Making Americans Your Enemies How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”
Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

Err yep

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Congratulations normies ,libertarians, and all other traditional Americans from all walks of life .
Welcome to the right wing White nationalists extremist club !
Special shout out to our White supremacist East Asian Brothers an sister's

Support your local right wing death squad ....
How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”
Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

Err yep

Read it all

Congratulations normies ,libertarians, and all other traditional Americans from all walks of life .
Welcome to the right wing White nationalists extremist club !
Special shout out to our White supremacist East Asian Brothers an sister's

Support your local right wing death squad ....
View attachment 470728

What we are seeing is a fundamental change in America....which obama eluded think he thought that up on his own? He never had an original thought in his head...and was certainly no intellectual genius like the media convinced so many he was..

So what did obama's handlers mean by 'fundamentally changing America'.......first of all they want to denigrate and demonize whites....then they want to make them pay for all the alleged historical crimes against a nutshell they want to make whites a minority in America.

The ways they will undoubtedly bring that about is through massive illegal immigration, and more legal immigrants from Africa and fewer and fewer immigrants from Europe.

Which has been going on for some time...since 1965 actually.

In a nutshell they want to destroy America....the sure way of doing that is to make whites a minority. Go to any nation on earth that is not governed by whites and you see chaos, you see poverty, you see massive corruption.....after America is changed to 3rd world status you will see the same thing will be like living in Africa or Mexico....that is our future.
How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”
Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

Err yep

Read it all

Congratulations normies ,libertarians, and all other traditional Americans from all walks of life .
Welcome to the right wing White nationalists extremist club !
Special shout out to our White supremacist East Asian Brothers an sister's

Support your local right wing death squad ....
View attachment 470728
I wonder, what makes one an "extremist"? So if the extremists are the majority, are they still extremists, etc.?

These terms are never addressed in any capacity, other than to demonize those you disagree with.
How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”
Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

Err yep

Read it all

Congratulations normies ,libertarians, and all other traditional Americans from all walks of life .
Welcome to the right wing White nationalists extremist club !
Special shout out to our White supremacist East Asian Brothers an sister's

Support your local right wing death squad ....
View attachment 470728
I wonder, what makes one an "extremist"? So if the extremists are the majority, are they still extremists, etc.?

These terms are never addressed in any capacity, other than to demonize those you disagree with.
If you cheered during the capital attack.
If you fear "white genocide".
If you have become disillusioned with Americans voting.
If you think someone ought to get a handle on the press.
If you are certain the government is after your guns.
If you are angry and scared just about all the time.

You might be an extremist.
How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”
Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

Err yep

Read it all

Congratulations normies ,libertarians, and all other traditional Americans from all walks of life .
Welcome to the right wing White nationalists extremist club !
Special shout out to our White supremacist East Asian Brothers an sister's

Support your local right wing death squad ....
View attachment 470728
I wonder, what makes one an "extremist"? So if the extremists are the majority, are they still extremists, etc.?

These terms are never addressed in any capacity, other than to demonize those you disagree with.
If you cheered during the capital attack.
If you fear "white genocide".
If you have become disillusioned with Americans voting.
If you think someone ought to get a handle on the press.
If you are certain the government is after your guns.
If you are angry and scared just about all the time.

You might be an extremist.
So those that champion a $40 trillion debt which will soon be $100 trillion.
Those that cheer are more blacks abort their babies than have live births and target abortion centers to be built in mostly black communities.
Those that continue to vote for people that start wars across the globe
Those that talk more about race than Hitler ever did.
Those that teach children that boys are girls and girls are boys in public schools
Those that use the IRS to target opponents of the DNC
They are not extremists?
How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”
Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

Err yep

Read it all

Congratulations normies ,libertarians, and all other traditional Americans from all walks of life .
Welcome to the right wing White nationalists extremist club !
Special shout out to our White supremacist East Asian Brothers an sister's

Support your local right wing death squad ....
View attachment 470728
I wonder, what makes one an "extremist"? So if the extremists are the majority, are they still extremists, etc.?

These terms are never addressed in any capacity, other than to demonize those you disagree with.
If you cheered during the capital attack.
If you fear "white genocide".
If you have become disillusioned with Americans voting.
If you think someone ought to get a handle on the press.
If you are certain the government is after your guns.
If you are angry and scared just about all the time.

