Make Universities Pay for Student Debt Problems


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Mike Rowe repeats what I’ve said for years.
If universities want a $180,000 a year Director of Lesbian Diversity, fine. But any student debts anyone thinks should be picked up by the taxpayers should go to the university first.

Here's an article that dares to propose our universities help subsidize whatever "Student Loan Forgiveness Program" the next administration will ask the taxpayers to fund. Here's a quote that caught my eye.

"The disproportion between the plight of indebted students and the hefty emoluments enjoyed by the universities is staggering. Why, then, should these institutions earmark such financial surplus to overpay their professors, far too many of whom are incompetent scholars, “social justice” warriors, redundant feminists, and leftist hacks? Why should colleges devote their resources to hiring intrusive, noxious, and superfluous diversity officers who do inestimable harm to parietal relations, and to lining the pockets of raptorial administrators who eventually retire into obscene, pension-rich comfort? Meanwhile their graduate cohort labors under a crushing, hope-destroying load of unsustainable debt."

I'm not saying I believe taxpayers should bail out former students who can't pay off their debts. I'm saying that any scheme to do so should cost the universities as dearly as it does the taxpayers. Can I get an Amen?

Mike Rowe repeats what I’ve said for years.
If universities want a $180,000 a year Director of Lesbian Diversity, fine. But any student debts anyone thinks should be picked up by the taxpayers should go to the university first.

Here's an article that dares to propose our universities help subsidize whatever "Student Loan Forgiveness Program" the next administration will ask the taxpayers to fund. Here's a quote that caught my eye.

"The disproportion between the plight of indebted students and the hefty emoluments enjoyed by the universities is staggering. Why, then, should these institutions earmark such financial surplus to overpay their professors, far too many of whom are incompetent scholars, “social justice” warriors, redundant feminists, and leftist hacks? Why should colleges devote their resources to hiring intrusive, noxious, and superfluous diversity officers who do inestimable harm to parietal relations, and to lining the pockets of raptorial administrators who eventually retire into obscene, pension-rich comfort? Meanwhile their graduate cohort labors under a crushing, hope-destroying load of unsustainable debt."

I'm not saying I believe taxpayers should bail out former students who can't pay off their debts. I'm saying that any scheme to do so should cost the universities as dearly as it does the taxpayers. Can I get an Amen?

Agree to a degree. Ordinarily, I would think that a lender would insist on a co-signer with legitimate collateral before they would make a loan to a student seeking a degree in lesbianism.

But if they are banned for requiring cosigners, holding the institution responsible is a great way to lift this burden from the taxpayers.
If universities deliver a fraudulent product, they should refund the consumer just like any other business. The question really is whether they are selling a means to repay their customer's costs of attending or just selling overpriced information that anyone with an internet connection can access.
Either way, the taxpayer isn't responsible for the debt.
Mike Rowe repeats what I’ve said for years.
If universities want a $180,000 a year Director of Lesbian Diversity, fine. But any student debts anyone thinks should be picked up by the taxpayers should go to the university first.

Here's an article that dares to propose our universities help subsidize whatever "Student Loan Forgiveness Program" the next administration will ask the taxpayers to fund. Here's a quote that caught my eye.

"The disproportion between the plight of indebted students and the hefty emoluments enjoyed by the universities is staggering. Why, then, should these institutions earmark such financial surplus to overpay their professors, far too many of whom are incompetent scholars, “social justice” warriors, redundant feminists, and leftist hacks? Why should colleges devote their resources to hiring intrusive, noxious, and superfluous diversity officers who do inestimable harm to parietal relations, and to lining the pockets of raptorial administrators who eventually retire into obscene, pension-rich comfort? Meanwhile their graduate cohort labors under a crushing, hope-destroying load of unsustainable debt."

I'm not saying I believe taxpayers should bail out former students who can't pay off their debts. I'm saying that any scheme to do so should cost the universities as dearly as it does the taxpayers. Can I get an Amen?

I'm not as convinced that this would solve anything.

Ultimately, if students do not go for the degree, there wouldn't be anyone providing the degree.

And that really is the problem.

The issue with complaining that Universities are providing a fraudulent product, is that they simply are not.

People are assuming things about the product that are not true.

