Mad Max


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
One extra piece, a reinvention of the inventive and jarring Mad Max post-apocalyptic franchise. Hope you like it (signing off),


Max was a real nerd. He was a computer wizard and hacker and insider-trader on the NYSE. Now he planned a bank robbery and intended to high-tail it to California to settle down with his new girlfriend Elena. No one thought Max'd ever have a girlfriend, but he promised Elena lots of gem-money from his new bank heist. He began plotting the heist, like a true nerd.


ELENA: As long as Max can get me this gem-money with his daring bank heist, I'll go with him to California!


Max dressed up like a Middle Eastern investor and walked into the new Glass Bank, telling the bank rep that he was a toy merchant selling transparent guns with visible working inner-gears and gem-watches which he wanted to store in the safe-box inside the bank's vault room. Once inside the bank, Max told the bank rep and escorting guard that he was working undercover on behalf of the Saudi prince named Fahd who stored blood diamonds inside the bank's safe-boxes and was to extract a very expensive gem-watch for his Saudi prince and use it for a new blood diamond hijacking mission involving the transport of customized jewelry. The bank rep and escoring guard realized the Saudi prince and Max were obviously undercover government spooks seeking to infiltrate and crack the invisible blood diamond highway in North America and didn't probe into his very unusual appearance.


MAX: The Glass Bank was an immaculate structure, and cracking its bureaucracy required real trickery from the underworld!


The gem-watch Max procured from the Glass Bank heist was worth over $10 million. He took the watch and used half of the black market traded money, to ruin Fahd's reputation, and purchased travel and living amenities to high-tail it to the West Coast with his new bride Elena. This watch was therefore worth its proverbial weight in gold (and gems!). Max was happy finally.


BARONESS: I'm the siren of Fahd, and I'll track this bandit who stole his watch, and I'll send my road warriors to destroy him.


MAX: We have road warriors on our tail through the Southwest, darling.
ELENA: What'll we do, honey?
MAX: We'll glide to California like rabbits.
ELENA: This is pure hell.


Max wasn't a toy merchant of course, and that transparent gun he took to the Glass Bank was bogus, but Fahd and Baroness had no idea and therefore sent their minions and road warriors to stalk anyone claiming to be a modern toy craftsman, selling customized wrist-watches and handguns.


MAX: I'll record my journey across America with Elena on my vintage silver audio cassettes, as a record of raw survival.


ELENA: Modern evangelism requires advanced thinking regarding the accessibility of beautiful dangers.


Max and Elena got to California safely and married and had a son named Damian who loved playing GoldenAxe games on the Genesis. Max/Elena realized their kid was a gamer-prodigy and he'd go onto win major California tournaments and gained the circle alias, 'Wizard' (named after a 20th Century movie!). GoldenAxe was Damian's Pole-Position.


"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5, KJV).


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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