Man uses his concealed gun to save life of woman entering abortion clinic...likely there to kill her baby. Leftists cry.

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She walked away without harm. That is a good thing. You do realize, don't you, that you are trying to make the case that it would have been better for her to have no one there to stop the guy from killing her. That is your bottom line, and demonstrates why I've said multiple times that you don't really like women all that much.

Joey actually believes that. To push his agenda, Joey WANTS AND NEEDS violence. Joey MUST HAVE mass shootings. Joey CELEBRATES dead children. Joey truly is pure and undiluted evil.
I'm curious to see when angry, self-hating, anti-gun Joe is going to demand that Hunter Biden be hauled up in front of an arrest warrant for lies on a federal gun purchase application.

Odd how radical leftists are so pro-crime.

It is rather obvious that Incel Joe is on the side of subhuman criminals filth, and against that of actual human beings. Whatever he might claim about who and what he is notwithstanding, I think it is clear enough what he really is; that it is his own kind whose side he takes.

It is an error to expect any consistency or rationality in his positio9ns, other that that they will be consistent with his hatred of all that is good and decent, and his love of that which is evil and destructive and insane. Beyond that, he has no trouble taking one position to this end in one circumstances, and taking another that directly contradicts the first, in another circumstances, if each position is consistent with his purposes.
Naw, I just don't think we should let crazy people own guns because a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots couldn't clearly define a militia.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact. This insanity that we should let Joker Holmes have a machine gun and a 100 round clip because the Founders said he could is just.... nuts.
Actually, those very thoughtful men, did happen to live in a period before indoor plumbing and the Crapper - just as did your own ancestors. The difference is that your ancestors, the jackass, still can't use indoor plumbing.

And they very clearly defined the militia: Every man capable of bearing arms.

Here's some reading material on the topic:

Naw, man, what I hate is that when a crazy person is able to get a machine gun and walk into a pre-school and mow down a bunch of children. You apparently seem fine with this, Mormon Bob.

So who loves criminals?

I missed that story; when did a crazy person get a machine gun and mow down a bunch of children at pre-school?
Gee, whiz. I hadn't realized you were the spokes-loon for ''most of us''. Have you read that in just the last year, there are more than 5 million new gun owners in the US. That spike in ownership is attributed to the leftist lowlife policies of defunding police, coddling criminals and the refusal of leftist DA's to prosecute crime.

Those new gun owners are sick and tired of being held hostage to leftist crime fetishists.
My wife is teaching a safety class to new gun owners right now.

Edit: whoops, no, she finished about 20 minutes ago.
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Actually, what started the last one was bunch of slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

The majority of us are sick and tired of being held hostage to the gun fetishists.

So who is holding you hostage? What does your neighbor having a gun have anything to do with you?
He's in shit-cago...his neighbor is probably a gangbanger.
Gun Deaths...

Guy, you can keep posting this horseshit, but it doesn't make any of it true.

Get back to me when you have an argument that isn't NRA spooge
Joey-to-English translation: "Being unable to refute any of the facts, I will now chug prune juice, drop trou, and spin in a circle, blasting explosive diarrhea in all directions."

LBJ was a racist, who voted against every Civil Rights act that came along when he was in the congress and voted against the anti-lynching law...

Yeah, he only signed the VOting Rights Act, and the CRA's of 1964 and 1968, which were considered pivotal steps in Human rights.

Meanwhile, Barry Goldwater was a Civil Rights idiot.

Yeah, who amazing only got 6% of the Black vote. Did blacks just "miss" his heroism?
Like you, LBJ was a fan of the Big Lie...repeat it enough and people believe it.
Yeah...they missed Barry Goldwater and for the last 90 years or so they have been voting for the political party that kept their family members in chains.......

Actually, here's what the Democrats have done for blacks in the last 90 years.

Ended Jim Crow
Desegregated the Armed Forces in 1948
Signed the civil rights acts of 1964 and 1968
Created social welfare programs to reduce poverty
Created an actual middle class. (We really didn't have one before 1932)
Created affirmative action programs
SIgned the voting rights act and passed the 24th Amendment.
Elected the first black man to be President
Elected the first black woman to be Vice-President

Here's what Barry "Deep Down You Know He's Nuts" Goldwater did for them.


Wait. Can't think of a thing.

Of course not...then again, you're pretty stupid.

Off the top of my head with no research, Goldwater...
Desegregated the Senate cafeteria.
Integrated the Arizona National Guard. (Years before Truman integrated the military.)
Gun stores do not have blanket immunity....if they break the law they can be sued....what the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act does is prevent left wing, democrat party operatives from starting fake lawsuits to bankrupt gun makers and stores who did not break the law...

if they didn't break the law, they shouldn't have anything to worry about.

