M14 beat my ass - Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts

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Worse! He went hunting for someone to murder.
But Kyle is no big deal anymore. He'll pay the price in his head and likely won't make 30.

But America will pay the real price for all this promoting fascism and murder by Trump.
Yes our country is in a very bad way because of trump.
Worse! He went hunting for someone to murder.
But Kyle is no big deal anymore. He'll pay the price in his head and likely won't make 30.

But America will pay the real price for all this promoting fascism and murder by Trump.
true has he not shot at those dudes trying to kill him he would be . kyle found it guilty mom is right.
No he didn't. The rifle belonged to a local friend. Rittenhouse WORKED in Kenosha. hos father LIVED in Kenosha, he drove all of twenty minutes to get there and worked that day, going to AFTER work. To sum it up, the weapon wasn't illegal, Rittenhouse possessing it wasn't illegal, Rittenhouse being where he was wasn't illegal. Nothing he did that night was illegal. Most of it wasn't very smart, but at seventeen I did a lot of dumb things and if you have a shred of honesty, you will admit the same thing.
Yes he did. Look we know that you're happy this little white supremacist got away with murder, but let's not try making things up. The boy was out after curfew underage and in posession of a weapon he was not of age to use. Yeah I did some dumb shit at 17, but my mom would not have driven me to a riot and let me buy an AR to let me call myself policing a protest.
how she had nothing to do with it idiot.
No responsible mother would allow her son to pack weapons of war into a conflict zone. My Mama - ME at 17? She was making me high protein meals prior to basketball games. That lil butthole should have been minding his own damn business and staying the fuck HOME.
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No responsible mother would allow her son to pack weapons of war into a conflict zone. My Mama - ME at 17? She was making me high protein meals prior to basketball games. That lil butthole should have been minding his own damn business and staying the fuck HOME.
Yeah at 17, momma was making spaghetti for us to carb load on before games. If I had bought an AR into our house, my father would have beat my ass with it.
No responsible mother would allow her son to pack weapons of war into a conflict zone. My Mama - ME at 17? She was making me high protein meals prior to basketball games. That lil butthole should have been minding his own damn business and staying the fuck HOME.
she didnt let him do anything. if she had she talked him out of it. stop bullying the mom.
So congrats to M14 Shooter. I hated the rulings by this asshole of a judge. He pretty much directed the verdict. But a bet is a bet and I'm a man of my word. Doc out midnight tonight for my 30 day sentence. See y'all just prior to Christmas. Play nice! :bye1:

The judge ruled correctly according to constitutional and moral law. He was impeccable.

You remind me of Alec in Thunderland. Your last name wouldn't be Baldwin, would it?
Justice was correct for Chauvin. This is a miscarriage. But it is how the system works.
I’m actually ok with the result, as with I was with Chauvin. This one was really difficult because of the self defense aspect…and I think the prosecution made some big mistakes, including going for such high level charges requiring a big burden of proof and stiff sentences. Kyle should not have been there and should not have been armed. He had no experience a d lacked the maturity to handle a volatile situation like a riot, and that was evident in what happened and in his reaction afterwards. What is difficult is that the first guy he killed, was unarmed and aggressive, but others did not consider him a threat. The guy with the skateboard was trying to stop an active shooter, he didn’t deserve to die, yet I can also see how it too was self defense. Everything was happening very fast and people were reacting very quickly to the perception of an active shooter. I also did not feel Rittenhouse‘s tears were fake, I think the enormity of what happened, of killing two people, of facing possible jail was overwhelming. I also think he sincerely was afraid for his life in those moments. What I don’t like is the attempt by some to portray those killings as a “public service”, as if because those people where unsavory or less than perfect, they deserved to die. That is what courts and juries decide, not vigilantes. I just hope they leave him alone, especially the rightwing nuts who want make him a hero. He isn’t, and neither do I think he is some kind of cold blooded killer. He will have to live with the consequences of his choices the rest of his life. I’m also glad he is going to study nursing. Maybe that will be a good occupation. If people will leave him alone.

I’m also wondering how the Arbery case is going to go. That one is much more clear cut and if they get off, I will be pissed.
So congrats to M14 Shooter. I hated the rulings by this asshole of a judge. He pretty much directed the verdict. But a bet is a bet and I'm a man of my word. Doc out midnight tonight for my 30 day sentence. See y'all just prior to Christmas. Play nice! :bye1:

It was obvious to me that Rittenhouse used legitimate self defense and the jury agreed with me. The judge also seemed to realize the prosecution had no viable case.
I hope they all sue their ar-se off Rittenhouse. I hope he never lands a decent job.
He will have a life-time job being a spokesman for a Firearm Manufacturer in their AR Platform division...

The law was clear, the judged decided to treat an AR as a hunting gun.
You don't even have a clue what Caliber or Gauge the weapon submitted to evidence was... I have killed a few squirrel's with a 22LR AR15 rifle...
So just admit you don't have a clue what you are talking about...

She was making me high protein meals prior to basketball games.
WoW... I would have bet you couldn't even spell Horse...
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