Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

FOX news should issue a blanket apology to all of you idiots. They did you a major disservice. You can't handle the truth. They know it......but they lead you astray anyway.
Don't worry e-Chick. The delicate flower of South Carolina will come to your rescue and salvage the Ghazi for you and the other foxswillers.

Here he comes to save the day!

I'd trust Graham coming to my rescue before I would Hillary and Obama et al.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay. Was any soldier en route to help these people before the attack was concluded?

Secretary Leon Panetta: Well, we had deployed these FAST teams, and they were on orders to move.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Were they on – was anybody in motion before the attack concluded to help these people? Anybody?

General Martin Dempsey: Only the personnel that were in Tripoli.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay, was any DoD asset ever deployed to help these people before the end of the attack?

General Martin Dempsey: Would you rephrase – would you repeat -

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was any DoD asset, aircraft or individual soldier, ever sent, put in motion to help these people before the attack was over?

General Martin Dempsey: Let, if I could, the, as soon as we knew there was an attack, the National Mission Force and the FAST teams began preparing to deploy.

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No, because the attack ended before they could get off the ground.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Thank you, thank you. Okay, and we didn’t know how long it would last.

Benghazi Testimony with Panetta and Dempsey - Shocking Revelations

No help was sent because they feared it wouldn't arrive in time.

But when help is needed who in the hell thinks to themselves, "...gee, I think it's prolly gonna be too late to send help..." while that attack is still under way!!

You can't know how long an attack will last until it's concluded.

You send as much help as you can the moment you know it's needed!

They didn't.

Now, they are seeking to avoid accountability.

And if THEY get away with it a future Administration might seek to do the same someday.


It stops right here.

If you'd trust Graham to rescue'd better be in danger of getting the vapors. That dude is dainty.

Lindsey Olin Graham (born July 9, 1955) is an American politician and member of the Republican Partywho serves as the senior United States Senator from South Carolina, in office since 2003.

Born in Central, South Carolina, Graham graduated from theUniversity of South Carolina in 1977. He received his Juris Doctorfrom the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1981.

He served in the United States Air Force from 1982 to 1988 and served as a reservist in the South Carolina Air National Guard, attaining the rank of Colonel.

He worked as a lawyer in private practice before he was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives in 1992, serving one term from 1993 to 1995. He then served in the United States House of Representatives, representing South Carolina's 3rd congressional district from 1995 to 2003. He was elected to four terms, receiving at least 60% of the vote each time.

Lindsey Graham - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's good enough for me.
Don't worry e-Chick. The delicate flower of South Carolina will come to your rescue and salvage the Ghazi for you and the other foxswillers.

Here he comes to save the day!

I'd trust Graham coming to my rescue before I would Hillary and Obama et al.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay. Was any soldier en route to help these people before the attack was concluded?

Secretary Leon Panetta: Well, we had deployed these FAST teams, and they were on orders to move.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Were they on – was anybody in motion before the attack concluded to help these people? Anybody?

General Martin Dempsey: Only the personnel that were in Tripoli.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay, was any DoD asset ever deployed to help these people before the end of the attack?

General Martin Dempsey: Would you rephrase – would you repeat -

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was any DoD asset, aircraft or individual soldier, ever sent, put in motion to help these people before the attack was over?

General Martin Dempsey: Let, if I could, the, as soon as we knew there was an attack, the National Mission Force and the FAST teams began preparing to deploy.

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No, because the attack ended before they could get off the ground.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Thank you, thank you. Okay, and we didn’t know how long it would last.

Benghazi Testimony with Panetta and Dempsey - Shocking Revelations

No help was sent because they feared it wouldn't arrive in time.

But when help is needed who in the hell thinks to themselves, "...gee, I think it's prolly gonna be too late to send help..." while that attack is still under way!!

You can't know how long an attack will last until it's concluded.

You send as much help as you can the moment you know it's needed!

They didn't.

Now, they are seeking to avoid accountability.

And if THEY get away with it a future Administration might seek to do the same someday.


It stops right here.

