Luxury cruise ship sinks off Italy.


Just a regular American
Jul 24, 2010

A luxury cruise ship ran aground off the coast of Tuscany, sending water pouring in through a 160-foot gash in the hull and forcing the evacuation of some 4,200 people from the listing vessel early Saturday, the Italian Coast Guard said.

Three bodies were recovered from the sea, said Coast Guard Cmdr. Francesco Paolillo. There were reports that three other people had died after the accident late Friday night near the tiny Tuscan island of Giglio, but those reports were not yet confirmed, he said.

Twelve hours after the accident, the ship was lying virtually flat, its right-hand side submerged in the water.

Passengers complained the crew failed to give instructions on how to evacuate the Costa Concordia and that the evacuation drill was only scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Authorities still hadn't counted all the survivors.
Luxury cruise ship aground off Italy; 3 dead - CBS News

No evacuation drills, no one knew where to go and the lifeboats were useless. Horrible accident. Its a wonder more didn't die.
It hit the bottom, hence, it sunk. He didn't say submerged.

SINK: to displace part of the volume of a supporting substance or object and become totally or partially submerged or enveloped; fall or descend into or below the surface or to the bottom.
Have a hard time feeling sorry for any of them. They shopped around and found the cruise with the least expense. They didn't care about how much money was spent training the crew, or physical upkeep of the ship itself, nor did they care about if the crew was paid enough to actually care about the passengers. Capitalism at it's finest. The life boats didn't work - lack of regulation. No evac drills - lack of regulation. They got exactly what they paid for. The only thing that would make this story funnier is if the cruise line couldn't be sued, like the pharmasuetical companies.
Have a hard time feeling sorry for any of them. They shopped around and found the cruise with the least expense. They didn't care about how much money was spent training the crew, or physical upkeep of the ship itself, nor did they care about if the crew was paid enough to actually care about the passengers. Capitalism at it's finest. The life boats didn't work - lack of regulation. No evac drills - lack of regulation. They got exactly what they paid for. The only thing that would make this story funnier is if the cruise line couldn't be sued, like the pharmasuetical companies.

There are a lot of fly by night cruise lines in the mediterranean, Costa Cruises is not one of them. This is a state of the art cruise ship. The lifeboats couldn't be used because of the extreme angle of the ship.

I can't see how the captain couldn't have known the depth he was operating in. Modern depth finding equipment can tell you within inches and send out all kinds of alarms
It didn't 'sink'.

Your title is idiotic.

It doesn't look like it is floating to me

No, it isn't. It ran aground. But it didn't 'sink'. started this silliness with your typical bitchy commentary

If the ship were sitting upright with it's hull above water and it's passenger compartment high and dry, it would just be aground

Tipped over on it's side, with passenger areas flooded ....that baby is sunk

A luxury cruise ship ran aground off the coast of Tuscany, sending water pouring in through a 160-foot gash in the hull and forcing the evacuation of some 4,200 people from the listing vessel early Saturday, the Italian Coast Guard said.

Three bodies were recovered from the sea, said Coast Guard Cmdr. Francesco Paolillo. There were reports that three other people had died after the accident late Friday night near the tiny Tuscan island of Giglio, but those reports were not yet confirmed, he said.

Twelve hours after the accident, the ship was lying virtually flat, its right-hand side submerged in the water.

Passengers complained the crew failed to give instructions on how to evacuate the Costa Concordia and that the evacuation drill was only scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Authorities still hadn't counted all the survivors.
Luxury cruise ship aground off Italy; 3 dead - CBS News

No evacuation drills, no one knew where to go and the lifeboats were useless. Horrible accident. Its a wonder more didn't die.

Ick, that looks scary. I'm not going on a cruise.

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