MAGA. Doing Our Part.


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
The president is only one man. We as Americans will need to do our civic duty, and get involved. We as citizens have a responsibility to our countrymen, to see to our mutual benefit, according to law. The Liberal days of sitting back, and letting big brother do all the work, are over. We as individuals must get involved at a local level, in order for us all to be successful.

In the issue of illegal aliens... Many of us know where they are. Many of us know where they work, live, and shop. Children have an amazing propensity for running off at the mouth; and as such, our children likely know fellow students whose parents are criminal invaders...

To see the policies we voted into office, come to fruition; we need to get involved, we need to find the invaders amongst us. The more assistance we offer authorities, in identifying the aliens amongst us, the less expensive it will be for our people as a whole. For instance I know of three trailer parks outside of Birmingham, where illegals have taken refuge. They seem to love trailer parks... Being in the construction business my guys encounter these criminals nearly daily. While it's no secret that recreational drug use use rampant in the construction field amongst the labor force. What is lesser known, is that the source for much of the marijuana consumed flows through these trailer parks.

So citizens need to get involved and report all criminal activity committed by illegal aliens. Doing so will be the trigger, to get the deportation process started. So I've already discussed this with many of my guys, to a positive reception. By being diligent citizens, we can do our part in making America great again. The cost savings to our communities, and nation will be enormous. If you take down one illegal alien mother/father combo, not only will these miscreants be removed from our streets, making them safer for our children, and law enforcement. It will also result in them taking their children back to their homeland, where they belong. This frees up our hard earned tax dollars to be used where they were intended to be used. On you, and me.

So remember fellow patriots, we can MAGA. But don't be afraid to get involved. Help those who will be hevily burdened with helping us. Observe, and report. Ferret them out. Together, we will make America great again.
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Great idea. It would be helpful for us to be able to identify these people ferreting out all those law breakers so we know who to give that information to. They should all wear brown shirts. That's it. The US needs to have a group of brown shirts to help separate out the undesirables. Trump's ideals are transforming the country in ways not seen since the 1920s
Great idea. It would be helpful for us to be able to identify these people ferreting out all those law breakers so we know who to give that information to. They should all wear brown shirts. That's it. The US needs to have a group of brown shirts to help separate out the undesirables. Trump's ideals are transforming the country in ways not seen since the 1920s
I`ve done a 180 on the wall. One should be built to keep us in! We`re going to have a president that is every bit as crazy as Kim Jong Un.
Great idea. It would be helpful for us to be able to identify these people ferreting out all those law breakers so we know who to give that information to. They should all wear brown shirts. That's it. The US needs to have a group of brown shirts to help separate out the undesirables. Trump's ideals are transforming the country in ways not seen since the 1920s
Civic duty is everyone's responsibility. I don't know that everyone wearing any particular color shirt is a necessity. I like to think we are all garbed in red, white, and blue. Besides adopting some form of uniform as you suggest would seem a little hokey. Not to mention it would be counter productive as it would serve as a warning to the criminal element, thus making eluding the American citizen easier.
Great idea. It would be helpful for us to be able to identify these people ferreting out all those law breakers so we know who to give that information to. They should all wear brown shirts. That's it. The US needs to have a group of brown shirts to help separate out the undesirables. Trump's ideals are transforming the country in ways not seen since the 1920s
They did call it the "roaring 20's" didn't they? Man what a time! Well my friend; if we each do our part perhaps we can make our decade roar as well. It can happen. But we will all have to work together to make the dream, a reality.
Great idea. It would be helpful for us to be able to identify these people ferreting out all those law breakers so we know who to give that information to. They should all wear brown shirts. That's it. The US needs to have a group of brown shirts to help separate out the undesirables. Trump's ideals are transforming the country in ways not seen since the 1920s
WTF :lmao:
Great idea. It would be helpful for us to be able to identify these people ferreting out all those law breakers so we know who to give that information to. They should all wear brown shirts. That's it. The US needs to have a group of brown shirts to help separate out the undesirables. Trump's ideals are transforming the country in ways not seen since the 1920s
WTF :lmao:

Just another sore loser whiny liberal using hyperbole instead of facts. Ignore it like everyone else.
So friends; countrymen... What suggestions do you offer? What do you suggest for your fellow citizens to do so that we may all feel inclusive toward a solution that benefits us all? Remember; "we're stronger together"!
I suggest the left go back and look at all their requests for the right to go along with the Obama presidency which the right abhorred and use their own advice for the Trump presidency. Of course it's not going to happen. To the left compromise means capitulation to our way.
Trump's ideals are transforming the country in ways not seen since the 1920s

I do not think this message was intended for you. Ok to go back to watching CBS and CNN and being totally in the dark. And then when you listen to the calming voices of public radio in your car you can be sure you must be listening to the voice of the creator.

Crime is not a problem where you live I take it? That's nice. You can continue to believe in the secular, perverse "transformation" we all suffered under during the obama years.
Trump's ideals are transforming the country in ways not seen since the 1920s

I do not think this message was intended for you. Ok to go back to watching CBS and CNN and being totally in the dark. And then when you listen to the calming voices of public radio in your car you can be sure you must be listening to the voice of the creator.

Crime is not a problem where you live I take it? That's nice. You can continue to believe in the secular, perverse "transformation" we all suffered under during the obama years.
This message is for all Americans. In this endeavor we're stronger together.

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