Madame Speaker, DO You Care About The American People???

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday engaged in a heated exchange with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, calling the host "an apologist" for President Trump and Republicans on the issue of reaching a COVID-19 relief deal.

Blitzer: "Can you look [Americans] in the eye, Madame Speaker, and explain why you don't want to accept the president's latest stimulus offer?"

Pelosi: "I don't know why you always an apologist and many of your colleagues apologists for the Republican position" (quoted from videо).

Blitzer: "There are millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, they can't pay the rent, their kids need the food. $1.8 trillion. The president just tweeted: "Stimulus. Go big or go home. He wants even more right now. So why not work out a deal with him and don't let the perfect ... be the enemy of the good."

Pelosi: "...What makes me amused, if it weren't so sad, is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table.
It is unfortunate that we do not have shared values with this White House and that they have, in their bill ... a tax break for the wealthiest families in the country while they cut out the income earned tax credit for the poorest families and poorest children in our country..."

Blitzer: "Here is what you wrote in a letter to House Democrats, Madame Speaker. And I ask these questions, only as you know, so many millions of Americans are suffering right now..."

Blitzer cited criticism from Rep. Ro Khanna and entrepreneur Andrew Yang, with whom the CNN host spoke to on Monday regarding the bill.

"The only thing that's keeping us from passing it is politics," Yang said in response to the relief bill delays, encouraging Pelosi to say "yes" to the negotiations."

Pelosi:" ... ... Honest to God, I can't get over it, because Andrew Yang, he's lovely; Ro Khanna, he's lovely," but they have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here... But you quote two people who know nothing about the agreement. There is no agreement. But what the suggestions are, as if there is some authority on the subject. Please, give equal weight to all of the chairmen on the committee who have written this bill."

Blitzer: But so many of your fellow Democrats in the House, they want a deal right now. The problem-solvers, they all want a deal right now. And here is what they're complaining about because you wrote a letter to House Democrats and you said this. Let me read a line from the letter you wrote. 'The president only wants his name on a check to go out before Election Day and for the market to go up.'

Is that what this is all about? Not allow the president to take credit if there's a deal that would help millions of Americans right now?"

Pelosi: No, I don't care about that. He's not that important. But let me say this, with all due respect ... You really don't know what you're talking about. ... So do a service to the issue and have some level of respect for the people who have worked on these issues, written the bill to begin with."


I've seen a lot in my life. I've seen flatterers. I saw the scammers. I saw people who lied to my eyes.

But I have never met such a filigree ability not to answer a single question, talking about anything, but just not answering a question and lie to the eyes of the nation

I have been watching this lady for many years. Кecent years, I got the impression that Pelosi is a "double agent".

On the one hand, she does everything to make the rank-and-file members of the Democratic party develop aversion to their party and its political leadership.

On the other hand, she, together with the "witch from Chappaqua", has been doing everything possible not only to provoke confrontation of two groups of the population - she has already done this, black and white are shooting at each other almost every day, -but also to provoke the Second Civil War and in China's interest to DESTROY the United States of America.

I just don't to say anything about the REAL attitude of the leaders of the Democratic Party towards ordinary Americans, entangled in the debts of parasitic banks, using "revolving payments" and transferring money from one credit card to another, to pay off debts (and today EACH family already has up to 16 (!!!) credit cards! ).

There is a fierce struggle for power in the state, and the victims are the common American people. It is now becoming apparent that the coronavirus psychopandemic was intended to hide the fact that the world capitalist system is dying and enslave people even more by scaring them with coronavirus.

Madame Pelosi's ability to deceive is not learned in the course of one lifetime, not even in the life of one generation. Lying is a CONGENITAL DEFECT of this "Madame" and her inner circle...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday engaged in a heated exchange with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, calling the host "an apologist" for President Trump and Republicans on the issue of reaching a COVID-19 relief deal.

Blitzer: "Can you look [Americans] in the eye, Madame Speaker, and explain why you don't want to accept the president's latest stimulus offer?"

