Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

She claims 'firsthand knowledge' on practically every topic she sticks her nose into. It's a compulsive liar's stock-in-trade.

It must really make your dick go limp that I worked at the highest levels of intel and you pushed paper as a clerk....and that I have extensive credentials in economics and you have NONE. LOL.

Now, little boy, given that I've worked at those levels, I know when a Congressional report is full of holes. You on the other hand merely regurgitate talking points.
Riiigghht... You can be anything you want to be on the internetz... Wannabe

What does she claim to be?
It must really make your dick go limp that I worked at the highest levels of intel and you pushed paper as a clerk....and that I have extensive credentials in economics and you have NONE. LOL.

Now, little boy, given that I've worked at those levels, I know when a Congressional report is full of holes. You on the other hand merely regurgitate talking points.

As if...

I'll have to pay more attention to her comprehensive intelligence analysis.
To be honest, I really wouldn't pay too much attention. She's a psychotic liar.
This is not same thread as the one claiming Benghazi completely debunked.

In fact, since it came out, many of us who know the report is FULL OF SHIT and that the House Committee was too stove piped to even properly investigate it have been refuting the FULL OF HOLES REPORT. But now people who were directly lied to or lied about are coming out of the woodwork and SLAMMING THE REPORT SO BADLY that the dancing in the end zones by Democrats will soon turn to more defeat and depression once Trey Gowdy sets them straight in December with the SENATE REPORT.

The Benghazi Report, for example, exonerates the CIA, yet Lyndsey Graham was personally lied to by the CIA on Benghazi. By the time Graham is done in coming days, Rogers won't want to show his face.

Trust me, this is about to boomerang in Democrats' faces, just like Gruber and Obamacare has.
Sounds like the GOP needs to start up the 9th investigation into Benghazi. Numbers one through eight haven't worked out well for the herd. :lol:
Just like the Birthers, the Benghazi nuts simply deny the facts.

Once theRWnuts have locked themselves into a position, they are incapable of admitting they may have been wrong;

they live under the illusion that not admitting you're wrong is the preventative for ever being wrong.

It's no surprise that RouteIrishChick would fit that description to a 'T'.

You're an idiot. You've been proven wrong on EVERY thing.....and you'll be proved wrong about this USELESS HOUSE Report, LMAO.

But thanks for keeping the topic alive. Couldn't pay for this type of PR.....LOL

This idiot thinks her threads are PR. It's embarrassing.
Just like the Birthers, the Benghazi nuts simply deny the facts.

Once theRWnuts have locked themselves into a position, they are incapable of admitting they may have been wrong;

they live under the illusion that not admitting you're wrong is the preventative for ever being wrong.

It's no surprise that RouteIrishChick would fit that description to a 'T'.

You're an idiot. You've been proven wrong on EVERY thing.....and you'll be proved wrong about this USELESS HOUSE Report, LMAO.

But thanks for keeping the topic alive. Couldn't pay for this type of PR.....LOL

You got through a post without disparaging my military service.


FUCK YOU ANIMAL. You've disparaged me hundreds of times, you fucking whiney POS.

Your post is against the rules. It had nothing to do with this topic. And we conservatives are tired of you libs getting away with breaking the rules day in and day out.

But I DO stay on topic, so let me remind you that the former special operators that were on the ground talk about what happened on a daily basis and this report reflects NONE OF THAT FIRSTHAND knowledge. So spin on that one, loser.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Da mods don't tweet me fayah!!! Waaaaaaaaa!!

Everyone was interviewed and the report contains the facts. Trey Gowdy sure is taking his time, by the way. What's he waitin' for? Route Irish to be captured or sumthin?
13 hearings, 25,000 pages of documents and 50 briefings produced NOTHING .

and Lindsey claims he was lied to ?

who is lying ?

the Republicans are fresh out of credibility.

their favorite 3 words are

Your post is against the rules. It had nothing to do with this topic. And we conservatives are tired of you libs getting away with breaking the rules day in and day out.

What a fucking whiny bitch. Grow the fuck up and quit whining. WAH WAH.

Thanks for that ILLEGAL post. The fact you liberal fuckers get away with this day in and day out is about to come to an end one way or another. The credibility of this site will either get better or get worse.... and if it keeps getting worse.....figure it out, pig.

Now back to topic- which is a LEGAL post, I gave just ONE of many examples of why the report is full of holes. The CIA lied to Graham about Benghazi, yet the report exonerates them.

Why is that?

It's gonna come to an end one way or another. What is going to happen? Is Tailwind gonna call in her secret agents to raid the USMB offices?
the House Republicans defunded Obamacare 50+ times ... ALL 50+ times to no avail..

only 37 to go with Benghazi BS ... NO CREDIBILITY, EVER AGAIN !
Moderators - not only is Carbee bordering on breaking rules on this forum about PII, he's saying shit that will get investigators on his ass faster than flies on shit. Someone might want to remind him of that.

