Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

If the phones are ringing, but not one message came out of a plane with 200+ people on it, the likely scenario is that a sudden depressurization event killed the crew. In that case the plane could fly on for a while if it was still flight worthy putting it outside the search area and conceivably came down in good enough shape the phones survived.

If that sounds unlikely, we did have a plane in US airspace a few years back go unresponsive. When fighter escorts were sent they reported the plane had lost cabin pressure. All aboard were dead but the plane flew on. Given the insane protective cases folks buy these days for their phones, it's possible the plane came down in a way that let the phones survive.
The two men travelling on stolen passports on the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that mysteriously disappeared on Saturday have been identified as Iranian nationals.

A BBC Persian report quotes an Iranian friend of one of the men, who said he hosted the pair in Kuala Lumpur after they arrived from Tehran in the days preceding their flight to Beijing.

The friend, who knew one of the men from his school days in Iran, said the men had bought the fake passports because they wanted to migrate to Europe.

The pair were travelling on passports belonging to Christian Kozel, an 30-year-old Austrian, and Luigi Maraldi, a 37-year-old Italian.

They had bought the passports in Kuala Lumpur as well as tickets to Amsterdam, via Beijing.

One of the Iranian nationals’ intended final destination was Frankfurt, where his mother lives, while the other wanted to travel to Denmark.

Mystery fake-passport holders on flight MH370 were Iranian - Telegraph
It was ruled out. So was the random trash they found floating.

Cell phones however were recieving calls AFTER the disappearance which would not be possible if the phones were destroyed or submerged or outside of a cell phone towers range.

It was hijacked

No the person calling the phone would still hear it ring and still hear the announcement. The broken phone would be a little pile of junk.

That is not how cell phones work. In order for you to hear ringing when you call one a tower MUST be able to send a signal to the phone. If the phone is off, destroyed or out of range the call is AUTOMATICALLY rerouted to the carriers servers where the voicemail database is and it goes straight to voicemail without rings.

Don't believe me, turn off your cell and call it. Still don't believe me you're beyond help

Oh I see what you are saying. You might be right. When I call an associate if it goes straight to voicemail I know they are before the bench or in depo. They turned the phone off. I thought it was a setting.
Wow six navies haven't found a damn thing. To think you guys all know the answers.

Here ya go...add this to the mix;

Woman raises questions about cockpit behaviour


She's the Aussie girl who flew with the missing Malaysian airlines co-pilot.

Now, Jonty reveals all to A Current Affair and her claims have raised serious questions about the pilot's cockpit behaviour.


Allegedly entertaining girls in the cockpit for the whole flight, from take-off to landing.
Allegedly smoking in the cockpit.
Allegedly turning around a lot and chatting to the girls.
Happy snaps with the girls from the cabin.
Party time!

Seems not to be a lot of concentrating on flying the plane happening.

When you're flying a jet plane, do you have to be seeing over the dashboard?
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Wow six navies haven't found a damn thing. To think you guys all know the answers.

Here ya go...add this to the mix;

Woman raises questions about cockpit behaviour


She's the Aussie girl who flew with the missing Malaysian airlines co-pilot.

Now, Jonty reveals all to A Current Affair and her claims have raised serious questions about the pilot's cockpit behaviour.


Allegedly entertaining girls in the cockpit for the whole flight, from take-off to landing.
Allegedly smoking in the cockpit.
Allegedly turning around a lot and chatting to the girls.
Happy snaps with the girls from the cabin.
Party time!

Seems not to be a lot of concentrating on flying the plane happening.

When you're flying a jet plane, do you have to be seeing over the dashboard?

It depends if you can see over the dashboard. They have to fly by instruments.
I have flown in a plane that you can't see over the dashboard unless you are landing. Unless you have your seat up, you are really flying blind.

I have flown at night. Night flying is really boring because you can see less.

If it is cloudy, you can't see anything.

They would have had to take the plane off of autopilot for this to be a danger.
passenger cell phones still ring

Why are the missing Malaysian Airlines passengers' phones still ringing?