Pelosi: "I don't know why you always an apologist and many of your colleagues apologists for the Republican position" (quoted from videо).

Blitzer: "There are millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, they can't pay the rent, their kids need the food. $1.8 trillion. The president just tweeted: "Stimulus. Go big or go home. He wants even more right now. So why not work out a deal with him and don't let the perfect ... be the enemy of the good."

Pelosi: "...What makes me amused, if it weren't so sad, is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table.
It is unfortunate that we do not have shared values with this White House and that they have, in their bill ... a tax break for the wealthiest families in the country while they cut out the income earned tax credit for the poorest families and poorest children in our country..."

Blitzer: "Here is what you wrote in a letter to House Democrats, Madame Speaker. And I ask these questions, only as you know, so many millions of Americans are suffering right now..."

Blitzer cited criticism from Rep. Ro Khanna and entrepreneur Andrew Yang, with whom the CNN host spoke to on Monday regarding the bill.

"The only thing that's keeping us from passing it is politics," Yang said in response to the relief bill delays, encouraging Pelosi to say "yes" to the negotiations."

Pelosi:" ... ... Honest to God, I can't get over it, because Andrew Yang, he's lovely; Ro Khanna, he's lovely," but they have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here... But you quote two people who know nothing about the agreement. There is no agreement. But what the suggestions are, as if there is some authority on the subject. Please, give equal weight to all of the chairmen on the committee who have written this bill."

Blitzer: But so many of your fellow Democrats in the House, they want a deal right now. The problem-solvers, they all want a deal right now. And here is what they're complaining about because you wrote a letter to House Democrats and you said this. Let me read a line from the letter you wrote. 'The president only wants his name on a check to go out before Election Day and for the market to go up.'

Is that what this is all about? Not allow the president to take credit if there's a deal that would help millions of Americans right now?"

Pelosi: No, I don't care about that. He's not that important. But let me say this, with all due respect ... You really don't know what you're talking about. ... So do a service to the issue and have some level of respect for the people who have worked on these issues, written the bill to begin with."


I've seen a lot in my life. I've seen flatterers. I saw the scammers. I saw people who lied to my eyes.

But I have never met such a filigree ability not to answer a single question, talking about anything, but just not answering a question and lie to the eyes of the nation

I have been watching this lady for many years. Кecent years, I got the impression that Pelosi is a "double agent".

On the one hand, she does everything to make the rank-and-file members of the Democratic party develop aversion to their party and its political leadership.

On the other hand, she, together with the "witch from Chappaqua", has been doing everything possible not only to provoke confrontation of two groups of the population - she has already done this, black and white are shooting at each other almost every day, -but also to provoke the Second Civil War and in China's interest to DESTROY the United States of America.

I just don't to say anything about the REAL attitude of the leaders of the Democratic Party towards ordinary Americans, entangled in the debts of parasitic banks, using "revolving payments" and transferring money from one credit card to another, to pay off debts (and today EACH family already has up to 16 (!!!) credit cards! ).

There is a fierce struggle for power in the state, and the victims are the common American people. It is now becoming apparent that the coronavirus psychopandemic was intended to hide the fact that the world capitalist system is dying and enslave people even more by scaring them with coronavirus.

Madame Pelosi's ability to deceive is not learned in the course of one lifetime, not even in the life of one generation. Lying is a CONGENITAL DEFECT of this "Madame" and her inner circle...
I saw the Wolf Blitzer spot you are talking about. I could not believe my eyes and ears! Pelosi was outed as trying to deceive the American people and changed many Democrat votes. I wonder if the Democrats in the House even support her any longer.
Sorry but this was an embarrassment for Wolf. Sure he reluctantly challenged her a few times, but for the most part he was silent and let Pelosi rant on. Can you imagine how unhinged Wolf would become if he was treated this way by a republican, CNN would cut them off mid sentence.
He challenged her a few times. He didn't stop at once. She was pissed. Told him he didn't know what he was talking about!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday engaged in a heated exchange with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, calling the host "an apologist" for President Trump and Republicans on the issue of reaching a COVID-19 relief deal.