If you'd trust Graham to rescue'd better be in danger of getting the vapors. That dude is dainty.

Lindsey Olin Graham (born July 9, 1955) is an American politician and member of the Republican Partywho serves as the senior United States Senator from South Carolina, in office since 2003.

Born in Central, South Carolina, Graham graduated from theUniversity of South Carolina in 1977. He received his Juris Doctorfrom the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1981.

He served in the United States Air Force from 1982 to 1988 and served as a reservist in the South Carolina Air National Guard, attaining the rank of Colonel.

He worked as a lawyer in private practice before he was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives in 1992, serving one term from 1993 to 1995. He then served in the United States House of Representatives, representing South Carolina's 3rd congressional district from 1995 to 2003. He was elected to four terms, receiving at least 60% of the vote each time.

Lindsey Graham - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's good enough for me.

He's a good lawyer, no doubt. But he ain't rescuing anyone.

He joined the Air Force after becoming a lawyer? Interesting.
There's something in the industry we call a "Friday news dump."

Because Internet usage, and news consumption in general, typically drop over the weekend, when someone puts out news that they hope few people will notice, they usually announce it Friday late afternoon or evening.

House GOP report debunks Benghazi conspiracy theories -

Too bad the wingnut faction of rightwing world wouldn't play along'. More Americans will now hear -- Obama cleared by GOP led House

EVERYTHING Obama and his acolytes do and say now is tainted.

And speaking of taints, I think you don't know whether to eat shit or drink piss because you are so busy sukking up the Dems talking points and spewing their crap your reserves must be getting low.
Ask your Commie Comrades who've spent hours trying to track down my credentials....that's why they can't dispute them SHIT FOR BRAINS.

I'm waiting for one of you Libs to answer the question of whether the CIA lied to Graham or not. You're a bimbo that can barely spell Benghazi. Why are you even here, LOL. I know you sure can't find it on a map.
And nobody would ever mistake you for anyone who would have access to intelligence. Not even your psychotic Teaparty buddies. :lol:[/QUOTE


Really bitch? You want to cough up a thousand dollars to back that claim up? Every time I tell you libs to back your lies up you either RUNNNNNNNNN or like Carbee the clerk you pretend you've made a bet based on nothing to do with what's being bet.

Now that I've slammed your bimbo face into the ground, I'm waiting for you to answer the very basic question about the CIA lying straight to Graham. Why are you not aware of that, idiot?

What's your security clearance?

And remember, I told you I was an S-2 clerk. Look up S-2 if you need to.

Another illegal post.

What's security clearance have to do with this topic?

What's relative is who has the information.

Are you currently a S-2???? If so, your employer needs to have a little talk with you.

"It must really make your dick go limp that I worked at the highest levels of intel"

that's what you said. If that were true then you had to have had a security clearance. So YOU brought it up.

btw, since you obviously don't really know anything about the military,

S-2 refers to section 2 in a battalion, which is the intelligence section, which is headed by an intelligence officer over several NCO and EM's.

You need to tune up your lies.

LOL, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. Man I gotta get into selling to you gullible stupid brainless libs. Wanna bridge, little clerk?

Since you get dumber by the day, shit for brains, let me school ya for about the 85th time.

I was the "2" you dumb fuck. Starting at the squadron level, then the wing, then the NMCC where I was endorsed by THE J-2. Do you even know what that is, little clerk boy? LOL

Tell us all what THE J-2 is? and the J-3? You stupid worthless fucker.

Now back to topic, people are coming out of the woodwork to call this report a whitewash. You former Special Operator Colonels like Col Bauer. You know who that is, dumbfuck?????" I just listened to him an hour ago.

Tell me, who is it?

You won't never CAN...neither can your Comrades, LOL.

By the time we're finished shooting you stupid fish in the barrel on this topic, you'll all be shitting your pants. LMAO.

Go back and get your GED so you can keep up with the discussion, little clerk.
Don't worry e-Chick. The delicate flower of South Carolina will come to your rescue and salvage the Ghazi for you and the other foxswillers.

Here he comes to save the day!

