police had over 32 interactions with him and his family, and again, the "Promise Program," was used to keep from arresting him...

So are you saying we should deny people gun ownership because the police had interactions with their family?

I mean, I don't have a big problem with this. I wish someone had taken a loot at Nancy Lanza's family before they sold her enough guns to fight the Zombie Apocalypse. But then maybe we should have asked why she needed that many guns to start with.
The Great Society benefited no one except government. Poverty among whites and blacks - and every one else for that matter - has increased significantly. The US government spends approximately $75,000 per family of four on poverty elimination programs but that same family would be out of poverty, if they had zero other income or wages, if the government simply gave them $26,500. This is why the programs will never end and the war never won. Too many bureaucrats are making a living, many getting wealthy, by keeping the poor poor.

Um, no, actually it hasn't.

Here, check this out.


The poverty rate DECREASED after the great society and has never exceeded its 1960 levels, even when it spiked during Republican Recessions.

The problem is, that when you count the Great Society, you are leaving out the parts of it that benefited middle class white people, like Medicare and Unemployment insurance. The main purpose is not to lift the poor out of poverty, but to keep the middle class OUT of poverty.
Haven't you seen the pattern. No matter who is president, no matter what the policies are, the gun manufacturers come up with new and novel reasons to convince people to buy more gun$$$$$.

Quite right. The Gun Industry has a whole business model based on scaring people like Hollie and 2TinyGuy.

Again....they did the federally mandated background check...

Your "God" government, failed to upload criminal records

Okay, you are just repeating yourself here, buddy. I concede the point. Background checks are inadequate. They are inadequate by design. The NRA would be very upset if they were adequate, which is why they fight allocating enough money to make them adequate.

So we can either make them adequate or we can shrug our shoulders and say, "Enjoy your active shooter drill today, Little Sally! Did you bring your bullet proof backpack?"

For sane people, just living with the gun crazies isn't much of an option.
You seem rather confused. I support Constitutionsl rights. Quite clearly, it is you who cowers before the gun lobby. You seen consumed by trembling fear of the Constitution.
You seem rather confused. I support Constitutionsl rights. Quite clearly, it is you who cowers before the gun lobby. You seen consumed by trembling fear of the Constitution.

Naw, I just don't think we should let crazy people own guns because a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots couldn't clearly define a militia.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact. This insanity that we should let Joker Holmes have a machine gun and a 100 round clip because the Founders said he could is just.... nuts.

Criminals such as @Incel Joe really hate it when actual human beings are armed, and prepared to defend themselves against his kind.

Naw, man, what I hate is that when a crazy person is able to get a machine gun and walk into a pre-school and mow down a bunch of children. You apparently seem fine with this, Mormon Bob.

So who loves criminals?
You seem rather confused. I support Constitutionsl rights. Quite clearly, it is you who cowers before the gun lobby. You seen consumed by trembling fear of the Constitution.

Naw, I just don't think we should let crazy people own guns because a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots couldn't clearly define a militia.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact. This insanity that we should let Joker Holmes have a machine gun and a 100 round clip because the Founders said he could is just.... nuts.

Criminals such as @Incel Joe really hate it when actual human beings are armed, and prepared to defend themselves against his kind.

Naw, man, what I hate is that when a crazy person is able to get a machine gun and walk into a pre-school and mow down a bunch of children. You apparently seem fine with this, Mormon Bob.

So who loves criminals?
Naw, I don't think letting self-hating leftists arbitrarily and selectively erase portions of the Constitution is such a good idea. The democrat slave rapists who went to war to keep their slave raping lifestyle will disagree.

History has shown us that the leftist styled government-dependent citizenry is dangerous. In Germany, the “commonsense” 1928 gun control laws of the Weimar Republic preceded the beginning of Hitler’s rampage by a decade. In Turkey, “reasonable” gun control laws enacted in 1911 permitted the extermination of two million Turkish Christians a few years later. In the Soviet Union government atrocities were preceded by “reasonable and commonsense” firearms registration, followed eventually by gun confiscation and then by the extermination of a despised minority population.

So, when radical, mentally deficient leftists speak of “fundamentally transforming” this country, and their intention is to act outside the constitutional framework, or worse, to remove Constitutional protections, the population should be wary. When radical, racist democrats begin to push for strict new “commonsense and reasonable” gun control laws, including national firearms registration in the name of “public safety,” the citizenry should be concerned..
You seem rather confused. I support Constitutionsl rights. Quite clearly, it is you who cowers before the gun lobby. You seen consumed by trembling fear of the Constitution.