Blitzer: "Can you look [Americans] in the eye, Madame Speaker, and explain why you don't want to accept the president's latest stimulus offer?"

Pelosi: "I don't know why you always an apologist and many of your colleagues apologists for the Republican position" (quoted from videо).

Blitzer: "There are millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, they can't pay the rent, their kids need the food. $1.8 trillion. The president just tweeted: "Stimulus. Go big or go home. He wants even more right now. So why not work out a deal with him and don't let the perfect ... be the enemy of the good."

Pelosi: "...What makes me amused, if it weren't so sad, is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table.
It is unfortunate that we do not have shared values with this White House and that they have, in their bill ... a tax break for the wealthiest families in the country while they cut out the income earned tax credit for the poorest families and poorest children in our country..."

Blitzer: "Here is what you wrote in a letter to House Democrats, Madame Speaker. And I ask these questions, only as you know, so many millions of Americans are suffering right now..."

Blitzer cited criticism from Rep. Ro Khanna and entrepreneur Andrew Yang, with whom the CNN host spoke to on Monday regarding the bill.

"The only thing that's keeping us from passing it is politics," Yang said in response to the relief bill delays, encouraging Pelosi to say "yes" to the negotiations."

Pelosi:" ... ... Honest to God, I can't get over it, because Andrew Yang, he's lovely; Ro Khanna, he's lovely," but they have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here... But you quote two people who know nothing about the agreement. There is no agreement. But what the suggestions are, as if there is some authority on the subject. Please, give equal weight to all of the chairmen on the committee who have written this bill."

Blitzer: But so many of your fellow Democrats in the House, they want a deal right now. The problem-solvers, they all want a deal right now. And here is what they're complaining about because you wrote a letter to House Democrats and you said this. Let me read a line from the letter you wrote. 'The president only wants his name on a check to go out before Election Day and for the market to go up.'

Is that what this is all about? Not allow the president to take credit if there's a deal that would help millions of Americans right now?"

Pelosi: No, I don't care about that. He's not that important. But let me say this, with all due respect ... You really don't know what you're talking about. ... So do a service to the issue and have some level of respect for the people who have worked on these issues, written the bill to begin with."


I've seen a lot in my life. I've seen flatterers. I saw the scammers. I saw people who lied to my eyes.

But I have never met such a filigree ability not to answer a single question, talking about anything, but just not answering a question and lie to the eyes of the nation

I have been watching this lady for many years. Кecent years, I got the impression that Pelosi is a "double agent".

On the one hand, she does everything to make the rank-and-file members of the Democratic party develop aversion to their party and its political leadership.

On the other hand, she, together with the "witch from Chappaqua", has been doing everything possible not only to provoke confrontation of two groups of the population - she has already done this, black and white are shooting at each other almost every day, -but also to provoke the Second Civil War and in China's interest to DESTROY the United States of America.

I just don't to say anything about the REAL attitude of the leaders of the Democratic Party towards ordinary Americans, entangled in the debts of parasitic banks, using "revolving payments" and transferring money from one credit card to another, to pay off debts (and today EACH family already has up to 16 (!!!) credit cards! ).

There is a fierce struggle for power in the state, and the victims are the common American people. It is now becoming apparent that the coronavirus psychopandemic was intended to hide the fact that the world capitalist system is dying and enslave people even more by scaring them with coronavirus.

Madame Pelosi's ability to deceive is not learned in the course of one lifetime, not even in the life of one generation. Lying is a CONGENITAL DEFECT of this "Madame" and her inner circle...

Yep, it was nice to see someone on the communist news network actually acting like a journalist for a change.

Sorry but this was an embarrassment for Wolf. Sure he reluctantly challenged her a few times, but for the most part he was silent and let Pelosi rant on. Can you imagine how unhinged Wolf would become if he was treated this way by a republican, CNN would cut them off mid sentence.

