Making A Statement?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Sounds like more than a stupid prank to me.

Vandals Set Flags, Soldier's Family's Car On Fire

Reported by: Becky Freemal/ AP

Last Updated: 7/23/2005 6:34:01 PM

Vandals are compounding the grief of a Tri-state soldier's family.

Not even 24-hours after Private First Class Tim Hines's wife and family said goodbye at his funeral, American flags that had adorned their Fairfield yard were piled beneath a car and burned.

Hines' sister-in-law woke up to hear her car alarm around 5:30 a.m. and saw her car on fire.

As firefighters brought the fire under control they discovered a pile of around 20 American flags underneath the car.

Neighbors say Hines' wife's family had flags line their front yard and on the porch.

Those were taken as well as flags in neighboring yards.

Hines was injured in Iraq and flown to Walter Reed Hospital in the Washington, D.C. area, but succumbed to the injuries before he could return home.

Hines' wife Katy is eight-months pregnant with their second child. She buried her husband on Friday.

Katy Hines had just moved back into her parents' home and woke up to find her sister's car consumed by flames.

Investigators believe the flags piled underneath were used to start the fire.

One neighbor says he didn't think the vandals were making a political statement but were possibly drunk.

Police say whoever set the fire will face arson charges.

"It's beyond the pale. It is beyond the pale," said Bob Kramer.

"I don't think it's a political statement," said Kramer. "I don't think it's random. I think it's some really stupid kids, maybe drunk I don't know, but it's despicable and I hope they are caught."

"No doubt, the family is very upset," said Sue Rumley, a neighbor. "They had hoped to spend a quiet day together. After what happened this morning, they say they hope, and believe this was a random act.

The flags, they say, had completley lined their yard.

"The yard was gorgeous. They had flags all the way around the front, from the street up to their porch," said Rumley. "Whoever did this went clear up to their porch and took the flags down."

In the meantime the American Legion and others promised Hines' family they would have new flags by the end of the day.

Hours after the fire a donation of flags arrived at their home.

In no time, family, friends and neighbors lined the yard once again.

"I think that's the most important things, don't give up, do not give up. I really feel that way," said Doris Morris, another neighbor.

After collecting evidence police took the car for further investigation.

"I'm hoping this is just a random act of stupidity," said Chief Mike Dickey, of the Fairfield police department, "but we're going to keep an eye on things here and act accordingly."

Saying goodbye to Private Timothy Hines was hard enough.

Adding insult to such a tragedy is something friends, family and neighbors just can't comprehend.

More than 400 people gathered Friday in Springdale for Hines' funeral.

They watched a slide show depicting the soldier's life, including pictures with his first child, two-year-old Lily.

An Army general presented Hines' mother with the medals her son earned, including a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.
Hopefully this was just a random act. If not, it's just despicable. That family paid the highest price for the people of this country. To have some of them desecrate the symbol of our nation at the home of those who gave the most dearly.... it's beyond words.
People keep telling me I'm crazy when I say that before long, people are going to be spitting on soldiers just like during 'Nam, but what am I supposed to think when stuff like this happens.
When the perps are found, I hope that the biggest, meanest, sherrifs deputy (a vet of course) finds them. I hope they mouth off to him. I hope he beats them sensless with the club. I hope his car cam gets it on tape. I hope I can buy a copy to help contribute to his legal defense. Never give up, So long as hope remains.

Teens arrested for burning 20 small U.S. flags

July 30, 2005

FAIRFIELD, Ohio -- Two teenage boys were charged Thursday with burning 20 small American flags set up in honor of a soldier who died from injuries suffered in the Iraq war.

Police said the boys apparently did not know the significance of the flags they took from the yard and set afire under a car belonging to the soldier's sister-in-law. Yeah right, it was a big secret in a small community. Get your head out of your as*. The vehicle was destroyed.

Commemorated fallen soldier

The flags were to commemorate Army Pfc. Tim Hines, 21, of Fairfield, who died in a Washington, D.C., hospital July 14 of injuries suffered last month when a bomb was detonated while he was in a convoy traveling in Baghdad. His funeral was last Friday and the fire was set early Saturday.

The boys, ages 15 and 13, were arrested Thursday and charged with one count of arson and two counts of criminal mischief before being released to their parents.

Police did not identify the boys, but said they also were involved in other vandalism that morning.

Fairfield is about 15 miles north of Cincinnati.

pegwinn said:
When the perps are found, I hope that the biggest, meanest, sherrifs deputy (a vet of course) finds them. I hope they mouth off to him. I hope he beats them sensless with the club. I hope his car cam gets it on tape. I hope I can buy a copy to help contribute to his legal defense. Never give up, So long as hope remains.

