Zone1 Loving your family might be racist


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
A woke journalist is being ridiculed online for saying whites who get on with their relatives must not be challenging what she says are their loved ones' racist views.
Jessica Mason Pieklo, Senior Vice President and Executive Editor at Rewire News, received criticism for her tweet thread last week that accused 'even good white families' of being a 'little racist when you scratch the surface.'
Her initial tweet called out white people, saying that if they are committed to racial justice, yet in good standing with most of their family members, she has questions about their commitment to racial justice.

This "journalist" is white.
She is exhibiting a psychotic level of virtue preening.
People can love their family without being racist.
This woke stuff is stupid.
Please stop it.
Actually, she's mostly correct. If you have a moderate sized family with whom you regularly come into contact (weddings, birthdays, funerals, etc), you will invariably encounter racist sentiments coming from one quarter or another. This applies to ALL families, regardless of race or ethnicity. Right thinking people should challenge those views and expressions, which will undoubtedly cause some conflict.

The part about social justice/racial justice is typical Leftist bullshit. "Justice" in an inherently individual matter. But she do have a point.
Even though some of my family members may have had faults, and maybe some still do, I love them anyway, and try to get along with them, even if their views don't necessarily reflect or go along with what mine are. This is a free country, and people are free to their own views (even if I think they're wrong), and family is family. Even though there are certain relatives that I'm not in very much contact with (not for their views, but rather for things they have done to me), if they called and needed me, I would be there for them, as they are family and that is important.

Family is family, and one should try to get along with them no matter what they do, views they hold, or what they think. I recognize that I hold certain views based on my life experience, and that might not be the same as my family members, because of their life experience, but they are still family and deserve my respect for being my family, even if I don't respect their views.
Actually, she's mostly correct. If you have a moderate sized family with whom you regularly come into contact (weddings, birthdays, funerals, etc), you will invariably encounter racist sentiments coming from one quarter or another. This applies to ALL families, regardless of race or ethnicity. Right thinking people should challenge those views and expressions, which will undoubtedly cause some conflict.

The part about social justice/racial justice is typical Leftist bullshit. "Justice" in an inherently individual matter. But she do have a point.

It's perfectly acceptable to challenge views from family members you don't agree with, but you should still try to get along with them, as they are part of your tribe. Various family members of mine have views I don't agree with at all, but they still deserve my respect and for me to get along with them as best as I can, because they are part of my tribe, even if I don't agree with them on some things. My Grandparents, I have great respect for, and got along with them very well, even though they held views about others that could be considered extremely racist. I don't agree with those views, but I still respected and got along with them as they DID teach me other valuable things that have served me very well over my years. When it came to discussions I didn't agree with, I simply told them I didn't believe that way, but would agree to disagree and still loved them and would get along with them anyway.

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