He was giving her respect she really doesn't deserve.
Sorry but this was an embarrassment for Wolf. Sure he reluctantly challenged her a few times, but for the most part he was silent and let Pelosi rant on. Can you imagine how unhinged Wolf would become if he was treated this way by a republican, CNN would cut them off mid sentence.
He challenged her a few times. He didn't stop at once. She was pissed. Told him he didn't know what he was talking about!

Right and Wolf just took his scolding.
Sorry but this was an embarrassment for Wolf. Sure he reluctantly challenged her a few times, but for the most part he was silent and let Pelosi rant on. Can you imagine how unhinged Wolf would become if he was treated this way by a republican, CNN would cut them off mid sentence.
He challenged her a few times. He didn't stop at once. She was pissed. Told him he didn't know what he was talking about!

Right and Wolf just took his scolding.
The TV hosts are learning about the Democrats, slowly, little at a time. Now he knows there could have been a stimulus bill but she doesn't want Trump to "win". How about it being a win for America?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday engaged in a heated exchange with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, calling the host "an apologist" for President Trump and Republicans on the issue of reaching a COVID-19 relief deal.

Blitzer: "Can you look [Americans] in the eye, Madame Speaker, and explain why you don't want to accept the president's latest stimulus offer?"

Pelosi: "I don't know why you always an apologist and many of your colleagues apologists for the Republican position" (quoted from videо).

Blitzer: "There are millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, they can't pay the rent, their kids need the food. $1.8 trillion. The president just tweeted: "Stimulus. Go big or go home. He wants even more right now. So why not work out a deal with him and don't let the perfect ... be the enemy of the good."

Pelosi: "...What makes me amused, if it weren't so sad, is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table.
It is unfortunate that we do not have shared values with this White House and that they have, in their bill ... a tax break for the wealthiest families in the country while they cut out the income earned tax credit for the poorest families and poorest children in our country..."

Blitzer: "Here is what you wrote in a letter to House Democrats, Madame Speaker. And I ask these questions, only as you know, so many millions of Americans are suffering right now..."

Blitzer cited criticism from Rep. Ro Khanna and entrepreneur Andrew Yang, with whom the CNN host spoke to on Monday regarding the bill.

"The only thing that's keeping us from passing it is politics," Yang said in response to the relief bill delays, encouraging Pelosi to say "yes" to the negotiations."

Pelosi:" ... ... Honest to God, I can't get over it, because Andrew Yang, he's lovely; Ro Khanna, he's lovely," but they have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here... But you quote two people who know nothing about the agreement. There is no agreement. But what the suggestions are, as if there is some authority on the subject. Please, give equal weight to all of the chairmen on the committee who have written this bill."

Blitzer: But so many of your fellow Democrats in the House, they want a deal right now. The problem-solvers, they all want a deal right now. And here is what they're complaining about because you wrote a letter to House Democrats and you said this. Let me read a line from the letter you wrote. 'The president only wants his name on a check to go out before Election Day and for the market to go up.'

Is that what this is all about? Not allow the president to take credit if there's a deal that would help millions of Americans right now?"

Pelosi: No, I don't care about that. He's not that important. But let me say this, with all due respect ... You really don't know what you're talking about. ... So do a service to the issue and have some level of respect for the people who have worked on these issues, written the bill to begin with."


I've seen a lot in my life. I've seen flatterers. I saw the scammers. I saw people who lied to my eyes.

But I have never met such a filigree ability not to answer a single question, talking about anything, but just not answering a question and lie to the eyes of the nation

I have been watching this lady for many years. Кecent years, I got the impression that Pelosi is a "double agent".

On the one hand, she does everything to make the rank-and-file members of the Democratic party develop aversion to their party and its political leadership.

On the other hand, she, together with the "witch from Chappaqua", has been doing everything possible not only to provoke confrontation of two groups of the population - she has already done this, black and white are shooting at each other almost every day, -but also to provoke the Second Civil War and in China's interest to DESTROY the United States of America.

I just don't to say anything about the REAL attitude of the leaders of the Democratic Party towards ordinary Americans, entangled in the debts of parasitic banks, using "revolving payments" and transferring money from one credit card to another, to pay off debts (and today EACH family already has up to 16 (!!!) credit cards! ).