For example, people assume they are going to make a huge income, because they have a degree. But no university promises a high income from a degree. They can say "on average people with degree earn such and such more than those without", but there was never a promise of a specific level of income, from having a degree.

What a degree promises, is that you will learned something about the topic of your degree.

That's it.

And people who get a degree in "Lesbian Diversity" do learn something about "Lesbian Diversity". So they are giving you the product you asked for.

The problem that the product you bought, doesn't provide you income in the market... is a YOU problem, not a University problem.

Just like it's not the job of your employer, to make sure you do something that earns enough to provide for a family..... it's not the Universities job to make sure you learn something worth knowing.

The University is there to provide degrees people want. If people want worthless degrees, it is not the job of the University to force them into a degree they don't want.

So here is the real solution.

Simply cut all subsidies for education. It's that simple, that easy.

How will this help? Two ways.

First, when people must work their way through college, and when they have to pay for their education themselves... they are going to be wiser with what degrees they pick.

Second, when people have to pay their way through college, they are going to be more concerned with affordability.

So people will both pick wiser degrees, and they will be pick cheaper universities.

Both will result in a downward pressure on prices, and an upward pressure on value.

Trying to get universities to pay the cost of student debts, both won't work, and won't solve the problem.

Universities are going to offer the courses that cause people to pay the tuition. If offering Lesbian Diversity degrees gets people to pay them money, then that is what they will offer.

This is what we need to fix. We to stop students from making bad expensive choices.
Mike Rowe repeats what I’ve said for years.
If universities want a $180,000 a year Director of Lesbian Diversity, fine. But any student debts anyone thinks should be picked up by the taxpayers should go to the university first.

Here's an article that dares to propose our universities help subsidize whatever "Student Loan Forgiveness Program" the next administration will ask the taxpayers to fund. Here's a quote that caught my eye.

"The disproportion between the plight of indebted students and the hefty emoluments enjoyed by the universities is staggering. Why, then, should these institutions earmark such financial surplus to overpay their professors, far too many of whom are incompetent scholars, “social justice” warriors, redundant feminists, and leftist hacks? Why should colleges devote their resources to hiring intrusive, noxious, and superfluous diversity officers who do inestimable harm to parietal relations, and to lining the pockets of raptorial administrators who eventually retire into obscene, pension-rich comfort? Meanwhile their graduate cohort labors under a crushing, hope-destroying load of unsustainable debt."

I'm not saying I believe taxpayers should bail out former students who can't pay off their debts. I'm saying that any scheme to do so should cost the universities as dearly as it does the taxpayers. Can I get an Amen?

I'm not as convinced that this would solve anything.

Ultimately, if students do not go for the degree, there wouldn't be anyone providing the degree.

And that really is the problem.

The issue with complaining that Universities are providing a fraudulent product, is that they simply are not.

People are assuming things about the product that are not true.

For example, people assume they are going to make a huge income, because they have a degree. But no university promises a high income from a degree. They can say "on average people with degree earn such and such more than those without", but there was never a promise of a specific level of income, from having a degree.

What a degree promises, is that you will learned something about the topic of your degree.

That's it.

And people who get a degree in "Lesbian Diversity" do learn something about "Lesbian Diversity". So they are giving you the product you asked for.

The problem that the product you bought, doesn't provide you income in the market... is a YOU problem, not a University problem.

Just like it's not the job of your employer, to make sure you do something that earns enough to provide for a family..... it's not the Universities job to make sure you learn something worth knowing.

The University is there to provide degrees people want. If people want worthless degrees, it is not the job of the University to force them into a degree they don't want.

So here is the real solution.

Simply cut all subsidies for education. It's that simple, that easy.

How will this help? Two ways.

First, when people must work their way through college, and when they have to pay for their education themselves... they are going to be wiser with what degrees they pick.

Second, when people have to pay their way through college, they are going to be more concerned with affordability.

So people will both pick wiser degrees, and they will be pick cheaper universities.

Both will result in a downward pressure on prices, and an upward pressure on value.

Trying to get universities to pay the cost of student debts, both won't work, and won't solve the problem.

Universities are going to offer the courses that cause people to pay the tuition. If offering Lesbian Diversity degrees gets people to pay them money, then that is what they will offer.