I'd trust Graham coming to my rescue before I would Hillary and Obama et al.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay. Was any soldier en route to help these people before the attack was concluded?

Secretary Leon Panetta: Well, we had deployed these FAST teams, and they were on orders to move.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Were they on – was anybody in motion before the attack concluded to help these people? Anybody?

General Martin Dempsey: Only the personnel that were in Tripoli.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay, was any DoD asset ever deployed to help these people before the end of the attack?

General Martin Dempsey: Would you rephrase – would you repeat -

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was any DoD asset, aircraft or individual soldier, ever sent, put in motion to help these people before the attack was over?

General Martin Dempsey: Let, if I could, the, as soon as we knew there was an attack, the National Mission Force and the FAST teams began preparing to deploy.

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No, because the attack ended before they could get off the ground.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Thank you, thank you. Okay, and we didn’t know how long it would last.

Benghazi Testimony with Panetta and Dempsey - Shocking Revelations

No help was sent because they feared it wouldn't arrive in time.

But when help is needed who in the hell thinks to themselves, "...gee, I think it's prolly gonna be too late to send help..." while that attack is still under way!!

You can't know how long an attack will last until it's concluded.

You send as much help as you can the moment you know it's needed!

They didn't.

Now, they are seeking to avoid accountability.

And if THEY get away with it a future Administration might seek to do the same someday.


It stops right here.

Senator Lindsey Graham: "...did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?"

Secretary Leon Panetta:
You're such a fucking tool --

Panetta Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

Get a better source than the "socialistmop."

Sen. Graham jumped on the partisan Benghazi conspiracy heap to attract support from the radical right and Tea Party in his state. The report makes him look like what he is, a partisan conspiracy hack who has been proven by a committee of his on party in the House to be a fool and a jerk. Anyone who watched him on the news today saw that the best he could do to defend himself was mumble, stumble, evade, deflect and voice his opinion that the committee was wrong. No facts to back up his allegation that the CIA lied to him. That is why the OP nor anyone else can not provide an example of a lie he was told by the CIA. Graham can't provide one himself.
There's something in the industry we call a "Friday news dump."

Because Internet usage, and news consumption in general, typically drop over the weekend, when someone puts out news that they hope few people will notice, they usually announce it Friday late afternoon or evening.

House GOP report debunks Benghazi conspiracy theories -

Too bad the wingnut faction of rightwing world wouldn't play along'. More Americans will now hear -- Obama cleared by GOP led House

EVERYTHING Obama and his acolytes do and say now is tainted.

And speaking of taints, I think you don't know whether to eat shit or drink piss because you are so busy sukking up the Dems talking points and spewing their crap your reserves must be getting low.

More banging of the table? Is that all you've got? Now stomp your feet and you've learned a new dance step. lol
Don't worry e-Chick. The delicate flower of South Carolina will come to your rescue and salvage the Ghazi for you and the other foxswillers.

Here he comes to save the day!

I'd trust Graham coming to my rescue before I would Hillary and Obama et al.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay. Was any soldier en route to help these people before the attack was concluded?

Secretary Leon Panetta: Well, we had deployed these FAST teams, and they were on orders to move.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Were they on – was anybody in motion before the attack concluded to help these people? Anybody?

General Martin Dempsey: Only the personnel that were in Tripoli.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay, was any DoD asset ever deployed to help these people before the end of the attack?

General Martin Dempsey: Would you rephrase – would you repeat -

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was any DoD asset, aircraft or individual soldier, ever sent, put in motion to help these people before the attack was over?

General Martin Dempsey: Let, if I could, the, as soon as we knew there was an attack, the National Mission Force and the FAST teams began preparing to deploy.

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No, because the attack ended before they could get off the ground.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Thank you, thank you. Okay, and we didn’t know how long it would last.

Benghazi Testimony with Panetta and Dempsey - Shocking Revelations

No help was sent because they feared it wouldn't arrive in time.

But when help is needed who in the hell thinks to themselves, "...gee, I think it's prolly gonna be too late to send help..." while that attack is still under way!!