There is a fierce struggle for power in the state, and the victims are the common American people. It is now becoming apparent that the coronavirus psychopandemic was intended to hide the fact that the world capitalist system is dying and enslave people even more by scaring them with coronavirus.

Madame Pelosi's ability to deceive is not learned in the course of one lifetime, not even in the life of one generation. Lying is a CONGENITAL DEFECT of this "Madame" and her inner circle...
Damn! He pantsed her!

Hoo boy: Pelosi flips out on Wolf Blitzer for asking why she won’t accept Trump’s stimulus offer

Placeholder Image

“I don’t know why you’re always an apologist — and many of your colleagues are apologists — for the Republican position.”

Watch the WHOLE thing!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday engaged in a heated exchange with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, calling the host "an apologist" for President Trump and Republicans on the issue of reaching a COVID-19 relief deal.

Blitzer: "Can you look [Americans] in the eye, Madame Speaker, and explain why you don't want to accept the president's latest stimulus offer?"

Pelosi: "I don't know why you always an apologist and many of your colleagues apologists for the Republican position" (quoted from videо).

Blitzer: "There are millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, they can't pay the rent, their kids need the food. $1.8 trillion. The president just tweeted: "Stimulus. Go big or go home. He wants even more right now. So why not work out a deal with him and don't let the perfect ... be the enemy of the good."

Pelosi: "...What makes me amused, if it weren't so sad, is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table.
It is unfortunate that we do not have shared values with this White House and that they have, in their bill ... a tax break for the wealthiest families in the country while they cut out the income earned tax credit for the poorest families and poorest children in our country..."

Blitzer: "Here is what you wrote in a letter to House Democrats, Madame Speaker. And I ask these questions, only as you know, so many millions of Americans are suffering right now..."

Blitzer cited criticism from Rep. Ro Khanna and entrepreneur Andrew Yang, with whom the CNN host spoke to on Monday regarding the bill.

"The only thing that's keeping us from passing it is politics," Yang said in response to the relief bill delays, encouraging Pelosi to say "yes" to the negotiations."

Pelosi:" ... ... Honest to God, I can't get over it, because Andrew Yang, he's lovely; Ro Khanna, he's lovely," but they have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here... But you quote two people who know nothing about the agreement. There is no agreement. But what the suggestions are, as if there is some authority on the subject. Please, give equal weight to all of the chairmen on the committee who have written this bill."

Blitzer: But so many of your fellow Democrats in the House, they want a deal right now. The problem-solvers, they all want a deal right now. And here is what they're complaining about because you wrote a letter to House Democrats and you said this. Let me read a line from the letter you wrote. 'The president only wants his name on a check to go out before Election Day and for the market to go up.'

Is that what this is all about? Not allow the president to take credit if there's a deal that would help millions of Americans right now?"

Pelosi: No, I don't care about that. He's not that important. But let me say this, with all due respect ... You really don't know what you're talking about. ... So do a service to the issue and have some level of respect for the people who have worked on these issues, written the bill to begin with."


I've seen a lot in my life. I've seen flatterers. I saw the scammers. I saw people who lied to my eyes.

But I have never met such a filigree ability not to answer a single question, talking about anything, but just not answering a question and lie to the eyes of the nation

I have been watching this lady for many years. Кecent years, I got the impression that Pelosi is a "double agent".

On the one hand, she does everything to make the rank-and-file members of the Democratic party develop aversion to their party and its political leadership.

On the other hand, she, together with the "witch from Chappaqua", has been doing everything possible not only to provoke confrontation of two groups of the population - she has already done this, black and white are shooting at each other almost every day, -but also to provoke the Second Civil War and in China's interest to DESTROY the United States of America.

I just don't to say anything about the REAL attitude of the leaders of the Democratic Party towards ordinary Americans, entangled in the debts of parasitic banks, using "revolving payments" and transferring money from one credit card to another, to pay off debts (and today EACH family already has up to 16 (!!!) credit cards! ).