This is what we need to fix. We to stop students from making bad expensive choices.
You missed the issue entirely.
The Left insist taxpayers pick up the tuition costs.
Thats bull.
Mike Rowe repeats what I’ve said for years.
If universities want a $180,000 a year Director of Lesbian Diversity, fine. But any student debts anyone thinks should be picked up by the taxpayers should go to the university first.

Here's an article that dares to propose our universities help subsidize whatever "Student Loan Forgiveness Program" the next administration will ask the taxpayers to fund. Here's a quote that caught my eye.

"The disproportion between the plight of indebted students and the hefty emoluments enjoyed by the universities is staggering. Why, then, should these institutions earmark such financial surplus to overpay their professors, far too many of whom are incompetent scholars, “social justice” warriors, redundant feminists, and leftist hacks? Why should colleges devote their resources to hiring intrusive, noxious, and superfluous diversity officers who do inestimable harm to parietal relations, and to lining the pockets of raptorial administrators who eventually retire into obscene, pension-rich comfort? Meanwhile their graduate cohort labors under a crushing, hope-destroying load of unsustainable debt."

I'm not saying I believe taxpayers should bail out former students who can't pay off their debts. I'm saying that any scheme to do so should cost the universities as dearly as it does the taxpayers. Can I get an Amen?

I'm not as convinced that this would solve anything.

Ultimately, if students do not go for the degree, there wouldn't be anyone providing the degree.

And that really is the problem.

The issue with complaining that Universities are providing a fraudulent product, is that they simply are not.

People are assuming things about the product that are not true.

For example, people assume they are going to make a huge income, because they have a degree. But no university promises a high income from a degree. They can say "on average people with degree earn such and such more than those without", but there was never a promise of a specific level of income, from having a degree.

What a degree promises, is that you will learned something about the topic of your degree.

That's it.

And people who get a degree in "Lesbian Diversity" do learn something about "Lesbian Diversity". So they are giving you the product you asked for.

The problem that the product you bought, doesn't provide you income in the market... is a YOU problem, not a University problem.

Just like it's not the job of your employer, to make sure you do something that earns enough to provide for a family..... it's not the Universities job to make sure you learn something worth knowing.

The University is there to provide degrees people want. If people want worthless degrees, it is not the job of the University to force them into a degree they don't want.

So here is the real solution.

Simply cut all subsidies for education. It's that simple, that easy.

How will this help? Two ways.

First, when people must work their way through college, and when they have to pay for their education themselves... they are going to be wiser with what degrees they pick.

Second, when people have to pay their way through college, they are going to be more concerned with affordability.

So people will both pick wiser degrees, and they will be pick cheaper universities.

Both will result in a downward pressure on prices, and an upward pressure on value.

Trying to get universities to pay the cost of student debts, both won't work, and won't solve the problem.

Universities are going to offer the courses that cause people to pay the tuition. If offering Lesbian Diversity degrees gets people to pay them money, then that is what they will offer.

This is what we need to fix. We to stop students from making bad expensive choices.
Most econ degrees are in Keynesian voodoo.

Look at boobs like AOC, with her alleged econ degree.....Knows the jargon, yet still can't accurately describe what an externality is.

In this area, the product is most certainly defective.
Mike Rowe repeats what I’ve said for years.
If universities want a $180,000 a year Director of Lesbian Diversity, fine. But any student debts anyone thinks should be picked up by the taxpayers should go to the university first.

Here's an article that dares to propose our universities help subsidize whatever "Student Loan Forgiveness Program" the next administration will ask the taxpayers to fund. Here's a quote that caught my eye.

"The disproportion between the plight of indebted students and the hefty emoluments enjoyed by the universities is staggering. Why, then, should these institutions earmark such financial surplus to overpay their professors, far too many of whom are incompetent scholars, “social justice” warriors, redundant feminists, and leftist hacks? Why should colleges devote their resources to hiring intrusive, noxious, and superfluous diversity officers who do inestimable harm to parietal relations, and to lining the pockets of raptorial administrators who eventually retire into obscene, pension-rich comfort? Meanwhile their graduate cohort labors under a crushing, hope-destroying load of unsustainable debt."

I'm not saying I believe taxpayers should bail out former students who can't pay off their debts. I'm saying that any scheme to do so should cost the universities as dearly as it does the taxpayers. Can I get an Amen?

