Lounging at Ease in the Infidel Paradise

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
It’s been obvious for a long time that the “asylum seekers” who have infested Germany en masse since 2015 are parasites soaking up the wealth of the state — at least it’s obvious to anyone who isn’t hypnotized by government propaganda.

The latest official statistics confirm these grim conclusions: a full 40% of those who are permanently unemployed and subsisting on benefits are foreigners.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

40% of the permanently unemployed are foreigners
Once again, migration policy is proving to be a failure. The background is figures on foreigners and unemployment published by the Federal Employment Agency. The AfD is calling for drastic consequences.
Foreigners are greatly overrepresented among the permanently unemployed in Germany. Of the 1.5 million “employable benefit recipients” who have been receiving citizen’s benefit for at least five years, almost 40% do not have a German passport. [Well, the solution would be to give out more and faster German citizenship. Nancy Faeser needs to resign over this type of blatant “racism” against foreigners. Shame on her and the Ministry of Interior. Sarcasm off.] This was the result of a special evaluation by the Federal Employment Agency, which was commissioned by the labour and social policy spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group, René Springer. The proportion of foreigners in the total population in Germany is around 15%. Bild first reported on the evaluation.
As of June 2023, a total of around 3.9 million “employable benefit claimants” lived in Germany. This refers to unemployed people who could work but still receive what is now known as citizen’s benefits. 1.5 million of them have received basic security for at least five years. Of the 1.5 million, 948,076 were German (61.3%) and 599,230 were foreigners (38.7%).

And it's still racist and non inclusive to point it out
It’s been obvious for a long time that the “asylum seekers” who have infested Germany en masse since 2015 are parasites soaking up the wealth of the state — at least it’s obvious to anyone who isn’t hypnotized by government propaganda.

The latest official statistics confirm these grim conclusions: a full 40% of those who are permanently unemployed and subsisting on benefits are foreigners.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

And it's still racist and non inclusive to point it out

there may be quite a lot of truth in it

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