Criminals such as Incel Joe really hate it when actual human beings are armed, and prepared to defend themselves against his kind.
I'm curious to see when angry, self-hating, anti-gun Joe is going to demand that Hunter Biden be hauled up in front of an arrest warrant for lies on a federal gun purchase application.

Odd how radical leftists are so pro-crime.
Facts are not racism. Are you calling the FBI racists? Facts are facts until you find evidence those facts are wrong.

Joey cares nothing for facts.

WTF are you talking about? The police don't even go in Muslim areas in France because they fear for their lives.

Another fact Joey cares nothing for.

You could have 500 million guns in this country, and it wouldn't change a thing.

We probably do...if anything, that number might be low.
The point is somebody who is determined to commit suicide and uses a gun to do so is most likely still going to commit suicide using another means. I read that suffocation is the 2nd cause of suicide in the states, so likely those would increase significantly along with intentional OD’s,
use of knives and other means.

suicide by firearm is 82.5% effective
OD is only 1.5%

Plus how long it takes is also controlling. Long slow methods often bring a change of heart. While actions that can't be aborted once commenced, like firearms or jumping are usually fatal.

Wrong....Japan has strict gun control...only their criminals and cops have easy access to guns and their suicide rate is far higher than ours...they use trains, household cleaning products and tall buildings.....
Second.....when we talk about the Florida high school shooting, the obama "Promise Program," was used as an excuse to not arrest and convict the shooter of several previous law breaking actions...bringing knives and bullets onto his high school campus, which would have given him a criminal record, which would have prevented him from getting the rifle......also, the local police had over 32 interactions with him and his family, and again, the "Promise Program," was used to keep from arresting him...

So are you saying we should deny people gun ownership because the police had interactions with their family?

I mean, I don't have a big problem with this. I wish someone had taken a loot at Nancy Lanza's family before they sold her enough guns to fight the Zombie Apocalypse. But then maybe we should have asked why she needed that many guns to start with.

Not interactions....violent domestic abuse that they ignored....
You seem rather confused. I support Constitutionsl rights. Quite clearly, it is you who cowers before the gun lobby. You seen consumed by trembling fear of the Constitution.

Naw, I just don't think we should let crazy people own guns because a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots couldn't clearly define a militia.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact. This insanity that we should let Joker Holmes have a machine gun and a 100 round clip because the Founders said he could is just.... nuts.

Criminals such as @Incel Joe really hate it when actual human beings are armed, and prepared to defend themselves against his kind.

Naw, man, what I hate is that when a crazy person is able to get a machine gun and walk into a pre-school and mow down a bunch of children. You apparently seem fine with this, Mormon Bob.

So who loves criminals?

You vote for the political party that was created by slave owners, you dumb shit.......a party that owned slaves, started the Civil War to keep slaves, started jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests .......and it's members started the ku klux klan....

So you can stop pretending to be a noble human, you are a vile left wing racist.
NRA horseshit.

Here's how we can tell that number is horseshit. According to the FBI, only 200 gun homicides a year by civilians are ruled as "Self-Defense".

Irrelevant distraction.

Now, what we are to believe is that a bunch of tiny-dicked gun wankers like 2AGuy are out there, gently stroking their guns dreaming of the happy day they finally get to shoot themselves a darkie who was mildly threatening. And this happens 1,500,000 times, according to CompensatingGuy.

Pure projection...garnished, as usual, with Joey's typical grade-school insults.

And in 1,499,800 of those cases, nobody dies.

Yes, in 1,499,800 cases, the Gun Wankers were able to either show enough restraint to not fire their guns, or miss badly, and in most of those cases, the criminal was deterred merely by the sight of a gun to give up on whatever they were planning to do.

You actually stumble over the truth here...but as usual, you just ignore it and keep going.

Keeping in mind, you'd have to be pretty desperate to start with to risk jail in committing a crime to start with.

Are you on some sort of drugs, boy?
Yeah, guy, sorry, listening to you gun wankers, it's just not possible to believe you'd show that much restraint. Not the way you guys all cheered for Zimmerman when he shot an unarmed child buying candy.

If these incidents actually WERE common, we'd have a lot more dead bodies. The problem is- they aren't.

What did I tell you about trying to win an argument with lies? You leftists just never listen. Yeah, Zimmerman shot an unarmed child because he was buying candy. Keep believing that.
Joey is a disciple of Goebbels and likes the Big Lie. If you repeat it often enough, it becomes accepted as truth.
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