See, that's a lie. You want to be able to put them out of business for doing nothing illegal.

The problem is, the conduct of the gun industry is the problem. They don't CARE if Joker Holmes gets a gun. In fact, part of their business model is giving Joker Holmes a gun so all you guys soil yourselves and want guns, too.
That's another lie, as you project your own beliefs on others.

You probably belong in a mental ward.
Naw, I don't think letting self-hating leftists arbitrarily and selectively erase portions of the Constitution is such a good idea. The democrat slave rapists who went to war to keep their slave raping lifestyle will disagree.

Well, since you brought it up, the point was, the founding slave rapists never meant for the slaves to have guns. A few slaves like Nat Turner grabbed some guns and started slave revolts, they pretty much panicked and hunted them all down.

History has shown us that the leftist styled government-dependent citizenry is dangerous. In Germany, the “commonsense” 1928 gun control laws of the Weimar Republic preceded the beginning of Hitler’s rampage by a decade.
Obviously, you flunked history. The Weimar Republic instituted gun laws, but the Nazis revoked most of them because they saw gun ownership as a symbol of Aryan "manliness". And those Germans never raised their guns against the Nazis... they fought for Hitler down to the last old man and little boy.

In Turkey, “reasonable” gun control laws enacted in 1911 permitted the extermination of two million Turkish Christians a few years later.
Also false.

With regard to gun ownership, non-Muslims had never been legally permitted to privately own weapons under Ottoman rule (though some did), but military conscription laws enacted by a newly constituted government (the so-called “Young Turks”) between 1908 and 1914 put guns in the hands of tens of thousands of Armenians drafted to fight for the empire in World War I. After suffering military losses early on in that war, the government blamed the Armenians, whom they accused of treachery and subversion, and on that pretext embarked on a program of disarming and eradicating the Armenian population as a whole.

In the Soviet Union government atrocities were preceded by “reasonable and commonsense” firearms registration, followed eventually by gun confiscation and then by the extermination of a despised minority population.
Again, utter bullshit.

So, when radical, mentally deficient leftists speak of “fundamentally transforming” this country, and their intention is to act outside the constitutional framework, or worse, to remove Constitutional protections, the population should be wary.
Naw, man, what we are wary of is that we have to rework our whole society around the easy access to guns.

I don't worry about what happened in other countries a century ago.. I worry about what happens in this country NOW. Where we all have to live with the fear that some maniac might start shooting up the mall or church or school we are attending, because the Founding Slave Rapists couldn't define a militia clearly.

When radical, racist democrats begin to push for strict new “commonsense and reasonable” gun control laws, including national firearms registration in the name of “public safety,” the citizenry should be concerned..

Naw, the radical is the person who thinks that Joker Holmes has a god given right to a gun. That's actually a radical position, and it wasn't the case for most of our history.
Of course not...then again, you're pretty stupid.

Off the top of my head with no research, Goldwater...
Desegregated the Senate cafeteria.
Integrated the Arizona National Guard. (Years before Truman integrated the military.)

Yeah, those are minor and stupid. The bigger thing was, ditchweed, is that he opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act that ended Jim Crow.
It is rather obvious that @Incel Joe is on the side of subhuman criminals filth, and against that of actual human beings. Whatever he might claim about who and what he is notwithstanding, I think it is clear enough what he really is; that it is his own kind whose side he takes.

It is an error to expect any consistency or rationality in his positio9ns, other that that they will be consistent with his hatred of all that is good and decent, and his love of that which is evil and destructive and insane. Beyond that, he has no trouble taking one position to this end in one circumstances, and taking another that directly contradicts the first, in another circumstances, if each position is consistent with his purposes.

So let me get this straight, Mormon Bob. .. You consider mass shooters to be "good and decent"?

I don't want criminals to have guns... but I don't want crazy people to have them either.

The gun industry is the ones selling guns to criminals, not me.
Naw, I don't think letting self-hating leftists arbitrarily and selectively erase portions of the Constitution is such a good idea. The democrat slave rapists who went to war to keep their slave raping lifestyle will disagree.

Well, since you brought it up, the point was, the founding slave rapists never meant for the slaves to have guns. A few slaves like Nat Turner grabbed some guns and started slave revolts, they pretty much panicked and hunted them all down.

History has shown us that the leftist styled government-dependent citizenry is dangerous. In Germany, the “commonsense” 1928 gun control laws of the Weimar Republic preceded the beginning of Hitler’s rampage by a decade.
Obviously, you flunked history. The Weimar Republic instituted gun laws, but the Nazis revoked most of them because they saw gun ownership as a symbol of Aryan "manliness". And those Germans never raised their guns against the Nazis... they fought for Hitler down to the last old man and little boy.

