Mainstream Democrats Attack Trump Supporters in Minneapolis

No right winger has ever seen a mass protest they didn't want to sick the dogs on. Nothing frightens/enrages them more than the rabble getting uppity.

You missed the part about these protesters throwing objects (including beer bottles) at police and police horses--many of which hit the intended targets--and physically assaulting Trump supporters leaving the rally. The cops just sat there and took it, barely reacting after objects hit them. I saw one "protester" who was wearing a bandana on his face push a person who was leaving the rally, whacked him on the head to knock his hat off, and then when the guy leaned over to pick up his hat, several people crowded around him shouting at him while the initial protester pushed him in the back and then got up in his face (about an inch away) taunting him to throw a punch.

I honestly don't know how he kept his cool, other than perhaps the realization that he was surrounded by a crowd of people jumping up and down, shouting at him, waiting for the first instigation to turn it into a group beating.

The cops were so outnumbered (and many of them were very small women) there was nothing they could have done to control the situation in a timely manner if full blown violence did erupt. I did see what seemed to be pepper spray deployed a couple of times, but I'm uncertain if that's what it was considering it had no effect on the unprovoked physically aggressive acts by the crowd

That's what guns are for.
False Trumpybear narrative leads the way. Mainstream.......hahahaha.....

The Marxist attack on America rolls on.

Putin's Poop Coup is still active, we know. Thanks for the confirmation.

"Donald Trump has lowered our national discourse to previously unimaginable depths. And while I defend his First Amendment right to be as big a jerk as he chooses, a substantial majority of the nation, as measured by various polls, is tired of his ugly act. A substantial minority is apparently not. Let freedom ring, but let’s count the votes. No cheating please.

Trump thinks he can perhaps flip Minnesota in the 2020 election. I predict he will fail, but I defend his right to try, including his right to come to Minneapolis and give a speech that will be filled with hate and lies and perhaps some lame attempts to defend himself against the latest alarming allegation of misconduct against him.

I defend the right of his admirers to attend the rally and even to chant, ridiculously, “Lock her up” if Hillary Clinton is mentioned, and to chant “fake news” about a lot of true news. I defend Trump’s right to label all true criticism and investigation of his many misdeeds as “witch hunts” and to claim “total exoneration” on various allegations of which he has most certainly not been exonerated and still stands very credibly suspected and accused, though not impeached.

I hope and, in my more optimistic moments, believe that the electorate in 2020 will send him where he belongs. And, if they don’t also thank him for his service as he departs for whatever awaits him, I will not criticize them.

After the upcoming Minnesota visit was announced, Mayor Jacob Frey and Council President Lisa Bender made what I would call some very restrained remarks about how they felt about it. I’m willing to bet that they have said stronger things about Trump, about the discrepancy between Trump’s overall tone/message and their fundamental tone/message. Here are the remarks, as quoted in a Star Tribune news story:

“Our entire city will stand not behind the President, but behind the communities and people who continue to make our city — and this country — great,” [Mayor] Frey said. “While there is no legal mechanism to prevent the president from visiting, his message of hatred will never be welcome in Minneapolis.”

City Council President Lisa Bender echoed Frey’s statements, saying Trump’s “hate is not welcome in our community but we cannot stop the visit… I know this event will cause stress and fear — the city will do all we can, and ask for support, in keeping everyone safe.”

They didn’t need to be rebuked by a Strib editorial for a single syllable of that. I admire Frey and Bender for their restrained tone in expressing their views, and I hope the current White House incumbent will benefit from their example of how to express their apparent dislike and disapproval without lying, name-calling, race-baiting or threatening physical violence.

(Here, if you care to refresh your memory, is a 90-second video of some of the many instances of Trump encouraging violence against critics and protesters. I welcome you to compare it, in tone and substance, with the remarks of Frey and Bender.)"

What, exactly, was wrong with Minneapolis leaders’ comments on Trump’s upcoming visit? | MinnPost

Stupid, did you miss the Weissman Dossier? No collusion moron. The only ones working with the Russians were the Clinton crime mob and Potentate Obamugabe.
False Trumpybear narrative leads the way. Mainstream.......hahahaha.....
Antifa are mainstream typical Democrats. If Trump gets re-elected how many black communities will burn out of what the liberal media will call “frustration “ but right thinking people will call “fucking stupidity?”
No right winger has ever seen a mass protest they didn't want to sick the dogs on. Nothing frightens/enrages them more than the rabble getting uppity.

You missed the part about these protesters throwing objects (including beer bottles) at police and police horses--many of which hit the intended targets--and physically assaulting Trump supporters leaving the rally. The cops just sat there and took it, barely reacting after objects hit them. I saw one "protester" who was wearing a bandana on his face push a person who was leaving the rally, whacked him on the head to knock his hat off, and then when the guy leaned over to pick up his hat, several people crowded around him shouting at him while the initial protester pushed him in the back and then got up in his face (about an inch away) taunting him to throw a punch.

I honestly don't know how he kept his cool, other than perhaps the realization that he was surrounded by a crowd of people jumping up and down, shouting at him, waiting for the first instigation to turn it into a group beating.

The cops were so outnumbered (and many of them were very small women) there was nothing they could have done to control the situation in a timely manner if full blown violence did erupt. I did see what seemed to be pepper spray deployed a couple of times, but I'm uncertain if that's what it was considering it had no effect on the unprovoked physically aggressive acts by the crowd

That's what guns are for.
Pop a few of these domestic Antifa terrorists, let their stories of growing up as pampered white kids in the burbs come out...everyone will see them for the pussified little pricks they are.
No right winger has ever seen a mass protest they didn't want to sick the dogs on. Nothing frightens/enrages them more than the rabble getting uppity.

