Lyn Cheney takes on left wing over waterboarding & WINS!

Political, it has nothing to do with being morally superior. It has to do with following the rule of law or not. If you don't, you become a terrorist.

Cheney paniced after their screwup in ignoring Al Quaeda prior to 9-11. He has never recovered from that and I believe he really believes what he is saying today. He has to believe this or other wise admit he and Bush screwed up and ignored the warnings of Bin Laden Determined to Attack in the US.

If a Dem did this, I would still condemn it because it's wrong.

I know it's been said before, but we executed Japanese for waterboarding and they weren't all the hose down the throat crap.

A Dem IGNORED Bin Laden for 7 YEARS. Remind us how outraged you are about that?

And again if the LAW is that water boarding is torture, then you can not claim we can do it to OUR troops and still be a country of LAWS. Doesn't work that way.

Funny, that's not how I remember the news stories before OR after. Clinton provided intelligence, the Bush WH ignored it (other priorities), cut the surveillance Clinton had in place, the warning sat on Bush's desk while he went on vacation, and Rice was humiliated in congressional hearings over her "nobody EVER gave such a thing a thought..." when she was asked to read the heading of a briefing memo with the warning clearly spelled out in the title of the memo. All of this is on record, and you guys really do have to give it up. It's embarrassing to watch.
Won what? Validation from the ever-shrinking base? Her father is afraid he'll be decomposing (further) in jail, and they're conducting a full court press to appeal to the sympathies of the public to avoid his or other members of the administrations prosecution. Hell, it isn't as if there are many welcoming places for them to flee. Dubai is not the "new Caymans" anymore (economic shit hit the fan there , too, timing is everything), and they'd be arrested for war crimes in many other places. Sucks to be them. Wish I was good enough to say I sympathize, but I'm not, and I don't.
Another question?

If waterboarding isn't torture, why did we have a doctor standing by to perform a tracheotomy in case the non torturee started choking to death?:eusa_liar:
She had Anderson Cooper 180 drooling all over himself, guess it's hard to talk when a conservative thinker is tea bagging you ...........
Isn't Cheney gay?

That's torture enough for the republicans.
Just another old stereo-type SWilly.

She, Tammy Bruce, Camille Paglia, Christopher Hitchens, are all Republican favorites. We care more about their capacity for ideas than their sexual preferences, That's a Liberal preoccupation and a distraction meant to serve the same purpose as an ad hominem attack.
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The Cheneys are from Wyoming. It's the least populated state in the Union. Even Alaska, the cold-as-hell wasteland has more people.

Wyoming is where the doggies go, and the Cheneys.

Here's guessing that Cheney's heart will never make it to the end of Obama's eight years.

And the sad (yet true) part: Nobody will miss him.
Won what? Validation from the ever-shrinking base? Her father is afraid he'll be decomposing (further) in jail, and they're conducting a full court press to appeal to the sympathies of the public to avoid his or other members of the administrations prosecution. Hell, it isn't as if there are many welcoming places for them to flee. Dubai is not the "new Caymans" anymore (economic shit hit the fan there , too, timing is everything), and they'd be arrested for war crimes in many other places. Sucks to be them. Wish I was good enough to say I sympathize, but I'm not, and I don't.

In your Wet Dreams your wet dreams. That's about the only place Cheney or Bush worry about stuff like that, much less worry about any of it actually happening.

Further more, that's the stuff of Banana Republics; but for some it fits like a bloody glove - criminalizing the actions of former presidents. You know it will never be done to a D. because the Rs aren't up to that swill. But its clear we can't say the same about (some of) the Ds, now can we?
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They were not executed strictly for waterboarding, they were executed for waterboarding and beheading and doing such things to POW's all of which is covered under Geneva. Al Queada is spies and saboteurs who are not covered under Geneva.

They knew the job was dangerous when they took it screw 'em and what you don't know about interrogation would and probably has filled several books.

And the guy that said it didn't work wasn't CIA he was FBI and claimed to be there to date no one has furnished evidence that he was.