In Turkey, “reasonable” gun control laws enacted in 1911 permitted the extermination of two million Turkish Christians a few years later.
Also false.

With regard to gun ownership, non-Muslims had never been legally permitted to privately own weapons under Ottoman rule (though some did), but military conscription laws enacted by a newly constituted government (the so-called “Young Turks”) between 1908 and 1914 put guns in the hands of tens of thousands of Armenians drafted to fight for the empire in World War I. After suffering military losses early on in that war, the government blamed the Armenians, whom they accused of treachery and subversion, and on that pretext embarked on a program of disarming and eradicating the Armenian population as a whole.

In the Soviet Union government atrocities were preceded by “reasonable and commonsense” firearms registration, followed eventually by gun confiscation and then by the extermination of a despised minority population.
Again, utter bullshit.

So, when radical, mentally deficient leftists speak of “fundamentally transforming” this country, and their intention is to act outside the constitutional framework, or worse, to remove Constitutional protections, the population should be wary.
Naw, man, what we are wary of is that we have to rework our whole society around the easy access to guns.

I don't worry about what happened in other countries a century ago.. I worry about what happens in this country NOW. Where we all have to live with the fear that some maniac might start shooting up the mall or church or school we are attending, because the Founding Slave Rapists couldn't define a militia clearly.

When radical, racist democrats begin to push for strict new “commonsense and reasonable” gun control laws, including national firearms registration in the name of “public safety,” the citizenry should be concerned..

Naw, the radical is the person who thinks that Joker Holmes has a god given right to a gun. That's actually a radical position, and it wasn't the case for most of our history.

With just about every post, you lie.....

Obviously, you flunked history. The Weimar Republic instituted gun laws, but the Nazis revoked most of them because they saw gun ownership as a symbol of Aryan "manliness". And those Germans never raised their guns against the Nazis... they fought for Hitler down to the last old man and little boy

The national socialists used the gun registration lists....implemented in the 1920s, to take guns away from the very people they planned on murdering, the Jews, political enemies and the various groups they planned on targeting for you anti-gun extremists keep pedaling the lie that the national socialists increased gun idiots
Naw, I don't think letting self-hating leftists arbitrarily and selectively erase portions of the Constitution is such a good idea. The democrat slave rapists who went to war to keep their slave raping lifestyle will disagree.

Well, since you brought it up, the point was, the founding slave rapists never meant for the slaves to have guns. A few slaves like Nat Turner grabbed some guns and started slave revolts, they pretty much panicked and hunted them all down.

History has shown us that the leftist styled government-dependent citizenry is dangerous. In Germany, the “commonsense” 1928 gun control laws of the Weimar Republic preceded the beginning of Hitler’s rampage by a decade.
Obviously, you flunked history. The Weimar Republic instituted gun laws, but the Nazis revoked most of them because they saw gun ownership as a symbol of Aryan "manliness". And those Germans never raised their guns against the Nazis... they fought for Hitler down to the last old man and little boy.

In Turkey, “reasonable” gun control laws enacted in 1911 permitted the extermination of two million Turkish Christians a few years later.
Also false.

With regard to gun ownership, non-Muslims had never been legally permitted to privately own weapons under Ottoman rule (though some did), but military conscription laws enacted by a newly constituted government (the so-called “Young Turks”) between 1908 and 1914 put guns in the hands of tens of thousands of Armenians drafted to fight for the empire in World War I. After suffering military losses early on in that war, the government blamed the Armenians, whom they accused of treachery and subversion, and on that pretext embarked on a program of disarming and eradicating the Armenian population as a whole.

In the Soviet Union government atrocities were preceded by “reasonable and commonsense” firearms registration, followed eventually by gun confiscation and then by the extermination of a despised minority population.
Again, utter bullshit.

So, when radical, mentally deficient leftists speak of “fundamentally transforming” this country, and their intention is to act outside the constitutional framework, or worse, to remove Constitutional protections, the population should be wary.
Naw, man, what we are wary of is that we have to rework our whole society around the easy access to guns.

I don't worry about what happened in other countries a century ago.. I worry about what happens in this country NOW. Where we all have to live with the fear that some maniac might start shooting up the mall or church or school we are attending, because the Founding Slave Rapists couldn't define a militia clearly.

When radical, racist democrats begin to push for strict new “commonsense and reasonable” gun control laws, including national firearms registration in the name of “public safety,” the citizenry should be concerned..