And no Leftist has ever conducted a mass protest where they didn’t physically obstruct the rights of others, trash the place, or smash windows and light fires.
No right winger has ever seen a mass protest they didn't want to sick the dogs on. Nothing frightens/enrages them more than the rabble getting uppity.
Nevertheless, it's always leftwingers assaulting innocent people who are expressing their first amendment rights.
No right winger has ever seen a mass protest they didn't want to sick the dogs on. Nothing frightens/enrages them more than the rabble getting uppity.

You missed the part about these protesters throwing objects (including beer bottles) at police and police horses--many of which hit the intended targets--and physically assaulting Trump supporters leaving the rally. The cops just sat there and took it, barely reacting after objects hit them. I saw one "protester" who was wearing a bandana on his face push a person who was leaving the rally, whacked him on the head to knock his hat off, and then when the guy leaned over to pick up his hat, several people crowded around him shouting at him while the initial protester pushed him in the back and then got up in his face (about an inch away) taunting him to throw a punch.

I honestly don't know how he kept his cool, other than perhaps the realization that he was surrounded by a crowd of people jumping up and down, shouting at him, waiting for the first instigation to turn it into a group beating.

The cops were so outnumbered (and many of them were very small women) there was nothing they could have done to control the situation in a timely manner if full blown violence did erupt. I did see what seemed to be pepper spray deployed a couple of times, but I'm uncertain if that's what it was considering it had no effect on the unprovoked physically aggressive acts by the crowd
For situations like that you need to bring mace and brass knuckles.
False Trumpybear narrative leads the way. Mainstream.......hahahaha.....

The Marxist attack on America rolls on.

Putin's Poop Coup is still active, we know. Thanks for the confirmation.

"Donald Trump has lowered our national discourse to previously unimaginable depths. And while I defend his First Amendment right to be as big a jerk as he chooses, a substantial majority of the nation, as measured by various polls, is tired of his ugly act. A substantial minority is apparently not. Let freedom ring, but let’s count the votes. No cheating please.

Trump thinks he can perhaps flip Minnesota in the 2020 election. I predict he will fail, but I defend his right to try, including his right to come to Minneapolis and give a speech that will be filled with hate and lies and perhaps some lame attempts to defend himself against the latest alarming allegation of misconduct against him.

I defend the right of his admirers to attend the rally and even to chant, ridiculously, “Lock her up” if Hillary Clinton is mentioned, and to chant “fake news” about a lot of true news. I defend Trump’s right to label all true criticism and investigation of his many misdeeds as “witch hunts” and to claim “total exoneration” on various allegations of which he has most certainly not been exonerated and still stands very credibly suspected and accused, though not impeached.

I hope and, in my more optimistic moments, believe that the electorate in 2020 will send him where he belongs. And, if they don’t also thank him for his service as he departs for whatever awaits him, I will not criticize them.

After the upcoming Minnesota visit was announced, Mayor Jacob Frey and Council President Lisa Bender made what I would call some very restrained remarks about how they felt about it. I’m willing to bet that they have said stronger things about Trump, about the discrepancy between Trump’s overall tone/message and their fundamental tone/message. Here are the remarks, as quoted in a Star Tribune news story:

“Our entire city will stand not behind the President, but behind the communities and people who continue to make our city — and this country — great,” [Mayor] Frey said. “While there is no legal mechanism to prevent the president from visiting, his message of hatred will never be welcome in Minneapolis.”

City Council President Lisa Bender echoed Frey’s statements, saying Trump’s “hate is not welcome in our community but we cannot stop the visit… I know this event will cause stress and fear — the city will do all we can, and ask for support, in keeping everyone safe.”

They didn’t need to be rebuked by a Strib editorial for a single syllable of that. I admire Frey and Bender for their restrained tone in expressing their views, and I hope the current White House incumbent will benefit from their example of how to express their apparent dislike and disapproval without lying, name-calling, race-baiting or threatening physical violence.

(Here, if you care to refresh your memory, is a 90-second video of some of the many instances of Trump encouraging violence against critics and protesters. I welcome you to compare it, in tone and substance, with the remarks of Frey and Bender.)"

What, exactly, was wrong with Minneapolis leaders’ comments on Trump’s upcoming visit? | MinnPost
Sure...Russia runs the White House and aliens are at Area 51. Lunatic.
Antifa are mainstream typical Democrats.

Must be very frightening to think there are 65 million American Anitifa members out there!

But that of course is as dumb as saying the Tikki Touch Prayer Boy's represent mainstream Republicans.
Antifa are mainstream typical Democrats.

Must be very frightening to think there are 65 million American Anitifa members out there!

But that of course is as dumb as saying the Tikki Touch Prayer Boy's represent mainstream Republicans.
I am not a Republican but I believe both groups are vile. Antifa personally tried to attack me and it didn’t go well for them. Little people they are.
Antifa are mainstream typical Democrats.

Must be very frightening to think there are 65 million American Anitifa members out there!

But that of course is as dumb as saying the Tikki Touch Prayer Boy's represent mainstream Republicans.

ANTIFA is very frightening. It is ANTIFA in the streets violently assaulting innocents and infringing on their rights. What is more frightening is the notion that ANTIFA and their supporters are justifying their actions all in the name of “fighting fascism” when in reality, the “fascists” ANTIFA are fighting are simply ANY persons that don’t agree with ANTIFA views.

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