Zone1 Man Drops Dead of a Heart Attack After Condemning Israel to Suffer The Wrath of Allah

Karma is real, and God ingrained it into the world.

There's only 1 Bible verse about that, and it's somewhere, but I forget where.
This is karma in its highest and mightiest. I'm sure glad that I'm not this guy.

I'm not a mind-reader, but it could be a matter of failure to reconcile what happened with what should or should not have happened. IOW, it's stressful for an extremely sensitive person to engage in a church civil war, or whatever it seems like. That's why the Master taught his apostles to wash each other's feet for times when they didn't see eye-to-eye on any given incident. Stress has many platforms. The victim may have enjoyed one too many church suppers that were delicious, but not good for his high cholesterol reading that made him ripe for a heart attack. Or anything else in his life, such as same gender family members crashing at the same age, though years apart.
You mean Ha( the in Hebrew) San(son? which is Israel) Bit Me z died .. Thatwas his name. Interesting…

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