The 'unprecedented mystery' behind the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH 370 deepened on Monday when relatives claimed they were able to call the cellphones of their missing loved ones.
According to the Washington Post, family of some of the 239 people on board the vanished Boeing 777 said that they were getting ring tones and could see them active online through a Chinese social networking service called QQ.

Could the flight have been flown to a secret location maybe, and therefore all aboard might be held captive until demands are to be met once the terrorist plan is possibly completed ? That would be hopeful for the passengers families maybe, but it is a long shot in this sort of thinking. Could a nation or island be a place that these people and the plane are maybe being held, and so they have been looking in the wrong places so far maybe ?

Is there such a place with a runway long enough?
I'm starting to get suspicious - it was a clear weather, they say it was the safest point in flight, and all communications lost without warning. Starting to sound fishy. - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

Dunno. Seems likely it's crashed, but why I don't know. Have heard of whole engine assemblies falling off after maintenance because they weren't bolted back on properly. Wings coming off, explosive decompression (one where part of the fuselage ripped off the top sucking a flight attendant out,) and old-fashioned pilot error crashing it into the ground as just recently in San Francisco. From what they've been saying, crashes because of terrorism are in the minority of explanations. And also incidents where no communications were received were because flight crews were busy trying to save themselves. So I don't know what the statistical probability is for each sort of event. We'll just have to wait and see when they find the wreckage.
And the very latest from DRUDGE....

Last tracked hundreds of miles off course...
MILITARY: Missing jet made it across ocean...
Hunt Area Widens...
Search Extends To Mountains, Jungle...
China deploys 10 satellites to help in search...
GOOGLE: Don't use GOOGLE MAPS to search for plane...
Investigators skeptical of terrorism...
Flight 370 conspiracy theories develop...
Five Passengers Didn't Board...
Mystery Iranian businessman...
REPORT: Fake-passport holders Iranian nationals...
Passengers' smartphones are still ACTIVE?
Could the flight have been flown to a secret location maybe, and therefore all aboard might be held captive until demands are to be met once the terrorist plan is possibly completed ? That would be hopeful for the passengers families maybe, but it is a long shot in this sort of thinking. Could a nation or island be a place that these people and the plane are maybe being held, and so they have been looking in the wrong places so far maybe ?

Is there such a place with a runway long enough?

Loads of ex military airfields in Asia. A landing strip can be a lot shorter than a take off strip.
correct me if i am wrong but doesnt the 777 have 3 back ups for every system?

and poor vietnam...right when they think its all good....they are being slammed for the jet crashing in their air space...

I flew on a couple of 777s when they first came out. If I recall correctly, they all had some problem from the outset. I don't recall what it was, though. I think that was eventually corrected. The 777 is a comfortable plane to fly on. It was designed to be a 'business class' plane.
Hypothesis Fox is suggesting, and what I'm thinking too, is the two stolen passport travellers were terrorists and detonated a bomb on-board. Exploding midflight then, no chance to send a mayday. If they detonated standing outside the flight deck, they could have ensured a crash with even minor explosion. Would explain why no transmissions were received indicating distress or other technical issues.

What is the motivation to blow up a Malaysian jet?
Hypothesis Fox is suggesting, and what I'm thinking too, is the two stolen passport travellers were terrorists and detonated a bomb on-board. Exploding midflight then, no chance to send a mayday. If they detonated standing outside the flight deck, they could have ensured a crash with even minor explosion. Would explain why no transmissions were received indicating distress or other technical issues.

What is the motivation to blow up a Malaysian jet?

Test run for blowing up a more prominent target. :dunno:

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II
Hypothesis Fox is suggesting, and what I'm thinking too, is the two stolen passport travellers were terrorists and detonated a bomb on-board. Exploding midflight then, no chance to send a mayday. If they detonated standing outside the flight deck, they could have ensured a crash with even minor explosion. Would explain why no transmissions were received indicating distress or other technical issues.

What is the motivation to blow up a Malaysian jet?

Where is the debris? What kind of bomb would vaporize the plane and leave the phones intact and working?

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