ENDORSED: A Modest Proposal: Make Universities Pay for Student Debt Forgiveness.

According to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, “The administration feels that incentivizing one type of work and one type of job over another is not called for. And we have a demand in our over 7 million jobs going unfilled today, and favoring one type of pursuit over another type of pursuit philosophically doesn’t line up with where we are.” The proposed solution is “a single income-driven repayment (IDR) plan,” involving “affordable monthly payments based on… income,” with the balance to be forgiven after 15 years of repayment. While a distinct improvement on current practice, this solution does not go far enough.

Federal and state authorities would agree to forfeit a percentage of student debt, the deficit to be made up by a levy upon university surplusage.
Mike Rowe repeats what I’ve said for years.
If universities want a $180,000 a year Director of Lesbian Diversity, fine. But any student debts anyone thinks should be picked up by the taxpayers should go to the university first.

Here's an article that dares to propose our universities help subsidize whatever "Student Loan Forgiveness Program" the next administration will ask the taxpayers to fund. Here's a quote that caught my eye.

"The disproportion between the plight of indebted students and the hefty emoluments enjoyed by the universities is staggering. Why, then, should these institutions earmark such financial surplus to overpay their professors, far too many of whom are incompetent scholars, “social justice” warriors, redundant feminists, and leftist hacks? Why should colleges devote their resources to hiring intrusive, noxious, and superfluous diversity officers who do inestimable harm to parietal relations, and to lining the pockets of raptorial administrators who eventually retire into obscene, pension-rich comfort? Meanwhile their graduate cohort labors under a crushing, hope-destroying load of unsustainable debt."

I'm not saying I believe taxpayers should bail out former students who can't pay off their debts. I'm saying that any scheme to do so should cost the universities as dearly as it does the taxpayers. Can I get an Amen?

I'm not as convinced that this would solve anything.

Ultimately, if students do not go for the degree, there wouldn't be anyone providing the degree.

And that really is the problem.

The issue with complaining that Universities are providing a fraudulent product, is that they simply are not.

People are assuming things about the product that are not true.

For example, people assume they are going to make a huge income, because they have a degree. But no university promises a high income from a degree. They can say "on average people with degree earn such and such more than those without", but there was never a promise of a specific level of income, from having a degree.

What a degree promises, is that you will learned something about the topic of your degree.

That's it.

And people who get a degree in "Lesbian Diversity" do learn something about "Lesbian Diversity". So they are giving you the product you asked for.

The problem that the product you bought, doesn't provide you income in the market... is a YOU problem, not a University problem.

Just like it's not the job of your employer, to make sure you do something that earns enough to provide for a family..... it's not the Universities job to make sure you learn something worth knowing.

The University is there to provide degrees people want. If people want worthless degrees, it is not the job of the University to force them into a degree they don't want.

So here is the real solution.

Simply cut all subsidies for education. It's that simple, that easy.

How will this help? Two ways.

First, when people must work their way through college, and when they have to pay for their education themselves... they are going to be wiser with what degrees they pick.

Second, when people have to pay their way through college, they are going to be more concerned with affordability.

So people will both pick wiser degrees, and they will be pick cheaper universities.

Both will result in a downward pressure on prices, and an upward pressure on value.

Trying to get universities to pay the cost of student debts, both won't work, and won't solve the problem.

Universities are going to offer the courses that cause people to pay the tuition. If offering Lesbian Diversity degrees gets people to pay them money, then that is what they will offer.

This is what we need to fix. We to stop students from making bad expensive choices.
You missed the issue entirely.
The Left insist taxpayers pick up the tuition costs.
Thats bull.

Well yeah. Of course in an ideal world, the people who vote for more spending, would be the only people who had to pay for more spending.

I would have opt-outs for every single government program that isn't enumerated in the Constitution.

But that's not going to happen...
How about this: Make a "free" college education available to everyone who qualifies academically, at a state college. Same for training in valuable trades.

That way, if you want to go to a private college, you pay your own way, now or later. No government involvement.

But of course, this is a pipe dream. If the "free" college is awarded based on academic merit, the number of Blacks and Hispanics who qualify will be microscopic, which will trigger the Social Justice Warriors who run academe.

Never mind.

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