You can't know how long an attack will last until it's concluded.

You send as much help as you can the moment you know it's needed!

They didn't.

Now, they are seeking to avoid accountability.

And if THEY get away with it a future Administration might seek to do the same someday.


It stops right here.

Senator Lindsey Graham: "...did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?"

Secretary Leon Panetta:
You're such a fucking tool --

Panetta Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

Get a better source than the "socialistmop."


Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No
There's something in the industry we call a "Friday news dump."

Because Internet usage, and news consumption in general, typically drop over the weekend, when someone puts out news that they hope few people will notice, they usually announce it Friday late afternoon or evening.

House GOP report debunks Benghazi conspiracy theories -

Too bad the wingnut faction of rightwing world wouldn't play along'. More Americans will now hear -- Obama cleared by GOP led House

EVERYTHING Obama and his acolytes do and say now is tainted.

And speaking of taints, I think you don't know whether to eat shit or drink piss because you are so busy sukking up the Dems talking points and spewing their crap your reserves must be getting low.

More banging of the table? Is that all you've got? Now stomp your feet and you've learned a new dance step. lol

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No
Sen. Graham jumped on the partisan Benghazi conspiracy heap to attract support from the radical right and Tea Party in his state. The report makes him look like what he is, a partisan conspiracy hack who has been proven by a committee of his on party in the House to be a fool and a jerk. Anyone who watched him on the news today saw that the best he could do to defend himself was mumble, stumble, evade, deflect and voice his opinion that the committee was wrong. No facts to back up his allegation that the CIA lied to him. That is why the OP nor anyone else can not provide an example of a lie he was told by the CIA. Graham can't provide one himself.

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No
And nobody would ever mistake you for anyone who would have access to intelligence. Not even your psychotic Teaparty buddies. :lol:[/QUOTE


Really bitch? You want to cough up a thousand dollars to back that claim up? Every time I tell you libs to back your lies up you either RUNNNNNNNNN or like Carbee the clerk you pretend you've made a bet based on nothing to do with what's being bet.

Now that I've slammed your bimbo face into the ground, I'm waiting for you to answer the very basic question about the CIA lying straight to Graham. Why are you not aware of that, idiot?

What's your security clearance?

And remember, I told you I was an S-2 clerk. Look up S-2 if you need to.

Another illegal post.

What's security clearance have to do with this topic?

What's relative is who has the information.

Are you currently a S-2???? If so, your employer needs to have a little talk with you.

"It must really make your dick go limp that I worked at the highest levels of intel"

that's what you said. If that were true then you had to have had a security clearance. So YOU brought it up.

btw, since you obviously don't really know anything about the military,

S-2 refers to section 2 in a battalion, which is the intelligence section, which is headed by an intelligence officer over several NCO and EM's.

You need to tune up your lies.

LOL, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. Man I gotta get into selling to you gullible stupid brainless libs. Wanna bridge, little clerk?

Since you get dumber by the day, shit for brains, let me school ya for about the 85th time.

I was the "2" you dumb fuck. Starting at the squadron level, then the wing, then the NMCC where I was endorsed by THE J-2. Do you even know what that is, little clerk boy? LOL

Tell us all what THE J-2 is? and the J-3? You stupid worthless fucker.

Now back to topic, people are coming out of the woodwork to call this report a whitewash. You former Special Operator Colonels like Col Bauer. You know who that is, dumbfuck?????" I just listened to him an hour ago.

Tell me, who is it?

You won't never CAN...neither can your Comrades, LOL.

By the time we're finished shooting you stupid fish in the barrel on this topic, you'll all be shitting your pants. LMAO.

Go back and get your GED so you can keep up with the discussion, little clerk.

They are like Whack-a-Moles.

No matter how hard they get SMACKED DOWN they are so used to losing it no longer hurts or bothers them to lose or be made to look foolish.

That is the story of their lives!



Again "Ifthe law is not on your side, emphasize the facts. If the facts aren't on your side, bang on the table,”

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No

Just answer this question.

Why not?

Why didn't anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

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