We already know your way doesn't freaking work we've got 9/11 Khobar towers and a host other incidents that prove hands down that playing Mr. Nice guy just gets people killed.
Won what? Validation from the ever-shrinking base? Her father is afraid he'll be decomposing (further) in jail, and they're conducting a full court press to appeal to the sympathies of the public to avoid his or other members of the administrations prosecution. Hell, it isn't as if there are many welcoming places for them to flee. Dubai is not the "new Caymans" anymore (economic shit hit the fan there , too, timing is everything), and they'd be arrested for war crimes in many other places. Sucks to be them. Wish I was good enough to say I sympathize, but I'm not, and I don't.
hey stupid, Lyn Cheney is Richard's WIFE
it was a question...but then you're so smart you would know that...

your failure to answer the question speaks volumes, you usually resort to stupid ad homs when you can't answer a question for fear it pokes holes in a comment or theory you made....(yawn)

you asked what if there is no information to be "gotten"....

are you actually suggesting that my question has no bearing or relation to yours? if so, kindly explain why instead of wussing out with your trypical one line ad homs... are the one that wussed out by bringing up a non-sequitur to avoid answering the quesiton.

i really hoped you wouldn't wuss out....pity....

it is apparent you have no clue what a non-sequitur said...what if there was nothing to be "gotten"...IOW, you questioned would they still use enhanced techiques even IF there is a chance there is nothing to be "gotten"....asking if you would still incarcerate people KNOWING that innocent people get incarcerated is not a non-sequitur, it is virtually identical and at a minimum, highly analogous. please, stop the bullshit, especially when you don't even understand what the word means....

of course i would still pursue the action, just as we pursue locking people up, sometimes, unfortunately, the innocent are wronged...

now, let's see the brave ravi finally answer the question, given an innocent might go to jail, do you want to do away with incarceration?
Again, I wasn't talking about your pussy enhanced techniques. I asked Tech specifically about torture. Quit being so intellectually dishonest. If you want to answer the question for Tech, feel free to answer. I actually have no interest in your answer but be my guest.
To prepare them dumbass:lol:

The FBI wouldn't go along with the practices that were being done at Abu Graihb. They knew it was torture and violated the law.

All the people who had waterboarding performed on them said it was torture. But I guess righties know it isn't because Cheney said so.:cuckoo:
Truly, what an iditotic argument.

Because we might expose our soldier to waterboarding for a few seconds waterboarding cannot be torture?

How stupid does one have to be to think that argument makes sense?
The Cheneys are from Wyoming. It's the least populated state in the Union. Even Alaska, the cold-as-hell wasteland has more people.

Wyoming is where the doggies go, and the Cheneys.

Here's guessing that Cheney's heart will never make it to the end of Obama's eight years.

And the sad (yet true) part: Nobody will miss him.

Did you read the Cheney speech?
RAW DATA: Text of Dick Cheney's National Security Speech at AEI - Presidential Politics | Political News -
Truly, what an iditotic argument.

Because we might expose our soldier to waterboarding for a few seconds waterboarding cannot be torture?

How stupid does one have to be to think that argument makes sense?

For those who claim that waterboarding our soldiers was different because they knew they would not die, see if this logic escapes them: this shows that intent and purpose matter.
Therefore, since our intent is to gain intelligence info, not to harm nor torture, the same considerations apply to terrorists as our own soldiers.

Since the waterboarding was used numerous times, the argument that the recipients thought that they would die, doesn’t “hold water.”

And factor in the statements by as Abu Zubaydah who admitted that Moslem terrorists knew that they could give up intell once they had sustained all the interrogation that they could, they, ultimately, controlled the oucome:
“Critics claim that enhanced techniques do not produce good intelligence because people will say anything to get the techniques to stop. But the memos note that, "as Abu Zubaydah himself explained with respect to enhanced techniques, 'brothers who are captured and interrogated are permitted by Allah to provide information when they believe they have reached the limit of their ability to withhold it in the face of psychological and physical hardship."
Marc A. Thiessen - Enhanced Interrogations Worked -
YOu people imagine that the logical mind is in control when your are being waterboarded.

You so don't get how the body/mind actually works.

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