Now one last thing about this topic before I go shopping. I still haven't seen a lib explain how they think Graham is lying about the CIA lying to HIM.

the amount of play that the dems give to this false report shows just how scared they are of the truth about benghazi.

obama lied, rice lied, clinton lied, the CIA lied---------------all because they were afraid that the truth might hurt obama in the election.
You left out Abu Khallala. He led and organized the attack. He said the same stuff Rice, Clinton and the CIA said. And those damn Libyan journalist that lied the morning after the attack are a bunch of liars too.
C'mon folks. The Americans who were murdered in the incident Hillary long ago put out of (what's left of) her mind were all white. No importance to this regime whatsoever. Now had they been black.....well Holder would have been all over Benghazi like flies over shit.

But they weren't.
C'mon folks. The Americans who were murdered in the incident Hillary long ago put out of (what's left of) her mind were all white. No importance to this regime whatsoever. Now had they been black.....well Holder would have been all over Benghazi like flies over shit.

But they weren't.

Oh My God! You're RIGHT!!!! I see it now! of the deceased was named Tyrone Woods. That has to count for something!!
Quote -- “It was released by the Republican chairman of the Intelligence Committee and had the support of all the Republicans and Democrats on the committee,” said Rep. Adam Schiff of California. “It's designed to be the definitive word on what happened from the intelligence community's point of view.”

“It reminds me of a lawyer's maxim that, if the law is not on your side, emphasize the facts. If the facts aren't on your side, bang on the table,” said Schiff. “I think we heard Lindsey banging on the table quite a bit this morning.”
Don't worry e-Chick. The delicate flower of South Carolina will come to your rescue and salvage the Ghazi for you and the other foxswillers.

Here he comes to save the day!

I'd trust Graham coming to my rescue before I would Hillary and Obama et al.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay. Was any soldier en route to help these people before the attack was concluded?

Secretary Leon Panetta: Well, we had deployed these FAST teams, and they were on orders to move.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Were they on – was anybody in motion before the attack concluded to help these people? Anybody?

General Martin Dempsey: Only the personnel that were in Tripoli.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay, was any DoD asset ever deployed to help these people before the end of the attack?

General Martin Dempsey: Would you rephrase – would you repeat -

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was any DoD asset, aircraft or individual soldier, ever sent, put in motion to help these people before the attack was over?

General Martin Dempsey: Let, if I could, the, as soon as we knew there was an attack, the National Mission Force and the FAST teams began preparing to deploy.

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No, because the attack ended before they could get off the ground.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Thank you, thank you. Okay, and we didn’t know how long it would last.

Benghazi Testimony with Panetta and Dempsey - Shocking Revelations

No help was sent because they feared it wouldn't arrive in time.

But when help is needed who in the hell thinks to themselves, "...gee, I think it's prolly gonna be too late to send help..." while that attack is still under way!!

You can't know how long an attack will last until it's concluded.

You send as much help as you can the moment you know it's needed!

They didn't.

Now, they are seeking to avoid accountability.

And if THEY get away with it a future Administration might seek to do the same someday.


It stops right here.

Senator Lindsey Graham: "...did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?"

Secretary Leon Panetta:
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The unfortunate part of all this is that the rightwing propaganda machine is capable of hammering on their lies so relentlessly in the media that they are in fact effective at swaying public opinion.

You just described Democrats, liberals, the MSM media, and their offspring for the next 4 generations.
Don't worry e-Chick. The delicate flower of South Carolina will come to your rescue and salvage the Ghazi for you and the other foxswillers.

Here he comes to save the day!

I'd trust Graham coming to my rescue before I would Hillary and Obama et al.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay. Was any soldier en route to help these people before the attack was concluded?

Secretary Leon Panetta: Well, we had deployed these FAST teams, and they were on orders to move.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Were they on – was anybody in motion before the attack concluded to help these people? Anybody?

General Martin Dempsey: Only the personnel that were in Tripoli.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Okay, was any DoD asset ever deployed to help these people before the end of the attack?

General Martin Dempsey: Would you rephrase – would you repeat -

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was any DoD asset, aircraft or individual soldier, ever sent, put in motion to help these people before the attack was over?

General Martin Dempsey: Let, if I could, the, as soon as we knew there was an attack, the National Mission Force and the FAST teams began preparing to deploy.

Senator Lindsey Graham: My question is, did anybody leave any base anywhere to go to the aid of the people under attack in Benghazi, Libya, before the attack ended?

Secretary Leon Panetta: No, because the attack ended before they could get off the ground.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Thank you, thank you. Okay, and we didn’t know how long it would last.

Benghazi Testimony with Panetta and Dempsey - Shocking Revelations

No help was sent because they feared it wouldn't arrive in time.

But when help is needed who in the hell thinks to themselves, "...gee, I think it's prolly gonna be too late to send help..." while that attack is still under way!!

You can't know how long an attack will last until it's concluded.

You send as much help as you can the moment you know it's needed!

They didn't.

Now, they are seeking to avoid accountability.

And if THEY get away with it a future Administration might seek to do the same someday.


It stops right here.

If you'd trust Graham to rescue'd better be in danger of getting the vapors. That dude is dainty.
There's something in the industry we call a "Friday news dump."

Because Internet usage, and news consumption in general, typically drop over the weekend, when someone puts out news that they hope few people will notice, they usually announce it Friday late afternoon or evening.

House GOP report debunks Benghazi conspiracy theories -

Too bad the wingnut faction of rightwing world wouldn't play along'. More Americans will now hear -- Obama cleared by GOP led House

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