There is a fierce struggle for power in the state, and the victims are the common American people. It is now becoming apparent that the coronavirus psychopandemic was intended to hide the fact that the world capitalist system is dying and enslave people even more by scaring them with coronavirus.

Madame Pelosi's ability to deceive is not learned in the course of one lifetime, not even in the life of one generation. Lying is a CONGENITAL DEFECT of this "Madame" and her inner circle...
Damn! He pantsed her!

Hoo boy: Pelosi flips out on Wolf Blitzer for asking why she won’t accept Trump’s stimulus offer
Placeholder Image
“I don’t know why you’re always an apologist — and many of your colleagues are apologists — for the Republican position.”

Watch the WHOLE thing!
She should be looking at being replaced.
Sorry but this was an embarrassment for Wolf. Sure he reluctantly challenged her a few times, but for the most part he was silent and let Pelosi rant on. Can you imagine how unhinged Wolf would become if he was treated this way by a republican, CNN would cut them off mid sentence.
He challenged her a few times. He didn't stop at once. She was pissed. Told him he didn't know what he was talking about!

Right and Wolf just took his scolding.
The TV hosts are learning about the Democrats, slowly, little at a time. Now he knows there could have been a stimulus bill but she doesn't want Trump to "win". How about it being a win for America?

I guaranty CNN is only having Wolf challenge Pelosi because they know the democrats are losing the issue. They also realize if Biden doesn't win Nancy will get less than TRUMP is willing to give right now.
I will be curious as to if Yang publicly responds to Pelosi telling him he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Sorry but this was an embarrassment for Wolf. Sure he reluctantly challenged her a few times, but for the most part he was silent and let Pelosi rant on. Can you imagine how unhinged Wolf would become if he was treated this way by a republican, CNN would cut them off mid sentence.
He challenged her a few times. He didn't stop at once. She was pissed. Told him he didn't know what he was talking about!

Right and Wolf just took his scolding.
The TV hosts are learning about the Democrats, slowly, little at a time. Now he knows there could have been a stimulus bill but she doesn't want Trump to "win". How about it being a win for America?

I guaranty CNN is only having Wolf challenge Pelosi because they know the democrats are losing the issue. They also realize if Biden doesn't win Nancy will get less than TRUMP is willing to give right now.
I will be curious as to if Yang publicly responds to Pelosi telling him he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Sorry but this was an embarrassment for Wolf. Sure he reluctantly challenged her a few times, but for the most part he was silent and let Pelosi rant on. Can you imagine how unhinged Wolf would become if he was treated this way by a republican, CNN would cut them off mid sentence.
He challenged her a few times. He didn't stop at once. She was pissed. Told him he didn't know what he was talking about!

Right and Wolf just took his scolding.
The TV hosts are learning about the Democrats, slowly, little at a time. Now he knows there could have been a stimulus bill but she doesn't want Trump to "win". How about it being a win for America?

I guaranty CNN is only having Wolf challenge Pelosi because they know the democrats are losing the issue. They also realize if Biden doesn't win Nancy will get less than TRUMP is willing to give right now.
I will be curious as to if Yang publicly responds to Pelosi telling him he doesn't know what he's talking about.

You are absolutely right. CNN's boat with the label "Fake News" on the board IS "sinking". Only extraordinary circumstances, something like that Biden "forgot" what post he is running for, forced the Deep State to use Blitzer as a "sealant" of the holes.

And from the side - a can of spiders. And the spiders started to devour each other and one another...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday engaged in a heated exchange with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, calling the host "an apologist" for President Trump and Republicans on the issue of reaching a COVID-19 relief deal.

Blitzer: "Can you look [Americans] in the eye, Madame Speaker, and explain why you don't want to accept the president's latest stimulus offer?"

Pelosi: "I don't know why you always an apologist and many of your colleagues apologists for the Republican position" (quoted from videо).

Blitzer: "There are millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, they can't pay the rent, their kids need the food. $1.8 trillion. The president just tweeted: "Stimulus. Go big or go home. He wants even more right now. So why not work out a deal with him and don't let the perfect ... be the enemy of the good."

