Madcow sure does love lying.

I watch Fox. I like to know what the enemies of America are doing. Fox ran endlessly with stories about the "Black Panthers" and how they were changing the election.

Saying Fox didn't promote such nonsense is like saying Bush never connected Saddam and Islamic terrorists. It's like going on endlessly that "Obama pals around with terrorists", but "I NEVER said Obama was a terrorist".

That's what Fox and the Republicans do. It's how they promote their dangerous and anti American agenda.
you are such a fucking liar

Aside from the "Anti-America" stuff..he's pretty much spot on here.

FOX went apeshit over the Black Panthers..and made it seem that they were under every rock. When in was only one incident that they were making a fuss over.
no, they didnt
and its comical to read deans posts
the fall out of the stupid tree must have hurt you. My pity is yours.

Stupid trees only live where stupid people cultivate them. They don't live in or near our properties.

of course stupid people who fall out of the stupid tree are embarrassed by that fact, so they rename the stupid tree the smart tree and call other trees the stupid trees instead.

Beat that one.

Omg, how old are you, nine?
Maddcow gots to Go!! Seriously NBC,WTF are you doing? She's heinous! End of story.

"God" hath spoken. I'll get right on that and fire off a memo to Steve Burke that You Hath Written That Rachel Maddow Must Go.


It's funny. Conservative Comcast had to buy a dinky little cable channel to silence dissent. It looks as if they are on their way to do it too..Olbermann was canned.

My feeling however, is that this will come back to bite them in the ass.
Maddcow gots to Go!! Seriously NBC,WTF are you doing? She's heinous! End of story.

"God" hath spoken. I'll get right on that and fire off a memo to Steve Burke that You Hath Written That Rachel Maddow Must Go.


It's funny. Conservative Comcast had to buy a dinky little cable channel to silence dissent. It looks as if they are on their way to do it too..Olbermann was canned.

My feeling however, is that this will come back to bite them in the ass.
"conservative comcast" sure did donate a very high percentage to democratic campaigns
"God" hath spoken. I'll get right on that and fire off a memo to Steve Burke that You Hath Written That Rachel Maddow Must Go.


It's funny. Conservative Comcast had to buy a dinky little cable channel to silence dissent. It looks as if they are on their way to do it too..Olbermann was canned.

My feeling however, is that this will come back to bite them in the ass.
"conservative comcast" sure did donate a very high percentage to democratic campaigns

They hedged their bets..everyone does it.
It's funny. Conservative Comcast had to buy a dinky little cable channel to silence dissent. It looks as if they are on their way to do it too..Olbermann was canned.

My feeling however, is that this will come back to bite them in the ass.
"conservative comcast" sure did donate a very high percentage to democratic campaigns

They hedged their bets..everyone does it.
that would be the case if it was 50%
hint, it wasnt
Nobody ran more stories on the threat of the "New Black Panther Party" than FoxNews just like nobody reported more on ACORN

apparently you have a hard time focusing when the tables are turned...the correct post here is;

yup, looks like she blew it, it aint true.

I watch Fox. I like to know what the enemies of America are doing. Fox ran endlessly with stories about the "Black Panthers" and how they were changing the election.

Saying Fox didn't promote such nonsense is like saying Bush never connected Saddam and Islamic terrorists. It's like going on endlessly that "Obama pals around with terrorists", but "I NEVER said Obama was a terrorist".

That's what Fox and the Republicans do. It's how they promote their dangerous and anti American agenda.

red herring fail. here is another juice box.
Just look how often NBC and GE Execs meet with this White House. I'm not completely sure where Comcast stands on Politics but i do know where GE & NBC stood. They have been firmly in the Obama's back pocket. This may change with new Management. I'll wait and see though. It is also a proven fact that if you watch too much Maddcow,you will contract Maddcow disease. You just stop making any sense. I think she's heinous. But that's just my opinion.
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:lol:Ok...... I'll bite, whats the over and under or statute of limitations on this kind of thing MM..;)

I just think it's amusing. What's he trying to prove? That Rachel Maddow tells more lies than...who? Actually, if anyone wants to use Politifact's search for Glenn Beck and compare his lies to hers, well, there isn't any.

what is anyone trying to prove when they post a fox thread? they are posting an example of what they think and should be willing to show is a lie, malfeasance etc etc ...

I counted for the hell of it once and got to 17 to 5 fox versus other sites over a 6 month period and stopped...we have plenty of glen beck threads....and palin and ...

so glen beck according to politifact "lies" more than maddow...and?

Kinda getting tired of this crap.

Personally, I don't make fun of anyone's name. If one wants to start a serious thread about a serious topic. Then they should be able to put forth serious discourse.

Fucking up on names isn't serious discourse. And intentionally doing lying.

golly, dad, we're ever so sorry.

It's childish, Del. Five-year olds do that, not grownups. Any time I see silly nicknames added to make a point, the person doing it has already lost any credibility he was hoping for from adults.

well comparing the issues.....a lie...vs...a nickname?:eusa_eh:
Amazing. She lies and the justification is "Well you guys do it too"

How about we do something crazy and just start being honest people instead of excusing our behavior by pointing out the vices of others?
Maddcow is a disease. If you watch her show regularly,you have already contracted it. Good luck and God Bless. ;)
It's funny. Conservative Comcast had to buy a dinky little cable channel to silence dissent. It looks as if they are on their way to do it too..Olbermann was canned.

My feeling however, is that this will come back to bite them in the ass.
"conservative comcast" sure did donate a very high percentage to democratic campaigns

They hedged their bets..everyone does it.

ah so you're okay with just made your own value judgment , its okay if they play both sides of the fence, I see.

so- was maddow wrong or not?
"conservative comcast" sure did donate a very high percentage to democratic campaigns

They hedged their bets..everyone does it.

ah so you're okay with just made your own value judgment , its okay if they play both sides of the fence, I see.

so- was maddow wrong or not?

Um..where the heck do you get that?

It's the reality of the situation. GE gives money to Republicans as well as Democrats. It's what corporate entities do. And if you have ever spoken with any big CEOs or at least listen to them on the talk shows...they are not all that ideological. Quite the contrary..they couldn't really give a fig about politics for the most part. Everything is bottom line. Profit. Almost each and everyone of them to a fault.

And Maddow? What was she wrong about?

FOX made it seem that the Obama vote was fixed. No..they didn't say it..but they sure as heck implied it.
...really? Care to prove your claim or perhaps explain how that justifies senior madcow in making shit up?

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