You might be an extremist.
So those that champion a $40 trillion debt which will soon be $100 trillion.
Those that cheer are more blacks abort their babies than have live births and target abortion centers to be built in mostly black communities.
Those that continue to vote for people that start wars across the globe
Those that talk more about race than Hitler ever did.
Those that teach children that boys are girls and girls are boys in public schools
Those that use the IRS to target opponents of the DNC
They are not extremists?
I suppose it matters where you stand but I am standing where I always have while the right has all but disappeared over the horizon and are practically unrecognizable from the party that elected Reagan and Bush. The capital insurrection was a test run of what the right now envisions as a valid political move. Practically no one in your camp had a lot to say in condemnation of the attack. How am I supposed to see this tacit approval of a once unthinkable occurrence?
How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”
Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

Err yep

Read it all

Congratulations normies ,libertarians, and all other traditional Americans from all walks of life .
Welcome to the right wing White nationalists extremist club !
Special shout out to our White supremacist East Asian Brothers an sister's

Support your local right wing death squad ....
View attachment 470728

If you can't draw a distinction between normal differences of economic and social policies and what went on at the Capitol as a result of four decades of built up grievance which was then match-sticked by a sore loser, then you are already firmly in that "extremist" camp. What happened on that day WAS the first attempt at mainstreaming a new kind of extremism. And cloaking it in lies and patriotism.
How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”
Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

Err yep

Read it all

Congratulations normies ,libertarians, and all other traditional Americans from all walks of life .
Welcome to the right wing White nationalists extremist club !
Special shout out to our White supremacist East Asian Brothers an sister's

Support your local right wing death squad ....
View attachment 470728
I wonder, what makes one an "extremist"? So if the extremists are the majority, are they still extremists, etc.?

These terms are never addressed in any capacity, other than to demonize those you disagree with.
If you cheered during the capital attack.
If you fear "white genocide".
If you have become disillusioned with Americans voting.
If you think someone ought to get a handle on the press.
If you are certain the government is after your guns.
If you are angry and scared just about all the time.

You might be an extremist.
So those that champion a $40 trillion debt which will soon be $100 trillion.
Those that cheer are more blacks abort their babies than have live births and target abortion centers to be built in mostly black communities.
Those that continue to vote for people that start wars across the globe
Those that talk more about race than Hitler ever did.
Those that teach children that boys are girls and girls are boys in public schools
Those that use the IRS to target opponents of the DNC
They are not extremists?

Kind late to be talking about debt and deficit. Republicans have no legs to stand on here since that deficit has ballooned under every Republican President starting with Reagan. If there was competent leadership at the top during the last two Republican administrations, large bailouts would not have been necessary.
After almost five decades of bleating about abortion, you would think you'd turn your attention to more productive means of making sure that they are not necessary (supporting Planned Parenthood, sex education in schools, free birth control, etc)
The only people starting wars in the last four decades have Republicans. Iraq and Afghanistan belong to the right wing. I have zero idea why you keep pounding this narrative. It's false.
Well, to be fair, when unarmed black men and women stop getting shot by white police officers for no valid reason and stop getting off scot-free, maybe we can have productive discussions about race.
Live and let live. Judge not that ye be judged. If it offends your sensibilities or your religious beliefs....tough.
Stop with this "conservatives were targeted" BS. Both right wing and left wing orgs were targeted. Because of the blurring of lines between non-profs and political organizations. Again, the Citizens United decision was absolutely one of the worst SC decisions in our lifetime.
The White House is reportedly considering releasing asylum seekers into the country without giving them a Notice to Appear – effectively a court date for their hearing. That means people will enter the U.S, with no oversight whatsoever, leaving it up to them to secure legal processing at some future date.

This is insanity.
How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”
Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

Err yep

Read it all

Congratulations normies ,libertarians, and all other traditional Americans from all walks of life .
Welcome to the right wing White nationalists extremist club !
Special shout out to our White supremacist East Asian Brothers an sister's

Support your local right wing death squad ....
View attachment 470728
Of course, leftists are lying whores.

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