Pelosi: "...What makes me amused, if it weren't so sad, is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table.
It is unfortunate that we do not have shared values with this White House and that they have, in their bill ... a tax break for the wealthiest families in the country while they cut out the income earned tax credit for the poorest families and poorest children in our country..."

Blitzer: "Here is what you wrote in a letter to House Democrats, Madame Speaker. And I ask these questions, only as you know, so many millions of Americans are suffering right now..."

Blitzer cited criticism from Rep. Ro Khanna and entrepreneur Andrew Yang, with whom the CNN host spoke to on Monday regarding the bill.

"The only thing that's keeping us from passing it is politics," Yang said in response to the relief bill delays, encouraging Pelosi to say "yes" to the negotiations."

Pelosi:" ... ... Honest to God, I can't get over it, because Andrew Yang, he's lovely; Ro Khanna, he's lovely," but they have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here... But you quote two people who know nothing about the agreement. There is no agreement. But what the suggestions are, as if there is some authority on the subject. Please, give equal weight to all of the chairmen on the committee who have written this bill."

Blitzer: But so many of your fellow Democrats in the House, they want a deal right now. The problem-solvers, they all want a deal right now. And here is what they're complaining about because you wrote a letter to House Democrats and you said this. Let me read a line from the letter you wrote. 'The president only wants his name on a check to go out before Election Day and for the market to go up.'

Is that what this is all about? Not allow the president to take credit if there's a deal that would help millions of Americans right now?"

Pelosi: No, I don't care about that. He's not that important. But let me say this, with all due respect ... You really don't know what you're talking about. ... So do a service to the issue and have some level of respect for the people who have worked on these issues, written the bill to begin with."


I've seen a lot in my life. I've seen flatterers. I saw the scammers. I saw people who lied to my eyes.

But I have never met such a filigree ability not to answer a single question, talking about anything, but just not answering a question and lie to the eyes of the nation

I have been watching this lady for many years. Кecent years, I got the impression that Pelosi is a "double agent".

On the one hand, she does everything to make the rank-and-file members of the Democratic party develop aversion to their party and its political leadership.

On the other hand, she, together with the "witch from Chappaqua", has been doing everything possible not only to provoke confrontation of two groups of the population - she has already done this, black and white are shooting at each other almost every day, -but also to provoke the Second Civil War and in China's interest to DESTROY the United States of America.

I just don't to say anything about the REAL attitude of the leaders of the Democratic Party towards ordinary Americans, entangled in the debts of parasitic banks, using "revolving payments" and transferring money from one credit card to another, to pay off debts (and today EACH family already has up to 16 (!!!) credit cards! ).

There is a fierce struggle for power in the state, and the victims are the common American people. It is now becoming apparent that the coronavirus psychopandemic was intended to hide the fact that the world capitalist system is dying and enslave people even more by scaring them with coronavirus.

Madame Pelosi's ability to deceive is not learned in the course of one lifetime, not even in the life of one generation. Lying is a CONGENITAL DEFECT of this "Madame" and her inner circle...
I am glad she cut off her nose to spite her face (or had her plastic surgeon do it).
She absolutely will agree to nothing until the election. Se only wants a Democrat to get the credit for this. If/when Trump is reelected, shell still will not easily budge unless the Demonrat Party is thoroughly humiliated
Sorry but this was an embarrassment for Wolf. Sure he reluctantly challenged her a few times, but for the most part he was silent and let Pelosi rant on. Can you imagine how unhinged Wolf would become if he was treated this way by a republican, CNN would cut them off mid sentence.

Everything is correct. But she kept interrupting him. And he was forced to remain silent. But SILENCE is sometimes GRAVE
She absolutely will agree to nothing until the election. Se only wants a Democrat to get the credit for this. If/when Trump is reelected, shell still will not easily budge unless the Demonrat Party is thoroughly humiliated

Why do I dream of Old Sparky with Nancy on it every night ???