Heh ..... :bat:
Hobbit said:
People keep telling me I'm crazy when I say that before long, people are going to be spitting on soldiers just like during 'Nam, but what am I supposed to think when stuff like this happens.

I'm going to be saluting soldiers and spitting on neocons.
William Joyce said:
I'm going to be saluting soldiers and spitting on neocons.

I see you have found yourself something new to hate. So I am going to assume that you can entertain me by telling me what the difference is between a "NeoCon" and traditional in the 20th century sense Conservatives .....

Hobbit said:
People keep telling me I'm crazy when I say that before long, people are going to be spitting on soldiers just like during 'Nam, but what am I supposed to think when stuff like this happens.

And anyone wonders why i think we are heading civil war. We can already see people starting to get violent. especially in the rising generation. Oh that we could live in a simpliar time when Freedom was loved and defended with honor.

If anyone should be spit upon it should be those who do crap like that.
Avatar4321 said:
And anyone wonders why i think we are heading civil war. We can already see people starting to get violent. especially in the rising generation. Oh that we could live in a simpliar time when Freedom was loved and defended with honor.

If anyone should be spit upon it should be those who do crap like that.

actually avatar, i believe this just illustrates our NECESSITY to take back the schools. No doubt these 2 young assholes have been fed the America is evil mantra since they were about 6 years old. By age 10 they start to comprehend it all and at age 13 and 15, they take the preachings of their liberal teachers to heart and go do a dispicable act such as this. They didnt know what an American Flag represents? 2 possibilities. 1) If they truly didnt then their teachers and parents are bigger morons then the kids. 2) Bullshit. They knew and they did what they were told to do by their teachers i'll bet. Not directly but through subliminal suggestion.
I dont think dumb kids are able to make political statements.
I dont see a civil war creeping in. The public is rather apathic
being sold out by the government on issues like immigration
and taxes.
insein said:
actually avatar, i believe this just illustrates our NECESSITY to take back the schools. No doubt these 2 young assholes have been fed the America is evil mantra since they were about 6 years old. By age 10 they start to comprehend it all and at age 13 and 15, they take the preachings of their liberal teachers to heart and go do a dispicable act such as this. They didnt know what an American Flag represents? 2 possibilities. 1) If they truly didnt then their teachers and parents are bigger morons then the kids. 2) Bullshit. They knew and they did what they were told to do by their teachers i'll bet. Not directly but through subliminal suggestion.

I disagree, sometimes a punk is just a punk and needs his ass handed to him.
pegwinn said:
I disagree, sometimes a punk is just a punk and needs his ass handed to him.

While i can agree with that, peg, what punk do you know goes around destroying US Flags or doesnt know what one means? Some people are punks but if they dont know what a US Flag stands for that is just plain wrong and i blame the schools and the parents for that one.
insein said:
While i can agree with that, peg, what punk do you know goes around destroying US Flags or doesnt know what one means? Some people are punks but if they dont know what a US Flag stands for that is just plain wrong and i blame the schools and the parents for that one.

I am not going to disagree with you. IF the punks didn't know what it was all about, then as a side issue we should deal with the teachers/parents. I just have a hard time believeing anyone is that ignorant. And so, we move back to the "hand him his ass" approach.
pegwinn said:
I am not going to disagree with you. IF the punks didn't know what it was all about, then as a side issue we should deal with the teachers/parents. I just have a hard time believeing anyone is that ignorant. And so, we move back to the "hand him his ass" approach.

Im definitely all for that. But fight the ignorance as well.
Jesus...A man dies in the service of his country and this happens after he's laid to rest!?! :wtf:

Whoever did this needs to be taken out behind the barn and beaten with an axe-handle until they piss blood. That'll mean a few broken ribs and other assorted internal injuries. But it's the least they deserve.
insein said:
While i can agree with that, peg, what punk do you know goes around destroying US Flags or doesnt know what one means? Some people are punks but if they dont know what a US Flag stands for that is just plain wrong and i blame the schools and the parents for that one.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few "punks" in this country who don't understand what the Flag stands for because they and their "influencers" (parents, teachers, community) are more interested in maintaining their cultural diversity rather than adopting the culture and norms of their new country.

I truly believe America is such a great country because we took the best of all of our immigrants and put together a new culture called American. And most of the "good" stuff has bubbled to the top from each culture, however, we are becoming a nation of several little nations.

Maintaining cultural histories of our immigrants is important, but I don't believe creating multiple, separate cultural communities throughout America is going to keep us united.

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