Naw, the radical is the person who thinks that Joker Holmes has a god given right to a gun. That's actually a radical position, and it wasn't the case for most of our history.

You vote for the political party of the actual slave rapists........the democrat party...when the other Founders voted to end slavery, the people who would later become the democrat party voted to keep moron....

I don't worry about what happened in other countries a century ago.. I worry about what happens in this country NOW. Where we all have to live with the fear that some maniac might start shooting up the mall or church or school we are attending, because the Founding Slave Rapists couldn't define a militia clearly.

Number of mass public shootings in 2019.....




Total number of people killed in mass public shootings in 2019?


Number of people killed by deer every year?


Number of people killed falling off of ladders?


Number of people killed by lawn mowers.....?

Between 90-100

Meanwhile, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, and murder.....according to the Centers for Disease Control......1.5 million times a year if you use the Department of Justice numbers....
Of course not...then again, you're pretty stupid.

Off the top of my head with no research, Goldwater...
Desegregated the Senate cafeteria.
Integrated the Arizona National Guard. (Years before Truman integrated the military.)

Yeah, those are minor and stupid. The bigger thing was, ditchweed, is that he opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act that ended Jim Crow.

Barry Goldwater supported all the other Civil Rights acts which Lydnon Johnson voted idiot...

Why was Goldwater opposed to portions of the one Civil Rights Act?

NPR Wrong on Goldwater '64, Civil Rights, Say 4 Who Were There
Urgent: Do You Back Trump or Hillary? Vote Here Now!


The conservative ascendency of 1964 saw the nomination of Barry Goldwater, a western libertarian who had never been strongly identified with racial issues one way or the other, but who was a principled critic of the 1964 act and its extension of federal power.

Goldwater had supported the 1957 and 1960 acts but believed that Title II and Title VII of the 1964 bill were unconstitutional, based in part on a 75-page brief from Robert Bork.

But far from extending a welcoming hand to southern segregationists, he named as his running mate a New York representative, William E. Miller, who had been the co-author of Republican civil-rights legislation in the 1950s.
Haven't you seen the pattern. No matter who is president, no matter what the policies are, the gun manufacturers come up with new and novel reasons to convince people to buy more gun$$$$$.

Quite right. The Gun Industry has a whole business model based on scaring people like Hollie and 2TinyGuy.

Again....they did the federally mandated background check...

Your "God" government, failed to upload criminal records

Okay, you are just repeating yourself here, buddy. I concede the point. Background checks are inadequate. They are inadequate by design. The NRA would be very upset if they were adequate, which is why they fight allocating enough money to make them adequate.

So we can either make them adequate or we can shrug our shoulders and say, "Enjoy your active shooter drill today, Little Sally! Did you bring your bullet proof backpack?"

For sane people, just living with the gun crazies isn't much of an option.

I doubt seriously that 2aguy or Hollie are scared. Without asking them to confirm or deny, my guess is that they have the tools that they need to protect themselves and their families, whether at home or on the streets. It's really people like you who are scared; your hoplophobia is consuming you and others on the left. For many, though, leftist pro-crime policies have scared them such that 8.4 million people who had never owned a gun purchased their first gun in 2020. A full 40% of all gun sales in 2020 were first-time gun buyers.

Illinois had 5.6 million background checks in 2020, almost double the next-highest state. NBC News credits that to Chicago crime and Illinoisans desire to protect themselves from rising crime.

40% of the new gun owners are women. That's over 3 million women, very many of them black women, who are less afraid today.

Gun purchases by black Americans are up 58.2% over 2019 - which was a record year in itself.

The trend is continuing for 2021. 6 out of 10 days with the most background checks are in March of 2021. 7 out of 10 of weeks with the most background checks were in 2021 while 9 out of 10 of those weeks were in 2020 or 2021. Expect another 5 million plus first time gun owners in 2021.

Very many of the first-time gun owners are liberal Biden voters. Many describe the feeling of security that they have once they bought a gun. That's why one of the best things that gun-rights supporters can do is to take a liberal to the range. You should try it yourself, JoeB131. A trip to the range might be very enlightening for you.
Naw, I don't think letting self-hating leftists arbitrarily and selectively erase portions of the Constitution is such a good idea. The democrat slave rapists who went to war to keep their slave raping lifestyle will disagree.

Well, since you brought it up, the point was, the founding slave rapists never meant for the slaves to have guns. A few slaves like Nat Turner grabbed some guns and started slave revolts, they pretty much panicked and hunted them all down.