Every night I go to the switch and turn it on ... And then they bring Hillary, Chuck and there is no end to this flow of the doomed traitors...
Her own caucus is turning on her, and thanks to Wolf Blitzer its all over the news sites. She was shamed pretty good.

She gestured during the interview as if she were working with a machete.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday engaged in a heated exchange with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, calling the host "an apologist" for President Trump and Republicans on the issue of reaching a COVID-19 relief deal.

Blitzer: "Can you look [Americans] in the eye, Madame Speaker, and explain why you don't want to accept the president's latest stimulus offer?"

Pelosi: "I don't know why you always an apologist and many of your colleagues apologists for the Republican position" (quoted from videо).

Blitzer: "There are millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, they can't pay the rent, their kids need the food. $1.8 trillion. The president just tweeted: "Stimulus. Go big or go home. He wants even more right now. So why not work out a deal with him and don't let the perfect ... be the enemy of the good."

Pelosi: "...What makes me amused, if it weren't so sad, is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table.
It is unfortunate that we do not have shared values with this White House and that they have, in their bill ... a tax break for the wealthiest families in the country while they cut out the income earned tax credit for the poorest families and poorest children in our country..."

Blitzer: "Here is what you wrote in a letter to House Democrats, Madame Speaker. And I ask these questions, only as you know, so many millions of Americans are suffering right now..."

Blitzer cited criticism from Rep. Ro Khanna and entrepreneur Andrew Yang, with whom the CNN host spoke to on Monday regarding the bill.

"The only thing that's keeping us from passing it is politics," Yang said in response to the relief bill delays, encouraging Pelosi to say "yes" to the negotiations."

Pelosi:" ... ... Honest to God, I can't get over it, because Andrew Yang, he's lovely; Ro Khanna, he's lovely," but they have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here... But you quote two people who know nothing about the agreement. There is no agreement. But what the suggestions are, as if there is some authority on the subject. Please, give equal weight to all of the chairmen on the committee who have written this bill."

Blitzer: But so many of your fellow Democrats in the House, they want a deal right now. The problem-solvers, they all want a deal right now. And here is what they're complaining about because you wrote a letter to House Democrats and you said this. Let me read a line from the letter you wrote. 'The president only wants his name on a check to go out before Election Day and for the market to go up.'

Is that what this is all about? Not allow the president to take credit if there's a deal that would help millions of Americans right now?"

Pelosi: No, I don't care about that. He's not that important. But let me say this, with all due respect ... You really don't know what you're talking about. ... So do a service to the issue and have some level of respect for the people who have worked on these issues, written the bill to begin with."


I've seen a lot in my life. I've seen flatterers. I saw the scammers. I saw people who lied to my eyes.

But I have never met such a filigree ability not to answer a single question, talking about anything, but just not answering a question and lie to the eyes of the nation

I have been watching this lady for many years. Кecent years, I got the impression that Pelosi is a "double agent".

On the one hand, she does everything to make the rank-and-file members of the Democratic party develop aversion to their party and its political leadership.

On the other hand, she, together with the "witch from Chappaqua", has been doing everything possible not only to provoke confrontation of two groups of the population - she has already done this, black and white are shooting at each other almost every day, -but also to provoke the Second Civil War and in China's interest to DESTROY the United States of America.

I just don't to say anything about the REAL attitude of the leaders of the Democratic Party towards ordinary Americans, entangled in the debts of parasitic banks, using "revolving payments" and transferring money from one credit card to another, to pay off debts (and today EACH family already has up to 16 (!!!) credit cards! ).

There is a fierce struggle for power in the state, and the victims are the common American people. It is now becoming apparent that the coronavirus psychopandemic was intended to hide the fact that the world capitalist system is dying and enslave people even more by scaring them with coronavirus.

Madame Pelosi's ability to deceive is not learned in the course of one lifetime, not even in the life of one generation. Lying is a CONGENITAL DEFECT of this "Madame" and her inner circle...
I am glad she cut off her nose to spite her face (or had her plastic surgeon do it).

The second...

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