Man-Gorilla Chris Cuomo Fakes Being Infected With Covid Virus

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Taking fake news and public hoaxes to a new degree Chris Cuomo and his enabler CNN staged Cuomo's "reemergence" from his basement den (supposedly) after convalescing with a case of Covid virus, he claims.

This really is a miracle cure because while infected with the supposed virus Cuomo and his family took a trip to East Hampton,NY (spreading his virus around all the while, if he indeed was infected) where he couldn't help getting into a fight with a senior citizen on a bicycle in which Cuomo threatened to break the man's neck and other bones. The corona virus ain't what it used to be.

And then the grand man, Chris Cuomo, comes up on camera from his basement announcing he was all better now and fully recovered. What an incredible showman and huckster masquerading as a cable tv "journalist" .
I never believed Fredo the grandstander was infected. He is a joke, and I doubt he will be in his job much longer. He is a rage-aholic always ready to jump up into someone's face to show how tough he is. Fredo is a punk.
I suspect roids.
Oh definitely. Did you see him yelling at the guy who called him 'Fredo'? I WILL WRECK YOUR SHIT!!!!! That is Roid rage to a Tee.
I never believed Fredo the grandstander was infected. He is a joke, and I doubt he will be in his job much longer. He is a rage-aholic always ready to jump up into someone's face to show how tough he is. Fredo is a punk.
I suspect roids.
Oh definitely. Did you see him yelling at the guy who called him 'Fredo'? I WILL WRECK YOUR SHIT!!!!! That is Roid rage to a Tee.
I did and watching him on Cuomo, Cuomo show.
Taking fake news and public hoaxes to a new degree Chris Cuomo and his enabler CNN staged Cuomo's "reemergence" from his basement den (supposedly) after convalescing with a case of Covid virus, he claims.

This really is a miracle cure because while infected with the supposed virus Cuomo and his family took a trip to East Hampton,NY (spreading his virus around all the while, if he indeed was infected) where he couldn't help getting into a fight with a senior citizen on a bicycle in which Cuomo threatened to break the man's neck and other bones. The corona virus ain't what it used to be.

And then the grand man, Chris Cuomo, comes up on camera from his basement announcing he was all better now and fully recovered. What an incredible showman and huckster masquerading as a cable tv "journalist" .
CNN ChiCom News Network
He will run off at the mouth to the wrong person one day, may not live to tell about...

His big brother really isn’t any better, as HUD Secretary he added fuel to the fire for the 2008 Mortage Meltdown, people need to remember his POTUS, Slick Willie, helped create DPA (Down Payment Assistance) FHA Housing Loans, you could finance down payment and closing cost to buy a Federally Secured Mortage, next to ZERO skin in the game, I know for a fact he believed everyone deserved to own a home, his words...

New York could do much better, shame they’re such a resilient group, yet they keep electing morons...
Priceless. Tucker rips into CNN anchor preaching to everyone to STAY INSIDE! In a way only Tucker can do. Best of all the bicyclist turns up and comes on the show.

Nice that tucker gets a drunkard on his show to show the quality of the RWI's.
What a great job Tucker. Have another drink David Whelan.
if the situation was really hopeless, the left's propaganda would not be necessary, my friends!
The look on Tuckers face says...…..wait, what...…...nevermind.
Anyhow, what a pair of idiots.
Holier than thou Fredo Cuomo was busted breaking his quarantine even though he made a dramatic video showing his momentous release from the basement! :happy-1: Fredo is a phony and a dork who is in continual Roid Rage over anything Trump.
Nice that tucker gets a drunkard on his show to show the quality of the RWI's.
What a great job Tucker. Have another drink David Whelan.
I'm sorry but I just saw this. I couldn't let it pass.
Where is your evidence (evidence, not your opinion) that David Whelan is an alcoholic?

Ordinarily this would all be water under the bridge and not worth my time but you are still
posting regularly spewing fantastic lies and unproven accusations like this one.

Are you the one getting your "courage" and "facts" from a bottle of Old Grandad?
That would explain much.

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