History has shown us that the leftist styled government-dependent citizenry is dangerous. In Germany, the “commonsense” 1928 gun control laws of the Weimar Republic preceded the beginning of Hitler’s rampage by a decade.
Obviously, you flunked history. The Weimar Republic instituted gun laws, but the Nazis revoked most of them because they saw gun ownership as a symbol of Aryan "manliness". And those Germans never raised their guns against the Nazis... they fought for Hitler down to the last old man and little boy.

In Turkey, “reasonable” gun control laws enacted in 1911 permitted the extermination of two million Turkish Christians a few years later.
Also false.

With regard to gun ownership, non-Muslims had never been legally permitted to privately own weapons under Ottoman rule (though some did), but military conscription laws enacted by a newly constituted government (the so-called “Young Turks”) between 1908 and 1914 put guns in the hands of tens of thousands of Armenians drafted to fight for the empire in World War I. After suffering military losses early on in that war, the government blamed the Armenians, whom they accused of treachery and subversion, and on that pretext embarked on a program of disarming and eradicating the Armenian population as a whole.

In the Soviet Union government atrocities were preceded by “reasonable and commonsense” firearms registration, followed eventually by gun confiscation and then by the extermination of a despised minority population.
Again, utter bullshit.

So, when radical, mentally deficient leftists speak of “fundamentally transforming” this country, and their intention is to act outside the constitutional framework, or worse, to remove Constitutional protections, the population should be wary.
Naw, man, what we are wary of is that we have to rework our whole society around the easy access to guns.

I don't worry about what happened in other countries a century ago.. I worry about what happens in this country NOW. Where we all have to live with the fear that some maniac might start shooting up the mall or church or school we are attending, because the Founding Slave Rapists couldn't define a militia clearly.

When radical, racist democrats begin to push for strict new “commonsense and reasonable” gun control laws, including national firearms registration in the name of “public safety,” the citizenry should be concerned..

Naw, the radical is the person who thinks that Joker Holmes has a god given right to a gun. That's actually a radical position, and it wasn't the case for most of our history.
As you like to bring up the history of slavery and Jim Crow, you must be so proud of the party of democrats; the party of slavery and Jim Crow. Racist demagogues in the democrat party, even now, are far more concerned with maintaining their followers in Antifah and various Marxist groups for the control they hope to exert. Stoking racial divides is what democrats do.

Naw, man. You seem to have missed important history. I suppose at your leftist madrassah, they weren't real accurate with history lessons.

"In 1931, Weimar authorities discovered plans for a Nazi takeover in which Jews would be denied food and persons refusing to surrender their guns within 24 hours would be executed. They were written by Werner Best, a future Gestapo official. In reaction to such threats, the government authorized the registration of all firearms and the confiscation thereof, if required for “public safety.” The interior minister warned that the records must not fall into the hands of any extremist group.

In 1933, the ultimate extremist group, led by Adolf Hitler, seized power and used the records to identify, disarm, and attack political opponents and Jews. Constitutional rights were suspended, and mass searches for and seizures of guns and dissident publications ensued. Police revoked gun licenses of Social Democrats and others who were not “politically reliable.”

Naw, man. We can see clear parallels of rabid democrat policies that are taken right from the history of Nazi Germany. Naw, man. The history is clear that totalitarian regimes such as Nazi's and Democrats want a disarmed population because that population is more controllable.

From the link above:

''During the five years of repression that followed, society was “cleansed” by the National Socialist regime. Undesirables were placed in camps where labor made them “free,” and normal rights of citizenship were taken from Jews. The Gestapo banned independent gun clubs and arrested their leaders. Gestapo counsel Werner Best issued a directive to the police forbidding issuance of firearm permits to Jews.

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.''

As we see with regularity, your skewed version of democrat history is one of phony narratives and invented circumstances.

You might want to find a source other that the loony, conspiracy theeory addled ''''.

"While the remnant of the Ottoman Empire, today’s Turkey, disputes many of the details having to do with the Armenian genocide, most historians agree on certain basic facts. First, that the Christian Armenians had long been denied basic rights under the Ottomans’ Muslim law. Second, they were excluded from participation in the government. And third, Ottoman law made it a crime to possess a firearm without government permission. The Armenians, as British traveler H. F. B. Lynch wrote in 1901, were “rigorously prohibited from possessing firearms.”

Naw, man. Here again we see that historical confluence of totalitarian regimes and their disarming of the ''undesireable'' portion of the population that will be oppressed or removed.

Naw,man. Obviously you don't worry about what happened in other countries a century ago. Your understanding of history is so shallow, you find it impossible to make connections to what happened just in the 20th century to what the rabid democrats are trying to do today. It's the same script. You have been given examples of leftist, totalitarian regimes which set the model for the democrat party.
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